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I think at this point it’s safe to assume all 3 DLC’s will just be extensions of all the worlds, which makes sense.


Hope that they extend the DLCs and add a few more, in addition to the 3 already promised. A new Biome and maybe a more fleshed out Root Earth.


Why do you say that? I kind of assumed they'd add Corsus or Rhom or maybe a brand new world with this DLC. Would explain why it's taken so long.


I would’ve enjoyed that as much as the next guy, but if you really think about it, we currently have 3 variants of Losomn, and seeing how next we’re getting another for Yaesha, I can only assume the final DLC will be N’Erud focused, so they’d have 3 for each world.


You'd think that if Remnant 1's dlc wasn't reworking Corsus and it's story, as if to expand on both Rhom and Earth and specifically left Yaesha on a cliffhanger... Then declaring the next dlc is the last and will be a completely unique world that in their words explained/wrapped up the first game's story, then left us with more questions than answers. After it's release people were pretty dissatisfied and surprised that the Swamp World got a complete rework and tons of new bosses, dungeons, quests and content then leaving every other world in the game in a comparatively basic state while they worked on The Nordic Ratlands At this point I'm worried this will be a repeated story with the 3rd and final dlc spinning off into a world from Remnant 1 or Cronos, or just something new and abandoning their SECOND cool ass sci fi apocalypse world.


Take a chill pill my guy, we might be getting some stuff with Ford, besides, Yaesha isn't the fucking end of the world and still has some interesting stories to Tell, maybe how the world fougth back againts the root, or maybe the queen is now corrupted, who knows? They had time to cook with this so I personaly have high hopes


Yeah lets go back to Yaesha when the main story left on a cliff hanger 👍


There was no cliffhanger. It was pretty clear what happened. The cycle resets. There is no ending.


That, or the system virus was purged through a system reset, and now each simulation is free of the virus currently. Yaesha still has a lot going on aside from the root. There are the rebels that Ford helped in R1. Elements of root infected Iskal are on Yaesha, meaning that Yaesha be under seige by the Iskal queen (Green Queen vs. Crimson Queen). There's also The Ravager and The Doe. Those two "gods" have been present since Chronos, and something tied to them could still occur. This is all just stuff without the root. If it is more of a cycle where there's an instance image that we reset to each cycle to try and fight the root, then there's still even more stuff that can go on. Maybe not all of Corsus fell, so a three way war between the Iska, Pan, and root could occur on Yaesha and Corsus with Pan counter invasions. etc. Regardless, I am excited to see what's next.


Speak for yourself brother


Don't get me wrong, I love Yaesha; I even enjoyed listening to Mr. Exposition Dump the first time for 40 minutes lol. But it's been a major world for 3 games now; I want more story of Rhom or Corsus or N'erud.


Right? Yaesha is easily my favorite. Losomn is my least favorite. N'Erud is actually not so bad once you've played through the game enough times, and know where to head.


I love them all, but would've really appreciated a Root Earth DLC.


That would be cool, but I felt like that was probably off the table. Feels like more of like a final boss area. A dedicated labyrinth storyline might be fun too.


Root Earth was a major zone in RFTA, it would be nice to go back. I'm a sucker for post apocalypse stuff and Root Earth scratched an itch.


I disagree, I kind of love Yaesha. If it is something on Nerud, i hope that fog isn't a part of it. Maybe something in Alepsis Taura would be cool.




Speak for yourself, I LOVE YAESHA. its my Favorite world. Loved it in the first game, love it in this one. Desert worlds are the ones that are boring imo (Rohm / Nerud Overworld specficially, the dungeon parts are cool though)


I bet they could turn Rhom into something fun. Yaesha in FTA kinda sucked, but they made it awesome in 2. Rhom could make a similar turnaround.


Just please no dogs if Rhom again. I have to play with no volume or my mic on because my dog doesn’t like the sound of the dogs dying and whining, understandably…


Which game is your first game?


Kronos. Yaesha is the tatooine of the ashes series, and it's a very interesting planet. We finally got a proper lore dump in remnant 2 with big implications. Such as the destruction of the pan homeworld. I would love to see it fleshed out more.


Remnant 1, loved it there, love it here in Remnant 2, will love it even more in DLC or Remnant 3


Don't forget before the ashes


That is 1


Chronos before the ashes, remnant from the ashes and remnant 2


Chronos is actually just "Chronos". "Chronos: Before the Ashes" is the non-VR port of it. ...but yes, the timeline is Chronos -> Remnant: From the Ashes -> Remnant 2 The character you play as in Chronos is "The Destroyer" and is "The Dreamer" boss at the end of R1. The last cutscene of Chronos is Harsgaard capturing you and hooking you up. The Dragon may or may not be a root beast controlled by the entity behind the root.


Meh it's a bit neat to have a returning world, it and labyrinth/earth are the only consistent ones throughout the 3 games


I mean, if the dlc improves yaesha isn't that a good thing?




i fucking hate yaesha, not gonna lie. if the DLC story takes place in ruins or caves or floating islands, fine, but i agree, i can't stand the boring, repetitive woods and empty huts, fighting the same damn root worms and rolling fuckballs around every corner


Bro like how much lore do yall need to fill Yaesha with. What about Nerud or earth?


Getting downvoted at every angle for telling the truth. Yaesha has been THE MAJOR WORLD for two whole games now, if not three at this point. It's been so heavily shown and explored and loredumped on. I get it guys, fantasy jungle is very pretty to look at and I don't disagree! But I've seen Yaesha so much now. The Empress and Rebellion has been fully explored, Ford has already left his mark on Yaesha before, we've seen the Thaen, fought the Ravager AGAIN and finished the Doe's tale. We don't need to go looking for him AGAIN in the SAME SPOT as last game, and I can't see anything else that REALLY needs to be told about Yaesha still. When comparing it to every other world in both Remnant games it really shows what the Dev Favorite world is that gets all the special attention.


>and I can't see anything else that REALLY needs to be told about Yaesha still. Almost like if you just chill and wait two weeks you'll get to see


Losomn clearly had an unresolved story obviously linking it to dlc with the One True King being asleep and everyone talking about if he'd wake. Yaesha has no such existing plot hook. Everything it has introduced it has tied up. Thank you for reading my previous comment where I said this exact thing before.


>Yaesha has no such existing plot hook That is not the same thing as you not wanting Yaesha, which is the reality. Your interest in the story of yaesha is not THE interest in the story of Yaesha. Saying it multiple times doesn't make it any less fucking dumb


Literally talking about pre-existing plothooks over and over. My topic again and again goes to the words "unresolved story" aspects. I've never once talked about my interests for any of this I literally have a Pan oc I draw and have commissions of. I love Yaesha. I obsess over it's lore and have for years. And you going "YOUR interest" and ignoring everything else shows me that you are not reading the words I have typed to you and just want to be mad at the thing you made up in your head, literally just making a strawman that I hate Yaesha or have no interest in it. I am talking. About. Story. Elements. Would you like to have a conversation about this or do you just wanna baby rage at me about something I literally didn't write?


> I've never once talked about my interests for any of this I'm not sure what you'd classify the statement "I can't see any story...." as, but I assure you, it's a statement expressing your disinterest. You may want to consider that if you're trying to convey something and you've said it multiple times and feel like still nobody gets your point, you're the fucking problem in communication lol. > just wanna baby rage Irony isn't your strong suit is it?


Again My entire topic is talking about Yaesha's story and plothooks, or lack thereof. I can like/be interested in Yaesha and still be unable to find an existing plot hook to tie it into this dlc as opposed to it's last dlc. Thank you for literally proving my point that you just want to argue for the sake of arguing and are actively refusing to talk about the game or it's story just to win semantic arguments with a stranger online. Respectfully please find a hobby.


I’ll wait until the third DLC comes out before I go back to Yaesha again


I'm gonna leave my own comment here to say I agree completely with the message. Though this will be long winded so I apologize in advance. In Remnant 1 a lot of people wanted to see more of Yaesha because it literally ended on a cliffhanger and was bare-bones with almost no dungeon variety. It was almost fixed within the Campaign and teased tons of things we never got to see the conclusion of. The Empress and the Thaen being a big one. But we have seen it all now. We've fought the Ravager twice now, it's Guardian twice now, seen the Doe through, met the Empress, literally stole a Thaen seed, followed in the footsteps of the Last King of the Pan and seen where the Rebellion ended. Everything that has been written about or hinted to We've already seen. Yaesha has been the main focus of three games now and it's starting to feel dry and overplayed. I'm starting to get Dark Souls 3 "the cycles will repeat endlessly" at this point. If we get a Remnant 3 I'd bet money Yaesha comes along as well no matter how many times it's shown. Considering the history of Remnant 1's dlc being an expansion on the least popular world, Corsus, then leaving Rhom, Root Earth and cliffhung-Yaesha out to dry for a new location And Remnant 2 being an expansion on the most-complained about and complicated world of Losomn and now a continuation on literally THE most overshown world in the series, I'm very anxious if the final DLC ends up NOT being their FIRST continuation of a sci fi world ever but instead- -VERY easily making it a callback to Rhom or a world from the prequel Chronos, going back to the Labyrinth, or a new location entirely (our 2nd or 3rd root home world?) So they can abandon both Rhom AND N'Erud would leave me very defeated and bitter about the writers at Gunfire capabilities to concisely tell stories of these worlds with the literal mountains of gold and A+ tier material they have at their fingertips Comparing Yaesha to literally any other world in the series roster and it becomes very VERY obvious which one is the Dev baby and the house favorite by leagues.


not gonna lie, its also my least desirable world to revisit it


Oh it's yaesha. Already showed it in the preview of new archetype 


Given their laid-out plans for dlc, I can easily imagine the year 1 dlcs to just be expansions of base game worlds, along with modes they've expressed they've wanted to do, then if those dlcs do well enough (which I imagine they will), dlc 4 would be a new world, like Reisum was, or a returning one like Corsus. It's not the end of the world if we get a Yaesha and N'erud expansion, since we'll probably get more when they aren't restricted by time


I won’t kink shame you if you don’t Yaesha shame me.


Yeah Yaesha round 3 will get tiresome.


*round 4


Oh yea, that's right! I forgot about the prequel, Chronos!


I think that any DLC that doesn't lead to a new world would be a waste of the game's possibilities. I don't doubt they have the ability to make Yaesha different enough to be interesting a third time, but I don't know, a new place would be better.


Speak for yourself. I love Yaesha


Better head out and buy some matches


I’m going to have to respectfully disagree. I’m looking forward to more Yaesha gameplay.


Welp looks like your gonna be mad [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNTQuLNL8W8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNTQuLNL8W8)


I'll be skipping this one. I've got many games to play and this DLC is not a new experience.


[Hahahahaha](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNTQuLNL8W8) this could not be better timed. Take a big L buddy


and the way things are going, I don't doubt that the last DLC will be in N'Erud. then it would be a total waste of the game's potential. even if it's cool. the trailer looks good and I'm glad it won't be long before I can play it.


Was hoping for a new world but at least it’s not N’Erud. Also any news on a new mode? It’s so needed


I get the feeling you want to do that anyway


Says you. I want more content on this world. To be honest, it’s my favourite out of a 3 off them.


The Yesha forest is nowhere near as frustrating as Nerud. I would have much rather a Nerud DLC since I love the premise of robots v. Yesha monsters


Can you record it so we can all laugh about how ridiculous you sound?