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last equipement look like a new class :D All the trailers show until now are really representative of the game, new armor set for a new class :D I may be wrong, i would be sad if i do


Hell yeah New Archetype - The Invoker: Drawing strength from the Nature Spirits of Yaesha, this new Archetype can harness the mystic power of the jungle. More details on the Archetype will be revealed in a new Archetype Reveal Trailer next week!


Im probably on the minority but I hope it's something similar to the summoner, imagine going around with 4 minions, 2 from corruption and 2 from nature I think that would be pretty cool.


All I want is a power that stops NPC animals like deer and hogs from doing damage to me.


Bullet to their brain usually helps


That will work šŸ˜‚


Dude, I shot every animal on sight. My buddy always would laugh and say" why though?" And one session Bambi killed him during a fight. I said that's why.


Thatā€™s exactly what I want too haha


Imagine its something like a 5e druid where you can transform into creatures. That would be cool too kinda.


im hoping its something to imbue your weapons or armor, or apply buffs


šŸ¤¢ šŸ¤®


I can't wait to play this new content update with my 100% afk build šŸ¤ 


When someone doesn't play apocalypse


Is it bad for apoc? I just crutched through it as Alchemist


Summons were broken cause a bug a while back but Don't insta kill bosses anymore you still gotta move around/dodge. And some bosses don't always take correct damage/get hit by summons. I also thought you meant get 4x summons and afk cause the message chain.


> this new Archetype can harness the mystic power of the jungle So... it won't be able to do anything in N'Erud?


Go to n'erud and it just automatically unequips the archetype. No nature here, just bleak suffering in a giant, drifting corpse.


So it's like sage mode.


I see big crossbow my brain go HUHUCK DEVASTAOR GO BRRRRT


Tbh Iā€™m just hoping the ratio of ranged to melee weapons is in favor of ranger this dlc. Melee is cool and all but I can only run one of them


From the looks of it we're getting some kind of Staff that deals shock damage, and a new Crossbow.


The new crossbow could be the Devastator as tragic said it's supposed to come back this DLC.


Oh *hell* yeah, loved the bleed build in fta. Might look into setting a new one up in 2. And the *thunk* of the mod was just so satisfying.


I don't think it's Devastator. I saw on a youtube video by Chaos Gaming that it's called Trinity, but I'm not sure where that intel came from. But it kinda makes sense as you can see three bowstrings; Devastator shot five bolts. Might be a new take on Devastator but I hope not; I'd rather them just bring it back more or less untouched.


Nice I love Yaesha so much, can't wait.


Other than the rolly polly enemies, Yaesha is also my favorite zone.


rolly pollies are easy, its the butterflies that grind my gears


I want those chestnuts roasted over an open fire


Really hyped about the new Archetype


I just started the game, would I have to complete the game to get access to a new dlc Archetype?


You'll have to unlock the archetype on a character before any new characters can use it


If it's like DLC one you'll be able to start a new adventure mode that's a one time option that'll give you all new content. So as long as you have completed yaesha on your campaign you can do the DLC.


I know that people are disappointed by the fact that this isn't a new world but I do understand why they are making add-ons to the existing worlds. I suspect that they want to maintain the appeal of the free form nature of the original plot without adding anything that could compromise future games. The Remnant series seems to be wildly successful in comparison to their other works so it makes sense not to add either a DLC ending either to lock of story beats for the sequel or because they agree with me that DLC endings are kind of bullshit. And they might just make another DLC after the first three are complete.


It also looks like we'll see a bit more of the old Yaesha we knew, which excites me greatly. I loved Yaesha in FtA and it's good to see more blue again. I played R2 before the first game and nothing tops that first excursion into the forest. It was amazing. >And they might just make another DLC after the first three are complete. This is my thinking as well. Having a season pass that delivers 3 new narratives to the existing worlds seems like a sound idea. I would adore a larger DLC/expansion after these three are complete that continues the story. Especially when the ending was so *odd.*


Yup. While I get that people expected 3 DLCs of the Subject 2923 size, Remnant 1 got 2 DLCs, here we are getting 3. And given that first DLC was waaaaaay larger than Swamps of Corsus and this one seems to be of a similar size, expecting the third one to be S2923 size makes no sense at all. Maybe if they see enough income and it justify the budget, they will release a 4th DLC that is not part of the season pass, and is a story driven one with an entire new world with 3 story lines for it. But that implies they using the time used to bring these 3 world expansions to release a final big 4th DLC with an entire new world. Expecting S2923 levels of content for all 3 DLCs never made any sense, at least for me.


I just want some closure after that ending. But getting new adventures across the three worlds is equally important I think. There's so much about the worlds' lore that I want to delve into.


Im not sure if I want closure tbh, I think id rather have some form of departure for the main character, like the Wanderer did in the past. Something along the lines of "yeah, we got Ford back but the Root is still out there, and we left searching for it." It closes our character's arc and this Remnant game arc, but leave the door open for a future game that builds on top of the existing lore, we will now have 4 well known humans that traveled across the worlds: The Destroyer (Chronos), The Ford, The Wanderer(RftA), The Traveler(R2).


Looks like yaesha from chrinos, before the root got their little claws in


I'm more disappointed that it's another short one shot DLC


And the fact it took this long to get it out... especially after teasing repaired labyrinth and us waking up after beating annihilation. Maybe this yaesha is post root?


Im fine with it being the same places just new stuff in em. I hope the sci fi zone gets one of these. That one was my favorite. Cant say why though


It's also my favourite. I expect and hope that the last DLC is located in N'Erud šŸ‘


I'd expect the "3 stories per world" will be the new standard when they release new worlds as otherwise they'd have to release a dlc for the dlc to get to the same number as the early worlds. Honestly, I'm unsure how they'll add this into the base game. Maybe you'll have access to all worlds, but need only complete 3 of them to reach root earth?


I wish gunfire was quadruple A. We would have so much fucking content every other week. I literally would touch another game even Helldivers


4/23/24 is the release date if anyone missed it.


I'm sure the content of the DLC will be fun and high quality. But I'm so disappointed to see that, yet again, it's not a new world. Even worse, it's Yaesha, a world we've already visited 3 times before now. When they first announced we'd be getting 3 DLC for Remnant 2, I expected 3 DLC of the same quality as Subject 2923, but instead, they seem to be more like Swamps of Corsus.


iā€™m not disappointed yet, but i agree that i hope we get DLCs that take us to new major locations with a new campaign attached.


More than anything, I want a continuation of the story. Remnant 2 ends on such a bad note, and it's a shame that we have to wait for DLC 3 (or maybe even another game) to see how the ending plays out.


How so, I thought the post credit scene ended on a hopeful note?


I mean "bad" as in "unsatisfying and vague," not "bad" as in "hopeless." Clementine reseting the universe is a massive asspull and the abrupt ending leaves us with way more questions than answers. We don't know the consequences of reseting the simulation. We don't know who created the simulation. We don't know why the Root were created or what caused them to become the way they are. We don't know if the Root was actually defeated permanently. The ending comes out of nowhere and explains nothing. It's technically a happy ending, but it feels hollow when it barely makes any sense.


More importantly where in the fuck is Ford. He's important enough to be featured in the end cutscene doing things.


Iā€™ve always thought of the ending as a way to justify the game loop in-universe, as weā€™re constantly resetting the universe/campaign.


That doesn't make sense from a lore perspective, though. If the entire Remnant 2 story was an infinitely repeating loop, Clementine shouldn't still be there on the second run because she (presumably) sacrificed herself at the end. The Keeper would also be aware that the loop was repeating, but he clearly isn't. Also, the version of the Traveler that wakes up in the final scene is the same one that fought Annihilation and not a past version.


Yeah, this hits the nail on the head. I quite enjoy Remnant 2, and I've put a lot of time into it, but the overarching story just feels so scattershot and unsatisfying. The dark souls-meets-shooter style works much better than I was expecting, but I had hoped for a more substantial story. Not every story can or should neatly wrap up every loose thread, but the way this story ends, and the number of unanswered questions, just feels like sloppy writing to me; it's one of my few major criticisms about the game.


Remnant 1 does a much better job of setting up interesting lore. The things it leaves vague feel justified and worth speculating on. But R2 just introduces a lot of story elements that really require an explanation to be justified.


Oh gotcha, thanks for clarifying. I too will be curious to see if the dlc's can clear up any of these uncertainties


not very hopeful in my opinion considering it's just a reset to another crappy instance of the simulation


There's 3 areas and 3 dlc. Hate to the bearer of bad news. The next one is nrudĀ 


Maybe Iā€™m in the minority but I love N-erud. The scifi aspects are so cool. Takes me back to playing Returnal a bit.


I like the aesthetics and atmosphere. I HATE the level designĀ 


I think because it feels empty obviously cause everyone/thing be dead. But still.


Agreed, im stoked for Yaesha for this reason


N-erud is definitely my favorite. I'm very excited for an expansion to give us more. I hope they do another large dlc after with 3 new zones and new mechanics ECT.


I like the *idea* of N'Erud, of being on a giant asteroid/spaceship that's near a black hole. The world also does a great job of working in design/style references to iconic sci-fi touchstones. But in practice, to me at least, it just felt very boring and similar to so numerous other space-themed shooters like Doom or Dead Space. I'll gladly go back to Yaesha or Losomn to rerun things or to level, but I only go back to N'Erud when I have to. If the last DLC is themed around N'Erud (which I think is a reasonable expectation), then I hope they do something similar to Awakened King, and have it set in N'Erud but with an almost entirely new biome tileset.


And it's easily one that can be expanded upon as well.


In every outcome nrud dies. It could be dlc 3 is a new area


Yeah. That's what everybody said before the other 2 dlcs followed perfectly with the current areas. Believe whatever you want. I just thought I'd give you the facts. If it makes you feel better doing wishful thinking than have it. Doesn't bother me at all lol šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Okay mister


Wh--what are you saying exactly? "That's what everybody said before the other 2 dlcs followed perfectly with the current areas." Are we still talking about Remnant 2? Because this current discussion is about the 2nd DLC for Remnant 2. Additionally, the person you responded to is right; the story for N'erud is concluded. It's a dead universe. The in-game lore said as much.


What I'm saying isĀ  DLC 1 follows losom (everybody said no it would be new zone before it released) Dlc2 follows yaesha (everybody said no it would be a new zone before it released) DLC3 follows/will follow Ā nrud (everyone including the guy I responded to and apparently you as well lol will just like above say no it's going to be new zone).Ā  This is pretty obvious. Doesn't take rocket science šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø.


Oh sorry and yes I'm talking about remnant 2. Another way of looking at in would be - We got losom and then yaesha. Maybe take a guess what the next will be?Ā  Unless they surprise us with root earth which I guess is a possibility (small but it's there). But I'd still kind of be correct but so would you lolĀ 


My cope is the 3 pieces of DLC are all expansions to existing worlds and we'll get a bigger more expensive expansion with a new world after the fact.


You can bet that if there is a Remnant 3, we will be going back to Yaesha. Which is fine with me.


The Labyrinth clearly was made with the possibility of new world additions, at least one. I was already expecting the expansion of current worlds after the previous DLC. If the game is successful enough, hopefully weā€™re looking at Year 2 DLC which adds something new. Either that or we await Remnant III


Ehh there is no need for more expansions lol. They will just do R3.


The game will certainly be great with the expanded worlds, but the world selection menu clearly has more space for *something*. Perhaps another game mode?


>I expected 3 DLC of the same quality as Subject 2923, but instead, they seem to be more like Swamps of Corsus. I expected the same. Subject 2923 was the best. And Corsus felt like ripoff.


A ripoff that only cost $10 and expanded the world with the least content and brought the fan-favorite survival mode?


I don't hate Swamps, but Subject raised the bar so much, and they really haven't been meeting that new standard with Remnant 2, despite having a bigger budget.


If entire new worlds with new races of enemies are what we want for each dlc release, then we canā€™t expect them to be released so quickly. The only reason weā€™ve been fortunate enough to have 2 dlc drops before the game is even a year old is because theyā€™re able to reuse some assets


Yeah rippof when it has the best designed and challenging boss of the serie , surely its bad


Donā€™t forget the survival mode with a large bit of replay value with swamps.


Who, the Queen? She's one of my least favorite.


You may not like her, but that doesn't change the fact she was by far the best boss in R1


I don't think you understand how opinions work šŸ¤”


I get if you wanted a new area instead, but there's no reason to exaggerate and shit on stuff that's actually really good/well done/high quality.


What am I exaggerating? Objectively speaking, Awakened King is more similar to Swamps of Corsus than it is to Subject 2923. This next DLC appears to be the same.


A.) Swamps of Corsus only added the Survival Mode and the stuff that came from it. Corsus was updated around the same time, but that was all free. B.) Awakened King has the same amount of weapons, armor, mods, and other equipment (plus an archetype) as S2923. It doesn't continue the main story, sure, but it continues and mostly resolves the ones surrounding the Fey & Dran. And it does so while managing to keep each zone looking almost entirely unique, a problem Remnant 1 and it's DLC's (even the one with the new zone) always struggled with.


A) The stuff that came in the free update is part of Swamps of Corsus. They just made it so you could potentially roll it in the main campaign if you were lucky. But you need to own the DLC to use the weapons and items the new bosses drop. To say that the Corsus update isn't part of the DLC is just being pedantic and dishonest. B) Subject has more enemy variety, bosses, and obviously significantly more story content than Awakened King does. It also has an entire new area on Earth. I think Awakened King is better than Swamps. But Subject 2923 showed what the dev team is capable of, and Awakened King (despite still being good) falls short of that potential.


Awakened King was amazing lmao. Just stop. Get out of your dungeon and go do something else.


I didn't say a thing about its quality. Objectively, in terms of content, it is more similar to Swamps than to Subject. If you're going to insult me, at least learn to read first.


Oh gosh darn lmao. You little princess muppets and your constant crying is just gorgeous.


Idk I don't mind, I like that these DLC's are expanding the original areas of the base game. Meaning DLC 3 will probably expand N'Erude or the Labyrinth, hell maybe even Root Earth and if they continue support after that it'll probably be one major expansion that adds a completely new world we haven't seen yet.


The next one is gonna be N'Erud, for sure.


This world was even from the first game.


Iā€™ve seen people say the 3 time thing about Yaesha before. I assume that was the first game? Iā€™ve only really played Remnant 2.


We went there in Remnant 1, Remnant 2, and Chronos (the prequel). It's the only world in the franchise that we visit in every single game aside from Earth, so people are feeling tired of seeing it.


Chronos was released before Remnant 1 Agreed though, but hopefully the loose ends in yaesha are wrapped up with this.


I'm aware Chronos was the first game.


Evidently "prequel" is something that comes out after a product that deals with events prior to those events of the original. Did you play it in VR, or were you like me and played BtA?


Prequel refers to anything that takes place earlier in the timeline, regardless of when it came out. Batman Begins is a prequel to the Dark Knight. I played BtA, I'm not big into VR.


Prequel: a story or movie containing events that [precede](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=bea76010820982b8&sxsrf=ACQVn0-4-mxwaJCudtJRLb5WwuKnbMLnrA:1712925161008&q=precede&si=AKbGX_okS0g0kR2PXn0TLBASIc0m2v9kDKoX9W9WrjwMYY8hY9yrm2ouO0msrcsKq8TwzK16ICbvBFZC_C0RgZWOYOonXZ7TFbgRwFix0Vf7zULu66d1X8U%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwisov6917yFAxXz3skDHX6JAT4QyecJegQIJxAO) those of an existing work. Dark Knight is a sequel to Batman Begins, but Batman Begins is not a prequel to Dark Knight. The Star Wars Prequel Trilogy are prequels to the Original Trilogy, but A Phantom Menace is not a prequel to Attack of the Clones. Either way, yeah I understand. VR is great with some games, and while Chronos was a neat experiment with the VR, the 2D port with BtA felt better to play. I could be wrong, but I think that the VR version has you looking at "The Destroyer" from the perspective of the root, or Clawbone?


Hey, Swamps of Corsus was my favourite DLC. But yeah, I don't like Yaesha in Remnant 2 and I don't really wanna go back. This area was better in RftA :/ I was hoping that Nerud would be expanded, though. Our only scifi world :(


Not sure what they could do with Nerud considering their world ends almost immediately. Even if going into the black hole isnā€™t cannon, basically everyone there is dead. Maybe if the guardian is dead we could fight some root infested zombies and robots lol


If they did do a Nerud DLC, it would most likely be a replacement for the existing storylines, not a continuation. The same way Awakened King was, and the Yaesha DLC will likely be.


At least Losom and Yaesha has something to go off of. But Nerud is basically ā€œyeah itā€™s just me and this ai janitor guy, everyone else kinda died :(. So anyway letā€™s see whatā€™s in this black hole!ā€ Lol it would be interesting to see Nerud before everyone died. It had some interesting stories before


I don't know, I just want it to be expanded because I think it's kinda boring as it is. Just a big desert with a few samey dungeons.


I'm happy to see them do more with the existing planets. Remember this is all in a $25 season pass on top of a $50 game. A full scale, totally new world, all the side dungeons, puzzle, etc, that's major DLC, 2 years later, with a $30 price tag for just that, sort of tier, imo.Ā 


Subject 2923 was $10 at release.


Yeah, Iā€™ve been really wanting a proper expansion. These small ones are nice and all, but I just donā€™t give all that much of a shit for a slither of content thatā€™ll bring me back for a few hours Itā€™s the kinda content I just expect to shadow drop with a quick announcement


I'm pretty sure awhile back I think theybsaud the first 3 DLCS are expansions upon existing worlds. I THINK. Don't quote me. I can't remember


They never said what the 3 DLCā€™s were.


You do know all 3 dlc are on the 3 worlds we already have right? Literally that's a known thing. Also, all the gear from each the dlc's leaked on the wiki like a week before the first one




What point are you trying to make? I'm pointing out my frustration that they're once again not giving us a new world, despite the fact that I still think the DLC will be good for what it is.




It's not a "tactic," it's a simple statement. I'm disappointed that they aren't giving us a new world and I expected more. But I also have full confidence in GG to deliver a good experience even if it's on a reused world. I am disappointed, but I'm also still going to buy it, and I'm confident that I'll likely enjoy it. Those statements aren't contradictory.


Living Crystals, Angry Spirits, Invokers.....guess we might be heading for the original home country of the Pan or at least their landing site on their current home land.


Is this sounding kinda like a Druid Archetype? I've always loved plant and ice magic, and definitely feel like Remnant 2 could use some more...


Hey, the article says that the third dlc is "said to be releasing at the end of the year," so is that confirmation that we're going to overshoot the original timeline a bit or are they stretching where the end of the year is?


the article is mostly the same as the dlc derails on steam. but on steam it says later this year, which might be the end if the year but may be earlier as well.


New Crossbow


Only played Remnant 2, and the trailer looks awesome. Only few days ago I upgraded my last archetype to level 10 and was about to re-roll the main campaign. Now I will just wait for this one to drop. Can't wait.......


If I had to guess, the Yaesha we'll be seeing may be more akin to how it looked in Remnant From the Ashes. There seems to be more blue, which is how the world looked before the Root took hold. Personally, that's the version of Yaesha I'd like to see. So I probably have a bias on what I want to take from the trailer.


Havenā€™t read, is there survival mode? Do I gotta wait for dlc3?


Everything looks good we just need more character customization like different backpacks, I know myself including a lot of people would even pay more money for more ways to customize plus we need a new game mode if it isnā€™t survival we need something I donā€™t want to see this dlc go down the same route as the last dlc where people finished it then moved on from R2 besides that I have no issues with going anywhere with the settings thatā€™s the whole point of the stone just need more things to grind, thereā€™s so much potential and I truly donā€™t mind supporting gunfire games their ideas are there just hope time is all they need even things like a paragon system would give the game more life still canā€™t wait for the 23rd to see what they cooked.


Nothing about Survival mode? Very disappointed.


But but but we could have come back to Mad Max Land from RFTA :(


I also miss rom so much. Personal favorite world


Iā€™m pumped, I donā€™t care where we go


Where is survival mode ffs


You've seen losomn 2. Now get ready for yaesha 2! I can't wait for the last dlc to be another expanded base game location. I wonder how long it's gonna take them to recycle something this time.


The only thing I wanted from the new dlc was a new crossbow. Theres a new crossbow. Am happy.


I was hoping for a new biome or going back to Rhom.


No new world or survival mode? Kinda disappointing...


They never said we were getting a new world. We didnt for the last dlc.


The first game had 2 new worlds added through DLC, also survival mode was added as a dlc. Even if they didn't said anything, it's still disappointing.


No, the only new world for dlc in remnant 1 was Reisum, Corsus just got expanded like this and the Awakened King, and survival mode, or something like it, is something they want to implement, but given their time restriction, that might be after or with dlc 3


Corsus was only available in campaign mode and was extremely short, in the DLC they added corsus to adventure mode, added new bosses and other stuff to get in there, so yes in a way it was a new world addition. Also both corsus and reisum worlds were procedurally generated so it had a good replayability, most additions of Awakened king were static environment's so it gets old very quickly. We only have 3 worlds available in adventure mode, it's kinda disappointing to see we won't get a new one since in the first game we had 5 (counting the DLC's) Also we still don't have survival mode...


Soā€¦they donā€™t promise you anything. And then you set yourself up with your own expectations. And now you are blaming them and calling it a disappointment? Lol.


Yaesha = I sleep


Man canā€™t wait! I see thereā€™s more deli ham slicers.




I want a caster class and a magic staff weapon for my wizard/druid bros


I'm really hoping for a roguelike mode but I don't think it'll be for this DLC. I have a feeling it'll be the next one though. Hopefully.


Yaesha? No paragon? Sad


Elemental class again?


Looks great but I really miss the Earth biome from the first game and still hoping it eventually returns in some form.


So I guess we won't be getting new biomes...


As a huge fan of Yaesha and it's history/lore this is great news! I love that they deepen the lore and expand on the existing locations.


Here's the only reason I care for it being Yeasha as a FTA player: Will the Devastator come back?


Aww, yessssss


It somehow sounds like the class would be stronger on Yaesha but I hope it has nothing to do with locations


Damn remnant 1 dlc 1 was biome expansion right? And then dlc 2 not just a new biome but basically two biomes and was supermassive I was hoping for the same here :| itll be a fun one-shot mode but after that, still just yaesha


No nerud dlc, real bummer


I was under the impression they are going to add survival mode in this DLC but from the announcement, it does not look like we are going to get it. That's super disappointing.


Finally now this sub can stfu.


Oh they won't. They'll just bitch about how they dislike everything about the trailer.




Nothing about Survival? Well, Iā€™m gonna be honest that just killed most of my hype.




Dont know why we expected a new world. They spent a lot of time in these three main places. I doubt they have the means for a new one at all. If anything it would have been better to do Nerud or even Root Earth first given the frequency of Yaesha. I mean I prefer Yaesha anyway but still....


Do DLC require you to complete the main final mission before you can play? I ask because Iā€™m stuck on the last boss and canā€™t be arsed


Donā€™t believe so no


Oh yeah I forgot that, engi had some weird insta kill thing too right?


Steam page says endless replayability, wheres survival mode? Much disappointment


Actually the season pass add 3 DLC ans 1 new mode but the new mode is not the survival of R1. The dev have say they can make survival mode after the season pass if players want.


No actualyly go check that is not what was said. "We are focused on dlc 2 and while not currently working on it we would love to do something like survival" Also, read more of what i said, the game is falsely advertised as endless replayability.


I hope theyā€™ll optimize the DLC upon release. The first DLC still dips via FPS even with FSR 3 enabled.


Oof. Releasing right with stellar blade and eiyuden chronicles. This is going to be rough lolĀ 


But.... this game has been out for over half a year now. They got their peak sales already. Im more said about other games releasing on shadow of erdtree's relelease date. Now thats an Oof.


I'm not talking about sales. I'm talking about which game I'm going to play lol. Too hard a decision with this dlc being thrown in the mix. That's 3 MUST play games in the same day!!Ā