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Agreed! I spent so many hours playing survival mode in FTA. love starting with nothing. Made me try a bunch of new weapons instead of going with tried and true ones


That's the best thing about Survival Mode. You never know which weapon you'll find in your run and, given the enormou weapon selection Remnant 2 has, we'll probably have to play with weapons we never tried before and that's fun as hell.


I played a lot of Survival in one, and in two it's translated to constantly playing and testing different guns. For instance, right now I don't see anyone talking about Corrupted Aphelion. The buffs are sick. And with Searing Wounds and the mod, it's a fantastic addition to DOT builds.


Nobody knows if the third dlc is the last, it likely isn't though


what makes you think that?


Tragic said if player counts are high enough when dlc 3 drops, they may do more, which in game development terms means they're absolutely doing more if there's still interest


They'd likely have to be in at least pre-production on it already. They've definitely sold enough copies and seen player count jumps from both dlc's to justify it. I'd say it is more likely than not at this point. Honestly I'd expect more of an expansion than dlc. The game is built to allow all of that so easily.


Yeah, people are complaining about there being no new worlds for dlc, but that's definitely being saved when they don't have the 1 year deadline


Really hoping they do the game’s main three worlds, maybe a dlc on the labyrinth, then a final Root DLC.


Nah, after the three worlds I hope they add a 4th.


I’m wanting the worlds Corsus and Rhom from RFTA


One of the devs said it's very likely that more dlcs will come out after the planned 3




I played way more Survival than the regular game mode, and have already surpassed my RFTA playtime by like half with R2. If they release survival, my family might never see me again. (my friends will, because they'll be stuck there with me)


Third will be the same as the first two but on the rude. But survival would be great to get at some point. I enjoyed it alot outside the fact that i couldnt really find people to do it with because i didnt play the game until the population was already gone.


Oh man, it went a good six months where if you just hopped into Survival you were almost guaranteed other players. It was poppin'. Survival for 2 is gonna be lit.


They're on record saying they want to look into doing survival mode, and that after DLC 2's release they might have an answer.


Bring any mode or systems that would let us grind indefinitely. After getting all items there isn't much to do and replaying the bosses gets boring very fast, especially that it takes a while to get to them.


This is when you move on to another game. When you do everything and find everything and once you feel that sense of "why am I playing this still".....Time to move on to something else and enjoy that experience.


Whenever I start to feel burnt out on Remnant 2 I'll grind Survival mode in FTA


I'm really hoping we get a Survival mode for the 3rd DLC, as it was the main reason I purchased the season pass.


Me too, extremely dissatisfied with gfg not having it ready at launch, but then again they also omitted the lobby browser ( sure is fun loading ward 13 more than 8 times) from fta


we need end game grind


Or maybe they could add in a boss rush mode where you have to fight every boss back to back and you get different rewards based on the difficulty you do it on.


I'm fine with this as long as it isn't instead of Survival. Because the fun of Survival besides the bosses was the random drops and funky builds you had to cobble together. It really stressed having working knowledge of all the gear and interactions. Just bosses would be fun, but would definitely result in using specific builds all the time. Which is what we have now.


Honestly, I’d prefer if we got a new game mode rather than just bringing survival back from Remnant 1.


I want a horde mode badly


Same, it would be so fun.


What was survival mode exactly? I played the first game but never tried it out.


Basically a rogue like mode. You start with some random options for gear and at lvl 1. You then go through randomly generated worlds and fight bosses for as long as you can while gaining new gear and using scrap in between bosses to buy stuff, also randomly chosen.


Oh, that. I hated that.


I am a major fan of roguelikes. Remnant 2 tickles me in a special way, and I can imagine doubling my already insane playtime if they release this mode.


Best roguelike/lite....1...2...3...GO! Returnal! Hades! Next on my list to play is Wizard of Legend and Doomsday Hunters.


third dlc of the first year, it's never been said there's only going to be three total


They never said 3 is the last dlc.


Survival is something thats been requested since BEFORE release. I would be shook if they don't put it in.


What is survival mode? How does it work?


Who wants to run some survival!? I STILL LOVE FTA SOMETIMES even more than R2. Dont get me wrong; i think ill always be a die hard fan-- they made A TON of improvements to 2 ... an OP amount of graphic enhancement. And, an overwhelming amount of items! 4 rings is cool too. Looking back on the og, the rings were OP for sure, but there are so many less in comparison. Let me finish R2 before i fully compare games. But, if anyone is down to play, ill never stop playing these games (on Xbox rn) GunnertheGuy AND BigMuddy6969 Friend me, those are my 2 accounts :)


Anyone remember the ent's alt kill?


While I would be excited for it, I'd also fear that it'd be too hasty. Gunfire games isn't a small studio, but they ain't that big either. Making a dlc is already a lot of work, making 3 in a year is a ton of work for them. Creating a whole new mode for the game isn't something simple. Just in terms of testing and balancing it, it's a fuckton of work. This is something people are meant to play a lot, so it needs to be good. Hence I'd rather have it that they take their time than that they try to rush things. Haste makes waste. The development of Remnant 2 doesn't end with dlc 3. That's why the packs specifically noted that only the first 3 dlcs are included and not all dlcs. This is because more were considered if the game sold well and it definitely did sell well. However, any new dlc will probably be a bigger undertaking, i.e. a whole new world with 3 story lines included. This means it'll take a much longer period of time to develop. Till that time they might add QoL features and other stuff that were much requested. I'd imagine that survivor mode would be added during this time as well, possibly even as a free update much like aberrations were added.


Not a whole new game mode? Survival was in 1


RFTA isn't Remnant 2. Yes, they did implement it previously in RFTA, which is very similar to Remnant 2, but in the end they're still different games. You can't just copy paste it and be done with it. Having done it previously only means that they've experience in it, and have some codes that can be used in Remnant 2, but actually implementing it into Remnant 2 still requires a lot of development time if it's meant to be an actual game mode and not something half-assed.


Don't really care for survival that much, died out pretty fast. however I would like to be able to get alternate skins for armors again like in from the ashes. 


Third DLC is like 98% going to be a third N'erud campaign. The devs have essentially confirmed it without confirming it (as they can't actually say outright for publishing legal reasons), but it's been effectively confirmed by implication (e.g. paraphrasing, but statements like "players can do the math" or "we can't say anything, but players can make an educated guess"). That said, we will very likely get some kind of additional game mode either before or after DLC3 (this is separate to any potential dlc4+). I'm going to say that this is going to be in a general system update, however, rather than specifically a paid dlc. We also have the end-game progression system with the relic fragments that tragic is working on, which will very probably come between dlc2 and 3.


Unfortunately, even if they make the shards better for farming, it will never replace the lost survival mode and 1000 trait points to grind.


I try not to harp on it too much, and I have come to appreciate R2 for what it does bring, but I am still pretty disappointed in the trait cap.


There are more then just 3 dlc's 👀 got confirmt


It's not confirmed, likely, but not confirmed


Can you imagine that they leave the Ford situation as it is ? God it would be horrible. I thought the guy went to save the world or something at first but by the end I forgot he existed.


Please god. If its a nerud 1 shot im gonna riot.


don't worry, it will be!


Don’t worry, it won’t be. 3rd DLC will the in the labyrinth.


only if every room is a cube event room!


It is nerud one shot, after that tho we might finally learn where Ford went. Probably getting hoofed one action but who knows .


The 3rd DLC with be the labyrinth.