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Obviously Corrupted Mudtooth.


Mudbone? Not scary at all. Clawtooth? Terrifying.




Temp Mcguffin is the true end boss


The Root should realize the most obvious way to stop us would be to remake us in their image and have us duke it out with ourselves.


There was a ds game called hive that was like that.


Wait THAT'S HOW THAT GAME ENDS??? I lost my game cart and could never finish it lol


For a metroid clone it was actually quite a bit of fun and the element system really kept you on your toes.


Some enemies with one of the newer modifiers, (not sure what it's called), already kind of do that. They constantly summon a clone of you that tries to punch you to death.


I would appreciate the opportunity to gun down Ford 👍


If you can find him, dudes more elusive than my dad


Wait is Ford bad?


No but he keeps exploring despite being asked not to


He got tired of waiting for soup


I mean he is immortal. Would you wait around for decades and do nothing?


It should be Ford, so I can finally complete Private Driver’s wish on punching that SOB and then hugging him afterwards. Then I’ll punch him again for me.


A dummy from the shooting range turned into a huge platforming boss. Massive health bar but it doesn’t deal damage to you, the environment does. They were the enemy all along.


It's attacks just consist of deer and pigs running around


Don’t you put that evil on me


Last obstacle is an elevator you may or may not fall through for no reason


A root infected server mainframe that the remnant 2 servers are stored on


They blow those out with every poorly optimized patch


Isn’t this basically the plot of Remnant II already


Clawbone, or whatever you want to call the entity behind the Root, in a humanoid form. Massive, grotesque, and the entire sum of the Root in all realities coalesced into one being. It has to be the Root throwing everything is has with no restraint at us.


I agree, but I also feel like they've kinda milked that already - Harsgaard, the dreamer, and anni are all superpowered root avatars. They REALLY need to do something crazy to make it FINAL, maybe we invade the root homeworld or something (although again, root earth kinda messed with that aesthetically already).


Going to Root Earth, very specifically the center of the infection and killing it at its source, and having that NOT be Clawbone was a mistake I feel. I mean, not totally invested since the Root has always been the weakest part of Remnant, but that feels like a miss


I mean that is exactly what root earth is. The only tricky part being that clawbone is STILL somehow absent unless it is. In fact. Annihilation. (Though I think annie is more likely some kind of proto-dreamer)


Given the dialogue in (DLC2 location) >!Infested Abyss!<, I actually think it's highly probably this is the case. >!The Emissary states that Clawbone, Nightmare, and Root are all identities worn by the same being. And while you can read this as there being a kind of master-mind entity behind it all, I don't think this is how the dialogue is meant to be taken.!


Nah you are giving thoughts to incompetence. The story line is a garbled mess and I don't think it's been on purpose. R1 was pretty straightforward, follow Ford and find the hero. R2 wonder around and shit, find story about disconnected worlds then get unsatisfying ending.


I mean I don't see where anything I said contradicts this conclusion. The story is a garbled mess for the most part. That doesn't mean that things like The Root not speaking to us suddenly weren't also intentional decisions (even if I think they were probably not very good or useful).


I'm was saying that you were giving deliberate actions to what far more probable, incompetence.


I assume the boss is whoever is controlling the simulation, almost like the matrix.


My brother Greg


The simulation/computer-virus analogy kinda of fucked up the Root. I for one didn't like it one bit. They should have sticked to the Cthulian/Lovecraftian tone set by Chronos/Remnant 1. By all the computer logs in Remnant 1, it was very implied that the Root was some sort of "byproduct of existence itself", a dark echo of creation. Kinda like the immaterium in Warhammer 40k, which was a couterpart to the material realm, but got more and more corrupted over time as war raged across the galaxy, to the point that "calm lake of thoughts" became "The Warp", twisted and filled of daemons, psychic storms and whatnot. I wish they kept that tone... one thing they could have done in that direction would be to tie the Root more clearly to the Thaen, for example. I was always under the impression that "the roots of the Thaen" bring death, just like its fruit bring life. Bringing death is what The Root is all about.


They already implied the root was a virus/computer related in Remnant 1 though.


Implied is fine. Actual kinds of ruins the mystery.


I love the Virus take on the root. If you want that other stuff play the og Halo trilogy; you are just describing the Flood. The Root being a reality virus in a universe where reality was created by the children of the original core (Root Earth) is something I personally love as it’s unique. And incase you think I’m wrong; I’ve read every lore tab and if you read the tab on the Soul Stone you will find a line that confirms this.


Yeah, I definitely wish the Root had remained a demonic presence instead of a… *root*kit.


Late reply, but it technically still is. Root Earth are heavily implied to have pierced the boundaries of the simulation and made contact with...something, outside of it. This something was Clawbone and the Root is simply its manifestation within the simulation, born from the original corrupted core.


Definitely Ford. R3 could be hunting down our corrupted allies


The Root, of course. The story of Remnant is the battle against the Root. I think it would be kinda lame to introduce a new badder threat after them.


Agreed! Don’t do a 343i and try to one up the Flood!


Perfect 👌 example that the devil need to read. You have a good thing, don't fuck it up trying to prolong your games natural life. The flood were SO scary, so many possibilities with the grave stuff. Halo 3 w all the ptsd soldiers was something else.


God. Put remnant 2 in the ranks of Doom eternal and Elden Ring


Don't forget almost every JRPG in existence.


Big true


Corrupted Keeper


Keeper cant even handle the Index itself, what about Corrupted Empathy Cube Hexer Clementine?


We either need to attack the power structure that enables the root to keep coming back and corrupting things, or we need to either time travel or find and possibly fight the creator, or both. With the ending of Remnant 2 being a constant search for the one timeline where we somehow actually destroy the root and win, it only makes sense to let us fight the Root differently or to travel the timeline to look for answers. Because unfortunately we can't copy what Rohm did and nuke the entire Root Earth


The current story line should end with us confronting the source of the Root. Wouldn't be surprised if they choose to make it the Keeper from remnant 1 just turned out to be claw one in disguise and the keeper in 2 is just a program to keep his entertainment going


I know this is maybe a hot take, but I think Clawbone is just meant to be the Root at this point. I think him not speaking in R2 was chiefly a stylistic choice (he gets a single mention in the entire base game, on the Dragon Heart item), and DLC2 spoilers>!One they attempted to course correct on with the Infested Abyss interactions!<. I think he doesn't speak to us chiefly because by the time we get to RE (which is explicitly the Root homeworld) because Clawbone's whole thing is subtle manipulation and we're past the point of being subtly manipulable by that stage. Clawbone as a distinct entity gets a single mention in the base game, on the Dragon Heart description. I think given the story of R2 is us destroying the Root at its source point the Clawbone ship has sailed. That said, I think the most obvious direction for the story to go if it still wants to maintain the Root's relevance is that it ties into whatever process caused the Root to be created in the first place. We know they were born from the children of Root Earth's attempts to alter the parameters of existence. What that actually \*was\*, however, remains unknown.


> I think given the story of R2 is us destroying the Root at its source point the Clawbone ship has sailed. Then they've royally fucked their own story. Seems about right considering how crappy the story is in R2.


Definitely that Bearclaw dude


The friends you made along the way.


I mean there is only one option for rpgs it's to fight God then after fighting God you fight super god


Iskal Queen riding on Gorefist's back. It's the only answer I can accept.


At least someone is taking this seriously! 😎




Imo, either Clawbone, Ford, or Keeper being corrupted. But honestly, they need to make the root feel more intimidating storywise unlike the second game. The Root in the first game had this very sinister background that felt more evil and mysterious with their buildup. Whereas the Root in 2 are basically just a virus infecting each world, which is still very bad, it just doesnt have that lethal punch and mystery to them in my opinion. Im just not sure how they can fix that without rewriting a bunch of the story and retconning stuff.


I believe the devs would shoot for a 3rd game. I'd like to think clawbone might be the final dlc boss of a potential 4th DLC, but not THE final boss. More like Clawbone is just a servant to the true entity that controls the root. And then in a 3rd game, we would go seek out more entities like Clawbone throughout other worlds until we inevitably reach the true final boss.


Ford, taken over by Root. Man's missing enough already.


... ᶠᵒʳᵈ


Honestly I agree. He's hasn't been a straight up villain but he's clearly an antagonist of the world through his actions.


So if you get Profane Heart, new root branches show up in Ward 13. Either we are the new big bad or we just inadvertently assisted the Root somehow. I like the idea that we - humanity - not just the Wanderer or Traveler - have to fight or redeem ourselves since there will always be people like Harsgaard, whose curiosity got the better of him. The idea of Ford or Keeper being root-corrupted is kinda in line with this. Ford at the start of R2 felt the same as Harsgaard in the recordings in Ward Prime - curious, obsessed, and willing to do anything for himself regardless of others. Ford has always been like this from R1 but at the start of R2, these character traits were amplified. Keeper, while looking impartial, actually has a big bias towards his role as the Keeper of the Labyrinth. He/It follows consequential morality (or consequentialism) and asks the Travelers to kill Powerful Beings and sacrifice them to get the Index to purge the Root (with a 50/50 chance, I might add). The same can be said for the Root - Root influences events to kill Powerful Beings (Guardians) to invade and assimilate all life forms. They are 2 sides of the same coin. Both are powerful forces toying with the lower lifeforms to assert their own idea of control. What if one of these days, Keeper calculates that the only logical conclusion to the system is for him and the Root to become one? These 2 (Ford and Keeper) either will be bosses or at least play villainous roles against players in the upcoming DLCs or Remnant 3. As for the big big bad, I don't think there is one. We - the characters in the game - exist in an infinite space of infinite possibilities - the Labyrinth - and the idea of infinity has a creator almost makes no logical or logistical sense, even in an Eldritch Universe. All those powerful beings in these Lovecraft stories are not infinite, they are just big, too big to be comprehended by human minds. And in Math, we also figured out that different infinities have different sizes, which is a weird concept but okay. Keeper is just a cleaner; he's there to upkeep the nexus/the station but not the actual infinity itself. For a parallel example, look at Ahti in Control (2019). We should just try to do the right thing for us - the human race on Earth 2.0 and/or just try to survive extermination, and that should be it. Wanderer, Traveler & Clementine all have personal biases to fight the Root for revenge or vindication. Even though the 3 are all powerful beings, they never learned this lesson. Clem even sacrificed herself to temporarily wipe out the Root - and I'm sure Root will be back. This means Clem's action is wasted - a pretty nihilistic take but Remnant as a series has always had a nihilistic viewpoint. Clem might come back corrupted with all the Root within her - she holds them inside so everyone else can be free from the Root. That's just a theory, a game theory!


Corrupted Chuck Norris


The Developers themselves...


SPOILER: We fight clawbone in the new dlc. I get that it's a hivemind but I don't see them using that angle again


I'm expecting Ford to be originally from root earth, and he escaped it because he was the cause of their existence. He's always been shady and constantly on the run. It just seems fitting that he would be the haarsgard of the roots homeworld since they had to come into creation somehow, and Ford is extremely familiar with the worldstones, too familiar


One of the purple booger things from losomn with every single buff


Corrupted cube boss that rolls 3x faster than current one in lab. 😎


Probably the Creator, a gank boss, or some pitifully weak boss and depending on how we deal with it chooses the ending.


If I understand the lore correctly, we played some kid in the 1st game that for some reason took on the root or something in order to stop its spread? Think it would be cool to somehow fight that 1st game player character at the end of it all.


RftA Spoiler: that is the final boss of the base game.


Then ignore me lol


there is no definitive final remnant is a ever growing franchise. maybe this arc but not remnant as a whole. literally one of the biggest inspirations of this game is resident evil, which has how many mainline games,? 8? lol also the big thing about remnant and the main focus is the infinite worlds infinite possibilities. why would a universe be set up for that just to end on a measly 3? remnant should witcher in terms of length of franchise growth not max payne lmao no need to limit potential cause of literally nothing. so yea i agree with the final piece within this post


Huh? Didn’t know that RE was the main inspiration for Remnant, I always assumed the Soulsborne games by Fromsoft would serve as inspiration for the devs.


Considering that the root seems to have been destroyed in r2, I think the final boss of the series should be like an acolyte of the root who’s trying to resurrect them. Then, we could have a human vs human final boss to complete the themes of humanity being their own worst enemy.


It’s literally in the game’s cover




Ford. Fuck that guy


A big tree probably. I think the root is a shit concept for an enemy personally, nondescript, no personality, nonsensical. The 3 worlds almost seem detached from it in Remnant 2. Where is the root in Lonsom for example?


The root was specifically not in Losomn because their guardian, the One True King, was still alive, I don't know how that's hard to understand, they also weren't in N'erud because, assuming Sha'hala is their guardian, it's still alive, and even then, that universe is at its heat death, there's nothing for the root. Also, how can you say the 3 worlds were detached, Yaesha was almost entirely taken by the root as a byproduct of out actions in From the Ashes and Chronos, do you not pay attention?


Not really, I think the story is pretty bland. I just like the gameplay. So the root is only in 1/3 the worlds we visit? Then we return to Earth and the root is everywhere, even though ward 13 seems fine. A character never mentioned in the first game is the entire mcguffin for the second. Don’t know why. We chase her around for some reason, to one world with root in it, then 2 other random ones. She wants to live in a light bulb with a robot light man. The robot light man is really sad when clementine blows up or whatever. The end. That’s how the story appears to me as someone who just likes the combat.


So much of this is wrong. The root is still present in Earth, but to a much lesser degree because of our actions in From the Ashes, we see this in Remnant 2's prologue. Root Earth is the original Earth, the first core world, as explained in many item descriptions. Clementine is mentioned in From the Ashes in terminal entries in Ward 13, and was a major part of the plot for the second DLC, where she helps us kill Harsgaard and prevent the root's hold on Earth from getting any worse and was the creator of the Fusion Rifle/Savior. The "Robot light man" is the Keeper, also a character from Remnant From The Ashes. Also, even though the root only appears in a significant number in Yaesha, I believe in Losomn, you can find root crows, showing that the root was preparing an invasion while the One True King slept. Of course the story would seem bland if you didn't pay attention


So there are 2 earths? Or is root earth in the past? Is ward 13 in root earth? I don’t read the item descriptions or read into the story, the root just seems like a generic enemy to me and I can never keep track of whether we’re defeating it, or it’s too late it’s already won. Then at the end of 2 it seems like we’ve finally beat it, but it’ll probs just pop up again in 3. We beat it in remnant 1, but it’s still everywhere, except for ward 13. Don’t know what the point of any of our actions were tbh. I’d rather fight an invading alien army like in the resistance games for example, easier to understand, or the enemy in mass effect andromeda. Can always use the, we need to find ‘X’ on another planet to beat the enemy trope.


If you are too dumb and lazy to at least understand the basics of the storyline why are you speaking in a story thread. Hell I'm not saying that you are wrong for ignoring the story but if you choose that path why are you pretending to know anything in a thread about the damn storyline?


Root Earth was the original Earth, the birthplace of the root, it was the core world, from which all other worlds were connected. Of course, the core world being infected meant that the rest of reality would follow, so it was locked off and a second Earth was created, very similar but, as item descriptions say, the closer you look into the history of the two cores, the more the differences become apparent. In Remnant 1, we successfully stopped the Root from taking over Earth, and even though they still exist on Earth, they can seemingly no longer spread and will eventually die out, preventing the destruction of the second core, the death of the Dreamer and Harsgaard just ensured that the Root couldn't spread on Earth the same way they had. Even in Remnant 1, from Mudtooth and Brabus, we know there were some strongholds protected from the root, ward 13 wasn't unique, our actions in Remnant 1 just insured that humanity could begin to retake Earth and the root would eventually die out. As for Remnant 2, the ending is a bit open-ended, and we likely won't know what it means until a later DLC or Remnant 3, but it's been made very clear to us that the root is extremely hard to get rid of, root Earth was cut off from the rest of reality, but because of the world stones, it could still communicate with beings like Harsgaard, causing its resurgence, in Remnant 2, we try to kill it at the source, but that does not work either, so Clementine seemingly tries to destroy all of reality to recreate it without the root, but chances are that will not work either. The root is a virus, seemingly an undeniable truth of reality, there's definitely more


I wanted Driver to die fighting by my side against Lydusa if he was going to die not to the pos aberration that killed him. R.I.P. Sgt Driver you will be forever in my heart.


Idk but I always thought nimue would be a cool fight


The character from Chronos


The Root were made by people from the Core. It's been stated many times. There ISN'T a Root homeworld.


U know u fked when the devs copying ur whole playstyle as a double and put them against u 🗿


A Bug, because the game so many