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Basically the world is a simulation and the Root are a virus


To elaborate, the glitchy reality powers are from them gaining access to the world stone. Which is basically an admin tool, a back door to the world, most entities in the realms are not able to be aware of the stones even when they are right in front of them. The root somehow got access to these when it got out of hand in it's original world and sort of jury-rigged it to gain powers it's not supposed to. Now it's spreading like virus through the system and the OS (the Keeper) can't deal with it.


I told them avg free wasn't enough


Yeahhhh Remnant lore is kinda complicated and abstract, but can be boiled down to "the universe is one big computer, and the Root are a virus". Every dimension is a different server/hard drive/whatever, and the Root is slowly infecting all of them. World stones give you admin access to jump between worlds, via the Labyrinth which where the backdoor access is kept. Remnant II literally ends with >!Clementine turning the universe off and back on again to cut off the Root lmao!<


If she did reset everything, then she'd reset the root too. In my opinion she did not kill the root. She started a new cycle which will be corrupted by the root too. But each cycle may have a small chance that the player may find a way to defeat the root. Maybe most worlds are cleaned from the root until the root regained its powers. Real earth was the main world of the root in R2, but the root must have a source which existed before infecting the earth by using the dreamers (another back door...).


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SlotHUN: *Basically the world* *Is a simulation and* *The Root are a virus* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




Bay-sick-ly the world. 5 syllables. You don't say "bay-sick-ah-lee." You'd sound like the flowers from Alice in Wonderland. "Exack-it-it-ah-lee"


The root come from another Core in another version of the universe, so they have the same access to the world stones that the player has. Since the entirety of the root is one connected hive mind, this means every member of the root is disentangled from reality the same way the player is. When the new worlds were made, the root made a new leader called Nightmare. Two universes, two strains of root. In the first game we killed Nightmare, and it seems to have recombined with Apocalypse. Two Universes, Two Cores, Two Hive Minds. So the root are glitching between two realities that they don’t belong in, while trying to eat the center of both realities


From what I understand is they needed us to break the barrier between worlds with the world stones


The game actually takes place within the last dreamer. The headgear that they used on them is still connecting the dreamer to whatever mainframe they were hooked up with. The root is a cancerous brain infection that the dreamer is trying to battle while in a coma. Because of what the dreamers are, the dreamer is manifesting everything that we see and play to try and resolve the infection and wake up. Everytime we end the game it fails because that ending wasn't what the dreamer needed to get rid of the rooting infection once a for all. The power that the root has is probably acquired by leaching off the dreamers power and combining outside influences that the dreamer remembers, that probably seem traumatizing to the dreamer, to create its own source of ' power ' Everytime a major failure occurs, the dreamer creates another sub reality to try and fight off the root.. which is why each game is different. This is all speculation on my part and shouldnt be held as true canon.


Ehhh... I think this might actually be halfway accurate for the plot around the Dreamer in Remnant 1, the storm and the Nightmare fight were definitely powered by him. But this kinda falls apart by the time you get to Remnant 2, where the Root on Earth are basically mindless zombies now and in decline, and the Dreamer is dead and no longer a conduit to the Root hivemind.


Theres a prequel to Remnant 1 which in terms of lore doesn't seem to be connected to it at all although most things are already built up. Dreamers, world stones etc.


What? It's extremely connected to both 1 and 2, spoilers for Chronos but The Dreamer you fight in FTA is the protagonist of Chronos, it was their actions in Chronos, killing the guardian of the Labyrinth and Yaesha, that allowed the Root to spread so far in the first place, and the Chronos protagonist never returning to their tribe is what caused our Remnant 1 protagonist to leave in the first place, being from the same tribe and looking for the lost member, not to mention Harsgaard, the person who let the root into Earth in the first place, was introduced in Chronos and inadvertently helped by the protag, which led to the Remnant 1 protagonist killing both the Chronos protagonist and Harsgaard, preventing the Root from entering Earth again with Clementine's help. Even in Remnant 2, in Yaesha the characters will mention the Chronos protagonist, called "The Destroyer", and how they single-handedly doomed the world. Also in case you thought otherwise, Chronos released before Remnant: From the Ashes Tl;Dr, several things that happen in Chronos had massive impacts on both Remnant 1 and 2


oh damn i have forgotten so many things of chronos, before the ashes. yes i do know it existed before remnant and that it was a vr game first. seems like i have to watch a lore summary of all three although i played them. i got confused due to the fact you lose a year if you die in chronos and become older which impacts stats during gameplay.


Canonically I don't think the Chronos protag ever died, unless the root de-ages you


as much as i know, you couldn't die due to age. at one point you stopped aging. canonically? i don't know anymore.


It's better than what the current cannon is.