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Some people freeze milk.


I always heard dairy and eggs shouldn’t be frozen because they will be garbage when thawed. Is that not a thing? Because I’d def love to freeze butter when I get the good fancy rolls of it from the Amish. Edit- you guys…thank you. I cannot wait to stock up on butter!


Skim milk freezes fine because of the lack of fat. In milk with fat, the fat globules get broken by the ice crystals and everything starts to separate when you thaw it. Butter already has all the fat globules broken by the churning process so there's nothing to be damaged by ice crystals, and most of the liquid is already removed anyway.


Butter still keeps better if you again reduce the fat globs by turning it into clarified butter


You simply have to shake it when it's thawed.


It changes the flavor and texture, and it will go sour much faster once it's thawed. It's not a problem if you're okay with these changes and you're going to use it all quickly, but it does physically change the milk.


If it goes sour, you can always use it to make pancakes. Sour milk pancakes are delicious. They taste like buttermilk pancakes.


Locally we occasionally get a really good price on butter in one store or another and when it's only 60% of its usual cost we buy several pounds and freeze them.


I freeze butter and milk all the time and it comes out fine thawed. The trick with defrosted milk is to shake it well so that fat content redistributes evenly.


This! My friend always stocks up when milk goes on sale and freezes some. I freeze butter all the time.


Milk is gross thawed. Butter is just fine


It's fine for cooking though. I used to do it when I had wic many years ago. Little kids also do not give any fucks if it's a weird texture usually


Butter is just fine in the freezer. I got a helluva deal last year and froze like 20 lbs. It lasted all year.


I have never frozen milk myself, but I know it's done.


ex mennonite here. Especially if you buy fresh churned butter, butter can be frozen and it tastes just fine. I would recommend keeping it covered with parchment paper but, yes... you can freeze butter and milk. Eggs? it depends honestly. I personally wouldn't recommend freezing eggs. Literally all fresh churned butter is fat and heavy whipping cream churned for hours until it turns into a buttery consistency and then molded into slabs or rolls to be sold at farmers markets. It really is a very long process, it hurts the arms and something I will literally NEVER do again. It tastes great but, that's why I just purchase the rolls that others make at the farmers market because, I'd rather not do that again. (: kutos to those that want to spend the rest of their lives having that be one part of an incredibly long and hard day but.. it's a no from me. Never again.


I used to freeze blocks of butter when I was able to get them cheap (by a block I mean 4sticks but not cut). I’d usually have at least 5 or 6 in the freezer at time. (Along with a few frozen chickens, bread, and lots of vegetables). All came out fine when defrosted. I never did milk but some do. I also leave my butter in an old school butter dish in my bread box for a few days so it’s softened. Some would never.


Eggs can be frozen but not in the shell


My mom always froze milk. She would thaw it out overnight in the sink. You had to shake it good before drinking, but I never remember thinking it tasted different or gross. We actually loved it when it still had long icy chunks in it.




Explains what’s wrong with her so


It’s fucking gross though


Some people also make their own yogurt. Years ago I watched a family completely clean out the dairy section at superstore, 5 carts of milk. As I was there for milk for my toddler, I was less than impressed. I made sure we made eye contact and then took a jug from their cart and placed it in my own. They said nothing. Normally I would not behave that way,but fuck that,you're being greedy than so am I.


I lived in a very Indian area of my city for a long time and noticed families buying carts full of milk and my friend told me that a lot of it goes to making yogurt. She brought me some and it was so freaking good


Also for making paneer which is a fresh cheese similar ti farmers cheese. A gallon of milk makes about 8 oz of cheese.


I LOVE you for that


I love YOU right back.🫠😘


They're reselling the milk at their own store.


Winner winner 🐓🍽


*”Sorry the coupon isn’t valid on chicken either.”*


I see this with the Sunday paper, because the store sells it cheaper than the printed price. Who else would buy 10 copies of a newspaper?


I used to fairly often! I worked at a nursing home and the local paper stopped delivering. So every morning someone would go to a gas station that sold them for $.25 less than anywhere else and buy a stack for the old folks to read. They’d raise hell if they didn’t have their papers in the morning!


That’s so wholesome, thank you






Darn I missed it before it got deleted


I can attest to this working at a nursing home. Newspaper was the way that people got information back in the day. Even just local information. I started working there in my teens and simply asked a lady once why she doesnt just watch the news and she flipped out on me. Like full on thought I was the devil for asking that question. I worked in the dementia ward and after that she would always call me "the tv newsie". They told me not to pay attention to it but I honestly thought it was kind of funny that she was so mad at me about it and honestly, I learned something because in her version of raising hell she told me that papers were the original news and she gets a lot more if she reads the newspaper then the actual news because she doesn't care whats happening with celebrities or clear 2 states away. She wants to know what's happening in the town.


Yep! Although our oldsters loved their news programs too. And watching the daytime court shows. You do NOT get between Pappy John and his Judge Judy. I once became his hero by “fixing” his tv just in time for Judge Judy to start. It’s power strip got flipped. He was in a hysterical state and yelling that he couldn’t afford to replace this thing and how his grandsons already spend too much and they’re gonna be upset he broke it. When I found the trouble he kept thanking me and eventually was just plain crying. For the record, his grandsons (a married couple, only one was actually his biological grandson, but I never figured out which one. it’s possible John didn’t remember either.) were saints and 100% would have just bought him a new one and probably a better one too if it actually was broken. But Pappy had dementia and seemed to occasionally dip into this delusion that they hated him and wanted him dead. Thankfully if they were physically present, he never slipped into that mindset. And then he got on a new pill and the episodes just VANISHED. My coworker bought a “thank you” greeting card and we all signed it and sent it to the doctor who prescribed it because it made his life so, so much better. His irrational fear was GONE for the last four years of his life and he was even able to move out and in with the grandsons! (I am Facebook friends with one of them and admit that I post stalked occasionally to check in on Pappy. He always looked super happy with his family.)


I had a few like that. Had a lady that I was really the only one who could talk to her because I am not fluent in Spanish but speak enough spanish that she would talk to me and tell me all about her old life and all about what it was like in Mexico and there was one day in particular when her kids weren't there she told me she didnt like it and I asked why and she said that she likes talking to me but I don't speak fluent Spanish so she has to be slow and the other nurses don't speak any Spanish. She asked me if I could research places for elderly that have at least one person that speaks fluent Spanish. I found a place on the out skirts of town that was ran by an immigrant and about 30 percent of the staff spoke fluent Spanish. It was independently owned. I gave her literature on it and she moved. Which I'm sure was nice for her because at her age I think even if she wanted she had been speaking fluent Spanish for so long she didn't want to learn English anymore. There was also another elderly lady who by the time of her passing had reached 104 years old and could still read with glasses, ofcourse, but still impressive. She would read literally everything but, she asked me one day if I could bring her some more books because I told her I enjoyed reading in my free time also. I brought her a bunch of super popular YA books and a few adult fiction. She read them all in less than 3 weeks and I found out that on the independent living side they had one of those free libraries so I would look in there from time to time and bring her more books to read.


I always love to hear people talk about the little things they did while working at the old folks homes because when I worked there for 9 months I saw some of that, but also a lot of carelessness. It's just small stuff. I remember the newspaper person(a specific front desk/office lady) was on a 2 week vacation and by day 3 it was so upsetting to the residents that I got a newspaper every day til she was back. One resident in particular had a specific paper he wanted and it was like 5 bucks so tbh I could only afford one, but he'd read it and pass it on to anyone in the wing and when they'd all.read it the nurse tried to return it to me because she knew it was 5 bucks. I was like nah I'm 24 I don't read the paper, pass it onto the other wings and I'll pick up another tomorrow. And then if I remember correctly, she started to grab one on her way in that was a different paper so we had 2 variants and they didn't have to wait as long.


I grew up in a nursing home quite literally. My parents met in a nursing home the same nursing home my dad worked at literally his entire life and the same nursing home that I got married at. A lot of the residents weren't the same but those who were the same couldn't attend my wedding and I found that to be unfair so I literally had my wedding in the chapel of the nursing home so they could all be attendance if they wanted. It was a really small venue and not a terrible lot of guests but made sure to do it on a wednesday because in nursing for whatever reason wednesdays are always either the worst or the best day for the elderly during the week and I made sure to do it in the early afternoon so that those with sun downers syndrome could still enjoy the fun. I brought cupcakes left over for every resident that couldn't attend that wasn't on a soft food diet and those who were on a soft food diet I had someone make sugar free cream cheese mints so that they could eat something from the special day. It was actually really fun and hilariously I have heard people say that it is lame that my husband and I got married at a nursing home because, it's like full circle backwards and my husband who was also in medical said that why wouldn't we get married in the same place I hope to hold my wives hand for the last time? a nursing home. My dad started working at that nursing home in 1989 when he was 19. He met my mom when she was 20 while she was volunteering there and he was working maintenance. He passed when he was 55 years old after he got awarded for almost 32 years of service in the facility. My mom no longer worked there but I worked there off and on as a volunteer for several years through my teens. Grew up doing activities with residents there and everything like that. I returned last year with my daughter, now 5, and sang christmas carols to the residents. One in particular I remembered and he asked me how he knew me. I told him I was the little girl who ran around with my dad for years. He lit up and instantly knew my name and said OH MY! and started crying.


You're killing me that's TOO sweet and beautiful oh god. One of the best jobs I had for my confidence and development into adulthood for sure. I was just a kitchen guy but they had kitchenettes in each wing with a waffle house style counter and open design, so a lot of the job was being a comedian and friendly face and dj. I was forced to make decisions and be firm about em, I was forced to say no sometimes to the residents and other staff, and sometimes I had to bend the rules within reason to make life worth living there. Very rewarding. Had to learn to speak up even tho I'm quiet. And I got even more comfortable than I already was with disability and death, which is really such a good thing to be comfortable with because we all get one of those and most of us get both. I learned so much about life just doing that job for 9 months and I also learned that old folks love me and they are the best company. One guy was very old and always first to the big dining room for breakfast. Nice guy and never rushed me when i was new, but not a lot of chance for interaction because he had the same order every day and it was the large wing. One day he asked me as I gave him his breakfast (which I had learned and got perfect like a month before that) if I could help him finish buttoning his shirt. He had it mostly except the top one and the wrist on one side. And my dining manager was always very super clear about never touching them, their stuff, their clothes, even if they beg you because it can make problems. And yeah usually it's something a cna or nurse should do anyway,just call one over. But he was early as hell and they were all gonna be busy for the next 30 mins and he wanted his damn shirt right! So I said no problem let me get that and fixed it for him. And the next day he didn't wake up and it really made me realize that's life sometimes. We can't usually do a big thing to change a life or the world for the better. But all of us can button a shirt and sometimes that is the very last thing someone might go out their way to do for you before you die, and that matters too. Just buttoning the worlds shirts every day


how cute!!! you sound awesome. I love love love this story.


It was fun times but now it's just awkward going back there since my dad passed in 2021. When I went back it was so familiarly unfamiliar. I used to know every twist and turn of that place and when I walked in everything seemed familiar but yet totally lost on me. I assume that is probably how some of the residents feel as well since my dad is no longer there. After 32 years of service most of the residents were no longer residents they were family and a lot of them have memory issues and so I had a few ask me where he was and I was like "uhhh... he moved." because, I never want to upset them. Usually after a while they remember the person had passed but I hate being the bearer of crappy news. Also, not a complete lie. He is literally buried less than 6 miles south east of his old employer. Both of my parents are, actually.


Bird owners


Sunday papers have the coupon inserts.


They could also have a restaurant! We had several places in our little mall area that would get their supplies and food from my old store.


I know someone who had to do that. There's a chain here that sells milk as a loss leader, and they ran out. So my friend, mid-shift, had to go to another shop and buy as much of it as she could.


Maybe instead of bathing in the blood of their enemies they’re bathing in milk?


I’ve heard of bathing in goats milk in India but not Starbucks milk


Maybe they own an ice cream shop? A woman from Topsy’s always comes in to my store and buys bananas and 6 gallons of milk.


Wouldn't shops get a better deal from buying from a wholesale place or whatever they're called?


Maybe they just need a little more. Or maybe they don't go through enough to use a food service.


Well, in her case, her regular shipment wasn’t enough. This just gets her through until it arrives.


A lot of the LLC in my town are governed to shop locally. The town council doesn't like it when companies buy wholesale because, the town benefits from people who shop locally so they request that they shop local for most of their ingredients. Our papa murphys LLC is said to be the freshest in the franchises and the LLC owner was asked why one time and he said that everything they put on their pizzas accept for a select few items is bought locally from farmers markets.


We have a restaurant in our shopping center that will occasionally come in and buy every single jug of buttermilk on the shelf


We’ve had that! Red Door Grill makes a jalapeño batter on Thursdays and occasionally has to buy out our buttermilk.


My boyfriend grew up in a house with 2 other brothers and a baby sister. Milk did not last long in that house. He said she would get 4 or 5 gallons and most of it would be gone by the next day.


When my brother and I were teenagers my mom almost never passed a grocery store without stopping in to get more milk.


what are they doing with so much milk???


Could be running a daycare. Used to see daycare workers come in to buy wagon loads of milk and huge piles of bananas.v


There's a few reasons that I can think of off the top of my head : - making cheese - baking/frosting needs - lots of kids (their own or a daycare) - freezing As long as she paid for them and didn't leave them angrily on a shelf 🤷‍♀️


Making delicious paneer.


I had 2 teenage sons. They could easily go through a gallon of milk per day. Each.


Maybe she knew she had a bogus coupon but thought she was smarter than the check-out person and could make it work.


I've gotten about 4 or 5 gallons of milk once. I was making pudding. Alot of pudding. I was making a chocolate trifle for my dad's work holiday party as well as other personal ones for gifts. Ended up making the holiday party about 20lbs.


For some families with more than one young kid, those 5 gallons would be gone in a week.


Less lol


Or teenagers. Or athletes trying to keep their protein intake going.


All valid.


We froze fresh milk when I lived in remote Alaska.


I have teenagers. We go through 2 to 4 gallons a week.


I freeze milk, butter, leftover butter milk. You just have to shake the milks before using.


Does it still taste the same? And what kind of milk? Does the fat percentage matter?


I know a coupon user who buys a ton for food pantries


Frozen whole milk is good . You just need to be smart enough to shake it up after it totally thaws.


Pfft, milk-drinker


I'm sorry, did someone steal your sweet roll??


So, what exactly is a "big gallon" compared to a regular gallon? Also, 5 gallons is not really that much. We don't know how many people are in her household, but even if it's just the two of them, they can easily drink/use enough to go through that before it spoils. Two people, both drinking a glass at each meal, plus a bowl of cereal at breakfast can down a gallon a day with no problem.


I used to buy 8 gallons a week when my son was a teenager.


I live and work in PA, where milk is state regulated (don’t know if that’s common or not), so milk never goes on sale and can’t count towards loyalty/rewards points. I just found out there’s a customer at my store who complains every time he buys milk that he’s not getting gas points for it 😂 I’m certain the customer service people have told him


Group homes go through a lot of milk weekly.


One time, I was in Walmart, and the lady in front of me was buying like 10 gallons on milk. She looked at me and apologized and said she wasn't weird or anything. She runs a daycare, and they were completely out of milk. I didn't give a crap, you do you lady.


So haha my boyfriend loves milk and drinks like two gallons a week occasionally more, milk just hits right. It’s definitely possible she be drinking a ton of it or at least her family are big milk drinkers.


I go through milk pretty quick do that may as well be me. lol


My MIL freezes milk because she doesn't drink it. She only uses it to cook.


I do that too. I freeze milk in 1 cup containers, so it's easy to use and thaw when I make cheese sauce or gravy.


There is a 0.01% chance that she and her family are like me and mine. we go through like 5-6 gallons on a weekly basis lmao. That said if she isn't our secret mirror clones then the freezing milk idea or the reselling idea are both possible.


maybe they have an autistic child or loved one who’s safe food is milk. i know lots of people buy things in bulk for autistic people with food sensitivities. or maybe she’s just a milk fien lmaoo


When I worked at Costco, the amount of people that would come through with one cart just full of milk and then another cart of regular stuff. I think it was restaurant owners.


I have 2 toddlers and shop once every 2 weeks...I typically get 4 gallons and freeze at least 1.


She maybe works at a restaurant


Some people freeze dry food...


I used to make homemade cheese. Bought a lot of store milk when I was learning.


Maybe home bartending - fat-washing...?


I’ve seen large families buy tons of milk. When they’re little they act like they’ll die without milk.


Milk bath. Example: https://images.app.goo.gl/smeZwfrfwX6p81yG7 [Bathe in my Milk (hoax)](https://images.app.goo.gl/smeZwfrfwX6p81yG7)


Bro ...🤣


To be fair, both my husband and our best friend can drink a gallon of milk a day. It's wild.


LLC who make home made ice cream usually get a lot of milk where I used to work. It's a pretty common gig in the summer months and they start stashing almost instantly. Also milk doesn't spoil as fast if you freeze it. It halts the pasteurization process in the milk for up to 3 months before it starts to spoil. I have found recently that a lot of people are unaware of this.


To all of you defending the customer- have you ever spent time with an intense couponer? I love coupons too but the people who make it their hobby are borderline hoarders. Im 99 percent sure all that was going into her “stockpile” refrigerator in her garage. Where it would go bad.


Some people actually bath in it. https://www.healthline.com/health/beauty-skin-care/milk-bath


People are so weird about expiration dates and thinking something is no longer edible after a night in the refrigerator.


Growing up, my kids preferred milk (frequently chocolate) to pop. When the boys were teens, we'd go through about 1.5 gallons a day. This seems like a normal grocery run to me.


She's trying to catch some bird flu with those numbers.