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And be sure to interrupt a busy cashier and demand a pen.


and remember to keep the pen.


and reek of either weed or alcohol


If you smoke weed in your free time, that's none of my business. If you come into my store reeking of weed, so stoned you can barely say the words, "Can I have an application?", then you are making it my business. If you're so stoned it takes you a full hour to fill put said application, how are we supposed to trust you to count money correctly or pack out items without cutting yourself with a box cutter?


Why not both?


That leads to instant promotion.




Don't forget to have way too much private skin hanging out or on display.


Acting like a customer for sure. Already not caring about anyone but themselves.


I think I've asked my boss a thousand times if I can put up a sign saying "Apply online" because the amount I get at the counter could rival War & Peace in page count. People honestly look SO offended when they try to hand me a paper resume and I tell them it's online and I don't need it. I'm not HR, I'm a minimum wage employee, get pissed at the billion dollar company. Also, if I say "Hey, sorry, it's an online application, we don't accept paper ones", please don't have follow up questions. I don't know why. I don't know if we're hiring. I'm probably on my 10th hour of my shift standing in the same spot, please just go look at the website so I can fist fight the pissed off Karen behind you.


I'm probably on my 10th hour of my shift standing in the same spot, please just go look at the website so I can fist fight the pissed off Karen behind you. OMG. This! was my life for 10 years, (except I did sit sometimes.) I ended up 25 lbs overweight, with a drinking problem.


just tell them you will make sure it will get handled properly. Circle file when they leave.


I once had some one whine at me they kept trying to get a job here but couldn’t, okay? I mean it took me 4 tries 😂. But seriously what did you think that was going to achieve?


We don't do paper applications but we had one lady come in on the busiest Saturday of grad season to try and talk to the store manager about a job. Like showing up on a Sat is bad enough but choosing the absolute nightmare of a Sat really shows that you don't know our business.


I mean it’s one thing to go in there on the busiest day, but after seeing how busy it is *and still* try to talk to the manager, there’s just just no common sense there.


please stop coming in to hand me a resume it's retail not goddamn dunder mifflin


I get a few of these. Sometimes they insist I take it, ‘because the hiring manager will probably feel differently’ or whatever other reason they want to insist upon. So then I happily accept the resume. I am the hiring manager. I keep the resume to ensure I don’t accidentally hire that person in the future.


I’m was going to ask how you’d get upset about that. Then I read it. And I was mad for you.  I need a job. I’d never do that to you. Silly people. 


I wonder if that person considered somebody doing that to THEM if they were to be hired.


Doubt it!


When I worked at a gas station, a regular who treated all of us like shit asked for an application. I told him no, and when he asked why, I told him that none of us wanted to serve him, what made him think that we wanted to work with him? He got a job at Walmart and turned into a really nice guy after that.


Ask to speak with the manager about a potential job while wearing a crop top/booty shorts, a bathing suit, or a shirt with offensive language on it. This is minimum-wage retail, you don't need a suit and tie, but at least make sure you're wearing something appropriate.


Dress like you're already working there. Ready to go right then. I did my interview in jeans and a nice shirt.


Do not put that you already work for the company on your Facebook before you’ve applied for the job


I worked at Burger King for a few years and it wasn’t uncommon for people to stop us during lunch/dinner rushes to ask if we’re hiring/can I get an application/can my son apply here etc. it’s like these people just go about life with zero awareness whatsoever


Or show up to the interview dressed like a bum or you're headed to a nightclub


Just a couple days ago a girl was in my store shopping for some professional shoes’ to wear to her interview. Which she was late for. She was wearing a men’s white undershirt (aka a wifebeater) as a dress. She had to hold it down as she walked. It was see through. I overheard most of the details. She had already been admonished for not dressing appropriately to a prior interview. Her solution was to swap the flip flops for black flats. The look was not improved.


Had one show up in pajamas and hair rollers.


Also parents, if you pick up an application for your kid, we have a way of knowing and will reject them because 90% of the time they do not want a job.


This teenager was in the middle of an interview at our store and she asked about her being able to wear piercings, we said yeah there’s no policy saying you can’t. SHE PROCEEDED TO PUT THEM BACK IN MID INTERVIEW ANSWERING QUESTIONS. She did not get hired


With or without the application I feel like handing in a resume right before closing is not the brightest idea to begin with.


We had a guy plug up the bathroom toilet then ask for an application. We knew it was him because we have cameras outside our bathroom doors which are single occupancy. The supervisor went in to find the toilet plugged. He went upstairs to check the camera and saw the guy who asked for an application a few minutes prior was the guy who plugged the toilet.


I worked at a grocery store and had one kid apply and put his grandmother for a reference. Another guy put in his job history that he had worked for another store in our chain across town and had been fired.