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Love the front plate idea (and the build in general). I have a similar Dell, great monitors for retro PCs


Thanks, I was wondering if people would actually buy them if I made them in small batches, it really does make an big immersive difference.


It's beautiful work. I bet it'd net you some cash.


Could you maybe do a back part as well? So it works on a monitor standing on a desk? Not quite as deep as a real old school monitor. But sort of looking like old monitor..


Definitely! In this case though I needed the space. I actually built this table you see specifically for this computer, it can fold up and close using a magnetic latch, leaving space to hang a bike upright (theres a hook on the top right that isn't in the picture).


Not saying I would buy it but I would think there is a market for such a thing. I don't think there is a lot left of compaq to make problem.


I would be very interested in this as well! It’s an incredibly niche market but I’m sure there’s more of us out there.


Upvote for the Sony studio monitors.


Love them. Used them all day at work when I was in the office. Had to recently buy new pads.


Awesome. Mine are ~40 years old. Inherited them. They last forever if you care for them.


Same! Mine are from my grandfather, I think. Either that pair or the V6. Both are Japan versions. I recently got the thailand versions from an auction, but they are no where near the quality.


Yeah I got the ones with the blue instead of red, both were being made in Japan at one time but the blue ones I got are Thailand version and are supposed to have better bass response than than both versions of the red on paper but the old red ones blow it out of the water. Cheers to 40 more years of service for us both. Sick setup overall too though.


Was just about to comment this - love my MDR-7506s!


I got them specifically to match this build, I am an AKG fan, but these are have a more coloured sound print, which I prefer for these retro games, and it just looks the part 😂 (Also they are bullet proof, timeless, and cheap)


- Athlon 64 3700+ 754 - 2gb Ram (1.5 used as Ram Disk to get rid of asset loading stutter in games like GTA Vice City) - x800xt/6800gt AGP - Voodoo 5 5500 PCI - Audigy 2 ZS with front rack - Dual 120gb IDE HDD - IDE front rack for HDD back ups and transfers to main machine - 16:10 1600x1200 Dell modern LCD with a custom build front plate to make it look like a 4:3, rather than hunt down a lower quality retro 4:3 monitor. - 300 + original games in CD format from 1994 to 2003 - DOS/Windows 98 - All NOS parts (Also have all parts identical x 3 in case they die (cpu, motherboard, graphics card, hdds, etc etc, I am probably not normal 😂)


I expected it to be a sleeper pc inside


Thought about it, I had to do a bit of graceful moding to get better airflow for the current build, but anything newer would require serious overhaul, the airflow just isn't there :(


Looks great though, like the monitor bezel I want to see an iMac G4 with a larger monitor but a custom bezel which looks like the original


Wow aesthetic!




That's fantastic looking


That looks absolutely bad ass


Good call on those headphones 🙌


Best setup I’ve seen in a while. I’m not exaggerating. Are you tall? The monitor elevation seems a little high for me, but other than that, this is splendid; the perfect late 90s gaming machine.


Thank you! Im 5,11 or 1.80m. Tall in 1582, average in 2024. I think it's the optical lens distortion, being very OCD and caring about these things as well, I spent a looooong time making sure it in correct line of sight. Also, the chair isn't a standard desk chair but a kitchen one, that I use as a guess chair, I flip it around and close the table. I think thr chair adds to the illusion of warped space.


We’re almost the same height, I’m 1.78. So yeah, lens perspective was throwing me off. Are you running your w98 patched for memory management?


RLoew Ram patch and RLoew RamDrive. I think I dont need RLoew's ram patch if I use his RamDrive and allocated enough that windows sees less than 1gb but I have it anyway. Setting up the RamDrive took a little more time, I think the documentation could be a little bit better. But once setup, it's well worth it. Some games like mentioned have really bad asset load stutter, and that just bothers me to no end, for example, System Shock 2 would have a very slight micro stutter in graphics whenever an audio log would play (for the first time, before its in memory). And games like Vice City are really really bad with this, even if running the music from HDD rather than CD (It also does this on SSDs). On load it creates a 1.5gb drive that I can use as a standard HDD. What I do is install a game on it, then I have a script that I can run to back up these installs on my secondary HDD (obviously as it is wiped from memory when the computer is shutdown), with prompt and everything, before I shut down I run that script and when I want to play the game I also run that script. It copied it in less than 10 seconds so its not a massive issue. I would like to automate this at login and shut down, but never got round to it.


That’s impressive. I’ve been playing System Shock 2 with newDark for so long that I forgot those minor glitches it had back in the day. Have you tried that method with Unreal engine games? Or are they too big for the 1.5 gig?


It’s been 4 hours I think I need to call a doctor!


Mesh! I haven't heard about them in years.


That Audigy 2 costed a fortune back then, it's so awesome to still see these around 🙌


I grabbed one recently - with the card - for $20. Good deal!


That front rack still does 😂, it's actually a X-Fi panel (hence the missing firewire), with a audigy 2 plate, with an audigy 2ZS card. I have 3 of them. I want a 2ZS plate but they are hard to get in good condition.


Wow, mint baby


Mesh machines were great! Lovely job


I got the case for £40 in new condition, I was really really surprised when it arrived on the build quality. It is far superior than a lot of cases today, and definitely way over engineered compared to its competition at the time, the side panel opens with a latch and is double plated, and it makes no sense to me because there are so many parts to it that it must have not been economically viable. The top front section opens up as a door and you can slide the 5.25 bays out individually without tools making tinkering so much easier, and I had to tinker a lot to get it right so I am thankful for that case. Plus in real life, it looks awesome! (Each panel, top, side, front is plastic by the way, not metal)


That's a great build, visually representing the best of the 1990s: optimism, the bright color for electronics, and of course the blue sky with few clouds!


That looks super clean.


MIDI ports in the front?! OP needs to install rebirth and give acid to the masses!


That is literally what I'm going to do, I have a proper home studio next room, and wanted to try doing something on 98 only 😂 (PS: The masses being me and my neighbours 🤐)


That’s a sick face plate nicely done


Nice rig.


Too clean, flat screen. Meh.