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For any of the TL/DR folks (the whole article is very good and worth a read, though goes into some detail of the alleged assaults some people may not want to read): > But behind the curtain — in hotel rooms and apartments — four people allege to Rolling Stone that Darius Jeremy (“DJ”) Pierce, the man behind the famous drag persona, either sexually assaulted them or attempted to have sex with them when they were too inebriated to consent. A fifth person claims Pierce attempted anal penetration in a bathroom closet despite rejecting his advances. There's also a statement from Shangela's lawyer that this is all bunk. The basic pattern is that the victim was very drunk, even blacking out, and were assaulted when they were incapable of consent. They also have a fairly respectful discussion of how a victim feels after an assault, and how it is difficult to even admit to yourself that you were assaulted, much less come forward, especially in the context of the entertainment industry where connections are vital. The suit has been settled, no details available, details of settlement sealed. Edit: For clarification, there are five people who allege SA detailed in the article. These five are *in addition to* the production assistant from We're Here who's lawsuit was just settled. So if we include that one, these are 6 separate allegations that span roughly 10 years, and over multiple US states and the UK.


It made my stomach turn to read the lawyer claiming Joel only wants attention. Then why is Joel using only his first name, genius?


I haven't read the article and I don't plan to just to avoid triggers, so I assume this is the one who worked on We're Here? - why on earth would he also jeopardize his career in the industry by coming forward with a made up story about being assaulted? If it were somehow proven false he would never work in the industry again. At least at that level anyway. He's almost certainly received abuse from Shangela's fans in his DMs. Why would anyone put themselves through that unless they're literally so unwell that they make this up to ruin another person's life...? It's heartbreaking that anyone would be so determined to defend Shangela based on what little information and evidence has been made publicly available. (looking at you, Willam... And Shangela's fan base)


Hey, thanks for asking this question, I realized I should have included a bit more detail in the tl/dr. Modified it to include that info. So you don't have to revisit the thread if you don't want to, here's what I added: For clarification, there are five people who allege SA detailed in the article. These five are *in addition to* the production assistant from We're Here who's lawsuit was just settled. So if we include that one, these are 6 separate allegations that span roughly 10 years, and over multiple US states and the UK.


>so I assume this is the one who worked on We're Here? no, it mentions that accuser early on, but the "Four people allege" and "a fifth person" mentioned in the above quote are in addition to the guy who worked for We're Here.


Willam and bob have really shocked me with how they handled this, especially considering how much they speak about SA justice


Bob’s major blind spot is people he likes. He can be so forthright but if it’s a close pal, he keeps schtum. See: Todrick Hall


i think it's extremely generous to call it a "blind spot"


Yeah, I could go on. 😅 I am not a big Bob fan, this sub adores the ground he walks on and occasionally he does eat but I find his personality too grating and his arrogance too unqualified. The manner in which he loudly and righteously criticises people who have done atrocious things whilst, in the same breath, he ingratiates himself with others who do those things leaves me crestfallen. It’s sycophantic.


I love your vocabulary


ate her up a bit tbh


I´ve slowly stopped listening to Sibling Rivalry because honesly, I don´t think Bob is as funny as she thinks she is or as people give her credit for. But I understand that this might just be my personal taste in comedy. Monet, on the other hand, I find hilarious.


i agree. he is a liberal capitalist at the end of the day


Yeah you're right and it's hella hypocritical. Watching that Joseph shepherd interview where he so abruptly shuts down the convo about shangela and we're here has kinda soured me towards her


Not talking about or gossiping about an ongoing lawsuit seems like a pretty reasonable thing to do idk.


I'm not expecting either from her but across her platforms there's been a definite tone of support for shangela from bob IMHO and the abruptness felt in that ballpark to me


It's easy to support a cause when your friends aren't involved in it. I saw the same thing in college. All my friends saying "believe people," and then one of our friends was accused of sexually assault someone else, and it was, "well, we don't actually know anything."


How have they reacted ? Or handled it?


The same way Bob handled Todrick. Not at all.


Willams comments have been added in the thread but he spoke about it in what I found a quite dismissive way - saying how he's had these kinds of allegations and other queens too (there have been instances of false allegations against rugirls since the show got successful but it's not as many allegations as it is in this case). He's also continued to celebrate shangela and Ive found that quite pointed. Willam is very smart and I think that's on purpose. I wish he had the same energy for this as he has for other predators within our community. Bob in a recent interview with Joseph Shepherd gets asked about We're Here and shangela and gives very shall we say *abrupt* no comment responses which it seems that even Joseph is a bit taken aback by. Bob and shangela are very close but bob has had a very vocal energy about other people's allegations and about how we should believe victims so to me this is a double standard.


Bob the Drag Queen having a double standard when it comes to her besties who are terrible shitstain human beings? I’m absolutely flabbergasted!


Different person, actually — not the person who worked on We’re Here. Joel was Shangela’s assistant for a period of time and spoke to Rolling Stone to add some details about his time assisting Shangela.


No, the We're Here victim is named Daniel McGarrigle. Joel was Shangela's "off the books assistant" and a baby drag queen who witnessed Shangela bring home many a drunk young man, and was himself involved in a sexual relationship with Shangela that seems grey, but sounds like coercion to me.


I just could not get my head around those quotes. I know I've seen lawyers defend people I've felt certain are guilty of sexual offences before but... not like this. Not when there is such a clear pattern, the cases are so similar, the evidence is so damning. So repeatedly, blindly defending her. I believe survivors as a rule - but I understand the mental arithmetic people do when it's one accusation and there isn't hard evidence. This feels so different. There is no way you could hear each one of those allegations, one by one, and not clearly put the picture together. This is somebody who does not care what she's done, will proudly defend her and slander her victims for a paycheck. I just do not know how someone like that sleeps at night.


It’s the same pathetic lawyer that defended Prince Andrew. Well, that says it all…


thank you for the summary esp for those wanting to avoid potentially triggering SA details


Absolutely mortifying. I know you can never really “know” a celebrity bc of the image they put on TV/social media, but I can’t lie and say that I wasn’t shocked that Shangela is SAing people. Hoping for peace and justice for his victims.


I felt weak and almost crying from reading the story. I hope the survivors find healing.


This part of the article is so sad. The heartbreaking irony of having to feel unsafe in the drag scene in order to keep drag safe.  ‘All five sources who spoke to Rolling Stone identify as queer and have participated in or watched drag shows. Citing anti-drag and anti-trans laws across conservative states in the U.S., they all grappled with the decision to come forward with their allegations’


Yes it is absolutely insidious how the trans and drag queen moral panic makes it easier for predators to continue because their victims are less likely to come forward 


Christ. I can see being doubtful (simple human nature) with maybe 1 claim but this is so many claims with the same MO. The way the attorney just dismisses every single one as nonsense is horrendous (although I know they’re just doing their job) but with the large number of complaints, the dismissal of all of them is almost laughable if it wasn’t so gross. Fuck this is just so bad because you know that the right will run with this story and use it to make us look bad. I’m so disappointed.


libsoftiktok just posted about it. i just can't. there will be a whole lotta mess in the upcoming days


Of course she did. There’s a passage at the end of the article about how all the victims who spoke to RS for this article were hesitant to come forward specifically bc of the current dialogue about drag and trans people being sexual predators, bc they don’t want to harm the community they are all a part of. It fucking sucks.


But *God forbid* we look at places like the Elan School, Catholic Church, etc… fuck those people


Seriously. This is why I LOVE those pages that keep track of drag queen vs Republican/priest pedos. “Ah this week 0 drag queens again priest however …”


And don't forget E Jean Carroll The difference is, no one here will defend this behavior but those hypocrites will say Trump is innocent because it was "only" a civil lawsuit.


lord, and Elon posted under it


Where did they post?


Don't even seek it out. That hag makes money off of views and engagement.


disrespectful to hags tbf, she doesn't deserve to be the rags on a hag's back


True, but I felt like I had been calling her a cunt far too often and it just wasn't cutting it as a descriptive term. Plus I like that word and don't want to associate it forever with that rotted skag.


she's the opposite of cunt she's like tnuc


toxicity, nerve, ugliness, and car crashes


twitter and of course musk already replied to it


Ok. Thank you. And yes, of course he did!


On twitter. They used this incident to attack Kamala Harris since she invited Shangela to the white House


Agree with everything. But the attorney denying it is normal. No lawyer says my client did it. It's his job. But yeah, if it moves to court, it won't look good for shangela to a jury. Although I don't know the exact details since the topic is triggering for me for personal reasons so I prefer to show empathy the victims without reading too many details.


I know you didn’t read the article but the lawyer is not just denying the allegations, in the article he actively tries to discredit the victims in a way that is genuinely painful to read. I know that’s his job but in my opinion it’s really disgusting behavior.


Okay that is disgusting. It's the reason why lawyers are almost as hated as cops and republican politicians.


That fact that stuck out to me the most was that the civil suit against DJ was settled out of court. That’s not something that happens if the defendant is completely innocent, IMO. The recasting of We’re Here is making a lot more sense….


This is so untrue, law suits are settled for so so many reasons, particularly often to save costs. Cheaper to pay out and not pay legal fees even if you're innocent. I don't think Shangela is innocent, but let's be correct in our assessments of these things.


The right could care less. Just seeing a drag queen is enough to set them off. I mean Sharon and Sherry Pie were never targeted by them… they hate all drag queens.


Well, looks like the right queen won AS3 afterall.


These allegations make me remember how she talked about being Danerys in AS3 & creating allies?! 🤢 WHOLE DIFFERENT viewpoint now...


Kennedy, the true winner of that final lip sync, would like a word!


the author of the article, Benjamin Shimkus, was the victim of 🍒🥧 who came forward in 2020


Omg thank you for this context.


Jesus. Proud of him but what an awful thing for him to have to take on


Shangela used to be in my top 3 favourite drag queens. However seeing multiple allegations against her has made me distance myself from her content. Yes "innocent until proven guilty" but I can't feel the same way about her seeing this many separate allegations all with the same pattern to them.


I agree. I’m so disappointed though. Of all queens I did not expect this


"Innocent until proven guilty" is for the courtroom. You are free to form your own opinions


I agree and felt the same. I was shocked to see her on all the red carpets and in pictures with celebrities this award season. I felt like no consequences came from this and I’m really happy to see this conversation is coming back to the spotlight. No one should have to be a victim of sexual assault. It doesn’t matter how famous of a queen you are.


Innocent until proven guilty is the reason so few sexual offences lead to prosecution. I can understand who have an issue with a categorical 'Believe Survivors' but as soon as someone has two or more accusations against them, I will not give them any benefit of doubt.


Yeah I JUST got comfortable with Drake from Drake and Josh again after his talk. “I didn’t know they were a minor and as soon as I did I stopped. I settled because due to legal fees my lawyer said…” and the accusations were only about texts. It matched. It was one case. This is multiple accusations which makes it harder to defend. I know our court system is fucked. I get not knowing the full story. As someone that has seen false allegations in court that were actually a deflection for other perpetrators (say blaming a teacher when a parent is really doing it) I know the truth can be blurry and hard to come out. I think the most important thing is to always have some safe space for victims to talk. That’s all I really want. I get that it’s hard with so much anti-gay legislation trying to get through but we shouldn’t put ourselves in personal danger due to the threat of communal danger.


Just hearing about it for the first time, and same. I loved her. I'm pissed. Not being a sex offender is the bare minimum thing you have to do to be a good person, let alone a responsible creative.




Glad that the victims finally speak out. They're even so nice and denounce any potential attempts by conservatives to use this story against drag queens


hate that the story is locked behind paywall so people will just see the headlines and run with it


Is it? I read the thing in full and I don't pay for Rolling Stone


I mean the headline is accurate so idk


If 5 people came forward with their allegations, how many remained silent? I hope the victims get some sort of vindication or peace of mind after all this.


This. Hopefully they feel strong enough to come forward now.


All the queens who lurk reddit right now 👀




These stories are all horrifying. I hope all the victims find peace.


And justice. DJ needs to be held accountable.


So I feel like I'll be down voted for this but I've seen a lot of members on this sub kinda supporting Shangela still but then still block Sherry Pie from all topics, why are we not ruling by the same rules? Feels wrong


Not just fans, if u look at her instagram, there’s a recent video with 30+ DR queens talking, hugging and seemingly glad to see her. Many of our favs still support and openly love Shangela from Trixie and Alyssa to Bob and Eureka. For better or worse, many fans are obviously taking their lead. Plus, Sherry Pie confessed.


Also, there was that clip of William saying "They tried the same thing with me and (someone else whose name I've forgotten)" So it does go along with what you were saying about other queens still supporting her. I think it lends itself to the line of thinking that if other Queens support and defend her, then there must be something else going on.


I mean It’s true. Bob and Britta also had false accusations that were found to be fabricated. I think most of the friends are holding out till the end due to personal relationships. Why do you think so many churches condemn the girl vs the priest that raped her? It requires acceptance of someone you respected and admired is totally false as well as forgiveness to yourself for hanging out with them while there were victims involved. I’ll give Willam this, when they accept their wrongs they go full out with it with charities and repetitive admissions “I fucked up okay I know it.” Willam just tends to be hard to get to that point. It’s hard to admit your friend is probably a rapist or at least sexual abuser. This isn’t just some new queen finding out while we can still edit them. This is a foundational queen. Hell the lipstick mirror wouldn’t be a thing without Shangela. Change and acceptance is hard especially when it’s something we’ve had longer. I imagine this is going to take time for adjustment with many queens.


I do believe her, but I'm not sure we can say the accusations against Brita were conclusively 'found to be fabricated'. She had a strong defense. There was a clear motive for the person who accused her to lie. People who knew them both spoke up on Brita's behalf. None of these things categorically prove the accusation untrue, and unless I'm unaware, the accuser never withdrew it I believe Brita. I don't think the situation is fair on her at all. I just don't think it was proven for a fact the accuser was lying - and I don't think it's fair to the accuser to treat it like one, unless it was categorically proven false - which it was not


Found to be fabricated as much as we can in a court of law is what I could’ve added. I also didn’t want to speak on Bob’s as idk the full contents of that case anymore. I just remember them talking about it in an interview.


Willam is such fucking trash. On a recent episode of Race Chaser, he said he still hangs out with Shangela. I brought it up in a comment on here, and somebody replied with a really good take — it seems that Willam has been (rightfully) accused of so many things that he thinks that anybody who is accused of anything is the subject of a witchhunt and that they should be defended by default


It’s the same Willam that defends Todrick to this day, but then again, so does Bob the supreme “queer activist” that remains silent on so many important issues when it comes to his problematic friends.


Respectfully, I need y’all to stop bringing up people defending Todrick when we’re talking about people defending Shangela. They’re not even remotely comparable. One is a bitchy/entitled microcelebrity who didn’t pay people. The other is actively accused by 6 people of rape and sexual coercion. Please do not compare them


Mmmm. That's an excellent point.


This was a point made on a post talking about Willam liking one of SH***Y PIE’S POSTS


Because drugs and alcohol make a lot of shit messy, especially in night life hook up culture. Maybe they want to desperately see the good in their friend but at some point the truth becomes irrefutable. I think we’ve reached that line where you will see a lot of girls starts to disassociate from her.


Can't fault William for sticking by her friends. Just recently she's defending one of the hosts (not meatball) from sloppy bottoms. Apparently he likes to send anonymous grinder dates to the houses of random people and doesn't see how dangerous that is.


You can just say “Big Dipper,” babe.


What. The. Fuck. Are you serious? Someone's actually doing that? YIKES


OMG, are you kidding?! Wow.


Wtf, dipper does that? Can you link a source?




I love meatball even more for this. I truly thing A LOT of the hooking up culture promotes some toxic shit regardless queer or straight. I think within the queer community there’s just less discussion and more room for things to be hidden


"should drag kings be allowed on drag race"? Think you linked the wrong tweet




fixed it


Thank you. Honestly that's fucking bizarre of them to include it like I'm glad they're checking him on that behaviour but a) wtf and b) why keep it in the episode??


and re circulate it as a clip! but i appreciate that tbh because it brings this conversation to the people since clearly people are out here doing this. like instead of scrubbing it for their reputation they're allowing the dialogue to play out. like fair i guess! critique over censorship?


I mean fair but I worry a lot of the fan base can't handle that nuance


personally that's a dangerous path to go down imo. i dont support the cocomeloning of media i think it leads to a circular effect of media illiteracy and a downturn of critical thinking and it all very much is in hand w the rise of fascism we have been witnessing esp in the last 5 years (sorry but not sorry to take it there)


I mean, drag queens from the show are so popular but accessible, I can see some fans taking advantage of that by lying about their sexual encounters with them. I’m not sure if that’s the case here though, only Shangela and the victims can really answer that.


A satisfactory answer to this question would require everyone to be a reliable, objective arbiter of their own opinions, which is not really possible (I include myself). Thaaaaat said, much like it is far easier to write off an offender who you don’t know versus someone you know personally, we all knew about SP before we even met her versus Shangela who has been part of the fabric of DR since season 2. People don’t like to think their friends are creeps, even the parasocial ones.


Because redacted was cancelled prior to the season. While people have a connection to the drag persona of the accused repeat sexual predator DJ Pierce. This is why those people almost all use the name Shangela, the muppet like shiny glamorous public figure. Also redacted from Season 12 actually gets some bookings now. And they also slightly acknowledged responsibility. So what’s talked about here is minimal for that person. They are less connected to RPDR. To be clear, as with DJ Pierce, I boycott everything they do and their media presence overall as best I can. Some people defending DJ Pierce also have a vested self interest in suppressing the experiences of abuse survivors as that has been their survival strategy for suppressing their own traumas. Or some are themselves perpetrators. They also may be doing PR as they have concerns about conservative bigoted media and people’s reactions. But that is myopic. Bigots don’t use logic, evidence, science or reality. To them we’re all vile predators just for existing. We need to hold perpetrators accountable.


because sherry admitted to it, even if i personally think she did it, it’s still just allegations.


So you are saying if Shangela keeps (allegedly) lying, she can keep her career? Once someone has done something bad, is there anything they can do to redeem themselves? Doesn’t Shangela lying about it make her worse than SP who came forward about it, if she actually did it?


When the new of the initial lawsuit broke there were a whole lot of people here just ignoring it and downvoting posts about it because Shangela just happened to be their favourite queen. I understand not wanting to presume the guilt of a public figure but it was upsetting how few people were even willing to engage with the news.


Oh lawd I can’t wait to see what queens are gonna defend her on social media…. Praying it’s not any of my faves


Anyone defend her the first round?


It wasn’t much defending as it was just most of the queens who are friends with Shangela just still hanging out with her, performing, and saying nice things about her


I can't think of anyone saying *anything* about it. Except for a quick jokey reference from Katya on a podcast, which very suddenly got hard to find a clip of. Lots of silence otherwise. Now we wait and see how big the story gets and who comments first.


Katya was clearly making a joke about it. It's dark humor and very on brand for her. Can't believe they censored it out.


It was her way of saying she does not side with Shangela, and that she believes the victims. At least, that's the connotation. That's why it got pulled.




I said it elsewhere. personal safety first over the threat of communal safety unless you are some firefighter or whatever. I know people might not want to speak because she’s black and queer and a drag queen but we can’t hurt ourself.


Anyone else remember when a majority of people were ignoring the original allegations last year?


Yes I was baffled. I would have thought I’d see it on here first. But I found out about it out in the wild.


Last year? This goes all the way back to covid era when there were allegations of them being overly forward with people. It was during the time when everyone was watching who was breaking quarantine. The seed was planted, so I wasn't surprised it blossomed into this.


lol yup like why are all these people so shocked?? this has been news for a while…


Oh god this is awful. I hope the victims can find peace and are able to move forward.


5 different accusers, and not to mention, there was definitely word of mouth that Shangela was handsy and inappropriate for years and years long before the accusations, even here on reddit


Shangela is gonna get defended because the cases keep getting settled. People will say she’s innocent for that reason and claim the victims just wanted money. That’s why she’s not cancelled the way Sherry pie was. But she should be. It’s bizarre to have multiple unrelated people tell the same story about you. She did all this. I believe the victims.


If I were Shangela I’d focus on building a talent agency and moving away from the spotlight directly for a bit. Hire some good HR. Step away from bars and drinking. (Hell maybe take some AA classes) She needs to understand she burnt a lot of bridges with this and it’s going to keep unfolding.


As a survivor myself and someone who went to the police, I know how harrowing that process is and that it can be so much worse for gay and trans people. You don’t go to the police in cases like this to make false allegations and risk going to prison. You also don’t settle outside of court for large sums of money unless there’s something you don’t want to come out. The fact that so many have come forward now over a span of 10 years and filed at the time it happened makes these allegations a lot less likely to be false. It’s really sad to watch someone you love not be who you thought they were, but regardless each one of these men deserve justice and healing for the pain they’ve been suffering.


Well, this is sad. :/


The fact that all these alleged assaults happened over so many years is what’s truly tragic to me. There’s no way that these are the only possible victims if this has been happening for about 9 years, at least. This is truly heartbreaking for all those victims who either needed to come forward, and those still hiding in fear.


I’ve said this for a while but fuck Shangela.


Will the Queens finally start talking about what really happened between her and Mimi more openly now?


Hang on what else happened ?


The fight between them on Untucked actually turned physical. Mimi wears a different wig back on stage to cover up a scratch Shangela gave her from the altercation. Then the show went on a break to figure out legal stuff from the fight, Ru having a health scare was just a cover up.


Oh that story was true???? Dam. And the queens still sided with Shangela? Dam


The crazy thing is that Mimi is [also](https://www.phillymag.com/news/2018/05/11/mimi-imfurst-sexual-harassment/) an [accused sex abuser](https://www.reddit.com/r/rupaulsdragrace/comments/hoal8e/mimi_imfurst_accused_of_sexual_assault_by/) 🥴


Yeah, the three week break in filming was pretty telling. Lord only knows how much it cost them to keep the set and all the staff on call for an extra three weeks, when other projects had probably already been scheduled.


Thinking about it now, it could have been the end of the show. It must have really been doing well for Logo at the time to justify that huge extra expense.


i also wonder if the “fan favourite” queen venus d lite accused of assaulting her was shangela


I didn’t know about the Were Here allegations from last year so reading this was a shock. I’m rewatching old seasons and I just was texting a friend about how funny Shangela is. I feel sick now. I hope the victims find peace in speaking out.


Reading these comments and just so genuinely proud of this community for putting their money where their mouth is on believing victims (in the intelligent, grown-up sense of the words). Believing every victim every time is nonsense. You have to look at all the facts, quality and quantity of evidence. But there is clearly something here, and good on (most of) us for not burying our heads or making endless excuses like other fandoms do when it happens with one of their favs. Stay strong fam <3 <3 <3


fucking finally


Interesting to hear whether or not Sibling Rivalry and Race Chaser address this on their respective pods.


I'm going to guess that Bob is under an NDA for We're Here


Wow, I never knew that was going on. I'm so disappointed, honestly. All SA is bad but I'm especially pissed when it's someone from/representing the community. Like, yeah, go ahead and be the stereotypes our people have tried so hard and so long to disprove.


Interesting thing I just noticed is that Ben Shimkus wrote this article - I thought the name sounded familiar and turns out he was one of the ppl who spoke out about 🍒🥧


I never knew this about Shangela! I’ve loved her for years. Now..not so much. I hope the victims get peace and healing.


I didn’t realize there were so many accusations I had only heard the first one. This whole situation is not good at all. I’m glad it’s getting this kind of coverage though.


I quit supporting her back in 2020 when it came out that she and others (who I also quit supporting) were out partying during Covid. I never looked back. Now I'm really glad I quit supporting her.


Funny how quickly everyone forgot that when it was convenient


Aw man I had no idea shangela was a piece of shit.


Where are all of the idiots claiming the fact that the other r*pe case that was dismissed with prejudice means she was vindicated and innocent? Where there’s smoke their’s fire.


Why isn't this more up voted


We need to call a spade a spade. This is indecent human behavior, and as much as I wish it wasn’t true, I just can’t stand and support Shangela in any way. I hope they seek the help they need and find a way to be useful to to society someday. But she is nothing to me and many fans now. It’s sad but it’s likely her fans are coming after those that have come forward. Just sick.


I know black peoples have issues with false allegations. Both Bob and Britta had accusations (Bob before drag race it was already resolved) that turned out to be completely false. The damning thing for Shangela is how many and the repeating stories. I’m personally a “let’s hear the whole evidence and give a safe space for the potential victim to make their case.” I’m glad this is getting perused. As much as Shangela is one of my favorite queens, I want the truth regardless the outcome.


yikes this is *bad*


Shangela had a family friendly drag image like the one you could bring kids to see. And yes, I have seen moms bring their kids to Shangela shows before COVID. I wonder what the impact will be to her career after this.


Yikessss. I know that attorney is doing their job for their client but a morally good person should go back home and feel saddened/disgusted by the actions of their client.


her lawyer (andrew brettler) is one of those that one lawyer all the worst go to. he’s the one prince andrew hired.


They don’t!


A big part of this I don’t hear a lot of people talking about is the nature of working in an industry where alcohol abuse is not only the norm but the principal source of revenue. You have a job where the headlining performer needs to present with a preternatural degree of confidence and alcohol is a tool lots and lots of entertainers use to quiet inner doubt to rise up to the expectations of the job. And then there’s the drinking for fun. And then there’s the loneliness and the desire to be powerful and sexually dominant. All of these impulses and urges are real and in the air. But alcohol dulls good judgment. It dulls systems of empathy and emotional presence that might stop someone from committing heinous acts. In no way am I making excuses for what I’m fairly certain Shangela did nor am I in any shape or form blaming the victims. I do think, however, that a greater conversation needs to be had about what booze does and creates in these environments. In the same breath, if you’re taking performance enhancing drugs— and that’s what alcohol can be in these contexts— to attain more and capitalize on more to achieve a higher level of success… and the relationship with that drug clouds your judgment and leads you to act as a monster, well… you have to face your mistakes and take responsibility to the people you’ve harmed. Winning at all personal costs is one thing, winning at the cost of the wellbeing of others is another.




Sadly this just plays into the Conservative narrative that drag queens are all sexual predators coming for your kids.


I’m always iffy on celebrities and allegations but 5 people? Yikes




is shangie canceled now


Has been for a while Who'd have thought Trixie's win would look good in retrospect?


Wow, this was my exact first thought. Phew! RPDR dodged that bullet


I never want to hear she was robbed again. She preformed well on the season. But that crown is a life time achievement award from ru and ru was not going to crown the shows longest running joke.


I'm gonna be honest... Shangela wasn't even that robbed. imo Aja should have been top 2 for Snatch Game with Ben and Shangela+Kenendy had the weakest verses in Drag Up Your Life. plus Shangela was basically handed a win in Divas Live, a rusical that had some of the most wildly unequal writing we've seen on the show. I really do think people understate Trixie and Bebe's runs on AS3, and overstate Shangela's and maybe there's a reason only one person voted for Shangela in the final episode 👀


Maybe there’s a reason …. 👏👏👏I completely agree


Let's not get carried away. Is it good she lost? In retrospect, yes. But this wasn't Ru playing some long game. Ru said just last year that Shangela was the most deserving of a crown that never won and Michelle has flat-out said Shangela should have been top two in AS3. They were as shocked by the voting as anyone else


Most definitely by me, she has been since I came across the mega thread listing multiple victims’ experiences


That was a genuinely horrifying thread. There's so much more out there than was even laid out in this article or the lawsuit.




Background checks are backgrounding


I was disheartened to see her at award show after parties and such this awards season. There are many other talented and amazing queens who deserve that opportunity




J.R. Cosby


I've met Shangela several times, Alyssa even more (she even calls me by my middle name, mispronounced, but still). Both have always been good to me. So it's so disheartening and unfathomable to me that Alyssa (and other close friends of theirs I know) would (still) be friends with someone that could do this. I know no one wants to believe your friend/family could be capable of something so horrible and that both fame and alcohol can make you think you're invincible and can get away with anything, but none of that is an excuse. All of this makes me sick to my stomach 


Why Sharon was shred to pieces while Shangela is receiving free passes and left safely aside while the storm ceases?

