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Man I Soo want this to be a real story, to make it a movie before we find out it does not have a happy ending


There is the here and the now. If they're happy now and break up in a few years, they will still have enjoyed each others company until that point, and that's not nothing.




Eternity lies in every second of your life. Take that second for everything it offers.


Fuck I hate my life right now


I was thinking something similar. I spent the last few min contemplating how seeing someone else happy, and invoke self loathing in myself.


Dude is from 1st world "Sweden". Girl is from 3rd world "Argentina". Now you know why.




Lol green card wasn't even a priority for them until they realised how expensive the visa was for the lady to come to Sweden


You don't need a "green card". You just need cash from 1st world economy. [https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/compare\_cities.jsp?country1=Sweden&city1=Stockholm&country2=Argentina&city2=Buenos+Aires](https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/compare_cities.jsp?country1=Sweden&city1=Stockholm&country2=Argentina&city2=Buenos+Aires)


That’s exactly what I was thinking. As a Latin American, I can confirm that many girls in this part of the world wouldn’t mind at all to marry the ugliest white man as long as he can take her out of her third world misery. Feel bad for the guy.


I thought he was Finnish?


I do think she has some Finnish in her.




Oh yeah, that tracks, unfortunately. 40% unemployment rate vs one of the happiest countries in the world. That doesn't necessarily mean they can't find lasting happiness, though I guess it's unlikely. I hope they do. I'll headcanon that they have until/unless I see proof that they didn't. And I'm not going to look then up to find out.


Argentina is flawed, but it's not the Philippines where loads of women are looking for a rich liberator. If you've been on dating sites as a man then you'll have seen one, and not the other. On paper economic situation is bad, and it is, but the actual living standards are vary more than you'd think. There's also a cultural difference, much of Argentina is liberal vis a vis marriage/feminism, so there's no rush to find a man "to support you". While I'm not declaring she didn't have an economic motive (I'm not a mind reader), I wouldn't hurry to claim it was a money grab without actual proof. The burden of proof is on the claimer.


I live in European country(far more stronger economy than in Argentina) and I see a lot of economic marriages. Job market in Norway is very attractive even in my country. Even feminists want to have comfortable life with another source of big income. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam%27s\_razor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam%27s_razor)


Occam's razor would suggest the opposite imo: there's nothing extraordinary about people falling in love. That she commented that he's cute on YouTube as part of a long con of economic marriage seems like a bigger stretch. But I suppose that at that point it's a subjective question.


Yes, women always pick "ugly" guys from another continent. It is nothing extraordinary here.


the girl has a phd and a successful modeling career. she doesn’t need to marry for a visa or a better life.


What mean successful? How much she earns compared to middle class Scandinavian? I know people who earns three times more in IT without degree than people with phd.


my point still stands. if u truly believe that their relationship is just about materialism u should watch the video the guy made (my experience being ugly it’s called I think)


You can have your own opinion about their relationship. I can have mine.


Dude stfu let us live in a happier light


I actually showed the original video to one of my best friends recently because he doubted he’d ever get a chance with a girl because he says he looks ugly. Unfortunately this didn’t necessarily work and he said the guy in the video looked better. I’m really trying rn to help him find a girl he can be with because I got one and I feel bad for him because I did it and he hasn’t. But I did notice one thing that I told him and it’s that me and the guy in the video were so uncaring of our own appearance online because we thought we were ugly that some girl out there found us and thought we were pretty. My best friend hasn’t done that yet, hopefully he will soon because I really want him to succeed just as much as I did. I care for my best friend because we are so similar and care for each other as bros despite it all going through discord chats because it’s a long distance friendship, same as my relationship rn


Women love confidence. You can be the ugliest person in the world but if you are confident you’re already a 5/10


But that’s just not true though is it lol. You have to at least take care of how you look. We’re all visual creatures to begin with, even if you like it or not. Someone people have lower and higher standards than others but there’s still a level to start off at.


Everyone is down voting you when you're 100% right. They just don't want to admit that they are the problem.


It's not "confidence" people are after my guy. I could ask out my crush right now with as much confidence as I could muster, but I'd still get denied cause, guess what? I'm fucking ugly! My face is lopsided, so I'm LITERALLY unpleasant to look at. Women aren't gonna be all over me because I act like I'm hot shit. I'll just make myself look like a retard who doesn't know what he's doing.


Women care far less about looks than you think. I'm living proof.


confidence isn’t just being confident enough to ask someone out. True confidence in yourself isnt something u do once to catch someone’s attention. Its how u approach everything in your life, how u walk around and how u present yourself and how u think of yourself. If ur crush sees u walking around school every day with ur hands in ur pockets, a hoodie on and bad posture she will see u as ugly because that’s how u present yourself. People will notice when you are more confident in yourself and thats attractiveness that goes beyond physical attributes. Of course this isn’t a magic way to make anyone fall in love with you at and instant, but it’s the a very important first step in building a meaningful relationship with someone you didn’t know prior.


Yeah, it’s pretty dumb tbh


That is not true. Looks matter to some extent


That’s actually really good advice, I need to tell him this


Man, I don't know if you seriously want to help him, but please, for the love of god, if he's not actively asking you for advices and encouragements, please, stop. These kind of advices/videos/posts is not going to help. Because people experiences are different and whatever helped others is not guaranteed to help him. Even the case with the guy from video, I don't remember clearly, but I think he didn't get a good ending after all. All these posts/advices/videos will probably destroy his self-esteem even more. "Why can't I get something if people who objectively had worse chances can get love?" And especially, don't give him "confidence" bullshit advice. It's one of the most shallow things that you can say to a person who struggle with loneliness/dating. Because many people who do indeed have low confidence are still perfectly capable of entering relationships. Furthermore, people who are misogynistic assholes and generally scumbags have relationships, where a girl genuinely cares for them. It further drives you mentally, because you can't phantom why you are struggling. Moreover, person that you care about (and is supposed to care about you) feeds you absolutely shallow platitudes, instead of just acknowledging how hard it is for you specifically. It's seen more like you fulfilling obligation for "your friend duties" parroting useless and baseless advices, rather than showing actual care and support.


That's because sadly it IS mostly all about looks, and if some ugly guy got into relationship then it's very likely there's ulterior motives, aka he has cash, fame etc. That's why ugly guys struggle so much in dating, and not evil guys, or unconfident guys, it's always the ugly buddy boyos like me 😞 Your comment is a breath of fresh air around here, keeping it straight and calling out useless advices


Don't worry, undesirable women struggle a ton too.


Thank you. It's because I personally encountered these "talks" and advices. Every time someone wants to "help" me figure out my situation (when I didn't even ask or, sometimes, specifically try to shut down this conversation), it ends with insult to my face (you just have unattractive personality, you sit on your ass all day (even though i don't), you are always so negative), or completely invalidating my experience (you didn't try hard enough, you probably lying to make yourself feel better etc.), which usually ruins my day. Nowadays, I just straight up tell that we are not having this conversation, and if someone still tries i simply leave/ don't respond.


So what, you just completely shut down anything you could do to try and mitigate the situation and hang out on internet echo chambers that drive you deeper into a state of isolation?


No, life is not only about relationships. I learn skills for my future job, try to set up home server, learn new language. It's better than listening about my "shit personality", "lack of trying", and "negative attitude". And when I am bored, I come to reddit to practice my writing English, engaging in meaningless debates and arguments :)


It's mostly about looks, sure, but 98% of people who think the reason they don't have a relationship is their looks look fine and honestly it kind of does a disservice to people who have like, extensive facial deformities from injuries, disease, genetic abnormalities, etc In general people date people who look like them and who make as much money as them, with some wiggle room.


Fair enough, I do agree some people overexaggerate their looks on the negative side. So long as you average/above average in male height, face looks, not balding, you have a chance... Sadly for us buddy boyos lacking in one of those three it's brutal 😞


It's not either or, though. It's not like a trifecta of qualities that you need to have X amount of or else the structure collapses. You speak too strictly about highly individual things Good looks can get your foot in the door (especially using dating sites), and it may help you get laid, but a meaningful, lasting relationship only comes from a more organic and complicated process of circumstances lining up. Speaking anecdotally, the two girlfriends I have had I was friends with first, I knew them from school/work and we circulated in the same social circles, things progress as they do, and we eventually started dating after hanging out a few times. When you're meeting people and socializing in real life, social skills trump appearance on longer time scales


And men love big boobs and asses... Wtf you all talking about? Sure confidence is sexy for BOTH parts, but it's not a prerogative


Get outta here with that bullshit. That's like saying I'll get a job because I walked in and demanded an interview and gave a firm handshake. That's some old person logic.


God when’s mine gonna Happen for me i don’t wanna be old and in love 😭


But old couples are SO DARN CUTE!! I *LOVE* it when I see a couple of oldies walking down the road holding hands or having a little smooch. Absolutely nothing wrong with being old and in love. Better to love old than never


Yeah i know but it hits harder when you grow old together :( Not meet when OLD That’s what i mean :( I just want to grow old we someone 😓 i’m in the wrong generation FR!


I got the opposite story


You’re really handsome but can’t find a wife?


You’re an attractive lady and can’t find a homely man?


Way to go my brother in ugly


Didn’t she leave him?


Bro She's pregnant with his kid


Nope, just checked his channel


We need to change the name of this sub


Yeah don’t be giving hope. That was pure luck.


You can call it luck, and obviously luck did play a part, but it wouldn’t have happened if he didn’t put himself out there. He found a wife as a direct result of his actions. At the very least he put himself in a place where he could even get lucky in the first place.


While the initial contact might've been luck, the rest was the normal route.


You doubting that man?


No he’s just saying not all men are going to get lucky and find a woman like this guy did.




Ä° will do it. A one day


Improve yourself and get out there.


Normally I’m jealous of people like this but I’m actually happy for him as he’s had it worse than me who at least has an ex.


Keep going


funfact: They're having a baby


To be fair, dude looks 100 times better with other glasses.


Youtube matrimony.com


What the hell!? So all I gotta do to find a girlfriend is tell everyone I'm ugly? It's that simple?


That got him through the front door, sure, but he had to have the personality to carry things through beyond the introduction. No tricks.


I've been doing that for years never got anyone


It'll most likely end in divorce, but regardless, I'm happy for him and I wish him the best with his marriage.


Thats kind of you CrustyCumBollocks




Kinda made me cry a little


Congratulations for the two of you😊😊


Real (I give the fuck up bro)


He found the one boys 🙂


Ty for how to get wife tutorial








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That guy deserves it, I mean I want what he has, but I think he deserves it more then me


If only dreams were real......


Okay that boost in confidence after they got together and got married gave him a bit of a glow up ngl.




Step 1: Tell the world that you're ugly. Bro put himself out there, and someone noticed. Good for him if this is real.


Yeaaaaaaah riiiiiiiight


r/hopeposting tbh


Now the same must happen for that girl who says she knows she's ugly and she's been told. The one with the glasses and cheeks and HEART OF GOLD!! :(