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The proud boys and their creepy obsession with Fight Club. The writer has alluded that yes it can be an allegory for latent homosexuality.


“We’re still men…” “Yes, we’re men”.


Even if you ignore that, the Durden cult is clearly a critique of the lengths men will go to in order to feel masculine due to society's pressures. Like, a dude fucking DIES and they all are like "he's a glorious martyr!"


Bob had bitch tits. Never forget that.


His name is Robert Paulson.


his name is Robert Paulson.


I was told to stop calling my magat coworkers "spacemonkeys" once someone figured it out.


Please explain?


It's what Tyler Durden refers his minions as, as they pretty much just blindly follow his orders.


Like that's even their only or even most obvious homoerotic issue. There's so much closeted homosexuality in the proud boys that they would be much happier if they juat let themselves be gay.


That's one of the things I picked up from Fight Club, if those dudes just accepted who they were they would've been less likely to engage in terrorism. The Proud Boys are in that same boat only it's gonna get way worse before it gets any better.


Uhhhh that one guy on tiktok that thought Fortunate son was a pro-USA pro-military song.... he counts right? Cause god was that fucking stupid.


Just because they play Fortunate Son in just about every Vietnam War movie/show/game doesn't mean it's celebrating the war.


tbf, people also tend to misunderstand a lot of Vietnam war movies anti war messages too.


John Rambo would never


You can call Rambo an anti-war Christmas movie and its 100% accurate


Those people need to watch Platoon. Its anti-war message is about as subtle as a sledgehammer to the face.


Nevermind that the lyrics are explicitly anti-war, anti-capitalist and critical of patriotism.


same with "Born in the U.S.A" I always laugh when used in patriotic nonsense


They've been doing it since even before "This Land Is Your Land." War-related songs definitely get that kind of misinterpretation disproportionately, though.


They heard the first 2 bars and decided that it was 'America Fuck Yeah!' instead of the critique it was.


I personally loved it when they all had a collective meltdown when they found out Rage Against the Machine were 'political' What fucking machine did you think they were raging against? The fucking toaster!


They knew it was the establishment but they thought the establishment began and ended when their parents made them upset.


The "machine" is mom telling me I have to clean my room


Which is evil misandrony, where as when Jorden Peterson tells you it's masculine, patriotic empowerment.


One of my favorite videos of all time was a couple of Trumpers protesting the 2020 election results and dancing to Rage Against the Machine. Like, guys, I'm pretty sure you're the exact assholes that are being raged against.


Paul Ryan specifically was the absolute peak of this. My dude, **YOU**, specifically you, are the machine they are raging against, you absolute donut. 


When you suck so much the guitarist of your so called favourite band writes an OP Ed for rolling Stone personally calling you out


This happens with a lot of punk bands if the singer opines on current events, they'll be like "Woah when did The Cop Haters get political"


I don’t know about blatantly disagreeing, but they reeeeeeally don’t get Punisher.


This is the answer. They’ve appropriated the symbol so much that it’s now associated more with white supremacy than Frank Castle himself, and Marvel had to ditch it entirely.


I really want the next Punisher movie to have a scene where Frank defends a Pride parade from a Proud Boys parody. I’m not a big fan of Punisher in general but I want him ruined for these losers by being completely in character.


Daredevil Born Again will >!have him deal with corrupt cops!< I'm pretty sure.


Oh I really hope so. That would be very in-character and would definitely piss some people off.


Hasn't he been doing that since day one? Hell I don't think he even checks if they're corrupt or not


Sure but no one knew if Disney would have the balls to go that route.


That would be a good chance to get the point across. Maybe he uses the original logo, see corrupt cops and racists use and and reevaluates what he’s doing




So is the whole series gonna be him fistfighting NYPD?


>!He's only in a few of the episodes, so just a subplot!<


Was making a joke. Yes all cops.


Better idea, he kicks all the cops out of the Pride Parade then arms the most militant of the parade goers before getting into a firefight with and crushing the PB.


I honest to god think they just saw the cool skull symbol and a dude beating tf out of people and went "awesome shit" and their brains checked out completely after that point and didn't register anything else


Punisher was a never a “good guy” but Marvel changed him a lot in the past few decades and for the worse. He was a Dirty Harry type antihero who dealt with crime and corruption because the system failed https://screenrant.com/punisher-differences-origin-backstory-changes/


The chuds think they're Frank Castle when they're really Jake Gallows


Dude, I play Warhammer. I could just tell you the entire history of this hobby and that would be an accurate reply to your question.


It's a wargame where everyone fucking sucks so you don't feel bad when they all die horribly, yet media illiterate chuds think that the Imperium is something to strive for.


Longtime Warhammer player here as well. I feel like the video games made a bunch of right wing chuds aware of the WH universe, but with a very superficial understanding of it. The whole thing is an extreme parody of their beliefs. I swear, back when I was a teenager playing at my local shop, it was a chill and diverse community completely free of these knuckleheads.


Yeah play a few rounds of darktide and your all "Blood for the Emperor! Skulls for the golden throne!"


It’s at the point where my local gaming shop has to explicitly have a “no nazis” rule and put up pride flags in the windows, because shitheads were bringing their custom Space Marine chapters with swastikas and SS deaths head decals. I haven’t been in a while but last time I went it was a pretty chill place.


You have to be decisive with nazis. If a nazi shows up to your establishment and you don't immediately throw him out at gunpoint, he will come back. And as he keeps coming back he will like the place, and so he will start bringing his nazi friends with him.  And as his nazi friends bring more of their own nazi friends, normal people will become uncomfortable and stop coming: congratulations! Your establishment is now a nazi establishment.  Which, ironically enough, is what they themselves say about gay people, about black people, about whatever it is that "woke" means this week. But the difference is, one of these ideologies celebrates men and women who advocated for human rights to be recognized in the form we know today, while the other celebrates men and women who willingly and knowingly sent 6 million civilians to die in gas chambers.  There is a clearly right side and a clearly wrong side to this. Not all ideologies are equal.


Closer to 12 million. 6 million Jews and 5-6 million everyone else they didn’t like.


Yeah that part is often left out. Not just Jews but any ethnic group, religious minority or political persuasion they didn’t like, up to and including Freemasons.


Absolutely. You have to crack down on that shit hard, and early, otherwise they become entrenched and nothing short of a temporary closure and change of management is going to work. For the most part I try not to let anyone’s own personal politics bother me. I regularly deal with people from all walks of life, and I can’t let that influence how I treat them, but I draw the line at fascism. Fuck nazis and nazi sympathisers. Edit: I should also probably mention this one time I was working at a crappy LAN gaming / internet cafe type of place in the early 2000s. The crowd was mostly chill, but the one and only time I banned a customer was when he brought in his PC for repair and I found all kinds of nazi shit on it. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt but he threw a Sieg Heil salute when he came to pick it up, so I told him his repair was on the house but to kindly get the fuck out and never come back. Management wasn’t happy I’d kicked out a regular customer, but they backed my decision. He and his friends seemed like nice dudes but now I wonder how many signs I ignored until suddenly I couldn’t any more.


Easily them thinking Xmen betrayed them and went woke with the revival when the main antagonists of the first season of the series is literally them.


Literally all sides hate Republicans. Xmen is literally about anti-simitism, homophobia, and xonophobia, fighting against it and being proud about who you are. Both Xavier's Xmen and Magneto's brotherhood are fighting the same war just different ways.


I know. I was referring to the friends of humanity organization which was clearly satirizing the kind of parapolitical radical organisations republicans use to their favour the way Trump is using the anti woke crowd today.


The drama about Morph is my all-time fave. They can't wrap their heads around Morph being non-binary when he's a mutant who is constantly changing forms lol.


Anything involving Star Trek, honestly.


Oh my gawd yes!!! Wasn’t there a person Fox News who said something like “Star Wars has gone too woke, so that’s why I’m a Trekkie” and it was like… Tell me you’ve NEVER watched Star Trek with out telling me you’ve never watched Star Trek


"When did Star Trek get Woke?" '1966.'


Ah yes. The famously not woke show about…a future utopia in which humanity has foregone greed and money in favor of diplomacy and peaceful exploration of the galaxy, where all necessities are free and even strange and alien people are treated equally. How incredibly not woke.


And wasn’t the original series very, Very, VERY controversial for showing an interracial kiss at the time?


Yeah it got banned in the south… and they almost had an openly gay character… In the 60’s


Not just that, a Japanese guy right after World War II and a Russian during the Cold War.


AND AND a black woman in a position of command


Forth in the ship's COC.


Was there any actual plans to have an openly gay character in TOS?


No it never got past initial talks but the interracial kiss had already made things hard enough. APPARENTLY Gene Roddenberry wanted to do it but wasn’t going to risk the show


I don’t believe so. I know George Takei has talked about speaking to Gene Roddenberry about it, and GR’s response was (supposedly) along the lines of, he’d like to, but it would be a line too far for the network and he can only fight so many battles at once. Realistically there was no way it would have happened in the 60s.


The story goes that there were two options that they shot: the kiss between Shatner and Nichols and a more chaste embrace. Shatner was so adamant that the kiss be the only take that he allegedly flubbed the “hug scene” so thoroughly that they had no choice but to use the kiss.


It's the one thing I give William Shatner credit for. They were originally going to film it to be much less explicit and more implied, but Shatner fought for the direct version. When the director insisted on filming the implied version, Shatner came to a compromise with him where they'd film both versions. He then proceeded to systematically ruin every take for the "implied" version in a way that wouldn't be obvious until they reviewed the dailies later, which forced them to use the direct version.


Yeah that was host Emily Compagno I think. Hilariously she also did a Vulcan salute incorrectly, holding it up backwards, while claiming to be one, too lmao. 100% has never actually watched anything Star Trek.


I mean the animated series wouldn’t have had takei and nichols return as there characters unless Leonard Nimoy hadn’t stood up for them in support of representation of POC in tv. He didn’t want to see his coworkers out of money after the cancellation of the original series and made sure to point out they were about to cut out the only two minority actors from the series.


Isn't it like the most blatant socialist utopia in fiction or something?


Most famous blatantly socialist utopia, yes.


These guys claim to like Star Trek and they think all the different aliens are cool and it's like... Dude you can't even get along with your own fucking species. You would be the bad guy in a Star Trek episode! But they don't have the self awareness to realize that.


Lol, came to mention Trek. My favorite chud take *ever* was someone saying Star Trek can't be "woke" because the Federation is a military dictatorship. Like homie thought Starfleet and the Federation were one and the same and that *everyone* in the Federation lived like the crews of the starships we see on the shows. And these types always cry about tOuRiStS who don't know the lore and aren't "real" fans unless they're bigoted shitbirds.


If that guy thinks the Federation/Starfleet is a military dictatorship then I'd hate to see what he thinks the Cardassians, the Dominion or the Terran Empire are.


“They’re making the galaxy great again!”


It's almost a line from Gul Dukat. >Cardassia was on the edge of an abyss, Major. The war with the Klingons left us into a third-rate power. My people had lost their way. I've made them strong again.


I really don’t get conservative Star Trek fans.


I remember that before Endgame released and around the time of Captain Marvel, many tried to spread the idea that Brie Larson was hated by the avengers cast. Their go to example being an interview with her and Jeremy Renner who seemed off during the interview (Because he was jet lagged). Pretty sure Don Cheadle was the only one to really speak out about it telling them to "Cut the sherlock holmes shit"


Cheadle is a hero.


that’s why cheadle is the goat


Oh yeah. The youtube grifter chudlets were bringing in "body language experts"


The Simpsons. Even Ted Cruz said that other than Lisa everybody in the show is a republican and the writers made fun of him for getting that out of their depiction of the republican party. Springfield's republican party includes the ultra rich and evil people in town, the religious people, Sideshow Bob, (who attempted to murder a child many, many times) a parody of people like Alex Jones, and Dracula. Sometimes Dr. Hibert too, since he's also pretty wealthy. They hold their meetings in a dark castle surrounded by lightning. I don't know how the hell Ted Cruz saw that and thought "the writers think like me!" You could almost argue that some forms of media is a little bit subtle since they don't shout "we hate republicans!" But The Simpsons actually does shout "we hate republicans!" and they still don't get it.


Rush Limbaugh, not Alex Jones.


Yeah, that guy! I knew it couldn't have been Alex Jones considering the timing, but I didn't remember anybody else at the time. They all sound the same after a while.


Is there much of a difference?


Attempted murder! Now honestly, what is that? Do they give a Nobel Prize for *attempted* chemistry?


"And now, Bob Dole will read from the Necronomicon"


I love how it’s literal Dracula. Like not someone who acts like a vampire or something. Just straight up Dracula. No subtly yet it still flies over his head


They also had the helicopter with ‘Fox News, not racist, but number one with racists’ written on the side.


Surprised no one here has said Dune. The amount of people who think Paul is a hero is pretty funny.


Paul is a hero. That's literally one of the main messages of Dune, that Heroes by their very nature are a bad thing. That positive change happens slowly and that a Hero up heaving the system at sword point is a bad thing no matter how right the hero is.


That's fair, I definitely oversimplified it.


In your defense, a brief summarization of Dune would probably take no less than 12 pages single space




I would argue Dune’s message is more rooted in the dangers of fanaticism, power, messiah figures than in heroes.  Particularly since Paul is never presented as a truly heroic figure and any heroic elements are lost once he becomes the Kwiswatz Hardrich. Which happens before he becomes Emperor.  Like the entire point of Dune Messiah is pointing out that Paul is Space Hitler and not a hero.  Also because we see slow institutional change via Leto II’s reign and it is treated at best as well intentioned necessary evil.  Is Paul a hero to the Fremen, for sure? But I disagree that he’s meant to be seen as heroic by the audience at any point in time. 


Once had a guy tell me climate change wasn't real. His screen name was some variation of Duncan Idaho.


I mean it has to be bigot chuds using the term "red pill" right? They built a whole bigot movement based on a movie made by two trans women. My personal favorite example is whenever someone makes a list of old apolitical games and puts Metal Gear Solid on it though.


Surprised I had to scroll to the bottom to find The Matrix. Even when you ignore the trans narrative, it’s still woke AF. But of course all some people see is cool power fantasy fight scenes.


B-but the slowmo bullet dodging action! How can a movie with so many guns in it be woke!?!?  /s


In what universe was metal gear solid ever apolitical? Lol. I can't believe anyone ever thought that. 😂


Literally earlier today some guy on Facebook was trying to claim Metal Gear Solid doesn't count because it has so many fantasy elements to it? I'm like bru so does every fiction franchise you chuds complain about, hence the term fiction.


Squid Game isn't about capitalism because they never said the word "capitalism"


Isn't the entire show inspired by South Korea's Authoritarian history?


People not understanding that *Starship Troopers* the movie is supposed to be satire.


I work with way too many people that missed the point of that one. Kind of scary some days honestly


I remember missing the point of that movie… When I was 10


Satire doesn’t register with right wingers, I truly think they don’t understand what satire is. I mean a significant number of them used to actually believe that the Colbert Show was a right wing talk show.


Dougie Houser was walking around in an SS uniform. That's not subtext.


Media literacy really is down the drain, but rightwingers in particular do seem to have a really bad tendency towards literalism in the way they interpret a lot of media. I think it mirrors how they tend to view people and the world overall with little to no nuance, just black and white, good vs. evil, bottom of the barrel essentialism. It's the kind of mindset that doesn't allow for satire to exist and doesn't allow for understanding it either.


They think CinemaSins is satire. Literacy is dead.


Tagging onto this, I think I saw somewhere that Grummz (that weird failed game dev who’s been trying to champion the ‘free stellar blade’ bullshit) was trying to argue that Helldivers 2 (basically starship troopers but in video game form) WASNT a satirical play on facism and all the other things it promotes and that it’s actually 100% serious.


Grummz is delusional. If I'm ever 50+ years old and arguing about the chest-size of female video game characters, someone should shoot me.


And it's not the even subtle


Now we have the same idiots with the same blinders on about Helldivers. "Managed democracy! Hell yeah!" What? Fucking? No?


I thought this was a satire of the USA and/or Russia depending on what perspective you take it. (The term "managed democracy" was used to describe post-1996 Russia, and I've heard of it done before Helldivers ever released)


The book was blatant military jerking but the movie hated the book so much they changed the framing (I don't blame them Heinlein is a weird fucking author)


It was very brief, but their attempts to stir outrage over the casting in Netflix’s Sandman. Unfortunately for them, they didn’t realize the og author was still alive, which made it very funny when Neil Gaiman (said author) came out and told them all to fuck off.


Same thing with the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series on Disney+, Rick Riordan told the actress playing Annabeth, “Ignore the haters. Remember I picked you.”


I'm always afraid I'm gonna read some rough news about Rick someday since he's (apparently) a successful cishet white dude, but he's just consistently an ally. Bro is a hero to queer ND kids everywhere


Also, Riordan’s depiction of Greek Mythology is apparently a very, Very, VERY sanitized version of the original mythology that is infested with homoeroticism, is it not?


*most* depictions are yeah (supergiant go out of their way to sidestep all the incest stuff in hades/2), but PJO especially so because it's targeted at children/YA (granted there's also not exactly a mythological canon because there's tons of conflicting stories and interpretations - aphrodite and eros each have multiple origin stories, dionysus is just *weird*, and so on. it gets even worse with norse mythos because missionaries attempted to christianise it to the point that it's far from easy for modern historians to discern if large parts of it are the original pre-christian tellings, or if they've been adapted. and of course arthurian mythos was explicitly adapted to reflect changing societal perceptions - which is why some parts of it have lancelot and guinevere's side thing portrayed as chivalric and perfectly fine, while other, later-written parts portray it as literally one of the primary contributors for the death of arthur and the downfall of camelot)


Not surprising if you read his more recent books. His Norse mythology series literally has a gender fluid main character


I don't know how you could be at all a fan of anything related to Sandman and not be aware that Neil Gaiman is very much alive and well and also not at all aligned with these chuds.


[Metal Gear ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrn-v4ySSlc)


Kojima is a great many things. A master of game design, one of the reasons games are now considered art, a strange gremlin man. He is not, however, subtle




I still remember that many of kojima's fans felt "betrayed" when he said that he was a fan of the twilight series.😅 because twilight is for teenage girls.


The la-li-lu-le-lo?!


The Memes?!




Tbf that's just hard to understand period. Other than Nukes and rampant corporate militarism bad


Living in the Midwest I see a surprising amount of cars with rebel alliance/captain America/punisher stickers, right next to a blue lives matter sticker. Some even have Confederate flags...


Fascists being fans of anti fascist characters will never not be funny


It's because they subscribe to a mythology where they're the oppressed group. When you convince yourself you're oppressed, you become the rebel alliance and CNN/MSNBC is the empire.


It's funny seeing a lot of Fascists idolize Eren, a character that represents the consequences of Fascism and Racism.


The Critical Stinker utterly glorifying Tyler Durden as a champion of masculinity despite the fact that Durden is demonstrated in both the movie and the book as a figment of the main character's imagination created as a scapegoat for acts of domestic terrorism.


Drinker is, like, one of the ultimate chuds. Just a very angry man.


I've watched exactly one video from this clown because it showed up in my YouTube feed and based on that I have to assume he knows he's talking shit but has an audience for it. The video I watched was on Glass Onion and he literally re-ordered scenes and pretended that was the order they occured to complain about the movie. He had to sit down and do that edit so no way he didn't realise he was lying to people. Also he went off on a brief tangent about Brie Larson for absolutely no reason where he cut a quote of hers at the exact point it made it seem she was saying the opposite of what she was. Even within the clip he left you could tell from her tone she was clearly quoting someone she disagreed with. ...this was a very long winded way to say that the guy is just a shameless liar, presumably because it keeps him an audience




Fallout is so comically transparent in its anti-capitalist and anti-anti-communist propaganda messages, I don't understand how it manages to get past anyone


It's probably a lot easier when your skull is thicker than a vault door.


Decades of propaganda




The Boys. They think Homelander is a hero and the show is mocking “wokeness” when it’s mocking performative activism


The ending of the previous season was literally satirising Trump’s “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters” speech.


To me it has to be the whole Rage Against The Machine stuff. Like c'mon, did you literally not hear any of the lyrics?


Same thing with ‘Born in the USA’ by Springsteen. Reagan tried to claim it was a patriotic, pro-america song. “Got in a little hometown jam So they put a rifle in my hand Sent me off to a foreign land To go and kill the yellow man” “Down in the shadow of the penitentiary Out by the gas fires of the refinery I'm ten years burnin' down the road Nowhere to run, ain't got nowhere to go”


To be fair, it is quintessentially American. Just...maybe not in the way they were trying for


Protest songs are so American in ideology but Republicans hate them. My sister and I have joked my parents would've sided with the British lmao. They are part of maga teaparty type but they think protesting is bad. But my mom picketed an abortion clinic once. But BLM is all criminals to them. It is all rules for thee but not for me.


“Some of those that work in forces are the same that burn crosses” Hmm… Yes, sounds very right wing to me - some right wing chud, probably


I grew up in a very conservative area. A lot of them think that "cross burners" are just anti-christians lol


Just watch any Ben Shapiro takes on any media.


"the sculptor is a chinese woman you dork ass losers"


I love that one so much. Everything from the chest thumping faux reglious fervour to the final reveal is better than any novel


The problem is people that stupid simply don’t feel embarrassment like they used to.


Critical drinker thinking one piece is conservative and anti woke.  He also said “Unlike other shows the men aren’t getting outsmarted by the women.” Which is a baffling thing to say, when Nami and Robin are shown to be smarter than (most of) the other straw hats. 


Not to mention that the main villains are the fucking government


Isn't there also an entire island of literally trans pirates? (Never read One Piece, so this is anecdotal)


I think.it was Terrance Malik who said that every antiwar movie gets co-opted by Pro-war assholes because they can't look past the coolness of shit blowing up. This pretty much applies to every antihero character, too. you can have your awful shitty rage filled white guy literally try and murder a child but as long as he walks away from an explosion without looking at it chuds will worship him.


I once saw someone claim that the amazing digital circus was ending wokeness lmao


Somebody better come get them before they see the rest of what Gooseworx has put out; it'd break their feeble little hearts


George Orwell.


Yeah they don't understand he was anti authoritarian at alllll.


_V for Vendetta_. They really should have had the scene at Larkhill with the cop on LSD in the movie. That's the moment where he laments for the PoC and not-straight victims of the fascists. Literally missing diversity and harmony.


Whoa whoa, who the fuck thinks V for Vendetta is conservative? The movie and comic are so blatantly anti-authoritarian and anti-bigotry that it borders on camp.


The absolute peak was the Trump supporter wearing a thin blue line flag as a cape jamming out to "Killin in the Name" https://youtu.be/ddrFt1BHkUQ?si=wBE3mukZQCn83bTG I'm not sure it's possible to misunderstand media any more than this.


ken from the barbie movie for sure. they literally couldn’t have made it more plain and obvious that he’s supposed to be blatantly wrong and idiotic initially. it’s practically spelled out in skyscraper-sized red letters, “THIS GUY IS STUPID AND WRONG”, yet I’ve seen soooo many guys unironically “kin” ken and treat him as their hero like they do with the joker. i wanna give them the benefit of the doubt and assume at least a few of them are being ironic about it or some of them do know he’s the “idiot” but are trying to “reclaim it” or something, but i feel that’s not the case for most of his fanboys. you’d have to have absolutely zilch media literacy (or social competence, at that) to realize that ken isn’t a character you’re meant to agree with.


The Joker is another good example.


So many to chose from: Fight Club, Starship Troopers (the movie, not book), Helldivers, Punisher, Born in the USA by Bruce Springsteen, Rage Against the Machine, etc. Media literacy isn’t exactly their strong suit.


i've seen conservatives praise bioshock because it was showing people ayn rand politics, failing to realize why rapture was the shithole because of her beliefs


I bet the are the same type of people who believe the inclusion of anything in media, even to criticize it, will only support it.


"I bet you think RoboCop is political"


Ah yes. My favorite apolitical movie about a man whose first action after being literally deprogrammed is to blow up his corporate overlords. Definitely no political themes there.


Gonna go out on a limb here and say Man of Steel/Batman v Superman. The films have a pretty progressive slant imo. In terms of villains, Zod is a textbook fascist and colonizer who is obsessed with Krypton's past, ranting about 'degenerate bloodlines' and sees no problem with wiping out mankind for the sake of lebensraum. Batman is a paranoid post 9/11 reactionary who saw devastation caused by an 'other', and developed deep resentment and bitterness towards them that are really his own feelings of powerlessness and inadequacy. Hell, he even quotes Dick Cheney. It takes finding a human connection he has with Superman for him to take a step back and realize how wrong he was. Lex is a billionaire who manipulates the media and government for his own anti-alien immigrant agenda. Pretty obvious. Hell, the whole plot of BvS is predicated on the CIA being illegally involved with another country's civil war. As for Superman, there's a lot to say, but the short version is he's a literal illegal alien who gets blamed for the actions of other members of his race, all his actions get put under a microscope, his very existence is up for debate etc, when all he wants to do is help.


Ronald Reagan famously used Born in the USA by Bruce Springsteen because he thought it was a patriotic anthem and not a scathing indictment of how Vietnam vets were used, abused and forgotten by their leaders.


the red pill movement being named after a matrix quote has always made me giggle


The entire history of the Colbert Report. They didn't understand satire https://www.cnet.com/culture/research-conservatives-believe-colbert-isnt-joking/


Basically any war film. Motherfuckers will watch *Apocalypse Now* and say “Hell yeah Brother”.




Dune, Fallout, Squid Games, etc


Chuds and Gundam. If you have never watched a Gundam series, especially the originals, the one thing you need to know is that subtlety is not in Tomino's repertoire. Like, the most base theme is all but plastered on the screen in big red texts. Shit, most the other themes have about the same amount of discretion. It's basically hitting you in a face with a sack of bricks that say "WAR IS BAD, THE HUMAN COST IS IMMEASURABLE, THERE ARE OTHER WAYS OF RESOLVING CONFLICTS SO LONG AS EVERYONE IS WILLING TO TRULY MAKE THE EFFORT! PTSD FUCKING SUCKS! REGRESSIVE FASCISM IS FOR BASTARDS AND DIRECTIONLESS NEOLIBERALISM NOT ONLY SUCKS BUT EMBOLDENS THE FORMER!"


Trumpers dancing to Rage Against The Machine after he lost the election lol


not sure if it counts, but at least from my interpretation, neon genesis evangelion has a pretty strong anti-military message, but all anyone ever seems to take away from it is "which 14yo is hotter?"


In hindsight, Rick and Morty had a brief window where it would take the cake. It was a goofy show with good structure with its consistent theme revolving around a man who would rather screw with reality itself and nearly kill himself and his grandson than be vulnerable with his own family. Somehow, chuds took away that Rick's cynical edginess was due to his genius, so they too must be geniuses as opposed to emotionally stunted fans of a cartoon.


The boys lmao


Rage Against the Machine has to be the answer, right? The competition for second has to be crazy fierce but I think it has to be Rage.


Right wingers LOVE rage againagainst the machine but don’t realize what machine they are raging against


Do we have to say it the matrix.


Barbie, unironically. The movie is one of the most politically pro-men piece of media and i’ll defend this take till i die


Metal gear rising always makes me chuckle


The amount of people that hate the fallout show simply on Moldavers line about not being communist and how it's a label that is used without any meaning behind it is astonishing and hilarious. This is the same series mind you where liberty prime only goes after the enclave and institute because in his directive they count as "communists" despite very obviously not being such...


Right-wingers saying FF7 has gone “woke” is something hilariously absurd I’ve been seeing recently. You know, the game about eco terrorist rebels bombing reactors owned by corporate fascists that are destroying the planet?! How can someone FF7 and be right wing?! It boggles the mind. They must have mako poisoning.


Everyone who complained when "Napalm Death got political"


Little dark age


Bioshock and Ben shapiros sister saying it was pro capitalism. All of the vtmb chuds thinking vtmb wasn't political when they literally had Bush and republican jokes lmao. All conservatives thinking 1984 was anti socialism when it was anti authoritarian. I mean any major art was probably a social statement of some sort including games. I see people say that deus ex wasn't political and I laugh. Yeah....your oldie favorites were all political my dudes.