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Call the [Office of Residential Tenancies](https://www.saskatchewan.ca/government/government-structure/boards-commissions-and-agencies/office-of-residential-tenancies) on Tuesday, explain your situation, and ask what you can do. They’ll know and, if there is anything that can be done, they’ll be able to help.


Thank you! We will do that ASAP.


Good luck!


As other people have noted here, just contact the ORT. Landlords have responsibilities to keep the rented premises in a good state of repair. This is written in provincial legislation. It doesn't matter if you did or didn't see some rooms ahead of time. The whole place has to be in good repair. The guy on here saying it's your fault for taking the place without seeing those rooms and now you're stuck with it this way, is wrong. Pre-existing repair problems need to be fixed just like any new problem that may pop up needs to be fixed. Landlords can't ignore any of it just because you took the place partly unseen, and bad landlords get away with it when tenants don't go to the ORT.


Contact OTR and be consistent and persistent with follow up. I was very on top of it and was able to get out of the lease with a decent outcome. Save all communications with the landlord and take pictures as proof


Is your intent to get out of the lease, or have it repaired? Not excusing what the landlord hid from you at all, but search this sub for folks not being able to find anything to rent. Before you pull the trigger on getting out of there, be sure to have something else lined up. If what you are saying is true that it’s not livable, then getting out of the lease would be easy. The doors not closing and holes in the walls is nothing, and does not make it inhabitable. “Small toilet” can only mean small bathroom in this country, and that is not anything to complain about. Water leaking thru ceilings is a different story. This can cause mould which is a health hazard.




Yes, that's the problem, we couldn't see the rooms. We trusted the house itself was fine, just messy because of their stuff.




>They are not legally obligated to tell you about any deficiencies if you do not ask... So wrong. Maybe check the legislation before you post misinformation. [Landlords must maintain the rental premises in a good state of repair and fit for habitation, use and enjoyment, including all services and facilities provided by the landlord in the tenancy AGREEMENT](https://www.saskatchewan.ca/residents/housing-and-renting/renting-and-leasing/requesting-repairs#) Rentals are to be fit for habitation before a tenant moves in. OP absolutely has a case.


Thank you. What do you we suggest we do?


Ignore eightbit, they don't know what they're talking about. Contact the rentalsman. Take pics and have everything documented. Office of Residential Tenancies Phone: 888-215-2222 Email: [email protected] It was $40 to file a claim. I'm not sure what it is now but they can walk you through what you need to know and do and how to move forward.




**Regardless of an agreement**. The rental must be fit for habitation. Any rental. And **if an agreement had been signed that doesn't follow legislation a renter can't be held to it, it's not legal.** Been there, done that.


true, but I think the point is there's no way to prove it was like that before they moved in.


Thank you for letting me know. That's our mistake then. But since you said now that we were entitled to see everything, are we THEN allowed to take legal actions because THEY did not let us? The deficiencies part is basically the same as seeing. Had we seen before that the rooms had faulty doors, faulty walls/flooring with holes, a dry dead rat, leaking floors from top floor to the basement, failing and small toilets, etc., we wouldn't even have to ask them. We would learn for ourselves the issues.


Small toilets? Explain.


A toilet with a joke hole that's just for farts.


Oh, like one of the fancy ones that only come in a 1/2 bathroom? A 1/2 toilet?


A toilet so low it's like I'm doing squats. Maybe not a real issue, just personal opinion.


Just make the most of it.  Can you shit in a bucket in the yard?   Does one shower work?   Bleach everything down, plug the holes and go - you're better off than so many already!!  How much is it a month???