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One of the main reasons I carry bees in my lungs at all times.


I like my cell cultures like I like my coffee: _covered in bees_. 


What's for breakfast? BEES!!!


Everything's coming up Nic Cage.


Haven’t heard an Eddie Izzard reference in some time.


I can't wait until Google's ai regurgitates this answer




All your friends are labouring in honey protection but you work in oncology. You don't get paid or anything so it's sort of whatever.


Oh god, finally a situation that really does call for Dr. Bees!


Michigan State University researchers have discovered that honeybees can detect biomarkers or chemical concentrations associated with lung cancer in human breath. The researchers have also shown that the honeybees can distinguish between different lung cancer cell types using only the ‘smell’ of the cell cultures. These findings could be used as a model for developing new tests to diagnose lung cancer early. “Insects have an amazing sense of smell the same way dogs do,” said Debajit Saha, an assistant professor in the College of Engineering and MSU’s Institute for Quantitative Health Science and Engineering. Saha and his team wanted to see if honeybees could distinguish between the chemicals in human breath from someone who was healthy compared to someone with lung cancer. Elyssa Cox, Saha’s former lab manager, and Michael Parnas, a doctoral candidate working in Saha’s lab, developed a “recipe” for a synthetic breath mixture using different levels of six compounds such as trichloroethylene and 2-methylheptane to create the chemical makeup of the breath of someone with lung cancer and a synthetic healthy breath mixture [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38850736/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38850736/)


Who the crap thought to check if bees can smell cancer


We know dogs can do it seems a natural progression to try other animals or insects. I think it would be more weird if they were trying to get uncle Frank to smell your breath for cancer.


Please tell me they just sting people to indicate they've got cancer...