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i don’t think you need to be “scared”, lol. there’re plenty of women who do want to have children. there’re plenty who don’t, until they find a relationship in which they feel safe and loved and supported, and then they decide they do. and then there’re plenty who don’t at all. all of that is okay. the child-free voices are loud on social media because for a long time, women’s sole purpose in life was supposed to be to give birth to children and take care of them - and a lot of us, especially those who live in a more conservative/religious environment, are still very much pressured to choose that kind of lifestyle, whether we like it or not.


Let’s not forget that social media is run by an algorithm designed to keep you engaged. If it’s learned OP watches content like this, it will show him more. Social media is a terrible way to get accurate data on what the world is thinking.


yeah, that’s the other thing! i’ve seen plenty of young women on social media who talk about having children, or already do and are posting about it/giving advice. OP has probably visited some child-free communities and now is worried that it’s the whole world he’s seeing, lol.


same pfp and almost name🙂‍↕️


My son




This was my experience with my partner. She initially didn't want any kids, I've always been pretty on the fence. After a few years of being together she now wants kids more than I do lol.


i think that’s a big compliment to you and your relationship! of course her mind could’ve changed because of other things, but being a good enough partner that your significant other wants to have children with you is a big compliment to begin with :)


Awww thank you for the kind words, it certainly brightened my day! We have our ups and downs but we both do our best to make it work and build a future together.


You should use a dating app like Bumble that allows you to specify if you want kids or not. It will be the first thing you see on their profiles as well. There’s even a filter where people can choose if they’re looking for a serious relationship or casual. You can even politely ask them if their chosen filters are currently up to date, just to verify when you start a conversation! Either way, there’s plenty of women who want marriage and kids. I’m child free and most men want kids but I just gotta suck it up and keep it pushing bc true love ain’t easy to find. If your IG algorithm keeps recommending you these videos it’s probably because you’re interacting with the posts too much. If you’re clicking on them to view the comments frequently they will keep recommending more of the same. Press the button in the corner and specify that you don’t want to see these posts, because I promise you there’s thousands of women on IG and TikTok making vlogs everyday about how hard it is to find men that want marriage and kids lol. Now run, go and find your people!


Then move on to the next one. I dated 200 women before I met my wife.


There was a time women wouldn’t spit on me if I were on fire! Then one night out of the blue, went to a bar, met a girl, 46 years later we still have great monkey sex!


Wow what… you sure you mean 200 and not 20? You’re saying I’ve got only 198 more to Go?


Yes. If you’re serious about finding the right woman, you may need to meet a lot of them. It’s a numbers game in many respects.


Process of elimination. Keep going until you know you found that one.


Having expectations when dating is a bad idea. Plan to meet people with the hopes you eventually run into the right one. You think you know what you really want out of life? You don't. Neither do most people. Date to meet people, not to find a wife. With time you'll find someone you're happy with


You interviewed them, right?


Ok, Casanova. Even if I set that as my only life goal I would die of old age long before 200.


It was fun. I met a lot of interesting people and had a lot of sex. Online dating makes it so easy and there are tons of eligible women out there.


If you're hot maybe. I don't even get matches online lol. Like I said, it would not even be possible in a lifetime.


I’m old fat and bald.


Yea in no way in hell am I going through 200 guys to find the one lol I don't have the time and mental energy for it


I was my wife’s first date after being divorced for 7 years.


She's incredibly lucky


That’s what I tell her every day 😎


why? imagine how many stds that manwhore has


Lucky in the sense that she didn't have to go through 200 guys to find "the one" but yea


ewww you are not even for the streets, you are for the highway. Disgusting. That female simp of yours prolly was too desperate that she picked up a public bicycle like you .ewwww


What’s with all these 20 years olds going through mid life crisis? You don’t even know yourself good lord.




Sorry, OP, but this is how most things go in adult life - getting what you really want is never easy. And if you want to understand why so many young women are talking about child-free lives, look into how much it costs to raise children in today's world, and then spend some time actually caring for children. Like, babysit the children of relatives, possibly take kids for a whole weekend so the parents can have a break, explore the reality of parenthood as much as a childless person can before you go around asking someone to have your babies! Because the fact is that quite a lot of young women would love to have children, they just don't see how they can! Both because the cost of raising children is staggering compared to today's wages, and because they're so afraid they'll face the same situation that billions of women do, having a partner who will refuse to engage in the work of parenting. Young women are choosing to be child-free, because it's a better deal than working 10 hours a day, and going home to spend 12 hours a day doing all the parenting and housework, leaving two hours for sleep, while their spouse plays video games and complains that their sex life isn't what it used to be before the kids came along.


There’s lots of girls wanting kids keep lookin


There's another reddit post going around where the guy had the opposite problem, and the advice, weirdly, was to wear a baseball cap backwards.


Explain please


I can't find the post, but the idea is that women see the backwards cap as a signal that the guy isn't long term relationship material, but is open to hooking up. Probably something to do with the fuckboy stereotype. Even if that isn't the case, you could try changing up your appearence to be more attractive to women looking for a long term relationship (especially if you are picking up women at bars/clubs).


It’s incredibly expensive to have kids and everyone is fucked for the most part, makes a ton of sense to not have kids for most people.


Maybe don’t bring up kids until you find out if this is someone you want to be with long term, then reevaluate from there. You might be scaring them away with the whole having kids talk


I usually never bring it up tbh, but most of the time women who wants something more with me would bring those things upfront just to avoid any misunderstandings moving on..


I get that, and I know it’s disheartening. I always thought I wanted kids, but I’m 40 and I never had any, and now I’m glad I didn’t with the state the world is in. Lots of people are scared. Lucky for me, I married a man who has a child that I consider my own. I hope you find someone who does, just keep looking.


Just out of curiosity OP, what are you doing to show women that you would be a good father and not leave all responsibility to the potential mother of your kids? Having money isn't the end all be all of being a good parent.


My last relationship involved a 2 years old child from my ex whom I was not only financially responsible for (his dad wouldn’t pay child support) but I would also spend a lot of time playing with him, feeding him, taking him out while his mom gets some rest. Dance with him and was even learning how to change his diapers. Sometimes he’d wake up in the middle of the night and I would prepare his milk bottle. Honestly when she left me it’s like I lost my own child. I still think about him sometimes and hope he grows up to be a wonderful man. But this experience just left me craving even more of having children.


I think it's completely reasonable to bring up basic values and desire for marriage/children very early on. No need to waste time. I don't have much other advice for you. At my church there are lots of pretty young ladies who want to get married and have children, but it depends a lot on the church and the region. And, you know, you'd have to go to church to meet them and you might end up leading them on if they falsely think you're of their religion.


Keep going! You seem like the kind of guy a lot of women want to meet! She’s out there, just keep looking.


Be scared, be afraid …. Be very afraid … FAILURE


What are you scared of homie? The doom and gloom as if all women are trending towards no-kid lifestyles is crazyness. You're 26 and mention yourself women are showing interest in you, regardless of their feelings on kids. It's a numbers game at that point, you'll eventually come across someone who is at minimum interested in having kids. Take it easy.


Just so you know the more you interact with posts like that the more the algorithm will show it to you. Social media goes off your own engagement.


Birth rates are declining in most if not all developed nations. It’s pretty accurate that the overall trend is leaning to women not wanting children. My only advice other than being upfront about wanting kids is to ensure that you are financially well off. I feel that’s one of the biggest reasons why people have apprehensions.


Most women I know are concerned about all the work kids are and loss of self when having kids. Not to mention pregnancy and birth fkn suck and can have long term health consequences. Lots of men are great partners and dads. But a lot don’t pull their weight when it comes to childcare and the home.


Thankfully I’m doing more than financially well. I have a full time job that pays relatively well for where I live and I can more than afford having a family. With a side business established as well. But it’s not even so much about having kids but the fact that no one’s looking for something serious or making a family anymore.


Good job man. You’re young, at your age people are still prioritizing gaining experience which isn’t necessarily a bad thing but it will take some time and effort to find a likeminded individual. Keep grinding and don’t be discouraged.


Enjoy the dating scene and have fun. Always be generous and always treat and maybe you’ll get lucky. Now make a “wish list”(Manifest) of the perfect woman (18 items) and go find her. Good Luck!


You can take mine.


Haha thanks for the offer but I don’t like to mess with other people’s wives/girlfriends. That’s one thing I’m just not into 😉


Was worth a shot.


Don't base your stuff on social media. If you watch things about being childfree, then it will continue to feed you that. A skewed bubble, if you will.


The algorithm shows you that Crap because you seek it out. Search for the things to motivate you and you’ll see that instead. You get what you look for. That applies in real life too


I’m speaking as someone in a similar position, and I don’t have any revolutionary advice but I’d like to reiterate the “work on yourself” trope. You gotta let it go for now and not force things. Do some journaling or something that gets you to be okay with not having children. Once you accept that it’s a possibility, your intentions become more pure and you will attract likeminded people. Pursue hobbies and ideas that are meaningful to you and there’s a good chance you will find a woman through those ventures. I know it’s lonely and it sucks but you’ll be alright.


I am in a similar position but after a very difficult relationship I just decided that if I don't have a stable relationship and with a stable enough economy by the time I'm 35 I will adopt as a single father. It will be way harder than being a normal parent but it's what I want for myself: a family


The fuck were you doing to summon this avalanche of childfree algorithm. I fuckin hate kids and never see anything like that in any of my socials.


Hey man, I get being bummed out when you're struggling to find the right person. But get off social media. You've got the same problem so many people do when it comes to it - tunnel vision. You saw ten chicks say they don't want kids, and now you think women want to be childless. Are you gonna meet women like that? Are you gonna have bad luck? Yep. And you're also gonna meet people who share your values. But you've gotta get offline. Social media is a garbage dump full of outlandish opinions and attention-seeking for the purpose of generating revenue. And the algorithms make sure you keep getting baited. Don't be a fool. Let me tell you something. I work in retail, and I've gotten to know a lot of people working across several dozen stores over the course of eight years. There are some AMAZING women out there who are sweet, kind, funny, and devoid of the dark judgmental thoughts and behavior you see from the ho's on TikkyTok. Absolutely amazing people. And some of them are married with kids. And some of them are still obnoxious hos, but hey, it's gonna happen. Bottom line though, you need to get off the internet and go meet real women.


You haven't even met the person you want to have children with yet and you're already thinking about children?


26. Get scared at 40.


This is a dig at the other post. Bad form. Just be glad that guy isn't leading women on and is leaving them available for you to find


Imagine starting a life with someone who doesn’t actually love you I’m scared to ever trust a girl again I’m 27 . You scared of being single I want to be single forever and be rich and successful. Don’t be afraid of loving yourself first and your own best friend . I just wasted 6 months and she assaulted me pointed a firearm at me . (Of course didn’t call the police ) you will be fine . The emotions go up and down but holy shit I loved this girl 6 months more than my ex fiancé for 2 years. It’s difficult I know I’m 1 day deep but life goes on we adapt . Emotions are very real I challenge you to love yourself . I’m learning MYSELF RN it !!!! I broke up and got beat up yesterday. Pay attention to the red flags they do not lie :( I went from loving her to feeling bad for her she definitely has some trauma and medical problems aka multiple personalities the most crazy girl me and 7 of me friends have ever seen . Just love yourself first before can love someone else :) I thought my ex was crazy . This new girl prison prison prison . Focus on you and you will attract who wants you . Wow I just said that yup . Life is hard because you don’t know who really loves or cares about you except family sometimes 🤔 :Source lost 15 people in past couple years to decades in prison or dead . Trust me I seen life from a perspective more than people that are 70 years old . Don’t give your heart and love to anyone that acts as your friend . Love yourself and trust nobody !


Find someone who has a child already


26 kana boy. Incel datingan mo


Women don't owe you kids, family, and domestic labor! 4B!!!


This will be downvoted but I know exactly what you mean and you are probably in a big western city. Women are bombarded since early that having a pregnancy and a kid is all the bad stuff. Risky, a health hazard, permanently worsens your looks, your sex life, takes away your time and joy, is a financial disaster, destroys your career and can lead to severe depression immediately after birth. This is why more and more women chose to not have kids or even a marriage. Our culture emphasizes one side of things and the other is neglected and seen as old fashioned and naive. Big cities also are a magnet for career focused individuals and they also tend to be less child friendly. My honest advice is to move away or seek a companion in another location or even a country. Many of my friends are thinking the same way.


western women are miserable like this. thats why a lot of men go to third world countries because those latina and asian women are not miserable like western women. why do i get downvoted? why dont you guys ask all those american expats all around the world. ask them why they dont date in their own country anymore.


Because you’re a walking, talking Andrew Tate talking point, and sound like a miserable piece of shit. There, that’s your answer.


you’re getting downvoted because you’re not only hateful, but also blatantly wrong, lol.


I'm a western woman and it's you who is miserable, your rhetoric sucks a big ball bag and I hope to god it's a profoundly hairy one so all the pubes get extremely tangled around your uvula and you spend decades coughing them up. That's pretty gross, just like you. I said what I said.


You think if those expats were poor these girls would be lining up to have children with these old white men?


Nobody said anything about old or rich. I found it so much easier to date anywhere outside NA. I'm from Eastern Europe and have lived in a few places for parents work and then working myself and NA is by far the most closed and apprehensive outside the surface of fake smiles and how you doing's. It's the individualist culture and cold war relic.


What do you think the demographics of a male expat to a 3rd world country is? Women having a sense of self outside of wife and mother is a good thing which education and equal opportunities gives them. European countries, Japan, South Korea, and even China has a plummeting birth rate. It’s not just individualistic United States bro.


I'm not talking about kids. Dating is much easier in Europe and just talking to someone in a park for example in general. Same for LATAM Asia or Africa. I never even mentioned I was from a western country in eastern Europe and girls were way easier to talk too and were way nicer even if not interested. You sound kinda xenophobic or racist though. People everywhere have agency.


My guy this post isnt about women who don’t wanna date its women who don’t want kids c’mon guy! No women anywhere owe anything, do better.


But this comment thread is about people outside NA. And you seem to have very racist, infantilizing, and xenophobic views of people outside your culture.


That men prey on women from 3rd world countries because they lack economic opportunities? You who are attacking other cultures my guy are self projecting. Do better please.


Yeah, you clearly don't view other people as humans and adults. You're infantilization is disgusting. I am from third world countries. Nobody needs you to coddle them. Ask them what they think instead of trying to do it for them.


Yes, it’s western women that are miserable. Not the men that get rejected by every woman they know irl and have to rely on foreign women coming from from poor and disadvantaged backgrounds so that they are desperate enough to fake a relationship to be able to provide for their family back home :/ These women are thinking of the real lovers they had from back home while they close their eyes and secure their financial future with a man that thinks companionship can be purchased lol.


That's just racist and xenophobic. People in other countries have agency too.


You should look into passport bros who specifically seek out these kinds of women. It happens in European countries too you absolute donut. What’s *actually* racist is when someone is talking about poor people and you automatically assume it’s minorities lol


That's still racist and xenophobic. And you're infantilizing them. Idk what minorities is even meant to mean in this context.


All those American expats account for 0.0001% of the US male population. Don’t draw conclusions based on their distinctly minority viewpoints.


I expected the downvotes before I even finished reading your comment. Sorry man. Welcome to reddit btw.


Women can change their minds… just work on yourself (be rich) and someone will come along