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Hello all šŸ‘‹ I've been working on this project for the last year. It's a fully featured event management and ticketing selling platform. My goal from the beginning was to make self-hosting as easy as possible. You can check out the GitHub repo here: [https://github.com/HiEventsDev/hi.events](https://github.com/HiEventsDev/hi.events).


Neat, Always good to see other open source Laravel projects about! A couple of notes on the licensing (I am not a legal expert though): - Just want to ensure you're aware that, under your AGPLv3 license, you'll need to gain permission from contributors to be able to distribute the application under other licenses (Even as the project creator). - Both of your paid licensing options refer to branding. Under the AGPLv3 it's fine to remove branding. I know there are still factors to consider under the AGPLv3 (some form of attribution and access to sources on distribution) but attempting to prevent specific modification to retain specific branding under the name of the AGPLv3 could be misleading (and somewhat in contention with the rights of modification provided in that license).


Thanks for the feedback u/ssddanbrown! It's still very early days, and I've only one contributor, so based on your comment I'll take another look at the licence and see if there's one better suited.


Stick to AGPL-3.0 and use a CLA (as opposed to a DCO) because you have dual licensing options. May alienate some contributors, but gives you a peace of mind while maintaining AGPL-3.0 which protects your business interests,


Didn't many big projects have a CLA and rug-pulled, like Hashicorp and Redis? It may turn many contributors away.


Yeah, CLA allows you to rug pull. OP has already declared dual licensing upfront so he needs it since he will be the sole copyright holder.


Rug pullable licensing = hard pass!


Fork it.


Under what license?


Thanks for the suggestion! I'll look into a CLA


In addition to a CLA, please also consider using Developer Certificate of Origins (DCOs) instead. This short post describes its benefits much better than I can: https://drewdevault.com/2021/04/12/DCO.html As for license, IMHO the AGPLv3 is actually a great choice. It not only keeps your project open source, but also ensures that others won't fork your code base, add things, and turn it into a closed source product. I like to think of the AGPLv3 as giving your project the "pay it forward" benefit that non-GPL licenses don't have.


What the fuck is wrong with opensource licensing nowadays? GPL? Add a CLA! CLA? Add a DCO! I mean I get it, but I also.. don't. Used to be you'd use BSD, Apache or GPL and that was it. This saddens and annoys me..


I much prefer AGPL when it comes to network based open source apps, it basically ensures that all contributions, features, and additions must be public/source available. No close sourcing possible. MIT, or Apache 2 for libraries though.


Itā€™s a great idea. I hope it gets some adoption among smaller venues


Thanks u/DeathByChainsaw. That's the plan! I'm hoping it becomes an option for smaller events to avoid crazy service fees.


I see this is built in Laravel, like Attendize, and the UI is similar. Is it a fork?


I am actually the original developer of Attendize. I sold it in 2018, and unfortunately the new owners appear to have abandoned it. [Hi.Events](http://Hi.Events) shares no code with Attendize. I wrote Attendize around 10 years ago while I was still learning to code. So a lot of the code is questionable, to say the least šŸ˜„


Super! Is this new project feature complete compared to Attendize?


Yes! It has all the features Attendize has, as well as some added and improved features, such as promo codes, tiered and 'pay what you want' tickets, tax support, custom service fee support, more advanced messaging, custom homepage designs. And more I can't think of right now.


Sent a DM, hopefully we can have a chat if you have time.


Whatā€™s your USP? Especially in comparison to pretix (pretix.eu)?


Pretix is a solid choice, but it's somewhat bloated and the design isn't the most current. [Hi.Events](http://Hi.Events) provides a simpler, and more modern solution for general admission ticketing


i'm also curious to know differences with pretix except nicer UI.


what is used for payment processing?


Currently it only supports Stripe. If the demand is there I'll add additional providers. Previously when I worked on Attendize, another ticketing platform, I found that 99% of people opted to use Stripe.


I'm from europe and i don't think anyone uses stripe here (at least i never heared of it). Most people use credit card, paypal or simply regular bank transfers beforehand.


Plus stripe is not even available in a lot of countries, like India


Stripe is a payment processor, not a payment method. Stripe can be used to process credit card and PayPal payments. Iā€™m in Norway and Stripe is pretty ubiquitous here, I canā€™t even think of an alternative to be honest.


Maybe write an documentation how people can add their own payment processors, or support 3rd party plugins for this, so people can distribute their changes Here in the Netherlands, you are not going to get a lot of tracking if IDeal I not supported. This payment system is also going to be expanded to the rest of Europe under a different name


I would suggest submitting it to work with https://cosmos-cloud.io/


I've never heard of Cosmos. It looks cool!


Its great for noobs who dont linux, and also for people who use linux since you can edit environmental variables rather quickly


I'm sorry ? Are you serious ? It looks amazing, like, the UI is just so perfect, congrats and thanks for sharing!


Thanks! I appreciate the enthusiasm šŸ˜„


Tinkered around with it & found some issues you might wanna take a look at. Can you extend your [security.md](http://security.md) with a GPG key? Preferably with a signed commit & I'll gladly disclose it there :)


Thanks for looking u/td__ . Good suggestion! I'll do that ASAP


In the meantime feel free to take a look at order code ATBHF on your demo instance. :>


I've added a public key to [SECURITY.md](https://github.com/HiEventsDev/hi.events/blob/develop/SECURITY.md). Thanks again for the suggestion.


Out of curiosity (couldn't easily find an answer by searching), what is the point of providing a public key here?Ā 


It allows him to use the public key to encrypt whatever he's sending to the developer and be reasonably confident that only the developer (the owner of the matching private key) can read the contents of what is being sent. If this isn't the answer you were looking for, ignore me!


This is 100% the correct answer. And doing this with a verified commit increases the trust in the key as the commit itself is signed by a gpg key that is marked trustworthy in your GitHub account


Ohhh, I see. I didn't consider the private key at all. Makes about 100x more sense now. Thank you!Ā 


Any plans to add a customisable seat map?


Not in the immediate future as the aim is to mainly focus on general admission ticketing. However, it's definitely something I want to add down the line


Great. Looking forward to it! I think a seat map will be a big USP as I havenā€™t found a self-hosted ticketing platform with that capability.


/u/Caseyrover On your documents page, in the navigation list on the left. You have "Licensing" spelt ~~wrong~~ I stand corrected, apparently it's an alternate spelling. Either way, FYI https://hi.events/docs/guides/creating-an-event


Here, take my upvote and save!


this is fire šŸ”„unfortunately i wasn't able to build it locally and was running into an error about not being able to find /startup.sh that is copied in the Dockerfile. very strange. but i would love to test out this app for personal events. i was able to build with someone else's image on docker hub and got a real indepth test with it and this looks really promising. would be better easier if there was an official docker hub or github image to use for this! great job šŸ‘ edit: it does look like the image on docker hub may be a the dev for this/official tho haha


Is it possible to change the language? Not for me but for the buyers. I'm located in Germany - stripe isn't really used here ;-( is it planned to integrate for example PayPal ?


We'll have other languages very soon! Also Stripe allows you to [accept payments through PayPal](https://docs.stripe.com/payments/paypal), as well as many other payment providers. If there's enough demand we will integrate directly with Paypal.


Looks great. I run events, and build event promotion platforms for others and a lot of the ticketing solutions out there are real stinkers. 1. Do you have any idea when your documentation might pad itself out a bit? I wouldn't know how to start with an API. 2. If I use this to let people create and sell their own ticketed events and then take a cut of those events I need a license, right? Do you have any sort of ballpark figure as to how much that could be?


Thanks u/devolute! The docs are still a work in progress and will be padded out over the next few weeks. And you would only need a commercial licence if you do not want to adhere to the terms of the AGPL 3.0 licence. You can contact [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) for information on commercial licence options.


Feeling strongly compelled to host an event all of a sudden. Seriously however, this looks great.


Hahaha I feel this. It's the selfhosters curse, I'm also sitting here thinking about what event I could organise just to use this šŸ¤£


Looks like a great application. Iā€™ll attempt an install later. I recently started working with a client who operates a music school and they do sell event tickets. Iā€™ll see if it works for them. Thanks for sharing!


The demo seems broken? When I select ticket quantities and 'Continue', I get an error page


I can't reproduce, but I'll check if there's anything in the logs. Thanks for reporting!


I'm using a mobile browser, if that's helpful Edit: I can reproduce it consistently on small screen sizes even on a desktop browser


Very cool!


Hi, this looks great. I haven't downloaded it yet, but does this work multi-tenant/vendor?


I just saw now "Multiple organizer support" on the bottom of the landing page. May I ask here publicly what the license would cost for this? (In order to remove branding)


Hey! I'm not exactly an expert at hosting, but I cant get this to run for the life of me. First of all I tried self hosting on Windows with Docker. I clone the repo, cd into the all-in-one and run docker-compose up. Its hanging/not doing anything other than pushing out this message: `time="2024-06-12T10:44:39+02:00" level=warning msg="C:\\Users\\Omen 16 Laptop\\Downloads\\hi.events-develop\\docker\\all-in-one\\docker-compose.yml: \`version\` is obsolete"\` Then I tried deploying to Digital Ocean through your guide. This got me to the login screen where I could create a user to log in, but whatever I try to type into the name/email/password fields - whenever i push the register button it just gives me a 500 error in the bottom right corner. So I cant get past the register/login. Any tips? **Edit:** Tried it out on your demo, and im loving it so far! So hopefully I can get this thing up and running so we can keep testing internally and potentially migrate to this.


I got it to work to add a account by adding the value APP\_DISABLE\_REGISTRATION to false however I can only register a normal account, still figuring out how to get a admin account or login as admin


I myself love Pretix


Another one?