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Step 1 was getting all our models out of being 20+ years old. If Seraphon do well in sales, we will see more from them in the future. 4th edition AoS, Warcry or Underworlds warbands, etc, and I'm sure there will be other kinds of dinosaurs coming.


What do you mean real triceratops, what are stegadons 🤨 Honestly they did great job, we got 2 raptor like riders, pachycephalosaurus could be cool for some riders i agree, and something like parasaurolophus with a carry on with skinks on back would be cool. We cant really have the long neck ones in the game since they are just to big. So far i think they did great job with implementing dinos and lizards


Ngl, the Stegodons barely feel like Triceratops to me. They are too armored and wide


You are complicating things to much, be happy we got great models we can enjoy painting and playing


Dimetrodon wasn’t a dinosaur. There. I had to say it. You might argue that I didn’t actually have to say anything, but I really did. Really.


You defo did bro


I appreciate it. I also cringed when dude said allosaurus as if that tiny head and it’s name beginning carno doesn’t ring any bells


I was talking about the new Aggrodons being the equivalent to Allos


My bad but still definitely not they are dromaeosaurs(raptors) so utahraptor deinonychus


They are a mid-sized theropod that comes in small packs with prominent eyebrow ridges and "rending bites". The Aggros are more fantasy Allos. It's like how the Troglodon is the Spinosaurus.


Medium sized theropod also is classed as dromaeosaurs. Allosaurus was larger than carnotaurus and was much larger than a cavalry piece. I believe the iconic recurved claw they feature is much more indicative they are raptors than eyebrow ridges. The pack hunting also applies here


I'm going to counter your statement by saying we should get a Dilophosaurus. I mean the fake, frilled neck, gunk spewing kind. Maybe as a frilled neck skink variant or as a hero model. And they should write in it's description about how real it is.


Somebody had to say it


I know it's a synapsid. Was being simple and using one of the new creatures


When is the sauropods :(


Where is my stardrake/greater deamon equivalent big Dino? We need a big boy Dino to fight the other big boy monsters


When the Dread Saurian left Forgeworld I had hope a Gigantosaurus or something similar would come along.


I think the fluff around the salamanders shows the direction they are going- spawn of Chotec, from a specific realm.... what are the other constellations spawns? Theres got to be room for more there surely, and as much as I would love more dinosaurs, I would love for them to flex into more fantastical reptiles as well. Can really see them doing a small pack of razordons inspired by the Thorny Devil. Of course we'd all love to see a skink flying hero on an Archaeopteryx or a Coatl whilst I would love for them to lean more into axolotl's and the salamanders have the gills already. To answer your Q though, the main missing dino troupe has to be sauropods, surely the thunder lizards NEED an actual Brontosaurus! Oh and Temple guard!


Salamanders aren’t new


I definitely would like just some random dinosaurs without mounted units. Were there feral units in fantasy? Like in total war?


The closest thing Fantasy had to feral units were Jungle Swarms. Everything else has riders or handlers.


Pretty sure dread saurian doesnt have any crew


I think Pachy would be perfect for that. They have a Skink be like a Herdmaster for three Pachys


There was a list for towards the end of WFB, maybe 7th? It was fun and silly.


Yeah 6th or 7th in a WD issue IIRC, I bought a bunch of the 6th "cow" cold ones for it but never ended up playing. Seemed fun though


I kind of like that the dinos we have are familiar of dinosaurs but not 1:1. It is another realm of existence after all


A big *Quetzalcoatlus* or *Hatzegopteryx* as a Lizardman equivalent to the Maw-crusha would be cool! Personally something I’m keen on would be a *Velociraptor/Deinonychus*-inspired war dog-type unit (as in the canines, not the 40k mechs).


Having a Quetzalcoatlus as a flying version of the god engine would be so cool.


I’d love some more dinos, but I struggle with the idea of sauropods. All that neck in the Warhammer universe is just begging for these things to get Worfed all the time.


Magic Dino armour that deflects missile weapons and is difficult to crush, maybe? I'd like to think of the saurspod Dino as something the old ones use all of their ancient tech type stuff on. Maybe they can even be intelligent like stardrakes and capable of communication.


I’d love some Pachy chargers (maybe as a feral unit) and hadrosaurs I’m surprised no one has mentioned iguanodons or oviraptors.


We have an allosaurus?!




Thoooooose are raptors....see the to claw


They are the mid-sized theropod and are in small packs, basically an Allosaurus. It's not 1 to 1 but neither is most of the dinosaurs


Would argue a larger raptor species, like the aptly named megaraptor


I would love a stegosaurus-like unit personally. Also would love a sauropod as well. I like the new dinos we got and really appreciate the effort on the design of the raptadons. The carno kit and aggradons are dino enough for a parallel reality.


I love the quitz idea it could be like a faster but easier to kill stegadone. I'd love a sauropod or baryonix/sucomimus kinda like aggradon alternative like the trog is to the carno. Sorry for any dino names misspelt lol.


I agree we need a sauropod with a big howdah like the mumak


The rules are there. Find some proxies in place of the gw models. Get creative


Yes! a big dino Non-hero unit!


Yes!! The fact that there's no sauropod inspired Seraphon unit feels like a huge wasted opportunity for a really dope sculpt.


With feathered dinos being in the table, i want an archeopteryx one(my fav dino as a kid), maybe a saurus hero on a giant feathered 4 winged archeopteryx/those flying things from avatar hybrid


Maybe a brachiosaurus or leopluridon would be cool


I’d want a carnotaurus or a unit Parasaurolophus Calvary. If not that then I demand the return of the dread saurian


Since the dread saurian is kinda dead now we should have gotten a big rex or gigasaurus.


Lol “real triceratops” it’s called the original metal Stegadon model from 30 years ago