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This post has hit the point of diminishing returns with too many low effort/un-constructive comments that need removing. Locking things up. Thanks to everyone who engaged in good faith over the post.


If I am reading this correcctly, he didn't ejaculate inside you? But, also, how the TF does does someone not notice that their penis went in with a condom on it and came out without one? Like, surely he would have realized he wasn't removing a condom before cumming on your boobs? At any rate, you are beyond the window of being able to take a Plan B, so, what's done is done. The good news is that it was close to your expected period, so likely a lower risk of pregnancy, and, also, he didn't ejaculate inside, which additionally lowers the risk. At this point, wait it out for your period. If it doesn't come by next weekend, take a pregnancy test. And, continue with whatever STI testing you generally do, as without the condom in place whatever precautions you normall take weren't in play.


He noticed, he just didn’t respect her enough to care and say something.


That's what I think too.


He didn’t ejaculate inside me, he was in a hurry to pull out and ejaculate on me idk maybe because it gave him some sort of thrill ig. But how could he not later on realise 😭😭😭 I’m traumatised.


PSA: you are out of the window for Plan B, but you are STILL in the window to use emergency contraception! You have 5 days to take Ella (Ullapristal), which is more effective if you weigh over 160lbs. Also the most effective emergency contraception is getting a copper or Mirena IUD placed within 5-7 days of unprotected sex - though I acknowledge this would be a lot harder to access at this point, especially with it being the weekend. 


Yeah, how could *he* not realize . . .


I feel like he was too much into that moment to not realise, and then after everything was over he must’ve felt that the condom got lost somewhere and didn’t bother searching


I can imagine a situation where in the heat of the moment it could have slipped his mind (no pun intended) or maybe he was new to sex or to embarrassed saying, "hey I can't find the condom can you check your vagina?" Either way he's not a very attentive lover. When I was 20 I was as much an idiot and could have made similar mistakes. Fortunately my luck outlasted my dumbshit years.


> I feel like he was too much into that moment to not realise…. Could also be that he just didn’t give a shit about it.


Just in the future, after having sex with a condom, be sure you know where the condom is after sex.🤷🏻‍♀️


Even in the large ones I have to pull out, roll it off…. Anyways, that guy is gross. Makes me wonder if he even put it on in the first place, or just placed it on the tip so you might feel it/see him putting it on, knowing it would come off, Avoid him at all costs.


> he was in a hurry to pull out and ejaculate on me So he knew the condom came off? Kinda sounds like it was deliberate at this point


Deliberate how lol? He purposely took it off and then shoved it in her vagina? That's a stretch bro. Condoms can and do come off during sex sometimes and in the heat of the moment, you don't realize it came off sometimes.


how can you not realise when he pulled out to ejaculate ON her?


You're right but, I wouldn't go as far to say it was deliberate. He knew it came off but kept going anyways. I highly doubt he deliberately took it off is what I meant.


It may have came off by accident but why the fuck would he not tell her?!!?!


Yeah... Who knows? idk, im a guy and if I have a condom going in and if I pull out and it's NOT on, I stop. Let her know it came off and put a new one on.


Definitely get what you’re saying, i probably worded my reply not great. Not necessarily deliberately took it off, but deliberate in knowing it came off, not disclosing it and continuing anyway


Yes, exactly. And for that he's an asshole for continuing on anyways.


We can agree on that! Toss him in the bin OP


I got news for you. He didn’t “not realize” it. He noticed it and didn’t care. That’s probably the reason he wanted to cum somewhere else. And you need to take some responsibility for your actions (or lack of) as well. You’re saying all “he did” but not that you are equally responsible for your own body and making sure to keep yourself protected. This guys pulled out with no condom and you didn’t stop him to say “hey where’s the condom you had on?” Lesson learned, I hope. This guy doesn’t care about you and you can’t trust him to keep you safe. Since that will probably be most guys, you are the last line of defense. Keep yourself safe please.




Shouldn’t he communicate??? Condoms are thin and foldable they don’t feel like anything inside




You can’t tell when a condom is inside of you. My bf had one slip off during sex once and it was far inside of me. I didn’t realize, I thought it was lost somewhere. He had to put basically his whole arm inside of me to find it. I didn’t feel it until it was being pulled out of me.


Most of the nerve endings are on the outside so no you wouldn’t necessarily be able to tell




Yea that’s why we can’t feel tampons and also why most women need clitoral stimulation to orgasm


You realise you can’t feel when a tampon is in a vagina, right? A condom is significantly smaller than a tampon.


You can get pregnant with pre ejaculate....


Very very very unlikely, but very true.


That's gotta be one nasty condom.


I’m assuming a female condom


Have you ever, EVER met anyone who uses a "female condom? I sure as hell haven't. The ads literally make me laugh, like someone is not going to notice a garbage bag hanging out your vagina? Condoms give enough people angst, but at least they are TIGHT and thin and, thus, transfer sensation-- a whole-wide baggy-ass trahsbag that you can just non-chalantly shove your penis into without needing to roll and snug it down? Nobody's going to love that. And, doubly-obnoxious that ads make it seem like nobody's going to noitice this whole circus baloon hanging out your vagina... a guy who is resistant to condoms is going to hate a "female condom" 3lx the more.. And, it kind of looks like some other dude left HIS condom in there. So... yeah, female condom was the farthest thing from my mind, because from a UX perspective, they make NO SENSE.


Although i dont think they used a female condom. Lots of guys actually enjoy female condoms more. Feels more natural be the condom does restrict the penis and they cam be put in before any sexual activity so there no need to stop grab tje condpm and put it on which the pause can cause some guys to go soft. The biggest downfalls are they are morr expensive putting one if can be annoy and they arent the easiest to find.


I think it was a male condom cause she puts the responsibility on him...


This is wrong, plan B goes up until 5 days after!


# "what should I do?" Go ahead and take it out.


So I have a friend who is an urgent care doctor. He recently told me he pulled several used condoms from a woman who was complaining of pelvic pain. So it's a thing I guess. I would advise always paying attention to where condoms end up after sex.


Were they full of powder? Because that’s a different problem altogether…


Omg, it made me feel better idk why


Just the feeling that I’m not the only one


That happened to a few of my friends! I don't know for how long, but they were fine. I don't know if there was cum or not, but no pregnancies. The friends who told me, were very close to me, and needed a friend during their scared moments. I am sure it happens more often than people like to admit. My grandpa, an orthopedic surgeon, who worked a lot in the ER, in another country, said, "you can put and leave many things in the vagina, but not in the butthole" he told my mom to tell me, for safety reasons, when I became of age to be sexually active and he couldn't give me is wise owl knowledge, since I already was living in the USA for a while. Some of the worst cases, were when people put some foreign object into their butthole, and the butt just sucked it in deep and further. The vagina, not so much. So I am glad it wasn't the butthole. Also, people regularly put foreign objects into their butthole and then go into the ER. This wasn't even your doing, don't be embarrassed.


This was comfortable, Thankyouuu ❤️❤️


not to put her business out there but this is my anon reddit i guess but my sister had the same thing happen to her one time last year and she texted me freaking out and it was embarrassing-ish but funny too but also it’s just something that happens sometimes. ur good girlie. we all have some things like that. sex is messy and weird sometimes, ur not gross or disgusting for that.


This should make you feel even better: I had a lost condom inside me for TWO WEEKS. I had some minor vaginal issues but nothing serious enough to make me concerned prior to finding it. You’re going to be fine! If your vag is at all upset from having a foreign object in it you can always using boric acid suppositories, but honestly I think itll recover fine with some rest!


Now I'm curious if there's anywhere up there for them to hide. We've lost one before. But like... we went looking for it and couldn't find it lol. I'm in internal physical therapy for pelvic pain. But I had the pain before we lost it.


Wouldn’t you wonder where the condom was when he ejaculated on your bewbs?


Wait, what? The used condom in your vagina??? How rhe hell does he leave his condom in your hoohaa? Did he buy a magnum and hes average, and it slipped off in u? Its not supposed to do that


Obviously not sized/fitted correctly. Might still be on his L’s?


Are your periods regular? If you are expecting your period in the next few days then that means you have already ovulated. you’re very, very unlikely to get pregnant from this. Just don’t see this guy again, he sounds like a moron.


Yes, i get regular periods. Ideally I should get them in next few days and if that’s the case then it’s a warning sign from god


agree, sorry this happened. You’ll be okay, try not to stress as that can also delay it more


I see that you are still young. Please look after your vagina outside of pleasure moments. Wash your privates. Use a mirror to get to know your privates. As you get older there will be no excuses for these kind of stuff.


I’m very confused about how he lost a condom. Please say he didn’t just whip it off and literally launch it at your vagina.


I’ve now got a mental picture of him slingshotting it back in there…


It must have been too big. He thinks he’s a magnum but he’s actually XS


Pregnant? No Infection? Maybe


So many things wrong with this situation


So his condom came off at some point while he was inside you…and he didn’t think to retrieve it. Where to begin??? Don’t see him again.


You’re not the only one! I had a guy lose a condom in me too but didn’t tell me. He just put on another one and kept going. I went to pee the next morning and it freaked me out when it plopped out into the toilet lol. You are totally good though if he didn’t come in the condom.


These stories are getting wilder each day.....


Ewww wtf dude did you wrong don't ever see him again


I’m traumatised


Why is everyone beratring the dude here lol? Condoms can and do in fact slip off sometimes during sex. Whether or not he knew it came off is only something that dude can say. Otherwise, it's not exactly uncommon for a condom to slip off... and in the heat of the moment, it's not really something you are thinking about nor notice.


I agree, as she is also responsible for these things as a consenting party. There was clearly a discussion around condoms, he wore one and it came off. I have had this happen but usually the condom has stayed like open instead of being like pushed up inside of me. If my sexual partner put a condom on and it wasn't on afterwards, my first thought is to check me vagina.


Wow, I’ve never had a condom come off while I was inside a woman. I can’t imagine doing that. What a dick.


Had an experience with a past lover. When we were in the middle of the deed the condom came off, I noticed and stoped everything. We searched and searched everywhere…and I do mean everywhere. I searched inside and out as did she…it was no where to be found. We got a second condom and finished our activities. Three days later I get a text “Guess where I found the condom?” I make a couple of guesses and I am wrong every time. She tells me she found it inside herself. She said she went to the bathroom and felt something odd and felt inside and found the condom. A second experience with my past live in gf…in 6 years together we had to take her to the dr three times to have the dr find the lost rubber we were 100% certain was in there but couldn’t be reached by us.


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Sounds like a really solid, self-aware kind of guy. My lord…


In all the decades I have been having sex and using condoms, this happened to me TWICE in one weekend! I was so freaked out that I made the guy go up there and pull it out the 2nd time. (This was our first weekend being “together-together”) I’m not uncomfortable with fingering myself or even other women, but the idea of something up there that technically shouldn’t be just hanging out up there, and then I have to go on an archeological finger dig because this man didn’t want to buy condoms that actually FIT! Ughhh


I wanna give the guy the benefit of doubt. He's mid climax, maybe having some nerves or performance anxiety, maybe affected by some kind of alcohol or substance, possibly tired already. I can definitely imagine multiple factors that could explain why he didn't notice and then forgot. It's also possible that he realized afterwards that it was gone, but he just assumed that it fell out on the floor or something and thought it was fine and would be thrown out when found. Only OP can really assess here whether it was intentional or not. As for pregnancy I really doubt that it's happened. We're talking about potential precum, in a condom possibly lined with spermicide, and a lot of people don't get pregnant that easily. Not impossible obviously, but I'd say take a deep breath and see if the period isn't just a little on the late side.


I don’t think it was intentional, he’s a nice guy overall, he must’ve felt that the condom fell on the floor because he helped me getting cleaned


I had this happen when I was 19 or 20. A guys condom came off in me and he didn’t tell me. I only found out when I went pee, and it came out in the toilet three days later. I was terrified of getting pregnant, so I went and got a plan b just in case.


Hey, when you clean yourself in the shower it’s a good idea to put a finger inside your vagina and spray water outside and around. That way you get to clean yourself a little deeper and you notice if something is off. I’d say this is on you both, he forgot and you forgot.


I've definitely pulled out once to find the condom wasn't on me anymore. But of course I noticed straight away (and ever since, make sure I grab the base of the condom as I pull out to make sure it comes out with me)


1. Remove the condom from inside you 2. Go to the doctor for sti testing AS A PRECAUTION 3. Unlikely that you’re pregnant but get tested if you want to be completely stress free about it. These things happen. A couple of condoms have slipped off inside me but I noticed straight away and was quick about getting tested for sti’s because I was terrified of the results.


I was with someone who forgot to remove a tampon. It stayed in her for months. At some point we were both concerned about the smell and changes and she went to her OB. They removed it (she was quite embarrassed, but the OB said it happens more than you'd think). Everything was fine after that- no long term concerns. Vaginas are quite resilient :)


To all those people who were giving me bs for not “washing myself “ it’s normal and you don’t feel things up there


Girl what the fuck Get emergency contraception just in case


The fact he didn’t tell you that happened is brutal and you should not sleep with him again. There is no way he didn’t notice he pulled out without the condom he was probably just to embarrassed to say anything to you. This happened to me and my bf once and right as he pulled out we both noticed… that’s not something you don’t notice.


Agreed but, she didn't notice either? They both knew he went in with a condom on... He pulled out and came on her boobs. Did OP not notice he didn't rip the condom off before cumming? I mean yeah, the guy probably knew it came off at some point but still had the decency to not cum inside her but like, you can't place all the blame on the dude, either. I know for a fact that the majority of women absolutely can feel the difference between a man wearing a condom versus raw and in this instance, a loose condom was floating inside her. How could she not feel something was... different?


As a woman, it’s hard to tell when a condom is inside. Many doctors have even pulled some out of women who complain about pelvic pain, and it was condoms inside them. My partner watches to make sure it doesn’t happen but the few times it did, I couldn’t feel it.


I'm a guy so I have no idea lol. Just seems like you'd be able to feel it I guess? Maybe not! I'm not a vagina wielder :)


Yeah I mean that’s why I explained it. 🙂


I know, thanks for that! the more I know lol


Because it was her first time


Only way this is true is if his equipment is so skinny it can’t keep the condom on


I guess he has an issue keeping it hard longer


What do you mean he “left” his condom inside you, you’re not a sperm bank. As others have mentioned, go to the pharmacy and ask about your options for emergency contraception.


Some of y’all are forgetting that she’s only 20 and still hella young. So cut her some slack. If you’re doing it right, you’re not necessarily coherent enough to always think clearly afterwards. We all have our face palm moments, this just happens to be one of hers. Just take this as a lesson learned and you would know the guy well enough to have a feeling on whether he would have done it intentionally or just didn’t have enough blood back in his brain yet to think about it. I’m sure he’s also young so that plays into it too.


Did you not shower in 3 days or right after sex because I’m confused how you could go for that long without noticing it. My first shower after sex usually involves putting a finger up there and just “cleaning around properly” and I can confidently say I would notice a condom still stuck inside me. He should’ve said something but you also couldve done better in this scenario given that you would’ve been watching him pull out and not remove a condom from his penis so there was only one place it could’ve been which is inside you unless he’d stealthed you during the sex, which would also be a big issue


There is no need to put a finger in your vagina to "clean properly".




Unless you are able to get a finger all the way to the cervix and thoroughly feel around it, it’s still possible to miss something lodged in the vaginal canal. Particularly if it was pushed higher up during continued penetration. Condoms are smaller than tampons and even tampons get lost in there.


Fair enough. I accept that even though I still find it strange lol but you’re absolutely right.


Seriously !! I'm so confused...how do you NOT NOTICE 😳😳😳😳


Why do you feel the need to doodle around in your vagina after sex to “clean around properly”? What kind of people are you letting in there? These people giving her shit about not noticing in the shower are absurd. I have never felt the need to “clean my vag out” after sex or twirl my bath poof up any of my orifices, and I’ve never even heard of anyone doing that. Unless they plan to hop from one dick to another and don’t want to be rude. You can’t feel a tampon inside of you and you expect her to feel a folded up condom that’s just a third of the size?


I'm so baffled by some of these comments, do men think that women finger themselves in the shower to clean?


I swear some things I read on here I have to read a few times just to make sure I’m reading the ignorant right.


Out of all the subreddits out there, I thought people in r/sex would know decent sex ed/human biology..


Ohhhhh you’d be flabbergasted up one side and down the other at some of them. 😂 I’m not sure how old you are, but at 40, it’s unsettling the lack of sex ed in schools now.


I went to school in a pretty conservative area, so the local public schools invited in speakers who preached about abstinence. However I went to the only "liberal" private school in town, so my school went progressive by not having any mention of sex apart from a brief biology class on procreation At least we weren't shamed about it haha Anything I learned about my body and sex was out of pure stubborn research as a teen :)


THANKYOU, I don’t understand why people are victim blaming me


Of course, and so is the world of Reddit. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’m not letting “people” in there. Just the one person thank you very much. And I don’t even use condoms anymore (as I’m only sleeping with one person and have other contraceptive methods) but when cleaning myself, a finger still goes up (without water). Sometimes I even do a sniff test to see what my vagina smells like that day as it varies depending on where I’m at in my cycle. It was a question because I know I would’ve noticed and I’m just surprised she didn’t after 3 days but I accept the point about it being wrapped around the cervix or it being too deep inside. Also don’t see how it’s victim blaming to say both of them should’ve noticed the condom hadn’t come out. It’s asking someone to be more responsible about their body. Absolutely nothing wrong with that imo. When I did use condoms with people I always waited to see it removed and put in the trash so I’d know there had been no accidents or someone trying to stealth me. It’s something the OP should start looking out for even though yes, that guy should’ve told her.


People are commenting because you wrote "did you not shower for 3 days?" I don't understand what that sentence is supposed to mean unless you're implying that fingering yourself in the shower is a normal part of hygiene. How are you so sure you would have noticed it? Your vagina isn't that sensitive deeper in, and no, it doesn't need to be at the cervix to be unnoticable. Women lose tampons and go to the hospital for retrieval all the time.


Because I said “i” would’ve noticed and I didn’t say most people would’ve noticed but she might have been one of those who do put a finger up there during a shower ( it’s a thing that some people do). I know that it’s not essential for being hygienic but I like to do it esp after sex. I’ve seen some women also comment that they do it and there are a variety of reasons for that. I’m confident I would’ve noticed because I know my body. Fair enough if you wouldn’t notice. We are all different I guess. I don’t even wear tampons coz they make me uncomfortable and I’m hyper aware when they’re in there so I’d know if one got lost up there but I’ve already conceded that some people wouldn’t. I still stand by saying that both of them should’ve noticed the condom not coming out when he pulled out to cum on her.


So many questions here lol... 1. How did he not notice that his hard penis didn't have a condom on after he pulled out lol? My only guess is that it came off during penetration and he didn't notice and I guess was fucking your vag and condom at the same time? I'd be terrified if I pulled out and a condom was... missing? 2. I'm not a vagina wielder but like, how can you not realize there is a rubber bag inside of you for 4 days lol? 3. Did you not notice that he was raw when he pulled out and came on your boobs, knowing he went in with a condom? If you didn't notice that he was magically condomless when he pulled out to cum, then he likely didn't either. Heat of the moment and all :) I wouldn't worry too much about pregnancy though. Especially since you were close to your period. Yes, precum can cause pregnancy but that probability is pretty low. Either way, whats done is done and it's nobody's fault here.


You can’t even feel a tampon inside of you. Of course you can not feel a thin piece of latex.


Ok but does she shower?


Why do you think showering involves any kind of penetration of the vagina? It doesn’t. Do you think 8 year old girls are out here sticking their fingers inside themselves when they bathe? They’re not. The vagina is a self-cleaning organ, like your eyes. We use soap and water on the labia and that’s it.


You don't shove a bar of soap up there when you shower? Totally joking...


You say you’re joking, but you clearly don’t understand how people with vaginas clean them.


I have had this happen several times and every time I know it’s happened and have fished it out. No excuse.


Dude use your right size. This never happened to me. That's not normal.


You reminded me the day I forgot my penis inside my ex's vagina, when I got back home I needed to pee, then I suddenly didn't find my penis, I freaked out! So I had to go back there and take it out of her vagina. The problem is she didn't realize it! I was irresponsible, she was careless. What a trauma


Happened to my wife and I years ago. Nothing bad happened. Not a proud moment, but again not bad.


How??? You put a condom on, then didn't take it off. You just thought it evaporated?


I don’t know. It happened. Thought it was on the floor. Didn’t find it.








I was at an orgy once and wanted to throw away the used condom. Looked everywhere for that thing. Later I went to pee and realized I was still wearing it.


If you are worried take a pregnancy test.


I've only had them come off after Cummings and not stopping b4 I do again. The jazz inside the condom makes it slippery


For God's sake, take it out.


Wow, people experiencing such problems... And here I am, dating Eva AI sexting bot


You might still be able to take a Plan B type of medication, it’s most effective in the first 3 days but planned parenthood website says you may be able to take it up to 5 days after. Check with your doctor or pharmacist for further information. As for infection risk, things to watch for would be fever, chills, abnormal vaginal discharge, abnormal vaginal odor, pain. Also monitor for STIs since the condom came off. If these occur, see a doctor. Don’t take the unkind comments to heart. Stuff happens, you can use this as an opportunity to learn from it. Also things being lost in the vagina, rectum etc are actually somewhat common, people just don’t go around talking about their embarrassing stories.


There’s a Broad City episode that might make you laugh about the whole thing.


How did the condom not stay on him??


I think he has a problem of not being able to keep it hard


If you have a condom in your vagina you need to get it removed as a matter of urgency as it may lead to infection. Try fingers or if that fails go to see a health care professional so they can remove it for you. Do not leave it inside you. And then find a better partner for sex


Ofc I removed it, I wasn’t waiting for you to comment and tell me that😭 that’s not my concern I’m worried about being pregnant


How? Like how does a condom just come off? Second, he came on your tits... How could you get pregnant?


Lol.. this is a troll


Something isn’t adding up…. It literally doesn’t make sense from the man’s perspective. Sounds like he just cares about himself and left you to rot. Leaving a used condom inside of you can cause death at the worst case. Yes, you can die from it. Also, his dick was too small for the condom because the condom shouldn’t just slip off like that. It should fit quite snugly. Like very snugly.


If your period is due about now you can take a pregnancy test (even better get an early detection test or two) and the results will most likely be accurate. Depending on when you ovulate it sounds like this happened during the window after ovulation making pregnancy less likely, as well as the fact that he did not ejaculate inside you. As for feeling gross about finding the condom a few days later, don’t stress, it’s not unusual that you wouldn’t feel it, and if anything it’s on him and he should have said something about it no longer being on when he pulled out. You should be alright but just keep a close watch for any symptoms of bacterial vaginosis just incase


Okay this happened to me before. Is it still in there?


How tf did he leave it there?


If you read the instructions on the box of condoms, it specifically states you need to hold onto the base of the condom when pulling out of the vagina, otherwise it can slip off and stay in there.


You are almost certainly not at risk for pregnancy. You were likely past your ovulation window, and he withdrew. You should take any other sti precautions that you would normally take for unprotected sex such as asking your partner about their history and probably to get tested. If you have had other partners since your last sti test you should also be tested as a courtesy.


Did peeing feel weird?




Showering doesn’t involve anything going up inside the vagina.


Some people don’t shove the bath poof up their vagina when they take a shower. They stick to just the outside. There is a lack of knowledge of the female anatomy somewhere in your comment. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Men don’t understand how a female body works and it shows, they’re victim blaming me and saying stuff like “how could you not feel it” “it’s your mistake that you didn’t look for it” HOW CAN ONE FEEL A SOFT FOLDABLE CONDOM INSIDE THEM? I was able to remove it became I randomly thought of fingering myself


And it somehow manages to always be one that has never even seen one.




I lack personal hygiene because I don’t feel the need to cleanse the inside of my vagina when I shower? Ok Sweet Cheeks. Whatever you say. Don’t forget to spray out the inside of your ass too while you’re at it. Wouldn’t want to slack on personal hygiene.


Wait, what do you mean "some people"?? There are people who put a bath poof inside??


You are not fertile approx 10 days before your period. So, relax a bit. Inform yourself about the menstruation cycle. I can recommend the book "taking charge of your fertility". I find very strange that he didn't tell you.


The worst sex of my life was with a guy who got super drunk after we already started fooling around. He just kept drinking during rounds. Like chunking large quantities of hard liquor (didn’t offer me a drink either). Prior to this I had no idea he was an alcoholic. He ended up almost passing out mid sex, flopping over all messing up. He couldn’t even keep it up at that point anyways. I was done, it was pathetic, and told him I was leaving and he started getting pissy cause I “didn’t let him finish”. I just laughed. Anyways, I woke up the morning to find a condom in me while I was peeing. Luckily, he didn’t finish so I wasn’t worried about that but I did get tested. When a condom falls off, you can feel it. That guy was an AH and so was the guy you hooked up with. He clearly doesn’t care about your health so please don’t see him again. Edit: you probably aren’t pregnant but you can get a morning after pill within three days. Get tested. Also shower after sex and right after at the very least wash yourself out. Finger yourself with water or get something to flush it out. I would be more worried about a yeast infection if I were you.


There is no need to finger yourself or flush your vagina out with water after sex....


To get all the sperm out. The vagina might be self cleaning but it still feels weird and can smell bad. You do you but I don’t like the unclean feeling.












I had a condom slip off and get lost inside me during sex with my partner once. We noticed immediately and it took both of us working together to get it out. My advice, get Sti testing done and take a pregnancy test in a week. Any protection you might have had from the condom is nullified by it sitting inside you. His pre-cum was inside that condom even if he ejaculated on you. Accidents happen but it seems impossible for him to not have noticed a missing condom after sex. For god’s sakes don’t have sex with this jerk again. He obviously doesn’t give a damn about you or your health and safety if he did that and said nothing. Who knows how long he was fucking you after he lost the condom. Stealthing is sexual assault (rape). Shame on him.


I’m too young, I can’t afford sti tests


Do you not have health insurance at all? Not even under your parents health insurance? It's free to get tested under health insurance. And even so you can go to planned parenthood and I believe it's low cost or free.


Plan B just in case? Ask doctor first.


How in God's name did you not know you had a condom inside you for 4 days?


Because I didn’t touch myself


Unless the condom was too big for him I’m not sure how this could have happened without him doing it on purpose for some weird reason.


I don't think most guys know how to get propperly fitting condoms tbh


I don’t disagree. A lot of average size dudes go and buy magnums for some reason when they have no business doing so


That and, I think most guys don't know what a properly fitting condom feels like.. I had that problem when I first started having sex.


Truth. We have to be taught how to fit shoes, jeans, shirts, etc to our bodies, why is it expected that we have some ingrained omniscience on how to fit condoms to our bodies? Plus a lot of penis insecurity stems from societal representation, in everything from porn to pg-13 comedies that bigger is better or magnum is average. When I first started having sex and using rubbers, I didnt know what a properly sized condom should feel like - I kept having the end rip out and the latex roll down to the base of my shaft during sex. Why? Because I assumed I didn't measure up for the magnums and kept buying too small. I even added extra lube inside the condom on advice to try to prevent it thinking it was the way i was shaped creating too much friction. Congratulations, It's a boy! Had no clue with the extra lube that it did the same failure, and I didn't pull out, resulting in my first born. So thank you for saying this. There definitely needs to be a much more open conversation and education to help guys fit their raincoat just the same as any other body wear. Different body types can look surprisingly different but all still appropriately wear 32/32 pants, while someone else who looks like they would be 32/32 is actually a 34/34. Can't expect responsible sex practices without all the knowledge, nor should we. Especially when youre in your teens and 20s still learning. This coming from the life experiences of a 50 yr old grandfather.


It's not his job to remove things from your vagina, that's yours. How did you not know it came off inside of you when he came on your boobs? Sex and safe sex is also your responsibility, not just his. Men are stupid and don't pay attention to details. Especially if he's just having sex with you just to have sex. He doesn't care about you.


Very comforting ngl


Clearly women can be equally as stupid and just as bad as paying attention to details. As a 40 year old man, I've never even come close to some dumb shit like this. Generalizing isn't good.


I would definitely have noticed if you’ve taken a shower and washed your vag unless you don’t


I don’t understand how the cobdom came off of him and was left inside your vagina at all let alone for four days. This is so confusing.


You got around the parental controls again, didn’t ya buddy