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Massively overcompensating because of the criticism of how the original series stood up to modern audiences. Too white, straight etc etc


Which is just silly, because it WAS very progressive for its time. Single career women in their THIRTIES who *have casual sex*? All the discussions about birth control, STDs, abortion, choosing or not choosing to ever have children, it was great for women in the 90s! That said, I believe AJLT definitely should have incorporated some diversity, and I love some of the new characters (Lisa and Seema in particular). But damn they dove straight off the deep end being as woke as humanly possible. It kind of felt like being lectured.


the original series got me through my most painful breakup hahaha


The original was perfect, especially back then. I’m watching it now… the book signing party. It’s my fav insomnia show.


I spent my entire first week postpartum--with both my babies--sitting on the couch with the baby, watching the entire SATC run on DVD.


You have a strange definition of perfect. It was a product of its time.


And it was perfect.✨🤌🏼


>18 minutes in Honey. You got a big storm coming. 🤺


I hear you! I’m all for diversity and stuff but the new show is really in your face about it. Clearly overcompensating for the criticism the original series has received in recent years. The original series was a product of its time and it was extremely progressive contrary to what many critics would have you believe. I’m a minority, **loved** the original series, was never offended in the slightest. The reboot is a bore and the in-your-face wokeness of it all is a *part* of the reason.


Have you ever noticed how they barely show NYC in AJLT? They could have filmed it just about anywhere--it wouldn't make a difference. In SATC, it was fun to have the city as the 5th character.


Yes. But some of that was due to covid restrictions. A lot of shows that filmed in NY during that time you couldn't really tell it was NY.


Wouldn't really have made that much of a difference tbh


Over correction. All that was needed was diversity in the writing room to avoid another black character splitting up a fight by saying “yo yo yo keep it real, keep it real”. * Charlottes story line with her kid seems plausible. * Mirandas story line, was annoying because it didn’t fit the character despite it being based on real life. * Carrries job was IRRITATING! I honestly think the show would be so much better if: * Mirandas story was different, * they gave carrie a better job (she’s a writer. Make her write. Between the movies and now, she likely would have had a blog that became a store that eventually became a physical store that sold shoes, clothing, and magazines/book). She would have hired some young person to manage the online stuff since she doesn’t “get it”) * Samantha came back to add in a persoective of maybe retirement after a scandal revolving around some sort of PC issue


Carrie as a small business/fashion boutique owner makes so much more sense! I think her being a podcast guest host implies that Big was helping to support her financially. A girl boss plot would have been way more cool.


And even with that plot, i could see it being more a small boutique, labour of love that she has 2-3 employees doing the stuff she doesn’t get. And like, maybe now that big is gone, she realizes just how much she needs to pay attention to the financial aspect of it or something, y’know? It just makes so much more sense with her love of fashion. They could do alot with that


What was based on real life? Cynthia Nixon?


Yea, she also realized she was gay later in life and married a woman (or NB? I don’t feel like googling to verify). So it kinda mirrors her own experience


Just a correction, Cynthia identified as bisexual for a long time and now identifies as queer. She has never stated that she is a lesbian. Just to clear that up! :)


Thank you! 😊


>Thank you! 😊 You're welcome!


AJLT is glaringly insufferable and nauseating


Feels extremely forced


I haven’t watched it yet but even my most liberal and progressive friends say it’s overkill.


It’s so bad : (


The main reason why i stopped watching. Everything feels forced


Course correction steered a bit too hard Having characters just for the sake of their color is superficial in itself It’s too bad some of the dialogue makes it seem like these women (who live in the most diverse city in the world) have never interacted with someone outside their race. Honestly, SJP did a series called Divorce for 3 years. It’s short, but I think it does a better job of examining the lives of women in their fifties.


Ooo thanks for reminding me about divorce! I enjoyed that show.


Buckle up! 🫨


I'm one of those liberal people that am happy to see representation, however ALJT should have just integrated that diversity without making every episode seem like an apology for any criticism of a show that aired in the 90's, it was awkward and not how people talk in real life. Like we're not idiot's, we can handle a non binary character, you don't need to devote the entire plot to it, just have them be a character and a full human being and not have it be their only personality. Season 2 was a bit better in my opinion


I agree with what you’re saying, but I don’t think “woke” is the word you’re looking for and I’m surprised some of the comments are repeating it. I’d say the show is tone-deaf and forced. It’s simply bad writing. They’re trying to look “woke” i.e. conscious of social inequalities, but they completely fail, so it’s just a string of uncomfortable interactions that make no sense and don’t have any meaning. Like, criticism of the first show was more that people wanted plots that include a wider range of topics and characters, of all different races, genders, orientations, ages, social classes. Not for each main character to be given exactly one, wealthy, token non-white friend, no more and no less—what the hell was that? LMAO It feels like instead of saying “let’s explore other points of view alongside the main characters’ and really develop these relationships” they said “uhhh chatgpt cast a few new people to make the show look less white so people stop badgering us to write good stories.” It didn’t work.


That's because "woke" is a dog whistle. Each character getting their own token POC friend was nuts lol. Like that's exactly what we DON'T want.


It’s baffling that they thought it was a good decision, lmao. It’s a shame, because I actually like some of the new characters, but they’re accessories. Then, because there are just as many new friends as main cast, plot time is limited, and of course the main characters are going to get a greater proportion of the time—we end up with weak, not very memorable plots for the new characters, which reinforces the whole idea that they’re just tokens.


I wouldn't be surprised if they did that on purpose, knowing the backlash they'd receive. So they can later say, "See? We tried to be inclusive and it didn't work!"




Thank you! I hate that word and associate anyone who uses it with those who actually encourage things like “project 2025” 😒


Yes, yes. I couldnt make it through amd stopped after season 1 of AJLT.


It was awful. I made it through both seasons. I can’t even believe it. I’ll probably go for three and begrudgingly watch the next season.


I think it’s unrealistic. Diversity is of course important however the way they produced AJLT does not fit the dimensions of the characters’ narratives. This overcompensation made the continuation of their journeys unrealistic




You can blame Fox news for that. Woke used to be a good thing lol


And the consigning from the comments makes me sick!


Because it's a dog whistle 🙃


'maga terrorist' LOL. What is that, even?


Give me a break 🙄 idiots call SATC a woke feminist show all of the time.


I’ve watched from SATC s1 to AJLT twice now and contrary to the common opinion of the show, it doesn’t really bother me. If you think about how our culture is now compared to the 90s it actually is pretty accurate. Maybe it depends where you live but after the pandemic I felt as if my city became a lot more like that irl, too.


Exactly what I thought. At first I’m like oh okay cool they’re keeping up with the times, but then it’s like they made wokeness its whole show’s personality.


they had to please the snowflakes🙄 happens in like every new movie/show now


I haven’t watched regular television in years because of how contrived and forced everything is now.


THIS!! old media is better anyway. better plots, writing, and actors. idk why i got so many downvotes i’m just speaking the truth🤣


Please for the love of god change yout misleading and fractured post heading 🤮🤮🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


Yup this is a misleading shitpost from a new throwaway account. Blocked it