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I was about to say in this scenario there is no other acceptable response except “you bitch!” 💕


She’s never seen the show or else I totally would have said it just for laughs


That's why no one in my country is telling the name early. So no one can talk about his association and ruin the name for the parents. Everyone gets to know the name when the child is born.


You need to pour yourself a drink, look at your SIL, and ask her, "Jealous?" before you call her a bitch. 😈 😂 Oh and then throw yourself a party.


I never realized until now but Charlotte's storyline with the name Shayla is exactly like that episode of seinfeld where George wanted to name a kid seven.


I just interviewed a nanny who was named Seven. First time I’ve heard someone actually use it.


I have a student named Seven!


Never tell your intended name of baby to anyone. We kept our name a secret and everyone didn’t put up a fuss and was too busy loving the baby to object but the name is unisex and easy to spell. All good. Besides the name I originally chose, my sister took. And the name she chose for her next kid, my SIL took.


Those bitches! Jk


As much as this line is iconic, people who claim names are also the worst.


In the case of Charlotte, it’s a name she actually made up (according to the show), so I think it’s acceptable.


She didn’t it’s a pretty common name


Not in the SATC world it wasn’t. The plot line was that Charlotte made it up.


I always thought the point was Charlotte *thought* she made it up, but it’s a common name outside the super WASP-y circles Charlotte usually spent time in. So her outrage was real but as viewers we know it’s kind of silly… but it’s exacerbated by her pain about her infertility.


Laney didn’t say “it’s a popular name” or “you didn’t make up the name”. She said “I dunno, I think my husband heard it somewhere” (or something similar”. She was BS-ing and 100% stole it.


No one is contesting she stole the name or even claiming it’s super popular. It’s just not actually a name Charlotte invented. It existed way before SATC 🤷🏻‍♀️


I am not denying that it was a name before SATC. And clearly Charlotte didn’t make it up. Charlotte is a made up character. I’m not even claiming that the writers made it up. I am saying that in the SATC universe, Charlotte made up that name. In this fictional world where people who write columns they put next to the ads for penis pumps for small, local (fictions) newspapers, can afford to live on the Upper East Side of New York City…


At that point in the show though Charlotte didn't know anything about her fertility issues. The baby shower was in the first season and Charlotte was still dating and desperate to meet Mr Right. She was still harbouring fantasies about marrying the perfect guy, living in the perfect apartment and having perfect children. I personally thought she was nuts when she went on and on about the silly name at Samantha's party. Laney may have been a bitch but I laughed when she said to Charlotte, "I'm sure you get asked this a lot but what is your *problem*?"


Good point - I had the order mixed up in my head!


I never thought about this interpretation but I like it; Charlotte understandably upset about the name being stolen even tho she didn’t invent it like she thinks she did is more comically nuanced and silly like you said, and it makes Sam’s triumphant “You bitch!” even funnier and sweeter as a display of friendship.


Laney didn’t say “it’s a popular name” or “you didn’t make up the name”. She said “I dunno, I think my husband heard it somewhere” (or something similar”. She was BS-ing and 100% stole it.




This happened between two women I worked with. I found it to be hilarious... Because I detested them both 😂🤣 PS: The name they were fighting over was dumb as could be conceived (sorry, pun intended lol).


Hahaha that sounds really entertaining. I doubt my SIL would actually have any drama with her friend over this. She is extremely nice.


Now, THAT I can't relate to.... 🤣 Good for you, though! 🩷


Imagine your former supervisor naming their baby exactly like yours. She gave birth 7 months after me.