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It’s a multiple level issue. Stores are short staffed. Either by design, not given enough hours to schedule enough employees to handle the traffic or by chance, people calling off because the weather is nice or not enough employees on staff with the availability. Also I’ve noticed customers are worse than they’ve ever been. Leaving messes or creating messes that we are not staffed to clean up or even realize that there is a mess. I’ve had people make eye contact with me after they wiped feces all over a toilet I’ve just cleaned and the floor in front of it. I know personally when we are short staffed getting to the parking lot is last in my priority list. Usually we are stuck in the kitchen or on counter without a stop in business for hours at a time. You could call the main office and complain but if it’s after 3pm I promise the supervisor on shift is trying their hardest to just keep the store from catching fire. There’s a reason we get paid a higher wage than most places and it’s not because it’s an easy job.


Don't get paid enough lol, they need to pay like buckees if they don't wanna staff the stores.


I never understood why dont they just hire some guy to come and deal with the janitorial patt of the job? If u are busy in the kitchen with only 2 staff members in store how on earth are u gona clean? It wil be too much pressure on one to leave the duty on. Just hire someone to come and clean every shift / both interior and exterior and wtv it contains. Makes 0 sense to me


That's the thing, that position did exist at one point from what I've heard.


Yea man they definitely need to bring it back 😭having to clean shit and piss of other people and work in the kitchen all mf day long with those easyly irritated customers would have me pissed bra


During winter, we could set a watch by the frequency of this one homeless dude destroying the disabled stall. It was so bad that once it stopped, we figured he got hit or something else happened.


My store still has this position


Not at mine, so it might just be one of those where location varies.


It's coming back from what I've heard


We have 2 of those at our store daily. One handles inside, the other handles outside. But our store is pretty new and they built it with a diesel island for truckers


More money out of their pocket if they do that lol


Because nobody wants that job. We need more migrant workers.


I’ve always wanted to pick up some hours at Sheetz, but stories like these and seeing the looks on workers faces when I’m there make me think otherwise.


First shift is a breeze in most stores if you can get an opening. Second shift is usually given half the people but double the tasks. 3rds are running skeleton crews


We might as well be the living dead on 3rd with the sleep issues and everything we end up with.


You can say that again 😭


The area I'm at has Rutter's as a main competitor, and their starting wage is about $4 more an hour on average. They could certainly pay a bit better, in my opinion, if they aren't going to staff us properly.


In my area they pay us pretty well. I am in a busier store in our district though. I have seen the door signs at other sheetz and feel bad for those people. I’m at about $20 an hour. But yes I agree. They could def pay us more if they aren’t going to staff the stores correctly but we all know that’s not going to happen. Profits over people no matter what. I mean I ordered a burger and a sbc drink yesterday and it was almost $16 before my discount. I don’t know how people can afford to eat there without working there. When I was a teenager we ate at sheetz because it was cheap not because we loved the food. I think they’ve gotten away from that but then again I could be wanting for days past like all older people when faced with rising food and gas costs.


Stores are always short staffed because the bean counters at Corporate believe that all stores should be run as lean as possible (meaning we have to CONSTANTLY be running at 110% to get all of our tasks done). This results in overworked (and honestly VERY underpaid) staff. At my store, we’re probably able to take care of trash cans, floors, etc maybe once a day if we’re lucky because of the low number of hours we’re allowed to schedule people.


I am always amazed by what customers do. What do their homes and cars look like? We try our hardest even understaffed yet customers are gross. Don't necessarily blame Sheetz, the employees and managers do their best. I work in a very busy award winning store. It's not the employees making the mess! But it's up to us to clean up after nasty pigs in order to satisfy the normal people who are appalled, as we are. I am sorry you have such a bad taste. Don't blame Sheetz employees. I wish we had enough staffing, we work our asses off. I do wish corporate would help us but honestly it's the customers that are disgusting!


Yea I've found shit and loogies on the floor and of course urine. Fizz city constantly has spill and trash all over... The bathroom stay clean for maybe 15-30 mins... Blame y'all selfs the staff are working hard AF to keep. Maybe if the customers respected their stores - all parts make up the whole. Just cuz a business staffs employees don't mean their your personal servants and maids


I agree look where your at NC I grew up there human beings as a whole down there are garbage


It's a result of a bunch of college educated idiots sitting in a meeting room coming up with ideas to save money. It always looks good on paper, but it's never thought out, and they can never admit it failed because someone in that meeting would be insulted. The same is true for their maintenance team. They used to have people who only did HVAC, but because they have so many stores, every maintenance tech is required to do every job from unplugging toilets to HVAC.


And those idiots have never worked in a store to understand the impact that their changes have on the store teams.


Correct. And that will be the root of their eventual downfall. Products are declining in quality and morale is declining.


even if they did because a lot of them claim they did they were here like 15 years ago when shit was easy


Short staffed for the most part. My store has hired 12+ people in the last two months and only 2 are left and one just went on medical leave. We're lucky if the people that do apply last more than a week. My shift (3rd) only has 4 full timers and one weekend worker and one of the full timers just put in their two weeks. We're supposed to have 3 people per shift but almost every night multiple people call off. Currently working and there will only be two of us once I get back from break. So that's one of the biggest reasons.


This sounds exactly like my store! 😭 We have almost the exact same numbers at a very busy store. Looks like you are in PA, and I'm not, however.


can’t speak for all stores and districts but as of late it seems sheetz is more committed to spending money on expanding to new locations than setting a store up for success with enough crew and resources. in the last year they announced sites for like 5 new locations in my area. my store only has about 70% of the employees we need to be successful but we’re hiring and training for other stores so they can launch with a full crew but for every two we hire we lose one.


They won’t let us hire more people or put more people on shift. I’ve been on way too many 2 person shifts (I work the busiest shift). We literally started having to leave the toilet paper out in the bathrooms because we couldn’t stock them.


I hear this a lot from coworkers who get sent to different stores. Ig im just extremely lucky to have a super clean location. The kitchen floors are obv going to be dirty every now and then but the rest of the store is pretty clean


They make their money, they don’t care.


I posted about this once and do not blame staff. But I have not been in one the last year traveling all over for work that is not disgusting and dirty. I used to love sheetz. It was a safe stop for a restroom break and gas on my travels


We have a cleaning crew now but they’re not for facilities:Trash , parking lot, and bathrooms.


Because sometimes, there's only 1 person running the entire store...


This is North Carolina?


I just was in a store last night and someone left a turd so huge in the men’s bathroom that the manager called each employee back - male and female- to come into the stall and witness it. It took up the whole bowl. Not a pile of poop. One. Giant. Turd. Which circled the bowl like a large anaconda. Idk how someone was able to pass it. It was as big as a small newborn baby. They tried to get it to go down, but in the end it had to be physically removed from the bowl and thrown outside in the dumpster. So nasty.


My store is pretty clean, it's all about the management and employees. Luckily my store has a facilities person who just does janitorial duties and stocks the cooler. Only stores with high sales are alloted facilities hours. Alot of management just stick to the kitchen and don't walk around the store to actually look and delegate cleaning tasks. I see alot of people mentioning short staffing issues which sucks, management should be hiring and training people, all stores hours have increased for the summer season.


My store's hours haven't increased, at least they haven't enough. 700 hours is where we currently sit and it does nothing for us. We are one of the busiest store in my district, but we can't get the hour increase to match :/


same and we just keep getting busier. flexes or anyone who comes from another store complains about how much busier we are than their store. still we’re held to the same standard as the rest of the district and we rarely get flexes.