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Is it really being "passed up" if you said no?


Yea, I fail to see a single part of this that is not self imposed??? Sorry dude/dudette you need to have reliable transportation if you want more responsibility EDIT: I just saw your most recent post. Brother please go get help. If you’ve been there as long as you say you can go out on FMLA. I have been there. Check my post history. GO TO REHAB. This should be the absolute least of your worries. Please go get help before it’s too late.


They offered you the position twice and you said no…


Sounds like you're their first option but you aren't taking anything they offer. You aren't being passed up if they only hire someone else after you decline the position.


Most people haven't even been at my store a year, even supervisors. Next time, if you want a promotion, maybe don't reject it multiple times and get upset when someone else gets the offer??? You could have reached out to ask or apply if you were ready to be a supervisor... *Edit to add your 5yrs is also split after quitting and coming back a few years later. I would assume they only take really your experience since you were rehired into account


Sounds like someone's jealous...


You said No?


I applied for the supervisor position at my store I got the job however they decided they needed a supervisor at the store across town. I couldn’t have made it work


And you're upset that they gave the position to someone else?


beggars can't be choosers


I been at mine for over a year now on 3rd shift and let me tell you we've been through 3 different supervisors. One walked out 3x before she finally quit and the other one he stole directly from the cash registers and still wasn't fired just left when he got a better job. And the last one was cool but she couldn't handle the work load on nights. Now that being said me and another coworker applied for the newly opened position (he's been here a year too) and guess what? We both got passed up to some 22 year old that never worked at Sheetz before. Now for some insight our store GM is a lesbian and only seems to promote women and two gay guys since I've been here and talking to another employee that's on 1st shift they can confirm the same. It sucks working here I'm actively looking for another job in the mean time but it is discouraging how gatekeeping is making our store non profitable


they literally asked you multiple times and you declined for various reasons. you let it happen dawg


You’ve been there on and off for 5 years, the manager in me thinks you’ll leave again soon, and it’s not worth in the long term for the push up to the next level.