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Spring Break on Dathomir was something else.


I kinda like the idea of a Chosen One from a prophecy being a "mistake" made in a vacation


Isn’t that Percy Jackson? His mom and Poseidon had a summer fling on Long Island?


oh yeah, you're right, and all Greek/Roman heroes (although not Chosen Ones) as well


I always knew he was a bastard.


Really, what moron actually buys into a Chosen One prophecy? Take some responsibility, Qui, you fucking degenerate.


Bro, Tattooine child support laws are unhinged.


I don’t know if this was a theory anywhere else, but I have a distinct memory of the kids in my class theorizing that Maul was Anakin’s father


Your mother is so ugly, that someone had to impregnate her using the force rather then have sex with her


It was actually Darth Sidious who used the force to impregnate Anakin’s mother from afar rather than use his cock and balls


Somehow, Palpatine came! 🥴


Doesn't make Rey and Kylo sort of incest then?


Yes But you see, they're second grade cousins


Second…. Grade??? Is there a first grade, AAA, wagyu certified first class hot cousin?


You should write for disney theyd violently touch themselves to this idea


That was the actual canon back in the day. These days I think they just say the force created him.


I'm literally gobsmacked. I guess satire really is dead lol


No. "Sidious is Anakin's dad" was never canon. Not then, and not now either. In the old canon, Palpatine and Darth Plageuis were doing evil science experiments with the Force, and the Force went "nah, fuck that" and created Anakin. In the current canon, Vader had a vision where it's implied that Palpatine did in fact create him, but this vision is pretty definitively not true.


I'll admit thy even though I like star wars for the most part I'll admit to not fully knowing all the ins and outs of the lore. But to expand; when has the force ever been implied to be sentient as to think, well anything really


Well, they talk about the will of the Force quite a bit in the prequels. And in TCW, there is an arc where Yoda goes to the place where midichlorians come from, or something to that effect, and meets the Whills, who are... the beings in charge of the Force? For lack of a better descriptor. I don't quite remember off the top of my head. George Lucas' version of the sequel trilogy was supposedly about them. Beyond Lucas, it really just depends on the author's headcanon and what the story needs... which is the case for a lot of things in Star Wars, tbh. There isn't really a super concrete answer.


That's kind of the whole fucking point of the force actually


I hate myself for this, but I gotta make things clear: It's not like Palpatine stood in his mom's basement humping the air and magically jizzing into a woman lightyears away. More like he and his master meditated very hard and coaxed the force itself into creating a chosen one for them to find and corrupt.


I hate myself for this too, but have to make sure it's *really* clear since you're giving the common misunderstanding. Palpatine and Plageuis did not directly create Anakin, or even attempt to create Anakin. The Force itself created Anakin as a reaction to Plageuis' work on bringing back the dead through the Midichlorians. Plageuis even freaks out about the whole thing until he can ensure Qui Gon won't be around to train Anakin's full potential.


Imo just as dumb and contrived lol


Remember kids: a guy impregnating a random woman without her knowledge or consent = GOOD A loving lesbian couple using the same method to have children of their own = BAD


Red G Kcccb


Ok so either Anakin is Jesus or Anakin’s mum’s a lesbian. Both of these options are amazing. Can we have both?


Anakin is already Jesus and we never seen his parents, so yeah.


Either way, Qui-Gon’s turned on as shit


She literally married a man.




I might be stupid, but when I was a kid and watched that part I always thought that Anakin's father just went to buy cigarettes. Then, when I watched it some years after, I thought she was raped since she was an slave and all. Honestly, never thought that bs of immaculate conception.


In fairness for such a major plot detail it’s barely paid any attention or focus, almost as if George felt embarrassed for how on the nose he was being with the Jesus metaphor and wanted the audience to miss/forget that fact.


Does this kinda make Watto an abusive version of Joseph?


That was my thought process as well when I first saw it when I was like 8 and I continued to believe it all the way up till college when I finally heard what everyone else believed....I was shocked tbh


In fairness for such a major plot detail it’s barely paid any attention or focus, almost as if George felt embarrassed for how on the nose he was being with the Jesus metaphor and wanted the audience to miss/forget that fact.


I've always thought that "there was no father" means that his father was a dickhead who left his family for some twi'lek boobas.


OP has been posting reviews on "Acolytes" (2008)


My David Bowie/Indigo Girls cover band "Lesbian Space Witches" is also getting review bombed now.


That I agree with. "Ziggy played guitar, jamming good with Weird and Gilly, and the Lesbian Space Witches" does not work at all.


Tbh. Bowie would have made it work.




Hurry Potter?


Why is he in such a rush?


He needs to take a wiz....'ard.


Anakin "Jesus" Skywalker


star wars fans when in a universe with space magic and cloning uses space magic to create two humans out of DNA (this is completely unforseen and breaks every rule ever and is so so so fucked up and bad sta rwars is dead)


That's like saying that a dog can fly just because bats can fly (they're both mammals)


I mean it's more like "we had a guy make a flying dog and now we got women making flying dogs long before him." I don't really get why fans are upset. Kinda tracks that palp didn't come up with it himself but just rolled with building on someone else's work... Like eveything to do with plagius or all the cloning stuff or weaponising kyber crystals, aka everything else he ever did.


More like Darth Plagiaris, am I right?


The witch didn't cloned those girls, she literally created them using the force. Creating life with the force people is able to use isn't supposed to be possible, even for the father (literally the most powerful being in the galaxy, a living manifestation of the force itself). With Anakin it's different bc of the chosen one profecy, he wasn't created by a man, he was created by the force itself to bring balance to it (thing that he did at last by killing Palpatine in the Return of the Jedi)


But canon material literally leans into palatine having conceived anakin using the force. It's been a thing since the prequel novelisations and more recently the darth vader comics. It feels like it's only shocking because some people weren't aware of that before.


The prequel novelisations aren't canon, they're catalogued as "Legends" Star Wars. The Palpatine theory is just that, a theory


Sure, but I'm saying later canon works still build on that and reintegrate it into the canon, like the comics. It seems this show is just a continuation of that. It shouldn't be *too* outrageous when it's been established in canon since the mid 2010s or whenever those vader comics started.


i think it's more like saying "hey we know space magic can create life (nightsister zombies, various examples of sith alchemy, etc) and we know cloning is very possible. what if you did both" which in a fictional universe is completely normal it's like the fire in space complaint when star wars has been doing that since the original trilogy, star warsis silly and makes shit up all the time. you think there was forshadowing for palpatine's force lighting? no he just did that shit


Eh... Dude, a zombie is literally the worst example u can get of creating life with the force and clonation is a completely different. It's stated that people can't create life nor resurrect people using the force no matter how much powerful they are, all the attempts of it result in a failure, like zombies. That's why Anakin is special, bc he was conceived literally for the force itself, not a man using the force.


We have at least one or two ressurectiobs through the Force who cpuld seemingly have worked (Maul's scheme to bring Talzin back in Dooku's body and Palpatine's ressurection) And manipulating life to create new creatures has been a thing for a while (sith alchemy. Frankly startibg a pregnancy without sex sounds a lot simpler than creating leviathans). Anakin is still special due to being conceived by the Force "naturally", while the twins wee the fruit of a conscious effort using it.


I have seen several dogs fly on an airplane


Yeah, but the key difference here is that Star Wars is fiction.


That is the absolute worst attempt at using a logical analogy to prove your point I have ever seen.


Star wars fans when in a universe with all types of different crazy aliens when that universe also has brown people(this is extremely unrealistic and they are just catering to the woke left)


Evil old man/men heavily implied to have used the force to create anakin - "yea that's checks" Multi-ethnic lesbians discuss using the force to create life - "star wars is ruined (yet again)"


Pretty sure the main argument is that Anakin was supposed to be "special" and the prophecised "chosen one" and its a bit weird lorewise that now ~~they can fly~~ there are more of them popping up like no biggie. Edit: I mean dont get me wrong, immaculate force conception in principle was and is cringe either way. I vividly remeber half the audience audibly cringing in theater when i watched phantom menace back in the day.


Yes, I think a lot of this reaction is just people who didn't know those parts of the lore realising how silly star wars canon is. Perhaps looking for something to blame for that at the same time, not realising how prevalent silliness and corny writing is in the series. Remember all the now-legends stuff? Honestly I wasnt too upset at the un-canonisation because of how silly a lot of it was. Thankfully we slowly get the more popular parts re integrated into the canon again. Personally I don't mind, it was a flash Gordon spin off at heart I'm OK with some very corny things


I mean, this is still entirely different. Anakin was spontaneously created by the Force on it's own accord, while the twins were due to the witches's conscious efforts.


"THE POWER OF ONE, THE POWER OF TWO, THE POWER OF MANYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" If it wasn't so fuckin cringe everyone would be ok with it


The real problem is that the only guy who was ever known to be able to do that in the lore before that point was a super powerful secretive dark wizard whose research was only known to his apprentice and serves as the entire motivation of one of the most important character in the franchise. He also did it on accident and ended up creating a prophecy baby that fulfilled a 25000 year old vision. Lol just kidding, an entire planet of witches knew how to do it 100 years ago, and everyone kinda forgot it was even a possibility in less than a century. This despite the fact that they are very clearly not the only clan of witches in the galaxy. I don't mind the Night Sisters' powers and other witchery, but I feel like randomly giving them the super OP Sith power that was used once and caused galaxy wide problems for 60 years is a bit dumb and cheapens the mythos. If the Acolyte had taken place a few centuries earlier this could have even been excused by the loss of knowledge, but Plagueis is alive and kicking in 132 BBY. It's pretty dumb that every witch in the galaxy would just forget how to make force babies in like 80 years so that everyone is shocked when Plagueis do it accidentally.


"here is a super powerful force user with crazy as shit abilities long before the main movies" isn't just a trope in star wars it's practically a god damn RULE in both classic and modern expanded universe stuff back in kotor 2 we had a guy who could just kill all life on a planet by breathing all their life force super hard. i guess i just don't see how the twins are that huge of a deal, they're fine as a star wars thing


That's not long before the movies, that's while half of the Jedi masters from the prequels are alive. Also Plagueis himself should be around already. That's why I said it should probably have been set a couple more centuries in the past for it to make sense. There's no way everyone but Plagueis forgot how to do it in like 50 years.


"thats not long before the movies" i meant in the timeline, kotor 2 takes place 3000 years before the prequels. acolyte itself is in the high republic era so it's at least a century before the prequels the jedi masters around in this era are the ones with long as fuck lifespans


Yeah I know, I was talking about the Acolyte. Some random force wielder knowing how to create life in 3000 BBY isn't that outrageous. But when it's barely 100 years before the main movies while the guy who is legendary for discovering it is alive like in the Acolyte, it's kind of dumb.


wait did acolyte actually do this that's tight as hell


The power of one, the power of two, the power of maaaaannnny! The concept is cool af but the execution made me cringe out of my skin. Maybe if the women were nightsisters, not just a bunch of middle-aged crystal/tarot women, also if they weren't just chanting in galactic basic (english). Also, they just used the force? Yeah, they can make tattoos out of nothing, but it looks just like force magic. Atleaist the nightsisters had that green magic.


Force witches have always manifested their powers differently, so it’s not too big a deal imo.


Sure, I just wished the chanting wasn't so bad


You know the funny thing? The chanting is by far the worst thing about the show, the worst moment, the most cringe. And it's literally one of the things I hear people complain about the least. People's priorities are so weird, they'd rather complain about nitpicky stuff than the actual bad stuff.


A coven of witches made up of only women created twins using the force. And now the “true fans” think it is the worst thing to happen to star wars since the holiday special


I knew that but are they confirmed to be the Anakin's parents?


Most likely not. Acolyte takes place 100 years before the rise of the empire.


No, although it is canon that Anakin has no father. I think originally it was supposed to stated in ep3 that Palpetine used the force to impregnate Anakin’s mother, but that idea got scrapped and it’s only ever been alluded to once or twice since then.


As the canon stands now, Sidious tried to use the Force to create a living weapon for the Sith and the Force instead created Anakin to bring balance. The Witches seemingly used a similar technique just to make children, and possibly a diad.


Star wars has the worst case of prequel-itis I've ever seen. I replied to another guys comment thinking he was taking the piss but damn man that is so god damn dumb. Good job star wars is entertaining for the most part eh lol


i always thought it was Darth Plagueis


They are not. Anakin was created by the force


There’s no SINGLE father. This is the sci-fantasy reboot of Mamma Mia we’ve all been waiting for!


Prequel fans will spend years to find workarounds to this crap but ONE LINE IN RISE OF SKYWALKER makes the entire sequel trilogy beyond salvaging.


Star Wars fans watching episode 3 of an 8 episode mystery show: “this doesn’t make sense!! Star Wars is ruined!!”


god dammit if disney tries to retcon this shit


Oh god they found a new thing to be salty about


Star Wars fans every six months.


"Nobody hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans."




It's just George Lucas slavishly box checking heroes journey bits he missed in the original trilogy

