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Same idea when companies try to keep individual salaries confidential


And proceed to ask you for last payslip before joining them.


PM: no need to compare with others Singapore civil service work review ranking system:


PM: Minister salaries must be high because must compare to CEOs. Peasants? Don't compare lah, be happy with suffering under us okay?




_Remember your place in society before you engage in political debate… Debate cannot generate into a free-for-all where no distinction is made between the senior and junior party… You must make distinctions – What is high, what is low, what is above, what is below, and then within this, we can have a debate, we can have a discussion… people should not take on those in authority as ‘equals’._ — Ousted Foreign Minister George Yeo


Ah yes, thanks mr CCP mouthpiece.


The "natural aristocracy" comment by former PM.


To be fair, digging into the term "natural aristocracy" actually shows it to be an arguably positive, idealistic concept. As I recall the "natural" in it is supposed to imply the people who are actually good, and so should ideally or "naturally" be making the important decisions. Versus the entrenched or hereditary aristocracy where incompetents rule due to reasons other than their ability.


Such condescension. No wonder got booted out, good riddance !


The message likely isn’t for people that can think. It’s for the blind and the gullible. It could be too many people are leaving civil service because the scholars are parachuting/flying up too much. So the farmers shouldn’t compare, be happy and get back to work.


Yea. I agree. I am a happy farmer, and will get back to work.


100% looked in the comments section for this


And it's not just that but the whole of Singapore is based on rankings and benchmarking and metrics to quantify how well you are doing. Even down to being calculative about 5-star reviews.




Was there more to his response? Because it just sounds like 'yes I said don't compare yourself to others, but we need competition, so be like me and just, uh, stop comparing yourself to others lol'


Sounds like *Git gud dont complain*


The additional context is that he was a scholarship holder and likely knew he was earmarked for leadership. So, easy for him to say 'don't compare'.


Kinda forgot his exact wording but I think I got the gist of it? But now that you mentioned it, there really isnt much substance to his response that makes it memorable. Guess I got caught up by his flowery language lol Edit: Looks like Mothership has his full response here https://mothership.sg/2024/07/pm-wong-dialogue-questions/


There is some logic to his full response but it's noticeable that he dodges the issue of whether there needs to be a systemic change to the way civil servants are assessed. So his response is not good enough, because if he really wants Singaporeans to stop comparing with each other, he should lead the way in committing to such systemic change in the public service.


Agreed, that is really good analysis on your part. Guess I have much to learn :)


Eh, a few years ago his boss said we need to learn how to steal lunches from others... Now say relax lah...


You gotta steal people lunch to make money for SG inc. you just gotta relax when it come to your own salaries, cuz cannot compare with others. Won't anyone think of the corporation profits anymore? :(


That's a good way to see it. Singapore steal other people’s lunch but don't compare within ourselves who gets the lunch.


Especially don't compare yourself with people who are exploiting you.


In other news: MP and minister candidates are urged to look within themselves and not compare with others.


Why they need compare to CEOs. Compare to grab deliveries can already


“Cause If you compare with others you might realised how fucked the system is against you”


Pretty stupid quotes thus far from liangpopo since he took over I must say


How to make the youth hate you instantly. Seriously, this kind of shit would work in the past generations because of the education gap. How the hell do you think this would work on a significantly more educated young population as the PM???


No worries for them. Boomer + imported votes should be an easy >50%. That's what he's telling us between the lines.


This quote will boomerang back to them, come election rallies


>In the healthcare profession, for example, society is also increasingly recognising the experience and expertise of nurses, physiotherapists and occupational therapists — not just doctors. >As such, youths today should put in the effort to "cultivate and nurture your abilities and strengths”, said Mr Wong, who is also Finance Minister.  Yeah, does he want to share the salary distribution for the healthcare industry vs the financial industry? We are a capitalist market society, we ultimately only assign value in 1 way, money. Stop trying to gaslight people lmao.


Should insert Josephine Teo's psychological pay remark here lol


Meanwhile, they like to compare their salary with the top earner to prevent corruption.


It’s infinite money hack. Top surgeon 300k a month. Ok peg to him, live in 200ksft gcb 


And still failed to prevent corruption.


"Did it?" - Helmut Zemo


That sounded like something an SME boss would say instead of paying a fair wage


Psychological pay means do it for free and feel ‘song’ can already. 😄


If only good vibes were a currency 🤣🤣🤣


The gaslighting is real


“We all have our own abilities and strengths — there is no need to compare with others, to squeeze into boxes we are not meant to fit. Squeeze already then say


My thoughts exactly. The PAP have been in government for decades and squeezing everyone into boxes as they deem necessary. To flip around and say this now as though it's been our fault for not knowing better and with no substantial policies to back this up is unbelievable.


Yeah man, in more ways PAP treated everyone like NS, follow and no problems will be waiting for you. It works so well that even so many of us applauded it like a way of life! So many of the supporters would highlight the problems of our neighbouring countries exactly how North Koreans, Russians and PRC would echo and treat the rest of us as just haters


Hahahaha.. I will believe it when things like MTL no longer required for JC or Uni application


Mr Wong, I'm no politician but as a cog in your system, I'd advise you to keep quiet until your general elections cos all these meaningless talk about improving mental health, success beyond grades and all that bullshit is exactly the opposite of what is happening on the ground, which you would know if your "youth engagement team" consisted of not people in your VIP lounge in the sky, but actual workers on the ground. Instead of talking to white collar professionals leading a good life, go and talk to the bus captains who are moving your city as we speak. Go and talk to the technicians maintaining your world class airline. The way you do it now is stupid. Is like I send an invitation out to members of a satay club, invite them for a satay party, then conclude that everyone loves satay.


Dude your analogy is spot on


Lol this won't work, he probably has, but before he arrives, the "supervisors" In those places would have already ensured the people he meets are the 'happy' ones (also how many ppl in these positions can afford to lose their jobs giving these feedback - "supervisors" Sure as hell will be there throughout the entire visit)


Yet ministerial pay is based on the median income of the 1,000 highest-earning Singapore citizens, with a 40 per cent discount to reflect the "ethos" of political service No one in the forum got the balls to ask the PM why he is a hypocrite. Pissing on you guys and telling you it's raining and you guys soak up his bs. 🤡


I don't compare with others. I just compare with whether I am rich or poor


![gif](giphy|XECiLxeHvwdD96Jc6Z) Says the group of people stuffing everything they can into their mouth while telling people the food not nice don't eat


This Lawrence Wong took office for only just a few months so I don't expect him to do much yet since Singapore is not really a country where big progressive changes are expected. But in these few months I think he really has spewed so much cock and motherhood statements like this. Really have a bad impression of him as of now


He’s speaking from such an entitled position. Does he think he’s some guru? To be fair it might be the media not playing its news cycle with the appropriate tone.


>But in these few months I think he really has spewed so much cock and motherhood statements like this. Really have a bad impression of him as of now I think is his role alr. Basically continue status quo and spew feel good bullshit as a superficial way to make his mark vs the predecessors. Hong gan.


u say is easy but sg very competitive its literally impossible not to compare with others. already psle and o level u already get compared.


Isn’t that everywhere else in the world?


Not as brutal as sinkie. Sinkie is a weird place where there's only one correct way of doing a lot of stuff and if you don't follow it, you're in a big disadvantage. Although sinkie is a good place to live, it's just a pressure cooker.


You think kids around the region are champing at the bit to get into Malaysia and compete with your kids in SPM?


Isn’t that just because we have a small population?


Yes, but if we compare with other countries with similar population like Finland or NZ, you don't exactly see the same pace of life there.


If you look at their GDP distribution it makes sense. New Zealand is 372x larger than Singapore despite having the same population. Natural resources per capita is insane. I too would be chill af there. My conclusion has been changed from small population to high population density


No, it actually isn't. Modern teaching methods e.g. in the West focus more on improvement/progress over time. So within the same class and subject, kids may be broken up into different groups (and they name the groups with names that obscure which group is better) and they are given tasks of different difficulty levels. Especially in lower primary, some kids haven't really figured out the reading thing yet, and so are given spelling lists like cat and dog, some are average, some are advanced and get challenged with spelling lists like caterpillar and restaurant. And just because a kid is in the first group at age 7, doesn't mean that he will forever be behind, and he could quite easily be a more advanced reader at age 11 than a hot-housed kid or early bloomer. It is quite rare for kids to be sorted to different schools by ability at age 12 or earlier. Although the German system stands out and is highly criticized as they sort into tiers at age \~10.


Ruling party loves to do things within themselves 😂 oneself check ownself and now look within themselves. Are they suggesting to us to Eat, Pray and Love like some self discovery turd while our livelihood been snatched away by the policy they implemented. Really joker wasted he is not a comedian.


Where got? Liang Popo was really popular last time!


nice first engagement noob


Can't compare with others who comes from good family, bright future ahead and above the law


Peasant should be humble and take what peanut are given to you and never compare to the rich politicians


Is that it? His leadership style is just to tell Singaporeans to be content with their lot, because the country has reached its peak?


PAP 4G has tried nothing and they're all out of ideas


Fuck off, i've been looking within myself for 9 months still trying to find a job after graduating


They'll tell you : time to go for skills futures retraining to find a job!!! Your uni never prepare you, whose fault?!


The hilarious part is I worked for several years prior to going back to uni in a field I intended to go back to, so that wouldnt work in my sitiuation


exactly, sry sry. this one is on me my fault i should stfu i shoudnt be complaining and comparing.


I mean when the education system, corporate ladder, social benefits all are designed to systemically evaluate based on relative performance as opposed to absolute performance, you easily permeate comparative thinking amongst the masses. This quote really rings hollow in the face of the existing system


lol why don’t they ask their friends of PAP to share this narrative too?


when ure at top compare with who lol. on a side note. its like reading linkedin flowery motivational statements.


*Look within yourself, don't compare with others.* We will do it for you. Trust the outsourcing.


Look within yourself = monopoly Compare with others = commodity Okay im a monopoly i want higher pay


Tldr: screw you normies while I peg my pay to the top earners


I bet the elites and scholars arent told that


They're from the same party that tells you Singaporeans would love to work till 70.


And it's really grating because if you think about how it was LKY pushing for that bs, what was his work at 70? Guiding younger ministers and giving advice to the cabinet. Giving interviews, writing memoirs, playing elder statesman with foreign dignitaries etc. He is accorded an insane amount of respect and deference everywhere he goes. It's work that he's suited to, lauded for and matches his physical capabilities. If he were collecting cardboard under the hot sun, or slaving away under an exploitative boss, I wonder if he'd sing a different tune.


Right, cos they will do the comparison for you. From the time you start study til you try to apply a stat board job. 🤣🤣🤣


Then stop crowing about how SG does in competitiveness rankings, or rant about press freedom rankings etc


Idiot, just parroting what is trendy. A leader should do something about it instead of saying it.


PSLE, "streaming" into IB, O-Levels, at O-Levels "streaming" into JCs/Polytechnics/ITEs and "streaming" into limited local university places (whilst allowing the China/ASEAN scholars free ride into the limited number of government funded university places) . I wonder what he is inhaling. Singapore has a fairly competitive academic system. And when we go into the workforce, citizens compete against foreigners for jobs. Not just construction jobs or foreign domestic worker jobs, competition is for PMET roles across all industries. Male ciitzens serve 2 years NS + 10 years reservist. And that does not help you in your job competitveness against foreigners in the private sector. Heck, even in the public sector, there are many PRs in Ministries and Statutory Board roles.


talk is cheap .


oh FFS 🙄 just stop this meaningless election chatter.


A for scholars B for management associates C for farmers Your entire government is built on such ranking. Your entire public service is built on this ranking and comparison. What bullshit ya peddling sir?




Then why ministerial pay is based on comparisons with others 


orange? Squeeze


No need World's Best Airport liao


Ah yes. But how can we do so when the system literally promotes competition? Look at admissions to schools/courses, and you see what I mean.


His statement goes against what most Singaporeans experience growing up. There is a limited no. of good primary/secondary/JC schools. Then there are limited slots in uni and grading in university is based on bell curve. Then the hiring companies wants a candidate with degree. The system itself forces us to be competitive at a young age. But sure lets pretend all these can be solved if only you look within yourself and there is no problem with the system. If only we change our way of thinking and there will be sunshine and rainbows.


This according to Maslow’s hierarchy means self-actualization. It would mean that we have already attained. The order is wrong sir


Can anyone else smell the gas


Anyone else feels we're just being given platitudes and there's no actual desire to actually govern the place properly anymore?


The country's bedrock has been set by the late and great LKY, the government now are just reaping its rewards


It's good advice in general. Just sounds hypocritical when coming out of a millionaire's mouth telling people with a fucked future to deal with it.


I really like him and wish him all the best for the sake of singapore, but sometimes when i see articles like this he should really try to go easy on these feel good motherhood statements that sounds like chatgpt could generate it.


LW is always a two faced person lah. Don’t forget what he and Desmond bui bui did against KBW suggestion for more HDB flats…


share more? I just remember him as the guy who broke the bad news that not all flats will quality for SERS. but kudos for that. property agents were pushing their own agenda on unsuspecting buyers


Under KBW, MND have consistently build 25k flats annually. But in 2014 after three years of 25k flats being build, KBW said MND would be reducing flat construction to just 16k units. Rumour is the LW forced KBW to stop producing more cause shortly after KBW retire le and LW took over, the rate of construction had fallen to just 15k-16k. Now Desmond was forced to hold the shit bag and even worse he literally do fuck all lmao


he’s like the religious pastor who knows better, trying to serenade his flock with nice words and guitar.


i think there is a dissonance btn what the govt has been all along, dealing pragmatic, tangible, structural, socio-economic issues, and now, being more intangible, philosophical, enlightened. i get that they are trying to seem more soft now, more mental health, more we are listening. still, its different from their previous identity.


I also don't get why people are shocked at what he says lol. Obviously he has to talk that way since he is the PM. He's not gonna start calling people low socio economic peasants.


What he’s saying is not wrong in isolation, but as the other comments mentioned, singapore has become an ultra-capitalistic society where virtually everything is a competition where there is indeed a winner and a loser given how the structure is set up currently- from cars to housing to cost of living. People are literally balloting over each other to fight for cars and btos, while a 3 bedroom condo is upwards of 2-3 million. Even the young generation knows this and are gunning to outdo each other right from the start. You cant just wave a hand and say lets not be materialistic and lets all be diverse, and society is recognising other talents. The money speaks for itself.


He’s been talking this way long before he became pm or even nominated for pm


To be honest , his one month pay is 6 digits , he can say all he want and if his pay is $2,000 i wonder he will say like this , increase gst and other thing then put the blame on us , increase our country population till a spore born citizen need get married then can buy 3 room and worse even if you bto 2 room , you also no guarantee can get and need choose area like non mature estate ??? Wtf is this !!!


This advice is fucking tone deaf and any youth reading this, is in for the real world when their uni friends and work friends compare 24/7.


Lmao. Basically saying don’t compete with us for opportunity


Would make a great T-Shirt slogan for the upcoming election.


i imagine a lot of MPs have this mantra, because most decent human beings in their position should suffer from imposter syndrome


OBU, SimplyGo, NSL break down for chee hong tat opening of TEL, see Lawrence Wong give speech to say he from marine parade one hahaha fella welli smart eh




Comparing with others is the bedrock of meritocracy.


no need manifesto liao, just release a book with all his inspirational quotes can alr. hire that unemployed social worker guy who's always getting profiled by TODAY to publish for him lol


are they just generating the same article every few days? theyve all been shared to this sub and its repetition is noticeable


Indeed we should compete against ourselves - make sure we’re constantly improving and being a better version of ourselves. However we also need to compare with others to know where we stand within the larger group. Otherwise we’ll just be a frog in a well.




don’t compare your salaries with FT


Use dirt* tactics like shift election boundaries to win ‘ is this a indirect form of cheating ‘ and scold and trying to pin down Dr Chee soon Juan live on tv in 2020 a interview from cna if anyone not know this keep pinpointing De Chee past where Dr Chee past has no wrong if anyone do know the truth


Then why Singapore ministerial pay need to based on comparison with others to get the highest in the world 🌎 to prevent corruption ?? So if don’t compare then get the average median pay in the world to be fair


I always look within myself ah, new compare with others. See what sorry state I am in now? /s


>"Think of AI as your co-worker, as your friend, as AI is something that will enable you to be a better human being, and embrace that." ![gif](giphy|zKNmLSyXrqL9m)


Ownself say ownself?




Does this mean the new PM wants to scrap elections? Don’t compare with opposition please.


LOL so if we all look within ourselves, does it help to increase the average pay or lower cost of living? What a useless statement. Talk as if he got to where he was by his own merit.


What if meant was if you are not competent, ask yourself why and most likely the reasons are genetics.


I suppose this works when you are the boss, no one to assess your performance.


Everyone is equal. However, someone is always more equal than the others.


Literally impossible when FT has been brought in since young to compete with us.


Generally I gotta applaud the new PM with this new vision but at the same time I believe it needs a lot of policy changes and ppl at the top walking the talk for long periods of time to prove and force a mentality shift. I do sincerely hope this is a real goal and direction for a better Singapore. ❤️


It is impossible not to compare as we are constantly in a competititon. Gahmen always say we must be competitive, and its true. There are only so many slots for promotion, for faculty spots etc… only those who do better get those spots.


Heard Lawrence Wong is not Singapore born but Ipoh born and to be honest this is heard from a hawker who say why cannot elect a Singapore born citizen to be prime minister and to be honest , the 9% gst increase wasn’t promised when after 8% the Govt says it will stop the increase after sometime but didn’t fulfill and now food and drinks prices has increase quite a lot and the payout they give isn’t enough to cover all the increase include transport , water and house tax bill and yet our minister and civil servant always get the standard aws and bonus while some in the private sector only get half aws that means 2 weeks and no bonus


Heard Lawrence Wong one a Ferrari when go out but drive a normal car when go visiting residents during election times so genuine ‘ look within yourself ‘ haha 😆


Gini coefficient One is the figure before accounting for government transfers and taxes, and the other is after taking these into account. In 2023, Singapore's Gini coefficient was 0.433 before government transfers and taxes. After adjusting for government transfers and taxes, the figure was 0.371. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/inequality-cna-explains-gini-coefficient-4132316


Is Liang popo running a comedy show or a country? If he is unable to find solutions and address inequalities, then he shouldn't be anywhere near parliament...


Easy to say, when women compare the men who show interest in them. Hell, they even compare boyfriends. Life is a competition for men. Women only care about successful men. Even then, successful is subjective in their eyes — you have to outcompete them too.


Criticisms of him and PAP aside, this is good advice at making peace with oneself. I personally believe we engage in way too much self criticism to be healthy. Strive to improve, yes. Don't beat yourself over your mistakes and failures. I never want to go back to the time I stayed up all night anxious about my personal failings.


The problem is that this advice is fucking useless when Singapore society is fucked . No one has a problem with the advice on its own.


Happy for the criticism. It's my personal opinion after all. Just hoping to help others that face internal struggles. If I lack credibility, hoping shanti does. https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/making-peace-with-herself-has-helped-singapore-sprint-queen-shanti-pereira-win


Eh my reply wasn't directed at your comment but PM Wong himself.


Yup, just hoping the message isn't lost just because people are mad at our pm.


easy to make peace with oneself when oneself is at the top of the hierarchy already.


While it is good advice in general, the problem isn’t what was said, *it’s the person saying it*. We live in a society where we are always compared to others. We live in one that is quite indifferent to what we are inside and focused heavily on ticking off key metrics. The policies of the PAP over the years contributed a lot to that. This is a government that want us to be faster, better, and cheaper workers. They wanted highly skilled workers that delivers exactly what businesses need. Etc. The PAP is an elitist party that tells Singaporeans that a professional needs a car, that high wages is equivalent to having dignity, etc. Now the leader of the PAP tells us to embrace a completely opposite philosophy. Worse, in areas on the ground where change is needed, it is not really felt. And changes that are in effect are not really perceived as impactful. Ask yourself, has the civil service themselves stopped fitting candidates and employees through their metrics (qualifications, tier of scholarship, PSLE score, secondary school you went to, etc.), and instead fit jobs to the strength and character of their candidates? Have they seriously tried hiring high quality non-scholars for senior roles, instead of promoting those who are specifically groomed to check every single metric they are using? Are they willing to give poly grads the opportunity if they can show talent? Are they willing to get rid of the glass ceilings that hold back talents because of their lack of proper “qualifications”? The government themselves can’t even do what they preach. How hypocritical is it for the head of government to tell us something opposite to what his bureaucracy is doing? LW shouldn’t just throw the ball at us Singaporeans. The ball is in his court and he should do a lot more. Unless he backs his words with action and solutions, all these feel-good statements can quickly become distasteful for many.


>Are they willing to give poly grads the opportunity if they can show talent? Are they willing to get rid of the glass ceilings that hold back talents because of their lack of proper “qualifications”? No need to even do such things. I applied for a job in 2019/2020 at a you-know-where-ministry. I dug up the email and found the following: -- Send in a scanned copy of your NRIC (both sides colour) Educational certificates (Degrees, Diploma, ‘A’ and ‘O’ level cert) Educational Transcripts Testimonials (if available) Current/last drawn monthly pay slip ORD cert (if applicable) and/or Annex C Passport size photograph -- If they don't ask for o/a levels cert (for degree holder lah), I think most people will be quite happy. And I would consider it progressive.


He is a politician. Not a social worker. I think I said something of such variation a while ago and most people liked my comment. I think people wanted him to play a more active role in pushing for policies that fulfill people's aspirations and improve their quality of life. Not to tell us things that a social worker would say.


And my point is hopefully people do not dismiss the approach just because they dislike the politician that said it. Like how people say a broken clock is correct twice a day. I'm not too bothered people conflate my comment as support for him somehow (more amused tbh). I support this approach and will continue to support it anytime it comes up on the subreddit because it has helped me personally through tough times.


Is this sub thread managed by sec sch kids ? The level of maturity here… 🤦‍♂️😪


He's not wrong, comparison is the thief of joy, across all income levels, competency, ability levels.


When rich n powerful, can talk all this philosophy nonsense. This is why our GDP close to zero.


Close to zero?


https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/singapore-economy-2024-gdp-growth-forecast-4356716 Any slower negative liao


I don't think you understand how GDP works


GDP Growth, not GDP.


All the young gen Zs. Once they entered working life, they will realize the harshness+bullshitness of society & life, just like what their predecessors the gen Ys & the older gen Zs went through.




Now Gen Z's are gonna be happy with his statements and probably choose him.


PM Wong: Hi This sub: @&#&#&##-#+#+#+@


This sub:  laynestaleyisme: tHiS sUb


Haha good one...


Pm: shares good tips for mental health with the kids. Reddit: let's make fun and go back to the low bar salary jokes. Reddit you really need to be less toxic. It's great that this is coming from the PM to try and build a society that's more accepting of folks with different skills and capabilities. But nooooo let's dunk on him.