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By law it's the driver but the grab delivery guy is a complete asshat. What moron rides past when a car is reversing.


Last week I had a car do this exact thing as I was reversing into a spot. I was speechless. Fortunately I stopped in time. But agree the person making the manoeuvre is responsible


Technically not leh. Grab rider is on a road, even if it's a minor road. The car was clearly already backing up when he decided to ride through, so can't blame the driver for it. Rider should've been more aware before trying to be dumb.


The driver will usually be held responsible as they have to be 100% aware of their surroundings at all times, even if it was the guys fault. The driver could've stopped had he seen the cyclist continue to cycle in their way.


There’s something called blind spot. But anyhow, incidents like this, it’s usually on the driver.


If behind your car is a blind spot when you’re reversing you need to do something about it or you’re driving a truck. Seriously, I’ve been driving for over 20 years before cameras were a common thing, it’s called mirrors people. Use them. Don’t make excuses for them. By law and insurance it’s probably on the car, but common sense, the grab rider is an asshat and it’s 100% on him for trying to “beat the car”, total Idiot.


Yeah no, if you were looking at the mirror on the left, which is likely considering that’s the position of the kerb, you wouldn’t have seen the idiot coming in from the right. All of these events took a mere couple of seconds to happen, you have just been lucky no one has tried this when you were parking.


You should probably read my other comment. Also the situation which we both pointed out (the speed at which he came), isn’t an issue with a blind spot, it’s simply poor timing and poor judgement on the riders part. As for my “luck”, maybe, but driving more than 20 years with zero incidents, probably a bit more than luck.


It’s not an excuse. Blind spots are real. Drivers can be super and extremely careful but if pedestrians/cyclists or whoever wants to be an asshat, drivers still end up being fugged.


I know blind spots are real, and I’m sorry but it is an excuse. You can get around MOST blind spots by physically moving and looking around not just relying on mirrors and cameras. If you use the “you were in my blind spot” it translates to “I was not paying enough attention”. As a former motorbike rider (outside of Singapore), I have heard this excuse time and time again after almost being, or being hit, I wasn’t even in their blind spot, I was literally riding next to their front passenger window in most cases. That excuse is just bullshit. In reference to this video, the cyclist was moving fast enough that the driver may have been looking in the opposite direction as he passed his field of vision, I honestly don’t fault the driver in this case, and I agree it sucks they might get screwed over because of it. This is 100% the cyclist being a selfish, impatient and irresponsible asshat. I hope he learns his lesson from this, and as much as I hope he want hurt and his bike wasn’t damaged, if he rides like this, he could probably use some time off the road.


Blind spots exist for mirrors. That is why when reversing or changing lane we physically move our heads to check blindspots. 100% the drivers fault. They were reversing on a road, the cyclist has right of way to continue straight.


This one Sabo Kia.


Normally you won't think that someone would be so stupid to be at where you are reversing and at most you will be looking out for people from your rear mirror. Its complete idiotic to ride into someone reversing. That said not sure if driver has parking lights on if he hasn't then maybe cyclist thought he was moving off maybe.


What I learn from my dad is, as long as it’s car hit pedestrian/ cyclist, the car is always at fault. Never confirm theory because I wouldn’t want to find out anyway. Just check, check and check again.


in sg everything is the driver’s fault


Jialat. Lucky I don't drive sia hahaha


According to traffic law, you are at fault as you are entering or exiting a parking space. The bike also asshole but law says you jialat.


Man that kinda sucks. I feel like you gotta be stupid/ entitled af if you gonna keep moving when there's clearly a car reversing.


I agree with this.... common sense not very common it seems


Even drivers are walking behind a reversing car, whats new? 🤣🤣🤣


It works both ways. Don't feel entitled that everyone is aware that you are trying to reverse. The other day this car stopped at a mall entrance, so I walked behind it and it started to reverse. I yelled a profanity at the driver. When I looked back, the car had plenty of space to just drive forward, there was no need to reverse at all.


That is different. This one in the video his clearly parking plus hazard lights on.


Yeah. The law simply places a higher burden of care on drivers as they have more ability to survey the surroundings using their mirrors. This also protects some lives (esp. kids) who might not be paying attention.


Cyclist acts like those insurance fraudsters who jump onto your hood to try to get you to pay.


car at fault, but cyclist should take the blame here. Car driver might be looking on his left side mirror to ensure he doesnt mount curb. Cyclist came in so fast, and he should already see that the car is reversing


I can hear the signal lights and his reverse alert. The cyclist would have clearly saw the hazard lights and it's reverse light. Now, assume itd a motorcycle doing this stunt, whose fault is it now?


would be same according law. bike would be even more so take the blame, cause of the speed it’s would go at.


It's more of a understanding of traffic rules/regulations and the training that one would received from learning to how ride a motorcycle and passing the required driving test. Any sane bikers would have slowed and stopped in when they are in the carpark and saw the hazard lights. By the looks of the bicycle, it seemed to be a pedaled type which means he might not have been licensed under PAB and trained to fully understand traffic rules/regulations. This might have been made worse if he is constantly looking down at his phone for the next delivery..


I wouldn't even dare walk in front or behind a parking vehicle. You'd just be assuming where their attention is.


Stupid rider


As a fellow cyclist, I agree. I can’t stand it when cyclist push their way behind reversing cars, cycle through pedestrians and break the road rules. If we want drivers to give us space like another car then we need to behave like other cars.


As a pedestrian, we also won't walk behind a reversing car. That is looking for suicide. Somehow, when on a bike or motor, these people suddenly feels they become indestructible and invincible.


I do, but the moment i feel the car moving within the width of a hair, im lunging forward Cyclist probably tot he was fast enough🤣🤣 I also like to think im fast enuf but yeah i guess someday ill be roti-prataed


From what I see the car is already in a reversing position. Cyclist from far should have seen the car is on a 45 degree angle preparing to reverse into his lot. Nobody in the right mind would still go full speed. If you see the cyclist , he had no intention of slowing down


if the context is that a little kid (say primary school) is running across behind the car and kenna hit, it will still be the fault of the driver. based on that context, ppl would understand that the driver though at fault, is not fully wrong, and is forgiveable and that the kid caused himself to get hit. but law wise, still driver, though his quantum of responsibility would be lesser.


Natural selection


Driver can't see him. Cyclist shld be educated on this.


There’s no way to react to that what


Must be a special kind of stupid to pass through there


Idiots always do this when people are reversing. Always be aware and check surroundings for stupid shit eating morons, everyone. THEY ARE EVERYWHERE.


Dunno who is at fault. I do know who is on the floor though


The fuck is the point of the unnecessary and annoying music


Camcar fault if go court


If the grab food guy has an MC more than 7 days, it’s the traffic police case, then they will decide whether to charge the driver; I’ve met someone who didn’t want to admit that it’s his fault n refuse to pay fine so he went to jail for a week; another guy who is a grab driver made an illegal u -turn n a grab food guy knock into him, in his case no fine, straightaway 1 month jail - welcome to Singapore


I'm pretty sure they look at the circumstances too else insurance company can all collapse as anyone can ride a bicycle and cycle towards a reversing car right. Those who think they can treat the system like a game, fake injuries, take more mc than they should, it is all in the records (job at most goes to the next careful person) and just reflects on their rotten character.


Assuming it's the driver fault, I'm just curious why he would release his footage to the public when you are potentially admitting liability? I mean if I understand with TP ask for it and you compelled to provide, but who would willingly post videos owned by you on the Internet for fun to potentially incriminate yourself? Feels like those tiktok do illegal stuff and live stream for everyone energy.


maybe the driver is so confident that the grab guy is at fault so he post the video to borrow the power of public opinion to help him fight this case. like it doesnt matter if he's potentially incriminating himself if the other party already made a police report right?


I don't think it should be driver fault. Most cases it is but this one isn't. Driver had hazard lights on and reversing slowly. By all logic cyclist was much further and could have choose a different route or just stop. If law says driver at fault then it's the law being inflexible. Like if you are driving at a small road at normal speed and a guy standing on the sidewalk decides to commit suicide and at the last second jump in front of your car. By law, driver should held responsible but you can clearly see driver can't do much.


This is why drivers hate cyclist so much.


The car is at fault for inadequate safety check, the cyclist is one stupid mf


It's the GrabFood rider's fault. Cyclists think drivers can see through metal. This is why many of them pass away like this.


It's the driver responsibility to be aware.


It takes only a second for a rider to move into a blind spot. Drivers don't have superhuman reflexes to react that quickly. When walking on a pathway, we yield to cyclists. When cyclists are on the road, they should yield to vehicles because we cannot assume drivers can see everything. Cyclists should not risk their lives for a quick dash because it might sabotage a driver who relies on driving for their livelihood. We should take care of each other when we are on the road.


The driver can see him. If the camera can, the driver can too. He can see the speed and understand that if he doesn't stop or slow down you will hit him. A reasonable cycler will stop, but that is beside the point, you should assume the worse. What likely happened is he didn't check his environment and used only the reserve camera.


you never drive one, ah? you think when reversing only need to see camera, no need to see the side? people like you can never understand perspective since for you driver = camera...


Uhm and who said that?


He is concentrating to park and if his concentrating on parking he would be focus on the parking spot and cyclist was riding at speed. Cyclist can clearly see his reversing and by logic can easily avoid.


Bro, a lot of cyclists die because they think drivers can see them and will yield to them. Never trust driver, period. [https://www.google.com/search?client=opera-gx&q=singapore+cyclist+died&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8#ip=1](https://www.google.com/search?client=opera-gx&q=singapore+cyclist+died&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8#ip=1)


Lots of assholes like the cyclist, especially during covid when there were droves of delivery guys and overnight cyclists new to the scene. I've lost track of how many times I've had to slam on my brakes cos some asshole decided it was a good idea to cycle past behind my reversing car with blinkers on. Rolled down my window and yelled at them a number of times as well


both. car was oblivious to surroundings and was reversing too fast while grab rider clearly saw the car reversing and thought he could just swift past it but failed due to the speed of the car


Both are at fault here; the Grab rider should have been aware of the car that was reversing in front of his eyes, seeing that should have made him stop or divert around the vehicle safely. The car driver was negligent to check his mirrors and surrounding, failing to notice the grab driver that was approaching from his right


cyclist is just taking oxygen away from needy people please remove more of them thanks


When driver r reversing most of their view r block that is why we always do it slowly....but is totally different for the cyclist...he has a totally clear view that the car is making a reverse yet he still chose to ride forward. Yes under the law the driver is always at fault but with in car camera nowadays is not always the driver fault if driver can proof is the cyclist fault in the 1st place.


Both are bad, mostly the cyclist here though. Reversing car must always be careful of other people. Especially in HDB car park where there could be children. Cyclist should wait for car to finish reversing or at the very least overtake into the road, you should not undertake vehicles because it’s unlikely people will be paying attention that way. It’s not like there are bright white lights in the back of the car telling you it’s in reverse gear.


How can you assume the camcar was careless in that situation? When reversing you need to look left and right. I am very sure he was looking left at that point when reversing. Plus the cyclist coming in that kind of speed BEHIND a car somemore. Can never put blame on the Camcar because cyclist really looking for it


This one remind me of one time. I'm at sideroad turning into main road. Main road has many fast cars so I was concentrating on looking at the main road and if the cars are at a distance I had to step on the pedal already. So when I saw cars at the distance I was just stepping on the pedal when all of a sudden a cyclist just cycled like maybe just a foot in front of me. I had to jam brake. I really almost knocked him over a second too fast or he slower a second I think he would have been injured.


You see how the car stopped and immediately started reversing with no pause to check surroundings? Idk about sg driving test but it’d fail for uk.


Im pretty sure its grab cyclist fault. Ppl that say car driver fault but he literally had like 0.5 sec to brake which he did, he stopped immediately when collision happened. See camera got full field of vision of cos can say why driver no see cyclist, but inreality in the car reversing theres too much blind spot. Its same as you driving and someone dash across the road how to react?


He did not check before reversing.


Did you even watch the video or read what i said? You say as if the grab driver was there for a full 5seconds.


The same point applies. You’re supposed to check all blind spots BEFORE reversing, not immediately after positioning. Whoever gave you your driving license is blind.


To avoid this he need to check blind spot DURING reversing


lol and all you read is theory books without using any realistic and practical approach. someone dashing out into a collision with impossible reaction time is your fault? get your brain checked in your logic, those people who do run into cars to do insurance scam should win 10/10 of the time. nice logic




Nice 0 logic person. Life must be tough when you cant apply logic to your life huh


Whatever you say cringe kiddo


how to check when there was nothing there to begin with?


The camera could see it. People are equipped by a rotating neck. Here is how to check for your surroundings. 1) check your surrounding 2) yes, it means more than 1m behind you.


People are also equipped with brains. Here’s how to use it. 1. Don’t ride your bike behind a reversing car. Driver could always be more careful, but none of this would’ve happened if the bike didn’t decide to cycle behind a reversing car.


He did not even stop for a second to check as you can see from the video. I hope you are better than this.


Do you drive? Cyclist was coming at a bend and at speed. Driver also have to focus on the kerb and the other car when reversing so as not to mount kerb and hit the other car. Cyclist could have easily chosen another way or just stop awhile.


Yes I drive and yes I stop and check before starting to reverse because you’ll never know who’s behind, especially at HDB estate. How much focus do you need when reversing when got so much space lmao


But you never acknowledge how stupid the cyclist is? Like why would you cycle behind a car clearly reversing and parking?


So I have to write a full paragraph for every comment ah. I think cyclist is also at fault, just that the responsibility always lie on the party with potential for higher damages. Like how trucks and heavy vehicles should exercise more care on roads, we as drivers need to be more careful around community spaces. If MSCP or underground carpark and this happens, really no bo bian there is no way you’d anticipate someone riding or a kid rushing out at those places. It’s similar to the logic why you pay more attention at school zones and elderly zones.


Cyclist is not a kid. If kids around I will also pay extra attention. Also cyclists can move very fast sometime you think there isn't anyone around then a cyclist just comes out of nowhere from your peripheral vision. By law driver tend to be at fault because law tends to favor towards protecting people and I agree with such by then again the other people/cyclists also have to protect themselves and not do dick moves to unnecessary risk their own life.


If driver stopped for one second and checked all blind spots before reversing, it could have been prevented. This is what was taught in all driving schools. Yes cyclist is an asshat and irresponsible (most cyclists are), but if the accident can be prevented by taking an extra second, I’ll take that extra second every time. The difference in damage a driver can cause vs receive is too huge to save that 1 second.


So nothing there means no need check again? I really hope you dont drive or ride on the road for everybody's sake


Driver has to check both his left and right. Likely the driver wasn’t checking where the cyclist came from whilst checking the other side. Cyclist is brainless for driving behind a reversing car too…


When reversing, the driver is looking at the two mirrors that provide a view of what’s directly behind. The bicycle coming from the side is not in view until he enters the back of the vehicle - too late. So it cannot be the fault of the driver, if a cyclist or pedestrian ventures into the rear of a reversing vehicle. - Verdict by Judge Chicken, Supreme Reddit Court.


Whatever, it is, ALWAYS driver will be at fault although the cyclist have eye to see that the car doing a reversing manoeuvre. Some have the intend to claim while some are blind expecting others to see what is happening Surrounding.


I mean, there is a reason why that is that man's day job.


Typical behaviour of kiasu mentality on both sides.


Misleading title. Careless driver doesn’t check mirrors while reversing, HITS equally dumb cyclist.


Unfortunately, it will be considered drivers fault in the eyes of the law. What was the cyclist thinking?


how much is the grab driver compensating? clearly in the wrong lmao. how can u cut someone on the inside lmao


It's Obama's fault.


By law, driver wrong. Rider has no common sense.


This kinda cyclist reminds me of those who walk around with their eyes glued to their phone and bump into people and things... If only they can look ahead a little more and think/ predict which directions the others are moving towards.


Driver suay cause always driver fault. I almost encountered this once.


Poor car, hope it didn't get scratched


Good lesson for learn drivers.


What (brain) do you expect from a grab delivery chap? (Edit: based on the body language of the delivery chap, you can see that he knew that he was the idiot)


driver prob alr check clear the rear mirror then start reversing and look into the side mirror


Both contributed to accident. Cyclist has no common sense to go ahead when the car is clearing reversing. For me, when I reverse I will switch on my hazard lights to warn others. Not clear if the driver had turned his head to check behind. This was taught during my driving school days in Bukit Batok Driving Centre. When reversing, driver should not just rely on mirrors but must turn head behind to check for such risks e.g. children dashing across, pedestrian or cyclist with no common sense.


Luckily the cam car got install rear camera. This 1 maybe can dispute. Can say the bike rush to the back of the car to be knocked. If LTA/TP don’t accept this explanation, be prepared to see a lot of people pull this stunt just to get compensation.


Serve his right dat rider is an idiot…tell him can try lorry backside nx time


Common sense not in play Who ask the stupid rider to pass behind a reversing vehicles


The Bike rider .... It's Always the bike rider.


Wait you posted here. Did you make a report beforehand?


I hate these assholes, already know the vehicle reversing still purposely go behind.


What the heck was the cyclist thinking?! Is this an insurance scam?


Unless the rider is blind, it's his fault.


Think they will rule not liable. If you appeal in court, the judge will look at it objectively and not by the letter of the law. I've seen a judge rule a driver not guilty for ramming a cyclist who sped onto the zebra crossing at a junction. One because it's in a blind spot, secondly being that the cyclist was riding recklessly. This seems to be the case for here too.


If I was the one driving and this happened to me, I know the law would penalise me even though I'm not at fault. Next would be to sue the rider gao gao until his next generation don't want to be born.


If I were riding, i would stop and wait. If I were the driver, I wouldnt park head in.


Legally, probably the driver for reasons stated by others. Objectively 99% the cyclist. If this video is any indication of his riding habits, it's not a matter whether he will get into an accident, but when it will happen. As a cyclist who uses the road, why would you want to cycle into a pathway which a vehicle is clearly reversing in? Im sure he has a lot more reaction time since he is facing straight to the vehicle. As a driver, you are supposed to be aware of your surroundings at all time. But looking at the corner (right hand far corner) which the cyclist approached, and the speed he is cycling, I can understand why the driver missed him especially when you are busy enough checking all corners.


this rider not very smart leh


Poor driver, the Grab rider, just trying to claim insurance so he can slack off


The grab delivery is one cibai. Cannot wait for one minute also ah? Your food will become stale?


I've had pedestrians just walk across while I'm reversing. Luckily, pedestrians are never very fast, and you can always spot them in time. At the speed the cyclist is going, it is too late to react by the time you see him appear behind your car.


Poor dude, the spiiled food would be duducted from his wages 😔


Legally, it will always be the driver. Regardless of situation.


The car driver by law. You have to take care, because this is a route for bikes.


Bicycle should wear ppe


Grab rider no helmet is not supposed to ride on the road. Definitely not the car’s fault when it was already reversing and the stupid grab riding trying his luck to squeeze thru it.


This is why Singapore sometimes fking dumb. Protect the stupid people for what. Really KNN this rider; Thanks for taking one for the team and providing us with such a video.


It only takes an idiot to go into the path of a reversing vehicle.


Driver, why he post online to self pwn


Lol its common sense to now walk behind or in front of a reversing vehicle unless you know the driver is aware of where you are. Especially cyclists going behind like that, it is too late before the driver notices past the blind spot.


He wouldn't be hit if he was avoiding


hahaha cyclist deserved it. what a good day


Driver will still get blamed but obviously which person would ride or walk behind a car that’s reversing? And it was probably too fast for the driver.


Driver 100 percent responsible by law, but cyclist deserve to be hit because he cycles into the path of a reversing vehicle.


The grab rider is just an asshat. Obviously can see the car is reversing yet he still decided to move on. Sorry but not sorry. I feel that he deserved it.


The usual 'no proper lookout by the bigger vehicle.... '. What else?


I cycle to get around frequently and never ever assume that vehicles on the road will give way to me. I usually don't proceed until they slow down visibly or come to a complete stop. (Not the kerbside kind of cyclist, usually on the pavement unless no choice) The cyclist is one entitled prick, assume that the reversing vehicle will stop for him. In the first place, who the fuck goes behind a reversing vehicle 🤦 That's a risk not worth taking But in the eyes of the law, I guess the driver probably will kena for 'not paying attention' 🤷


Is it a crime for cyclists not to wear a helmet?


Stupid fak rider


Poor car driver


Cyclist kinda came out of nowhere. Drivers FOV in rearview mirrors is probably not as wide as the camera. Reversing into lot, you are generally checking the rear of the vehicle and sides of the lot. The fact he reacted in time to not run over the cyclist is already very fortunate. Cyclist also seems either unaware of reversing vehicle or was trying to speed past the reversing car to avoid stopping.


This king is playing with his life and causing unnecessary trouble to the driver. Hello, from young, we are told to stay away from a reversing carb even when we are walking.


Idiot rider that's for sure


Grabfood riders are always pushing their luck


By law it’s always the driver’s fault So drivers should driver slower and better and not behave like holes


Car for sure


driver ofc, reversing that fast


Obviously the car? You're supposed to look out for people when you reverse??? wtf


Wow, so many morons down voting you. If it is a motorbike or car, still the reversing car at fault.


Car 90% fault here because you didn't check before starting to reverse.


The driver is an ass. Seems like an honest mistake from both ends but from the cyclists point of view it probably looked like the driver was moving OUT of the parking space until it was too late for him to react, by which point he may have assumed the driver would do his due diligence and check his mirrors. Driver is at fault and I’m more intrigued by the fact that he didn’t see too concerned about the cyclists health or condition after hitting him with his heavy vehicle


Yes. why many people Downvote the cyclist n Not the driver. I ask again why driver can hit him as if the car driver is not looking?I can see the bike alm 100m via the cam


I mean the cyclist and driver both equally have enough time to notice what was happening yet none of them stopped. If were the cyclist, I would be trying to break and not continue to cycle past the vehicle I saw reversing in front of me.


>it probably looked like the driver was moving OUT of the parking space Yes, if the cyclist was only looking 1m ahead... It's not difficult to pay attention to surroundings and cycle more cautiously when a vehicle is obviously trying to manuever in (or out) of a space. Reverse, hazards, brake lights are there to communicate intention. >until it was too late for him to react, Looks like the cyclist didn't even react. Not the first time a person with an inflated sense of entitlement to have zero common sense to not pass behind a reversing vehicle. Yes, the driver is at fault. But the cyclist is an idiot.


Yea, I never said the cyclist was smart lolol


If you are talking about the black car, then it not at fault cos the car is within the lot, do technically he didn't infringe into the road per se. It is the rider who was riding too close to the lot when he himself should exercise the 1.5m space clearance too. He fell because he kangcheong spider and probably not focused on where he is heading to.🤭🤔


If a bike, vehicle or pedestrian approaches from behind, the driver must remain stationary and give way until it passes. How did this guy get his driver's license? WTF!


Both at fault lah. Clearly the driver is in the position of reversing. Any oncoming vehicle, including bicycle rider, should be aware and stop to give way. Bicycle choose to take risk to beat the reversing car, like trying to beat red light when turning amber. Bicycle rider is more at fault. I would say 20-80%. 80% on the bicycle rider.


Car fault, didn’t check while reversing.


Clearly the cars fault as they were encroaching onto the other lane where the biker had the right of way. Biker probably should have foreseen his though and slowed down, but legally it's the cars fault.


Sure….enforce 90deg reverse parking by law then


The law is clear on this. Why do you need to ask? Because you got your COE? My god Singaporean drivers are terrible