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Even the slow lane isn't safe anymore.


Hah. It’s funny and not funny at the same time.


Anyone knows if the front car driver is ok? Please share links for us to follow


Link on few comments later, all are conscious when sending to hospital






If they want to speed, go play Mario Kart.


Turns out to be a teenager who got arrested for drink driving and speeding. Maybe the perp played too much Mario Kart..




They’re gonna watch this video and deem that their children are filial with a very bright future.


Agree.... fucker needs to find out


At first. I wished the speeder is dead. Until I read your comment


sorry but what did he say?


This type of driver should have his/her lisence revoked for life.


Looks like he might have revoked his life for life.. unfortunately potentially other lives as well


This could also be a case of drink driving. If that is the case, he/she does not deserves any sympathy. I hope that the other vehicle driver and passengers (if any) are fine.


Just revoke license? Isn’t that too light of a sentence? He could get people seriously injured for killed


I agreed with you but the maximum punishment for road accidents are jail term, fine and revocation of license.


Revoking the licence of these sort of drivers doesn’t help, they will do this shit without a licence, the difference is they will know that they’re completely fucked if they get caught vs thinking they might get away with it.


Should be jailed.


If drive drinking, confirmed go Changi Chalet even for first timer.


I hope his/her life was revoked, not just the license


Revoke is too lenient a punishment. He should be charged for murder




Drunk driving causing injury plus very likely under probation since only 19 years old. Hong kan liao la, no need to think about driving anymore.


What are the odds he has licence ?


Not entirely impossible that he doesn't have licence but you know, sometimes I see that drivingsg subreddit people post questions like "how to get my 3/3A licence ASAP" where their "ASAP" refers to a REALLY short timeframe like 6 months or less......... got me wondering too.


i had a friend from finish btt to get license only took 2-3 months. told me his instructors allowed him to finish 3-5 lessons worth of content in one lesson. tester also close one eye to skme of his mistakes according to him. so yeah, some people do find ways to speedrun license


I dont think number of months is the best way to judge "speedrunning". I manage to get mine in 4 months but thats through booking multiple lessons per day.


its fine if you take multiple lessons per day, but my concern is being allowed to cover multiple lessons worth of content in one lesson, it means each topic is not being gone through well enough and honesty im not sure why the school would allow that


I finished my class 3 in a few months private at 19, but this was like 8 years ago so maybe it's different now. My instructor really just taught me to pass the test.


This era there really is no more excuses for drunk driving, there's friends, taxi, or grab as alternate options to go home safely. Harsher punishment needs to be imposed on even first offense.


Government said don’t need, even after that horrible crash in Tampines.


Just fucking die ffs. We don't need you in this world


Insurance won't cover the repairs then. Lol.


Name and shame the parents


Sometimes parents can’t control what their kid does, so nope. Just name them.


I disagree bro, some parents really think that their kids are angels.


End of the day still up to the kid's decision to do good or bad


Should ban alcohol for good


Yeah, alcohol should have a universal system where its tied to Singpass or something so if they purchase, it pings into the system and alcohol can only be bought at a limit Everytime just seeing drunkards around. Makes me so uncomfortable that shit may go wrong and me or anyone innocent gets pulled into their nonsense at any given time


I propose for such drivers if found to be willfully reckless causing death/injury to others, they should be required by law to provide lifetime medical and liability needs to the victims. That or death sentence, they can pick one.


2 years jail max hurrr


Death sentence too easy tho


This is what they did in China. So you get a lot of videos of drivers reversing to finish the job after they realise they hit someone.


Makes me shudder. That’s absolutely disgusting


That’s normal China culture.


and whats stopping us singaporeans from doing the same is just the cctvs and laws that cannot be escaped.


China is lawless. In Singapore, there will be witnesses and cameras and someone who does such an act will receive due criminal justice.


that's exactly the point, its more about strict laws put in place and us being a small country. not sure if thats a kind of culture, as if we are more cultural and civilized without the intervention of laws


We are normal. Not extra civilized. There are over 190 countries in the world. China is the only country where people do such things, enough that it becomes a mainstream pattern with many cases documented. In developed countries, it is the mainstream norm for people in trouble due to accident to be helped instead.


if you count all 190 countries in, there are definitely much much more countries where people commit crimes like these or worse. I wouldn't say we are normal or extra civilized/cultured or under civilized/cultured. it is not my place to comment but i also wouldn't say crimes like these exist in china because "China culture" because there are many other factors at play.


I’m talking about a pattern in society where it is mainstream. NOT just an instance here in country A or another instance in country B.


death sentence for reckless driving and killing someone, seems reasonable to me


Intentional reckless driving causing death* then agreed.


Yup, otherwise, this is a loophole to murder someone and get away with light punishment.


plus caning


3rd party public liability should be advocated just like China 🇨🇳


besides jail and provide lifetime medical and liability needs, I propose a law to make them impotent too so they can't have kids. can't let this kind of gene to pass on to the next generations.


Only sinkies would push for death sentence for reckless driving.


Why? You’re one of them? L


So true, being against a certain punishment means I do the said crime. The kind of mental gymnastics people go through to justify death penalty.




Crazy that you would be proud of it, but you do you. Romans 12:17-19.


What's the issue


I believe other countries would push for death sentence as well, no need to mention countries. It’s intentional murder.


wanna bet he was drunk


Wear seatbelts guys. Even if your driver not dumb don't trust other people.


Why? Cos the consequences for bad driving and rule breaking is so low.


I really wonder why so many people seem to say "but you should give chance, cannot give too harsh punishment to reckless driving, its just a mistake!" Yo wtf, but the victims PAID for your mistakes. With their lives/health. Someone lost a mother or son or wife or husband. A family lost an income provider. Maybe paralyzed. Maybe braindead. The victims paid for the mistakes of the drivers with their lives. Why are the drivers not paying for their own mistakes in some similar severity?


Can understand giving chances for honest mistakes but this one like the Tampines accident is straight up just asking for maximum punishment.


theres a difference between a mistake and straight reskless driving


Exactly. These intentionally reckless drivers due to drunk or road rage or whatever, should have special law for them. Whack jialat jialat. Whack until trauma to even drive.


Those people who say "its just a mistake" are the same idiots who argue with you that justice is restorative, not retributive. Where the criminals with culpable intent should somehow be let off scott free if he "understand his mistakes and promised not to do it again". This is complete bullshit, every justice system in the world is retributive, and for a very good reason.


Ppl like them sld jus ram into a wall and then pay for the dmg on the wall from their estate


Obviously impaired by some substance. Hope the driver will forever be barred from holding all classes of driving licences.


Drunk drivers got away with lenient penalties. They are not afraid.


Mental retardation. Hopefully some glass and metal entered the speedster's brain for an immediate and permanent fix


Ah so this was the accident site I saw while headed for the airport this morning. By the time i was going back home they were just about to tow the involved cars away. Then not too long after still on the TPE, a Skyline and a Swift Sport flew right past me and were weaving through traffic at high speeds. Who tf street races at 7 in the morning? 🤦 That accident was a warning but mfs take it as a dare...


One less monkey to kbkp on sgraw why so many lane hoggers. Hope he survived to eat through a tube and shit into a bag for the rest of this life.


U do know that the idiot chionging on lane 3 likely is due to road hoggers in lane 1 right?


Likely? I’d say definitely! Such an accident would certainly have been avoided had every car on lane 1 been driving in the same manner!


I don’t think you get it. There will always be fuckers around. So instead of being a self appointed traffic police and risk idiots doing stupid undertaking, which is much more dangerous as seen in this video, the correct response is to just give way if you see some idiot being aggressive behind you in lane one even though you’re already travelling 100 in a 90 limit zone. You wishing that everybody will just drive at 100 max is an ideal that doesn’t compute in reality. Road hoggers make the roads much more dangerous because there will always be fuckers around.


I actually agree, but I wish they’d ramp up enforcement on these guys


Yes they definitely should. However we do have a problem of self-righteous ego drivers who think they are in the right and hence fuck everybody else rather than do the safer thing and give way. This is just but one more symptom of ego drivers on the road. Our driving cultures is not courteous and it gets especially worse when people feel that what they are doing is their right of way so fuck every other road users.


Oh I think I do. You did a root cause analysis and discovered that the cause of this drunk driving speeding accident is not drunk driving or speeding, it is road hogging. Come I clap for you.


lol so angry for wad. I’m saying road hogging is literally a contributory factor whether you like it or not. U want drunk speeding driver undertake ah? That’s literally more dangerous than you giving way on lane one.


No, I don't want drunk speeding driver to undertake. I want him to not drink and drive and not speeding when he drives. Literally. But you, my friend. Oh I know you and your ilk. Shit happens and the only thing you can think of is how others are to blame. Let me guess, you drive? Maybe you are one of those who drive plastiky little modded jap cars with some stickers on the side just to prove how much of a douche bag driver you are. Or maybe you zip around on a vellfire, thinking it must be the epitome of aesthetics so much so you see fit to put a spoiler on it and feel it's pretty cool. Or perhaps a nouveau riche who got a bit of money from selling second hand rolexs, decided to buy a douche conti SUV and suddenly everyone should get our of your way? Whichever it is, we've seen it all before, the black saab driver, the red mercedes driver, the tanjong pagar bmw crowd. Maybe you haven't ended up where they were but it's just a matter of time. I just hope you haven't opted out of HOTA. Cos ultimately, that's probably the only good you can be of to society.


lol dude. There will always be drunk idiots or impatient assholes. U are living a pipe dream if you think rules will be obeyed 100% of the time. The question is what do u do when u meet one. U can be self appointed self righteous and make everybody on the road more dangerous, or u just give way when u see siao lang. I am not sure why this is the hill you want to literally die on. See siao lang driving already still want to stand your ground and purposely block cuz you are within your rights. People “your ilk” are the ones making Singapore driving worse btw, while still clutching your self righteous pearls. P.S. I only drive German lol. Edit: oh and one more thing - you mentioned the black SAAB incident? Literally made worse because the mercs see siao lang refuse to give way to the SAAB and then result in SAAB trying to do hit and run and then led to the accident. These are facts - self righteous fucks that do not give way and think “these siao langs should not be driving in the first place I am right fuck you reeeeeeeeeeeee” are literally making roads more dangerous. 2nd edit: lol loser blocked me after not able to dispute with facts. So angry online confirm also angry when driving. u/signinj to answer your question: siao lang is obviously at fault. Is up to you to make things safer or worse. Clearly you like to escalate things instead of de-escalating so you’re honestly just 1 degree away from siao lang you bad driver lol.


Who makes the road more dangerous? Siao lang? Or Road hogs?


I see. So you are the 3rd type.


Straight out of a movie


Nothing will happen to him. All the stories will come out like sick grandmother, filial son, good student, bright future ahead.


people like this deserve to fucking die


What the fuck is this? idc why this fucking scum is speeding, he deserves either life in jail or to be hanged immediately


That speeding driver didn't die? What a huge disappointment.


Death too easy on said driver. Best is he/she neck down paralyse for life. That would suck sooo badly for the fellow.


Might be random, but what’s the best way to keep yourself safe if you get rammed into like this? I’m thinking braking hard will make things worse?


Actually from the force, don’t think you can do much except bracing yourself and hopefully you have put on your seatbelt


Try to compensate by steering into the direction of the rear wheel skid (which in this case was caused by the rear collision). Then try to power out of that skid if its a front wheel drive. But given the speed of the collision, not certain if the driver could react quickly enough and also noticed that van was knocked off the road for a few seconds so traction was also lost. The high CG of the van also makes it unstable for such manoeuvres.


Do people not know how to brake?


We really need a death penalty for people like this, it pisses me off that their recklessness will cause other’s lives.


Speeding in SG roads. Joke of the century


This 19yrs old kid need to be taught a serious lesson....hope he get a good few yrs behind bars and ban from driving for 10 to 15yrs so he will learn. He could have taken a few innocent life with this accident if it was a motorbike or a small saloon car infront of him.


Unfortunately, speeding is socially acceptable in Singapore. Virtually all drivers openly claim that driving at the speed limit in lane 1 (the outside lane) is road hogging. I had a driver behind me recently who was so close that my camera couldn’t even see licence plate. So close I dared not even change lane. Generally I avoid lane 1. I also note that very few drivers install GPS with their car camera. They don’t want their speed recorded.


Wa I saw the aftermath this morning I think luckily no one died


If only he hit the railing instead


"Penalties for dangerous driving adequate, will not be increased for now" -MHA


Some people really should just not drive eh


Traffic law are weak AF. Until they themselves get involved with such drivers then will they wake up.


[https://www.channelnewsasia.com/penalties-dangerous-driving-adequate-will-not-be-reviewed-and-increased-now-mha-4317586](https://www.channelnewsasia.com/penalties-dangerous-driving-adequate-will-not-be-reviewed-and-increased-now-mha-4317586) Wondering the logic thinking behind the decision that existing penalties is adequate - just few years in jail and ban to drive. Do you think they will not drive after out of prison without license? Any lawyers here can shed light why driving recklessly is not considered as homicide (causing death or bodily injury AND intent to hurt others by driving in such a way)?


Because murder is very strictly defined by needing the prosecution to prove premeditated intent to kill. In this case, there is pretty much no way for the prosecution to _prove_ (read: prove beyond all doubt) that he drove with a clear intent to use the vehicle to take a life. Otherwise you could shove someone in the chest, he trips and hits his head on a kerb, dies, and you'd be sentence to death for homicide.


There are difference in homicide vs murder, not talking about murder here. Anyway, sometimes do feel the legality of specific rules/laws are unfair to the affected families. [https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/cna-explains-murder-culpable-homicide-not-amounting-difference-court-3314931](https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/cna-explains-murder-culpable-homicide-not-amounting-difference-court-3314931)


Just an opinion! I feel that drink driving has a heavier intention than just pushing someone in the chest, is it possible for the prosecution to classify moving forward that the moment you drink and drive you have the intention to harm someone?


Well, drink driving carries far more *risks* than shoving someone in the chest. But I can see why the law doesn't necessarily equate risk to intent though. I have no idea on your second point and that would be a complex legal debate for the law-trained folks to deal with. Again, my rudimentary understanding of law as a mere commoner is that proof of intent is paramount in meting out punishment, which seems to be why gangsters who cause grievous hurt that later results in death, don't always get a death penalty for doing so (like [these guys](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Downtown_East_slashing)).


How come you don’t know the difference between murder and homicide and yet so eager to answer ah? You are clearly someone who does not even know the Law & Order and Ally Mcbeal fanboy level of the law. You know nothing don’t be eager to reply on shit you don’t know about.


I hope the people in the front car is ok. They should put a rule in, where the speeder that caused the accident is not priority. Leave him for several hours and let him see everyone around him clean up his mess. So that he can feel physical pain and emotional pain, if the speeder has any feelings.


....the culprit thinks that this is real life burnout video game izit?


Again we see the effects of lax traffic violation punishments. Car = potential weapon and charges relating to traffic violations should be treated as such.


Imagine if his victims had a baby or disabled in the car. He should be charged with attempted murder or manslaughter. Barred from driving for life


To prevent drunk driving, they should invent cars that will not start or drive at the smell of alcohol.


The taxi won't start too. To prevent drunk driving, just put death penalty on the guilty. Hang every drunk fker who crash or caused accident.


Then if you drunk how to go home? Try to take taxi but the taxi cant start


Bruh, just ban alcohol. Problem solved


do people smell like alcohol after they drink??




The safe lane driver must be wtffffffffffffff...


I don't understand why these people choose to drive this way. Do they not play video games? I drive like a mad man in video games and always end up crashing. It worked as a deterrent for me not to drive crazy irl


Article states the aggressor was drunk


Am all for natural selection, but pls, not at the expense of the innocent.


how fast people who complain about lane hoggers want us to drive:


There’s always cars speeding near my block from 11pm onwards. I think the other night cars were drag racing. Any way I can report this to LTA?


Chao turtle. These should be permanently removed from our roads.


I said before. Assassinations via high speed driving made to look like an accident can be a great new industry. Just fit the car with safety cage, helmet and speed up. Certainly no crime in a racing helmet in car.


Driver's licenses are a privilege and not a right to have. Hope both drivers are alright though.


This is my problem with speeding in sg, people want an ego trip, feel big and good drive fast fast. Knn you drive in Singapore how fast can you go. Not like we have large amounts of land that you can go nuts on. So calm the fuck down and if you really want to feel good about your driving skills and your car, go to a track or go somewhere else where there’s land. All you’re doing is being a road hazard


the white car think he a f1 driver dam dangerous. this type must totally ban him from driving for life.


I'm the one who hogs the 1st lane at 92kmph and everyone behind me is flashing and horning but I dont give a shit. Thats probably why they need to drive at 150kmph on the slow lane. Just doing my part, you can thank me later.


Some people with revoked license still drive illegally, and it is difficult to detect. Police can’t stop every car they see on the road. The only punishment this fellow deserves is jail time


Stomp on gas pedal blindly anyone also knows how. Doesn’t show how much of a balls or brains the son of bit*h have. In SG want to show off legally, must open iBanking, CPF, SGX, SingPass property asset, insurance apps. Illegal assets too many types, but overseas banks and how much load of cannabis delivery per week maybe? But bet this SoB have none.


If this asshole survives, hang him bruh




Drink drivers shd be hanged


“If you don’t go for a gap that no longer exists, you’re not a racer.” Bro saw the gap, tries to go through it, gap closes and driver commits skill issue


Our youth are pampered and protected by the law. Just few days ago encountered some kids looks to be in their early teen.. between 14-17.. cycling along the walkway at my block.. The entire stretch have a walkway and there is also a pavement directly beside the walkway, but this 2 clown decided to just use the walkway and the first a boy was speeding and nearly run into me when I appeared after a corner, and behind him was a girl and I walked toward while she continued to cycle towards me.. I was contemplating. should I call them both and give them a tight slap on their face then ask which school they come from? but if I were to do that, then I will get arrested for assault.. and it's futile to lecture them.. scold them then risk getting arrested for verbal abuse.. so.. just stood my ground, and the girl squeeze her way through.. After chatting with some neighbors these kids are notoriously known to be rowdy and noisy, and at the very same stretch they cycled, that part is also occupied by an organization that's use for community and tuition center and these kids will sometime cycle past and hit the windows, and I gathered the reason why they're notorious is because they have been doing this since they were a little kid in primary school.. so they progress, from making noise on foot to bicycle, then when they get their driving license, they will be creating havoc with their car? Growing as a 60's kid. we will get a hard slap behind our head by random adults if we do something wrong like running and knocking into people.. brake something and not admin and run away, and when parents and police is called, the kid will get it from all, the parent will say, good.. should have slap harder.. Police oh. he did that ah.. walk away.. so back then, kids are more mindful of their behaviors. because they know they will get slapped if they don't understand what No xxx means. Nowadays.. like tell them off.. Dude, don't speed can.. very dangerous, and they will respond with a middle finger.. tell us to STFU. no balls then stay at home to rot, and saw some maybe in their early 20's decent looking young chap, and when they start walking towards their scirocco/golf the way they walk as if they got swollen balls or a huge shaft in their anus.. leg spread wide and arm swing wide.


i knew it was gonna be something bad the moment i read that they were cyclists


Different class, but same attitude. Fixie kids vs lycra uncles




😒 Wtf?!


Dayum, 2 Fast 2 Furious


Bbq ler


For no good reason that became a big hooha…


Aiyo very jialiat leh


the best karma is if the errant driver loses a leg or something.


wtf did i just see, poor guy in black car probably didn't even see it coming...


When you want to speed but you incompetent.


Fast and stupidly furious


What an asshole! Can drive car but can't accept responsibilities...


Omg multiple accidents 😰




Kana hit from behind the most suay 1. Again some egoistic idiot on the run


Biker’s fault


Drive unsafely and kill another road user. Sad...Eveyone should to drive safely. Thanks


Morons who should just be put away for life.


Traffic police pls charge the driver of the VW golf the highest penalty


The current penalty involving accidentals died too lenient. Low 5 digit penalty. Banned 8 years of driving license n probably only few months of jail. That all? . After 8 years probably the person could obtain a license again. It is more on the mental state and self responsible when one is on the road. These days you will be more worrisome ppl will bang on you. What are the chances u could see ppl bang yr rear more than once. I witnessed myself within a short 5 hours Travelling AYE. Two times i saw rear ended a car on a straight road. One time toward the city and later another time towards BKE exit. Enforcement thru monitor drivers pattern using new OBu would helps since the manual way thru cctv is too exhausting to catch reckless drivers.


give death penalty la.. drive like this.. let the driver live also no use..


Considering you got to like, take out 3 loans and mortgage your house to get a car in Singapore, you'd think everyone on the tiny island would be more careful on the road considering the already high costs of just GETTING a car.


All driving instructor should retake their vocational license.


That's what happens when you don't see TP on the roads anymore.


Let’s not blame the TP when it’s clearly shit drivers’ fault. TP or no, such trash will always speed and hurt others


Their presence on the roads is supposed to act as a deterrent for errant driving. And as you can see now, their absence becomes the catalyst for errant driving.


No blame culture. Penalties for dangerous driving adequate, will not be increased for now: MHA


This type of pariah dog's parents shud be hanged to death for their son's mistake


19 yr old driver.


Brain failures


Why speed like that? Maybe his brake got problem! Can’t apply brakes?


Dominic toretto was calling in the favour to save his FAMILY again.


Poor guy got f*** at the back


He dizzy, I think