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FOUR detachments. 




They said they were going to be:   Index detachment   Angelic host themed jump-pack detachment   Penitent host, flagellents and engines and whatnot.   Holy trinity themed detachment EDIT: Another somewhat significant thing they mentioned was that acts of faith is staying as the army rule, but will be changing a bit.


Acts of Faith changing is absolutely terrifying


Don't screw it up Don't screw it up Don't screw it up


It’s such a solid army rule right now, why change it!


Please let the change just be that we can guarantee charges again lol. I'm fully expecting them to go back to only one per phase or something


Im sure they said that the angelic detachment allows you to do more. Not that it's changing. They said the index detachment is slightly changing.


Is it really only going to be four detachments? If so, thats a pretty big let down. I’ll be really disappointed if that’s the case.  Edit; I found the article, it really is four. As someone who just started Sisters, the new boxes look cool, but four detachments in a codex really takes the wind out from under my new Seraphim’s wings. 


Honestly I don't mind a fewer detachments as long as the detachments are fun and interesting. More isn't always better. I, however, will not be stocking on hopium for the eventual release.


That's a good point. Hopefully they give us some really cool stuff to play with =)


Tau only has four, but there’s so much to uncover. I wouldn’t worry too much. 


Well, that's good to hear at least. I'll try and stay positive then while we wait. =)


I was their live when they said it. GSC got 5


Angelic Host and Holy Trinity sound cool, but it feels like they're really half arsing a fair few Codices.


They mentioned that one was going to feature the angel units giving auras of buffs to units nearby that get inspired by the angels. Sounds a bit sketchy to me. The whole point of the jump-pack units is that they're not usually near your other stuff!


Also they are 5-10 model squads of super fragile and easy to hit units with only pistols. Tbh currently they are only useful for objective play. Power swords are not good, and pistols aren’t much better.


Hey just make sure you move shoot move back to your friendly to keep the bubble bonus on them


Are Angel units jump-pack units or are we talking cherubs here?


I just meant the jump-pack units. I can't remember the exact phrasing they used on stream.


Got you, thanks!


The index detachment is fine, but doesn't really play to sisters strength. Holy Trinity just has meme detachment written all over it but maybe it's legit. Aura buffs from jump pack units zooming around has good potential. Penitent host buffing repentia, arcos, and the walkers good be good bloody rose fun if the buffs are meaningful enough. There should have been a minimum of 6 detachments per codex to IMO. I can think of like 5 more sisters detachment ideas off the top of my head


Sacresant detach where. Warsuit detach where. And those are our premier box art units.


Sacreants not being a detachment makes me a sad sister.


Yeah I mean it's inexcusable really. Only reason I'm not upset is because I never had a doubt in my mind this would happen. GW absolutely bottling it is a guarantee at this point. Raise prices and cut rules, since we'll buy it anyway I guess.


Expected nothing from GW and they delivered.


I feel like for holy trinity it’ll be like once per battle you can choose this bonus to effect bolt weapon, flame weapons or melta weapons. Probably give bolt weapons lethals or sustained, flamers probably get a range bonus, and meltas either get a melta range bonus or damage bonus on the melta like melta 2 becomes melta 4 as an example. Though I hope it’s something different. What I hope is for them to allow you to choose at the start of the game a devotion for your army within that trinity and have bonuses linked to that or choose a different focus for each unit.


I can’t imagine building a whole army around seraphim/zephyrim. It’s ONE kit.


Ah, but remember! It's also one of the most expensive kits, dollar to points. If you build them as zephyrim we hit the admech ratio! So we gotta have a detachment where you need as many as possible.


I expected nothing and still got disapointed.


I expect Angelic Host to be like the Kroot detachment. Buffed defences and ressurections with no buffs for the rest of the army.


Actually it seems like the Angelic units buff everything else.


That feels weird. How the hell would you keep them alive.


Better question; one is a short range pistol unit and the other is a dedicated melee unit with a single bolt pistol each. How good are those buffs that you're not going to use those units for their intended purpose of diving out of the sky and fucking stuff up at close distances? We're not a fast moving army, the jetpack characters aren't designed to sit in the backfield with our troops. This detachment makes no sense from an army design standpoint.


Its so weird to me because they definitely half ass the number of detachments, 4 is not acceptible in a book they charge 60$ for (on top of overpriced models already but thats another thing). But its not normal laziness, take custodes for example: Custodes got 4 detachments, and knowing that youd think itd be the quickest ones to think of because thats the lazy pick. Shooting, Melee, Fast, and Defensive. But no, they did some pretty unique and cool things, just not enough of them. A custodes waagh detachment? One centered around leaders with a very unique strat to rejoin a new unit? These aren't the immediately obvious lazy pick, so they clearly thought about the detachments they did make a decent bit (although they still have problems). Thats what makes it so confusing to me that they didn't include such comparatively easier and necessary detachments like a shooting or fast one?


Weird picks for detachments. Holy trinity is a cool idea but I’m really surprised they didn’t stick with the six orders


Calling it here and now. Holy trinity is a thing because well loose 4 same weapons retributors because thats not how they sell in the box.


Four Detachments is fine, IF they are all decent and usable. Often in an army that has 6, half or less are even usable. We'll just have to see how the 4 stack up.


I mean the way it will probably work is we get four now, one extra in the next codex and one in an end of edition campaign expansion.


TBH there aren’t many other archetypes that come to mind. We’ll have choppy sisters, shooting sisters, moving sisters, and dying sisters. The only missing opportunity that comes to mind is an old witch hunters throwback that encourages inquisitorial units.


Am i missing something or was there no bloody rose type detachment mentioned? It's the main way I like playing this army so they've been shelved since 10th and was looking forward to the codex to fix this.


Hoping the penitent host might play out similarly enough with a bit of luck


Same, hoping for that at least.


By Bloody Rose type, do you mean Melee? Because you can probably play the bulk of these Detachments as melee heavy if you want.


Yeah, generally melee. Bonuses for charging like +attacks/hit/wound/whatever. Devastating melee attacks, advance and charge, and some added fnp maybe somewhere. Least I remember playing them that way in 9th.


I've only just started collecting sisters so forgive me if I'm wrong, but wasn't bloody rose heavily melee and dependent on units like arco and repentia? Having a whole detachment focused on penitent host sounds like it could be leaning into that.


Bloody Rose was heavy in Zephrym and Repentia and trading in the mid board via melee because both could hit like trucks. Arcos from my following have been way better than edition vs last edition.


If Sacs were good, the Index detachment would do the job just fine (which might just happen). I mean, you've got +1 to Wound, fight on Death, Suffering and Sacrifice.


They did say they changed some data sheets let’s hope that’s one.


Penitent host sounds like the bloody rose detachment to me. Buffs to repentia, flagellants, and penitent engines could give that melee killy flavor, although it's not just universal melee buffs for things like sacresants and novitiates..


Yeah, which I have a lot of... 20 sacresants and 30 novitiates lol


Maybe they'll get buffed datasheets at least? /Copium


Hope so. Lol the copium is real.


I came into this knowing I'd be disappointed bc of course GW was going to bottle it, so at least I'm already laying off the copium and reaching acceptance. Maybe the rules won't be shit. They probably will be, but maybe not!


No Argent Shroud either


Sounded kind of like it :/ And same, my whole army is painted red…


Is it still a rule where you have to paint your army the same way as of the order that you’re playing? Or is that just for thematic reasons? My entire army is also red…


No, I just like the playstyle AND the color


No other orders at all. Only marines get cool lore this edition :(


Detachments rarely have the names of the chapter/order/regiments these days. Mostly so people can use whichever detachment without feeling like they are in the "Salamander" detachment. They did reveal that there is a detachment that is focused on jetpack units which is technically a Bloody Rose type detachment.


You mean 3. One is pretty much the index detachment.


That's what the Tau got and all 4 are decent enough. I'd rather have only a few decent detachments rather than a bunch and only 1 or 2 being viable.


The risk that none are viable is higher with four than with six. But here’s hoping this will be more like the Tau codex and less like the Custodes one.


Custodes says Hai. They also got 4 detachments and at least one (maybe 2) has been derided as abysmally shit. I just hate the inconsistency. Marines get 7, Chaos get 8, Orks get 6 ( I think its 6...) Tau get 4, Tyranids get 5. Its all over the shop. Should have been a key design decision from day 1 to set a number of detachments that was equal across all codexes. You cant tell me they struggled to come up with extra stuff for Custodes and Tau. ... Especially since they dont need to theme the detachments around set Septs, Shield Hosts etc.


I was for sure waiting for a lone op/stealth themed detatchment in Tau, especially with howany Lone Op models they have.


Cool so our orders flavour is just not a thing anymore, fantastic


I called it a week ago. I just had the feeling


You have been reported to the Ordo Hereticus for witchcraft.


My guess was index detachment, jump pack detachment, warsuit/walker detachment, and repentia detachment, so I'm not actually a witch!


Innocense proves nothing!


A plea of innocent is guilty of wasting my time.


At least if the new cannones is good, it's a super easy kitbash


Or buy them off etsy


Hope there's a helmeted option, don't love this model, but I'm sure this will change how Sisters play immensely.


It's interesting how simple it is. You'd have a really hard time telling the Sword and Pistol loadout from a standard Zephyrim.


I'll probably buy one for the two handed halberd, but my other ones for others options will be kitbashed that's for sure.


I didn’t even realise it was a new model till they pointed it out


both face look ugly as sin indeed. There should be a helmet option and at worse just stick an helmet from another box on there.


[https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/CYQcmOz8jAuExTCg.jpg](https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/CYQcmOz8jAuExTCg.jpg) Apparently this thing has a huge amount of options not shown on the stream.


Huge is a bit of an overstatement. Also doesn't have a helmeted option.


I’m just gonna slap a fancy helmet from someone else on.


My brother in christ, put a spare celestian/sacresant/whatever helmet on, it'll be fine. World's simplest conversion.


exactly what I'm gonna do. But I don't think for a moment there isn't a helmet on this sprue.


Idk, last thing I bought was cadian shock troops where they had room for a sandbag but not a better pistol or sword for the sgt 🙄 Don't put it past GW to fumble something. I think we would've seen a helmet pic if there was one.


That's true, but it's not like we don't have a gazillion helmet thanks to the BSS boxes xD


Man, the canoness is so uninspired. You can literally kitbash her from Celestine or a Zephyirim. Seems like the curse of space marines liutenent hit us too. QQ


I’m just happy the jump canoness is back with options. They could have designed her with power sword/ bolt pistol and those be the only load out available. At least this way I’ll have 2-3 options built up before the book even drops. Hopefully one is useful


Yeah honestly like I know he compared it to the LT but that thing started with no options lol at least ours has some though we definitely need a jump palatine too. Seems odd for the cannoness to be going balls deep while the palatine isn’t.


yeah this is disappointing tbh


Love the halbert jump pack combo But it's going to be S5 D1 ap2 :(


Yeah that's my bet as well. The holy eviscerator shown in the article could be good if it's a stronger penitent eviscerator


I feel like zephrym she’ll get a bonus on charge (attacks, strength, and damage would be huge) but they said the halberd would be more for clearing hordes, I bet the eviscerator will be the big papa weapon. Which like you could always magnetize weapons/arms for.


I dig the options for her, especially the surprising two-handed options, but man, that mini is pretty uninspired for a Canoness. Let the kitbashing commence!


That two handed sword is sick


I'm glad someone at GW understands polearms are two handed weapons finally. I'm a little annoyed all Zephyrim aren't capable of using them.


I can't tell which is the cooler option, the halberd or the eviscerator.


I think the eviscerator is more 40K, but I can't say no to a Halberd.


\*inhales hopium\* Guess I'll have to wait for 11'th edition for bikes / cavalry unit.


Lets just hope we got good rules.


The Halberd looks AMAZING


I get one single kit, but give us at least a datasheet for a jump palentine as well. Like is it so much to ask for?


Do you guys think this is all we will get or will we get anything else?


Think this is all we get


This and GSC are only getting a single model this ED. They just had 2 rounds of amazing refreshes, so that was to be expected.


Custodes, Mechanicus and Necron too.


Necrons got 3. 2 characters and a new Teleport Overlord. EDIT: Also, IDK if you'd even count this if it DID happen, but there's also rumors of Trazn getting a new model during the big end of edition event.


Ah forgot Orikan. Whats the other one ?


# Imotekh the Stormlord.


Oh I didnt even knew he was new. The more you know 😋


Yeah, I can see that, he's not the fanciest model of 10th. I get why they refreshed him first-he was the first named character you could play as in Necrons.


Really? The past 3 releases (CSM,Orks, Custodes) all only had 1 character release so I thought yall are genestealers were due for a major release wave


Yeah its a economy round for you this edition, maybe 11th!


We might get Pious Vorne released as a solo release when the codex goes on preorder. 


The model itself is nothing Special, an easy kit bash.


Tbf that's true of most Sororitas characters. I really like the rose details on her sword though so I'm for sure picking it up.


As much as I wanted a jump pack cannoness, it’s getting to the stage where we have too many characters.


To be honest now since I see the flying sister with a battle ax that actually sounds metal is all hell


I'd have much preferred a Canoness in a Paragon Warsuit, and I simply won't buy this, but I do like that this exists. And it is a good model.


Sisters got done dirt yet again


we waited decades before, we can wait another edition. \*laugh with bloody tears\*


They already got fresh models a couple of years ago, so I wouldn’t resort to such a harsh assessment. 😌


I'm getting flashbacks to our Index reveal, when this subreddit was filled with wailing and gnashing of teeth about how horrible Sisters were now and whining about how our rules would never be good for anything.


And all it took was half a dozen balance patches to get them there


Sisters won the the US Open in October 2023, which had one Balance Dataslate between it and the release of 10th. Where are these other five you're referring to?


One person managing to make the army work in a single event means fuck all about whether an army's good or not. The slightest bit of an understanding of stats should tell you why.


You would have a point if Sisters hadn't gone on to win lots of other events, have consistent success with varied lists, and have one of the best win rates in the game. The slightest bit of understanding of literally anything should tell you why.


Are we still talking about the beginning of tenth? When there was literally a single win and they were the second to last army in terms of win-rates? They're in a pretty good place now. That's entirely due to the balance changes.


What? We're talking about Sisters since the Tampa US Open. Or at least I was over a goddamn week ago, which was when the conversation you burst into was actually happening. Go away, dude,


Wow. And it only took what? 6 or 7 editions to get the rules back! Thanks for the bare minimum GW.


I have to ask, what are you using for that flight base, I hate gw’s and I’ve been considering a few different ones but I love that gothic look


That would be the GW scenic base that apparently comes with the new model.


Nice , i was saving for the new combat patrol and the battle box , now I don't need to worry they look awful so I can use all that money on Infinity or maybe try Malifaux


Why does the face look like Dolph Lundgren?


New boxes/combat patrol?


They didn't mention a combat patrol, but they did say the launch battleforce box was going to be   Jump canoness  3 units of seraphim/zephyrim  Exorcist  I don't think they actually showed a picture of the battleforce arrayed, so I suppose there's possibly something else in there too.   EDIT: it is 3 units of angels


It's expected, but feel dissapointing anyway. An exorcist? well I suppose it's not an immolator but I would have really loved a castigator instead...


It seems like the Battleforce tends to be around $350 value and sell for 30% off at $220ish, so assuming the Jump Cannoness is going to sell for $35, there's about $110 dollars missing. I'm wondering if they're going to throw Celestine in so you have a leader for each unit? EDIT: NOPE, just one more unit. 15 Fly Girls, a Jump Cannoness and an Exorcist. That's only $305, so this better be selling for more like $200.


Hard pass on that box from me, I think.


Welp, guess that’s a skipped battleforce box for me, got an exorcist already&really don’t like running two


From what I’ve seen, the new combat patrol is 10 arcos, 10 SOB’s and 5 celestial sacresants. The current index puts that at 320 points. I’d assume there’s a vehicle in there as well, maybe another unit. That or they plan on bumping up the points value A LOT. I saw this on the fb group but it was watermarked with the WH community text


It's just what you said plus a canoness.


I think they did just show a new combat patrol: 10 battle sisters 10 arco-flagellents 5 sacresants I didn't spot which character it was. Will update when I figure it out!


regular canoness on foot.


It's a multi-part canoness 


That's a really boring patrol.


the castigator(? can't remember rn) was a nice big model to have in the army so I could forgive the uneven numbers. I really dislike the arco-flagellent models so will definitely be skipping the combat patrol Edit: it's a fkn rhino, how I couldn't remember that I have no idea


Much better than the current with only 3 Arcos and 4 repentia!


Glad you like it, but I disagree. Even if you throw the 3 Arcos/ 5repentia right in the trash, I’d rather have a rhino & penitent engine over 10 flagellants.


They also announced box with Seraph/Zeph and a Exorcist. 


all we know is of a battle force containing "a load of seraphim and zephyrim and an excorsist". i can almost certainly add that the new canoness will also be addind in there due to it being able to lead seraphim and zephyrim.


3x Seraphim/Zephyrim 1x Cannoness with jump pack 1x Excorcist really boring box imo


It's perfect for me since I only have 1 box of zephyrim and no exorcists. I'd imagine there will be a mobile detachment that it's meant to form a basis for.


Hopefully, otherwise it makes no sense. I’ve only started collecting sisters (well I bought a fair few inf a while ago and am just now getting to building them XD) and I have no idea what I would do with 4x Seraphim/Zephyrim total


oof that face sculpt... did they put in any effort ?


Kinda reminds me of Arnold Schwarzenegger in Total Recall when he got shot out into Mars.


Ironic that scum loser sisters get epic chainsword, a noble battle sister gets her fists, elite celestians warriors... still get their fists, elite melee specialist sacresants get pokey sticks, the leader of the elite melee specialists gets a super pokey stick, other sororitas busybodies and officers get narthencium chainfists, massive twatting sticks or b o o k. The super important boss lady-cannoness gets... the pokey stick. Not even the spear? \*sighs\* Evisverator it is.


Male canoness confirmed ? YouTube Is gonna be wild tomorrow