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I don't use followers. They get in my way and I am usually the one killing them while running through dungeons. They also get lost on the way to said dungeons and stand in all of the doorways! They don't do what they are told half of the time, either.. no sneaking skill, at least not enough to not get caught and because most are so squishy, I have to hurry up killing whatever has me occupied so I can prevent their untimely demise.


Same. Too much of an emotional burden for me to be able to concentrate on completing the quest. Cant live with myself if they die following me


That’s why Serena is the best of the Followers. A quest-essential NPC can’t die to friendly fireball


once i found out she was essential, i immediately started using her. she’s a good follower. i was so tired of having to load from a previous save to save bellrand’s ass lol. i lost lydia in a really hard (at the time) quest and didn’t know i could load from a previous save and i’ve never quite gotten over her death 😂


It took me forever to figure out you could just send followers home, so was having a bear of a time in my first playthrough as an Argonian assassin being followed by this woman in heavy armor. I shelved those saves and started over because I had no idea what I was doing and started over and just skipped going to Whiterun altogether deciding to focus on the Thieve’s Guild instead. It was a couple years post release until I actually got around to finishing the main quest line


That’s also another problem, I’d feel so bad if I let them die 😭 and half the time they’re basically asking for it. Stepping on every trap, getting in the way of your hits and spells, falling off edges… hell one time I had a follower because it was a quest that required them to follow and he was stuck in water the whole time because he couldn’t get out


Sounds like the Argonian in Darkwater Pass


This. With very few exceptions, followers aren't helpful in Skyrim. Now Boone and Ed-E in Fallout NV... yeah those guys rock.


Boone has them dead before you even knew they were there.


Yeah just this. They’re bloody annoying! Solo is always the way for me.


I bring a follower but theyre just there for my loot, anytime im about to run into a battle i head back through the tunnel a bit to be far enough they cant hear the fighting, tell them to wait, and then go back to kill everyone. Go back to get them and have them pick up any loot i cant afford to carry


Serana is always my companion because since she’s the main character in the Dawnguard questline, she has the most dialogue and is unkillable. Feels more like a friend than just some random follower. And as for anytime she blocks a doorway, a simple fus ro da pushes her out of the way.


Same here. I don't use any followers until I got Serena. And after I got the Serena dialogue add on, it's so much more fun because it adds so many dialogue options (beside the marriage one). I'm currently on my second playthrough after my 6-8 year old safe was broken due to the recent update. And I can't wait to get to the dawnguard questline.


question, do you have to be a vampire for serana to follow you


Not at all. You can even convince her to get cured after the questline.


You don't, she will appear in fort dawnguard if you decide against harkon.


If you've finished the questline she becomes killable. I just discovered this the hard way 😅


are you sure? i’ve been running w her forever and she’s never died. this makes me nervous 😂


Seriously I was just with in Karthspire and it was all very chaotic and a bunch of forsworn hit her until she died. My storm call shout might have helped killing her 🤣 had to reload a past save


Skyrim really dropped the ball on companions imo. Where are the companion quests? Some of them have fetch quests you have to do before they'll join you, but more depth would have been nice. Why don't companions say anything interesting? Why don't the interact with the main quest or civil war quest at all? The only times I take companions are when I want to make them housecarls. I might also take Serana around for a while, since she's at least got some personality to her.


>Where are the companion quests? Jorrvaskr


I prefer ones like the college apprentices, Illia or Erandur because they feel like better quests Punching the shit out of Uthgerd doesnt hit as good.


Mods. Mods add incredible followers with amazing quests, storylines, and personality.


Yeah, I know, but we shouldn't have to depend on the kindness of strangers to do the work Bethesda could and should have just done from the get go, or at least added in later patches or dlcs


Oh sure, adding more story and personality to the followers would have been great. I think they know that, which is why we got Serana.


Yea Fallout did it better. Follower's like Valentine or Hancock are much more iconic than anything Skyrim has to offer. I can only think of one truly iconic follower in Skyrim and that's Serana. Lydia doesn't count because she's also boring


I used to, but then realised they never really helped. non essentials just die all the time, and they keep blocking doorways. Plus when they kill something you don't get the xp to level up and stuff.


Since experience in Skyrim is based on action, not kills, it doesn't matter who gets the killshot except for some very very few artifacts. As long as you are using skills (casting spells, hitting them with a weapon, blocking, etc) you are getting experience.


I just like the company ;-;


IKR, I feel so lonely without them. I would miss them so much if they weren’t there.


I play a stealth build so I don't tend to use followers unless it's to exploit training lol


I don't use them because they get lost and its annoying trying to find them


Not only do I use followers, I get that sweet double Dremora Lord action...


I use Brelyna as a follower. So, combined with her atronach and my two dremora lords, I run with a 5 people crew in combat.


Exactly. No more foreplay, now we FUCK. Gets even more spicy when you can summon the Flame Atronach that doesn't disappear unless killed. Not to mention Serana randomly resurrecting enemies...


i can’t tell you how many times i panicked because i heard a skeleton or something walking close, only to realize she had resurrected them


Watching a resurrected rat square-up to a dragon is always funny. Ah, Serana. Don't go changin' on me...


Brelyna, is she OG or mods ?


Vanilla. She has a level cap though.




I like to have a little army as well


I don't use vanilla followers, Inigo is nice. He's strong and minor spoiler for his quest but not bad >! He can be summoned !< and pretty funny and comments on lots of things. https://preview.redd.it/3nfdwhdpvh9d1.png?width=1506&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7f3a35a05fd024f9962d531e42100ff3bb91225 And you have him and another follower, If you get him make sure you pick up the dragonfly in the jar on the table where you find him (A cell in riften jail) you can get the mod on nexus AND in creations. Link to his wiki page [https://tes-mods.fandom.com/wiki/INIGO](https://tes-mods.fandom.com/wiki/INIGO)


I love that with Inigo you can tell him how to act in fights. You can have him be ranged only, to cover you or charge in. His high stealth is nice since he won't give you away if you try to be sneaky. Inigo is how companions should've been in this game


you are NOT allowed to have fun unless it's in the way MAJORITY does


😢 no pls


Only early game when my carrying capacity is low. I use Faendal until I've got The Gauldur Amulet, Ring of Nymeria and got whatever weightless armour perk I need, then ditch him. Followers just get in the way most of the time.


I’ve tried using them as a pack mile a few times. It always felt too scummy plus I’ve had them die while carrying all my stuff in the middle of a dungeon… never again


I hate followers, they always get in the way. I loved the dog follower, but it’s big panic whenever there’s combat. Don’t want my buddy to. Only used followers to have them in my house (same as the dog before those darn kids bring in any vermin as pet…)


I accidentally killed Lydia once and that was it for me. Only times I have them follow me is to make them a steward somewhere


All I really use as a follower is Aela. She's essential, so she can't die. I give her a random bow and 1 daedric or dragonbone arrow. She shoots at random stuff and I slowly get infinite arrows.


It depends on my build If I'm playing a stealth character I don't take any follower with me since they get spotted very easily Else, I go with Serana and Inigo (best mod ever btw, I love my blue cat homie)


I never use a follower. I tried a long time ago but they get in my way too much. Sometimes I get Iñigo and then leave him at my house because he has good dialogue options. I also use them as nanny’s since I feel bad for a couple of the kids but don’t want them living in my main house so they now watch the kids for me


The only follower I can tolerate is my adorable Furpot, I have a house cat mod which gives you one as a follower. Doesn’t follow you into buildings though, just waits patiently outside houses and dungeons until I stagger out cover in blood and staggering under the weight of my shiny magpie bird brain looting. Doesn’t get involved in fighting, and best of all no awful repetitive dialogue.


See now that sounds nice. I enjoy animal followers more because you don’t have to worry about the repetitive dialogue, but I’m always so worried about them dying :,c So having one that’s just for travel and won’t join combat is perfect


Only Serena in the Dawnguard quest. Other than fighting vampires, no I don’t use one. I might grab Lydia from Whiterun to help me move stuff from one house to another.


I love frolicking around with my best bro Erik the Slayer. He's so fruity and genuinely happy to be there.


I always have Erik at some point, just to honor the young man he was modeled after.


I don't use a follower because they get in the way


I don’t use them, but then my autistic ass plays on god mode because I can’t stand the health bar anxiety 😅 also adhd and don’t have the patience to repeat stuff like at all. And they just get in the way.


I typically avoid them because they do nothing but infuriate me. Example; I was playing a Requiem based play through and needed a follower to help out until my build got rolling and the amount of times the little s'wits jumped in front of my spells and arrows forcing me to reload to redo 20/30 mins of dungeon or got in the way of trying to move around both in and out of battle killing me or slowing me down. Just left me more frustrated than anything and I couldn't wait to get rid of them. The AE pets are even worse because of their hitboxes and they don't even help in a fight. If I really desperately need the extra help I'm just better off with a summon.


Yeah I enjoy conjugation more because if I really need an extra body in the higher difficulties. They don’t talk, you can unsummon if they’re being annoying, and best of all even if you damage them they won’t try to fight you AND you can just resummon when they die


Yup. As soon as I am given a choice it's bye Bye and see you at home.


I never use followers. They don't really feel that helpful


Some of them have unique things to say depending on where you are or what you're doing, such as Erandur. It does help to flesh out the world a bit. However, after hearing "A Cave. Dark. Dangerous" from your follower for the 1000th time, it does get annoying. Combat-wise, I usually ask my companions to wait a bit further behind where a fight takes place so that if I do get overwhelmed I can fall back. Since they scale with difficulty, it's basically like conjuration for non-magic users. Just don't forget to ask them to follow you again or you'll spend the next hour looking for where you left them lol.


I play stealth most of the time. Followers are pointless and I accidentally kill them all the time.


They just get in the way when I’m sneaking around with a bow


I don't use the followers unless they are ranged only, and even then i hate the Bethesda follower AI always getting in the way following too close, pushing you around. It's just obnoxious most of the time


I usually go without followers when I'm playing a stealth character, or when I'm playing through the DB or the Thieves Guild questlines (which is almost every time). I tend to usually get a follower when my character is a little more established and I have decided on their playstyle, and so I pick a follower that fits their playstyle or story. If I'm playing modded though, I can't *not* play without Kaidan and Inigo, doesn't matter how disruptive they might become in battle, I need my boys to travel with me!


Never, they are so annoying and always do the opposite of what you want them to.


If I need a follower, I'll conjure one or two.


Pack mules


Same. Can't believe no one has mentioned this. It's so convenient to unload all your lowest priced items onto them when you max out your carrying capacity in a dungeon. If they die, think of it like you've dropped those items. I always use the most generic ones too, so I don't care if they die.


I don't use them purely because they talk too much. Yeah, they get in the way and become moot depending on your level, but why the needless three same sentences?


My main play style is stealthing through dungeons and buildings and every follower I’ve had ruins it for me by charging ahead or standing in the way of shots. I do wish I had one sometimes if I go to a dungeon and forget to store all my shit so I can take whatever I want but damn I love the quiet


The only follower I ever use is not a vanilla follower. Occasionally I'll use Inigo (from the mod). All of the regular Skyrim followers are so annoying. They get in the way, they trigger traps, they can't sneak as well so they get us spotted...no thanks.


My first play through I used Lydia… then she died… I did not know she could die… I never wanted to go through that again.


No followers, all the glory to the Dragonborn alone!


Yeah I prefer not to use them. If they're not getting in the way or getting killed, they're stealing my kills at the last second.


Godammit lydia get out of my way


I never do. They don’t suit my style of play because I usually try to stealth my way through using nothing but my dagger and illusion spells.


I don't, after one tragic encounter inside a fort with Lydia where after panic casting fire ball and turning to see her dead on the floor I swore off companions


I do Marcurio when I use melee, otherwise its just accidental 500 septim deliveries.


I play solo because I would kill anything within 100 feet of my crazy potion boosted spells 🧙‍♂️


Actually it makes it harder if your follower is not an essential character. They start out useful in combat but don't stay that way.


Have never used a follower except when quest related. Too complex to deal with. Just kill stuff/loot stuff/visit as many places as possible/make better weapons than what quests give you.


Mostly they get in the way. Not gonna risk the NPCs i actualy like get killed on accident by steping in front of an arrow


I nevef use followers.. they're too dumb and clunky. I just get annoyed by them. I'm better off on my own


Followers suck in Bethesda games


I dont really use followers that much, either because they are literally stopping me from going to the door or because I don't want then to die.


Followers just steal your XP. Their only real use is carrying your loot to sell for money, so it's a compromise between XP or gold. I use followers all the time in Fallout though.


I never use them unless the game gives me no choice.


no followers here, and the reason why is that my first to runs of the game were a destruction mage and the. a stealth melee build. followers left a sour taste in my mouth during those runs and so I don't run any followers at all even 10+ years later


I never use followers. They are aggravating and always in my way. I find that summoning spells are more to my liking because I can choose if or when I need help.


Stealth Archer needs no followers! A pox on their houses!


Me. I always feel bad if they die, so I never bring them anywhere.


Unless I have to for a quest (serana I’m looking at you) then I am always alone. I hate having extra noise in the dungeons


I don't, usually because I feel like they just get in the way and trigger enemies/traps.


I don’t use them unless I absolutely have to. Like everyone else is saying, they just get in the way.




Why wouldn't I? Who's gonna carry my burdens then?


I hate followers. I’m also a war summoner so I get my meat shields that way


Personally I don't, honestly they steal your kills (provided you accidentally kill them first) and they like to stand in door ways and take twenty years to get out of the way oh and they don't keep up with you


Nah, I just found them annoying tbh. They’d steal my kills, meaning I lost XP, they’d block doorways and they die really easily, so I use them rarely


With large modlists, they always end up bugging the game / being a nuissance, so i run alone 90% of the time.


For those  who avoid having a follower because it's easy to kill them by accident, there's an active effect you can acquire with the black book: the winds of change (found in blooskal barrow) called "companion's insight" that makes our attacks do no damage on our followers while in combat. Very useful


Nah - I’m just a conjuration mage


Hate em. Only "followers " I use are conjured creatures.


I like the company but they're definitely a pain. They fall behind and thus aren't around for a lot of the fights, or I hit them with a stray spell or arrow. I only really need them for early level mage playthroughs but that's when I don't have the black book for safe spells and thus I do more harm to them than they help for me


The only ‘follower’ I have is the spectral assassin because he adds some interesting dialogue and also is quite a good fighter. Plus if he dies I only have to wait until the next day and can re-summon him.


No followers die if you use the Black Book perk.


Me on my first 2 playthroughs because i was a brooding teen and i need to be alone. Now that i grew up, i need my chatterbox in the form of followers to drown out the silence


I enjoy the talking (even if it is extremely repetitive), helps feel less alone in the open world. However they have way too many gameplay problems for me personally to be able to put up with


I tried that once on the outer worlds....it got lonely really quickly....


That’s my only issue with it :/ but their dialogue gets repetitive plus all the other negatives. Being a little lonely in the open world is better for my sanity than dealing with all the mess imo


I just don't want to lose the difficulty. It's so easy to let follower tank and abuse enemy AI to cut them down


I do at the beginning when I’m building my character up, but now I’m at the point where they kinda get in the way for me, especially since I’ve maxed Conjuration and can just summon stuff instead




As a stealth archer build using followers can be more annoying that useful. They break stealth more often than not and provide another obstacle to shoot around. Ol' faendal has received more arrows to the back of the head than he deserves. Not to mention having to reload old saves becuase they're stuck in some dungeon or died under mysterious circumstances. Having just come from Fallout 4, the companion system feels a disappointingly empty, not much interaction apart from "There's a cave here, maybe we should check it out?" If i need momentary backup then i'll use conjuration.


I keep one follower - Kharjo. Why? Cat husbando. I will avoid quests that make me ditch him. I mean, I know I can get him back, but I hate hunting down the khajit caravan to get him again. I love my wittle kitty man.


only during the thieves and db questlines.


Good gear mules


I don’t usually use followers in Skyrim. Well every now and then I will for important plot lines. like J’Zargo for the duration of the Mages questline, then Serana for hers, and Teldryn Sero for the Dragonborn dlc. But followers have a bad habit of dying around me by accident. Like this current playthrough I went 25 levels before I even brought my first follower, and the first one I brought with me fucking died in the first cave we went into cause I was tryna fight multiple draugr at once and he was down and I hit him. Oops. I’m level 30 now and the only other follower I used was J’Zargo but he made it out okay. If followers were essential I’d be using them all the time. Like in fallout 4, I’m almost never without a follower, I always gotta have one with me. Mostly cause I can actually talk to them and have conversations unlike with most of them in Skyrim lol.


I usually use modded follower like sofia because they genuinely get a chuckle out of me sometimes while I run around doing random dungeons and stuff


I use mods to get followers that are actually useful


honestly I'm lazy. if I'm about to go into a dungeon why would I waste time running back to home or wherever to get a follower, only to have them not be that helpful... half the time I end up accidentally killing them anyway. I'm a strong independent elf who don't need no follower.


Someone’s gotta carry all the shit I can’t carry 🤷🏼‍♂️


Not when doing any stealth builds as they just become a liability and a burden but if I'm doing any other build I sometimes use essential NPC so they don't die notably Serana or Frea


I do find they get in the way a bit, especially when I’m doing a stealth build, but honestly I just carry to much stuff that I need someone to hold it 😂 the main reason tbh I bring them along


My first playthrough, both Lydia and Meeko died so I never use them now unless I really don't like them lol I also don't like trying to fight and they're always in the way. I do have the reikling followers who randomly pop up but I feel bad when they get hurt so I'm always trying to heal them 😂


I’ll usually use Lydia untill she dies. Or until I make her a steward of a home.


Currently Iona is my companion and I have two pet spiders. It is fun exploring the ruins with my buddies. If I have a stealth mission, I leave the grumbling spiders at home. It does take a little getting used to, having extra help. Sometimes we will attack a foe from both sides.


Followers are pack mules. You can carry more stuff with a follower. I usually pick one of the Kajit. They say funny things. I wish followers had a little perk or side quest like in FO4.


I use them sometimes. They're great for picking up loot. Also I give them a staff cause They're a lot more accurate than I am.


Early on yes, I need the carry space. If they are a trainer I’ll use them until i can’t train anymore and then send them home until I legendary that skill.


It took me a while to not get a jump scare from them. I'd not played a game where you had a companion/ follower before. Their run uphill to catch up with you is pretty horrific too. A few years later and now I feel naked without one, though if I do a stealth dagger person, I tend to go on my own.


I have custom followers because they make the world more interesting.


I only use one if I need a meat shield for a specific quest that's giving me trouble. Otherwise, I don't even talk to them


I’ll use Lydia if I’m trying a dungeon/cave above my level. But that bitch always stands in doorways so, overall, I go solo because followers are very annoying


I hate that i have to bring someone on survival mode to be the mule.


Multiple followers mod and don’t min/max the game so I can have huge brawls like in oblivion.


I used to always have a companion while playing back when I first started playing Skyrim back on release but through the years I’ve stopped grabbing them cuz I noticed they are useless most of the time like they suck at battling and they are usually annoying af the only one I might pick up is Serana cuz at least she has some writing behind her character and she doesn’t just die to a draugr as soon as u enter a dungeon


All they do is prevent you from leaving areas. Can't count how many times I've had to sprint into or FusRoDah Farkas out of the way when you're forced to take him as a companion to Dustmans Cairn. Honestly the only thing they're really good for is upgrading the Ebony Blade or sacrificiing for Boethiah.


i use lydia


Somebody's got to carry all this crap.


Follower? Oh you mean my pack mule?


But I like having Teldryn around...essentially use my followers for company. Marcurio has poor timing for dialogue delivery and it kills me every time.


I didn’t for a long time. Usually I still don’t unless I’m going dungeon diving or doing lots of side quests. I found I was making the game unnecessarily difficult doing it all in my own. I have mods so they don’t die. I give them good equipment as I’m able.


I use a mod follower Inigo. I don’t use him all the time, but his whistle feature makes it very convenient to retrieve him. But for immersion reasons, he didn’t follow me through the wing of Pelagius


I always have a least one, mostly out of habit. Recently I've been using ones that can act as merchants so that I can sell them stuff as I travel instead of having to go into a town. It's convenient.


I also really disliked accidentally killing followers with friendly fire, and keeping track of them! Ugh :( My entire first playthrough I stuck it out by myself, unless the quest line made me, like with Serana. I'm trying it out this time because this is the first time I'm not doing destruction battle mage. I'm finding it works really well if I'm melee and the follower is Marcurio, who usually stays far back with his attacks.


I did when I started, and for all Skyrim npc followers I now only use to recruit to blades (got the mod to save party snap) or give a friendly tour of Boethia’s shrine. But after playing since 2012, I started realizing I was bored. I did everything, multiple times over. Then I saw a clip of some modded followers, and so I downloaded Inigo. Now, three new playthroughs later, I’ve had followers because I love the new dialogues between different follower mods. Remiel/Xelzaz/Redcap brought me entertainment because none are up close fighters, but they talk to each other all the time. They joke and drink, and have entire character lore drops with each other I can overhear. I’m the quiet friend in a group, so it was very nice to be able to feel like in the game was a lot like a long road trip— goofy times, serious times, and a lot of talk of when we get food. Inigo/Lucien/Redcap were like having a trio of college guys who each have different majors and backgrounds and going on a road trip. Unlike the last trio sadly, they don’t interact together— but being able to hear each joking with or teasing each other was a lot like me and my siblings. They may have made it easier and not as combat focused— but I’ve been playing Skyrim for 10+ years, I have done all the missions, killed or spared everyone, I know what ways to go through caves and what chests aren’t worth it. I know each way to ‘break the game’ without cheats and mods. But this dialogue? The atmosphere like a dnd squad? That’s got me playing for hours on end each day again like I used to. For me, these interactions brought me more pros because unlike regular npc’s they interact with me based on my quests a lot more realistically (kidnapped by Astrid— each has a new conversation once I leave. Also, the whole main quest line they are rife with dialogue, I especially like Xelzaz’s sass when we have to organize a peace treaty. No spoilers but he can be sassy af). And I got to try different builds, I got to look at it like I was the healer of the group, or the illusion specialist. If you ever want to try one, I suggest starting with just Inigo, and then maybe downloading more if it gives you the same enjoyment.


Back in the day, I never used one, but now I'm realizing the value of a pack mule. If they get in your way, take away all their weapons so they just hang back with a hunting bow


I have never felt the need for followers. Not once. Not in Skyrim, not in Oblivion, and not in fallout 3. Real talk, I didn’t even know you could have people with you in fallout 3 until way later.


Only to sacrifice for boethiah, make steward/wife, and blades recruits


Some runs I don't have a follower but the really good ones have their own storyline and personality that is so interesting it adds a lot to the game. I find that stealth heavy builds are better off without a follower around.


Never bothered with any of them until Serena. And she’s basically with you as part of the questline so I didn’t have much choice. Plus I’m not a magic user so she’s a great contrast. Otherwise I just prefer flying solo 🤷‍♂️


They're in the way sometimes and I tell them to wait when I sneak but I always have one to have my alternate weapons and for extra carry weight. Now with the AE the pets really help with that though, but early game they can be helpful.


I think about not using followers but I can't help myself, I have a routine. I use Lydia till I buy the house in Whiterun, then I adopt the orphan Lucia and send Lydia to that house to be the nanny, while I recruit Marcurio. He's my favourite, I like his sarky comments, plus he stays nicely back.


It is a lonely thing, facing all the dangers of Skyrim by yourself. I'll go follower free for a while sometimes, but eventually I always find myself missing their... companionship. The hermit's life just isn't for me I guess!


Why wouldn't I? Who's gonna carry my burdens then?


Yes but only Inigo and Serena. So they actually help and can’t die. I never sneak so it doesn’t matter about that. I also think that inigo has sneak abilities also tho.


I never used followers until Inigo. Actually useful, doesn't get in the way, high sneak so i can take him to stealth missions. Also the sheer amount of voice lines just makes me smile every time he talks. Incredible mod


I legit use them to haul all my excess loot


I use them for dungeon delving but not certain quests. I also use the modded ones you can teleport around and whom are essential and have their own personal quests. Mostly because I like having my own D&D party to back me up. I also run Mihail’s Monsters packs, Wildcat (combat overhaul) and Deadly Dragons. It’s a whole different game when you’re running for your life all the time! 😂 Edit: I did this because higher level Skyrim bores me with hit point sponges. Give me variety so I get in over my head is how I prefer it, lol.


I only bring them along when I’m looting places so I can make them carry all my stuff


I only use them as a mule starting out, then ditch them. I like sneaky, sneaky with bow or dagger. They get in the way. Well, there's Faendal's "free" archery lessons at the beginning.


I am a solo andy most of the time because I favor stealth but I do use followers sometimes on melee play throughs. That’s not very often though.


I don't use them because they steal the potential exps. Same goes for summons( if you aren't grinding conjuration at the moment)


I use only Lydia. Others are disposable....


it feels like Lydia is an unbreakable shield that can kill 99% of things you encounter in Skyrim with her default gear. It's like playing fallout 4 in power armor, she is your safety blanket of steel that will protect you from everything. Going without a follower is just a much better way to experience Skyrim. But it's a single player game so do what makes you enjoy it.


I usually use followers, but never when I'm doing the Thieves guild or Dark Brotherhood quests.


I do not typically use followers, but I do like to have them around from time to time. So I use a mod named "Piece of Sovngarde". It is a mobile player home modeled after Shor's Hall. You get the ring to use it from behind the three standing stones you encounter after leaving Helgen. A large open space, filled with every crafting station, numerous chests with contents that I usually ignore because they unbalance the game too much, a double post bed and two chairs and a table, and your followers will follow you in there. Then, with the use of Extensive Follower Framework, I make that the home for my followers. I will usually add numerous bedrolls and some Sovngarde benches with Jaxxon's Droppable Statics in the large open space so that they can all have a place to sit or sleep. Then, whenever I feel the need to have one of them with me, I just use the ring to go into the hall, invite them to follow me, and then leave the hall with them following me. A word of warning, though. Only do that if the place you are exiting to is indoors. If you exit from the hall to Skyrim, your follower will come out at the exact center of the Skyrim map. Right near the giant camp outside of Whiterun. So, if you do that, they could take a while to get to you, if at all.


I don’t, because I don’t want to accidentally killed my followers…


Had a greatsword infinite power attack build in VR and I accidentally decapitated Kharjo during a fight once. It kinda left a scar on me because it looked so gruesome lmao.


How is your magic killing the followers, I am master conjuration and destruction and I just aim and I never had a problem with this EDIT I just remembered I got the black book that disables friendly fire can't remember the name right now


I used to play alone in every playthrough. Now, I want more new writing. Inigo and Lucien are charming together, as are Remial and Xelzas (sp?).


I never used followers in vanilla, but I do now that I have a good follower management framework mod.


Who else is going to carry all my cheese?


I use followers sometimes. In the early levels I use them to get through as your character isn't strong enough on their own for certain parts of the game. As I get higher level around 25 or higher I'll stop using them to get more exp on my own since I'm strong enough to grind otherwise they get in the way during combat. So in summary depending on my level and needs I may or may not use a follower.


They usually get killed so no dont use them


In pretty much any game I’ve played where followers are optional, I’ve always leaned toward going solo. With Skyrim specifically, I always found them getting in the way since I love playing a mage, and then I also couldn’t stand them stealing my kills, and therefore my exp. With mods and such, I have found myself using them a tiny bit more, especially because those mods allow you to customize how the follower actually fights (ex: sits back and be ranged with a bow/magic or forgoes all range and only does melee, etc.)


At this point, after many playthroughs, I start with Sofia (mod) and then Serana. They fight a lot of enemies for me, leaving me free to do whatever. Also, the banter between them, or really Sofia and anyone, is great.


I use followers to do the pick up glitch where you are duplicating an item…. But other than that I use Serena once she is out of the cave then don’t continue her quest so she can be a meat shield for eternity. Oh and also use her for the item wearing glitch


Playing on survival legendary, ill take all the help i can get


In my first play through I did. But in my current playthrough, my mage character is a bit of a loner. She’s brought her housecarls with her to carry stuff. But for the most part she prefers to adventure alone. And I got sanguines staff so if she ever needs help I figure she would summon something like a daedra or atronach.


they are pack mules for me


They get in the way of my stealth archering.


I just want a dog follower! 😭


Tbh they suck in battle but I just wanna have a buddy on my adventures. That’s really the only reason I use them. For friendship!


I don't use followers. I don't see the point to use them when my character is some lonely sorceress perfectly able to fight by herself. Also, i hate when pnj get in my way


Inigo is funny and helpful. Always take him.


Skyrim is lonely, I often go questing for several hours on end without entering a city, and even then it’s just to sell stuff, having a companion is mostly for sanity on my end


I start with Lydia but will go solo after leveling up enough and I have a home & family she can protect 🤔


I only use them early game when I'm squishy and need one to tank for me. That's the one real advantage - when they get almost to 0 HP they take a knee and the enemy usually stops attacking them and goes for the player instead. If the player drops to 0 HP it's game over. Otherwise I only use them for picking up skill books if I want to save the skill boost for later.


Most of the time, I'm on my own. But sometimes I have Serana with me.


I dont use followers. I want to sneak and assassinate every person i come in contact with and i cant do that when i have some jabroni NPC who charges in. I will note that for quests sometimes it is amusing having an unkillable npc who will fight swarms while i stand away sniping with a bow or grinding conjuration


I don't understand why people *do* use followers. I, for one, don't like when NPCs get permanently killed. And considering *I* can hardly stay alive half the time without abusing the fortify restoration loop, a follower isn't going to stand a chance.


I would not be the same without Uthgerd the Unbroken. She’s my girl.


I use followers for about 1 thing. I load em up with loot then send em home.