• By -


I will never have a modlist without Powerofthree.


seasons of Skyrim is genuinely such an impressive mod


JaySerpa, wSkeever, MihailMods, JKrojmal, johnskyrim, EnaiSaion When these modders release, I pay special attention.


I have a list of modders that I follow. Each time they publish or update, I get a notification. All of these are into it.


Everybody says it because everybody knows it: JaySerpa doesn't miss. I may not use all of their mods but their work is impeccable.


Thank you! I went to sleep at 3AM working on a [mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/images/235787), and today I woke up questioning my life choices. This makes up for it a little bit :)


I love your work, but please take care of yourself too! You deserve just as much care as you put into your mods


I love this interaction. Makes me so happy, kind of thing I was hoping when making this post :)


And Gate to Sovngarde slaps so hard.


Thank you! The latest updates are some of the best work I've ever done modding wise, I'm really proud of how all the systems are interconnected across the 1000+ mods. V57 (which should hopefully come next week) already has a changelog of 11 pages, including new divines, a new clothing system that gives you bonuses or debuffs based on your style, random varied skeleton summons, distinct unique loot for certain bandit gangs, a new "racist guards" system that needs to be overcome by positive actions, and more importantly, the ability of taming cats.


God, you keep this up and I'm gonna have to save up for a year of premium. I have said it a few times this month but I just can't say enough good things about GtS. Even when I turned off survival mode and gave myself a few buffs for power fantasy purposes, I still feel challenged. I love the whole build you've created enough that I think if I ever decide to work on my own list again, I might just base it on GtS cause at this point, there's only a few things I want to add and it's mostly just the Oblivion Attributes mod (ESLA I think) and Shout Apart Skeletons.


Hey Jay, with such a big changelog, will V57 necessitate a new save ? I was thinking about starting a new run of GtS this week, and now i'm hesitating to wait V57 release.


V57 will NOT require a new save. It's only recommended to start a new save in one very niche case (if you plan on worshipping The Underking), but even if you do pray to him, it won't be completely busted, you will just get the same message twice. Also: WIP changelog for V57 is sneakily hidden at the bottom of the changelog doc.


Thanks a lot for your answer. Going to check the changelog now. Best Collection Ever, by the way (although i've heavily tweaked it, i have added around 500 mods)


haha, you're FINALLY adding Auto Input Switch. Suspicious City Guards is very cool too ! V57 is going to be great.


oh, a quick question : why do you use Teldryn dialogue expansion 1.0 in GtS, while 1.1 (released years ago) does add hundred of lines ?


oh, a suggestion for V57, as i know you tweak a lot of mods : it would be great if suspicious racists city guards would watch you closely if one of your followers is a khajit/argonian/elf/etc.


Are they a modding group


AndrealphusVIII Amazingly prolific modder who churns out all kinds of little tweaks. Seriously, if you're not familiar with his work you must check his mods on Nexus. No one will want to use all of his mods, but \*everyone\* will want to use some of them. There are tweaks that make things harder, easier, less convenient, more convenient. No matter what your preference is for the game, there is assuredly a mod in there that will adjust the game towards your vision of perfection. Also he authored the most important mandatory mod of all time, {{Bring Meeko to Lod}} without which the game is obviously unplayable.


Thank you. <3


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Bring Meeko to Lod | [Bring Meeko To Lod](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97389) | [Bring Meeko To Lod](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/25246) | [Bring Meeko To Lod at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/25246) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


i like {{fabulous familiars}}. summoning flaming elks to desecrate entire bandit camps is just too hilarious.


"Oh deer!"


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| fabulous familiars | No Results :( | [Fabulous Familiars](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/52320) | [Fabulous Familiars at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/52320) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


I feel like I constantly have about 5 tabs of his mods open on the nexus, super underrated modder! Thank you AndrealphusVIII ❤️


I'm glad you like my mods. :)


Completely agree with this. His mods are just so diverse you're bound to get 1-2 of his mods.


Thank you. I try my best. ;)


[Kittytail](https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/Kittytail/mods?gameId=1704) creates magic mods that are god tier. So many unique spells with stunning visuals!


I was actually going to add her in my original post but decided 2 was enough. their mods are absolutely breathtaking. gives me Elden ring incantation vibes.


pulcharmsolis and 4thunknown make by far the best armors ive ever seen for skyrim and verolevi makes the best animations. those 3 are the main modders im extremely excited for new releases from


Pulcharmsolis’ armors are actually incredible. Stylish as all hell


Special mention to the OG of city/interior overhauls - jkrojmal. I parted ways with JK’s Skyrim but I have all of his awesome interior overhauls. AndrealphusVIII, GGUNIT, HeliosSykes, Verolevi, JaySerpa, WankingSkeever, Xtudo, renthal311, johnskyrim, MihailMods are all my absolute must have modders. Recently been enjoying anbeegod’s follower dialogue expansions too! Grateful for you all!


jk gotta make an AIO fomod for interiors tho. I can never be bothered to download all 40 or something of them manually


AndrealphusVIII, wskeever, verolevi, doodlum, powerofthree, skyking2020, jayserpa


Eeekie ! Has amazing npc overhauls and character makeovers


Omg, thank you! <33 :D


I use all your stuff, I think Bula is my favorite. :)


JaySerpa, Simon Magus, DeltaRider, Oreo, Dareni, Xavbio, Thuldor, and many others.


Mihail and Xtudo, both backbones of my mod lists. Xtudo always has a patch for whatever random stuff I’m combining. And they seem like genuinely nice humans


EVG - animated traversal, skyclimb, clamber - such welcomed mods to Skyrim and expand on the platforming element. Whoever made DBVO is a legend too.


could be wrong but didn't EVG also make the animated potions mod?


Hmm perhaps, I think it’s also in immersive interactions too


Xavbio They're working through retexturing basically every armor/robe including CC and some mod armors (like the Armor of the Crusader from LOTD) I have all their relevant ones in my game and they just look much nicer than the vanilla.


No one's mentioned Jayserpa yet? Love his mods for my immersion!


Jayserpa is exceptional and, in my opinion, one of the top modders.


doodlum! {{Community Shadres}} is the bomb!


Yeah doodlum has been cooking.


Shout out to my man Nimwraith, really nice quest mods especially if you’re in to shorter but detailed quests.


Fuse00's hairs are pretty much the only hair in mod showcases


If Todd himself were Nerevar, WankingSkeever, JaySerla, PO3 are the Tribunal.


I'm not sure the author, but Leaf's Rest. I've never had a single issue out of it, with all my modding hijinks. All the displays work wonderfully, auto sorting is a godsend, it's lore friendly aesthetically, and fits well in the world. So many small features, like a garden, place for livestock, workbenches, etc. Everything you need, in one small package. I tend to use it as my go to retirement home for dedicated Dragonborn/Hero playthroughs, especially as Serana often comments how she'd love to settle down in a place like Riverwood, it gives us a perfect home to be besties and heal from our adventures. By far my favorite small house mod ever.


The best house mod imo apart from maybe shade hall but in terms of size definitely the best in the mid sized houses


I love Leaf Rest, but you can't cook.


That's simply not true. You can definitely cook.


A lot of my favourites have been mentioned multiple times already, but one name I’m missing is definitely ElSopa. They have a lot of great retexturing mods.


I am officially the greatest modder of all time. Yeah, I'm kind of a big deal around here. My greatest work pushes the boundaries of what has been accomplished in modding Skyrim SE with a 1920x1080 desktop wallpaper: [https://imgur.com/a/46mXC4u](https://imgur.com/a/46mXC4u) Sorry, I don't do signatures.


Doodlum, for making it possible to make Skyrim gorgeous without an ENB, and Ershin, for allowing Skyrim to truly feel like a modern game.


Josephrussle really is a very skilled dialogue writer and his follower mod is on the of the most competent in the category


Yeah his tutorials are also a godsend as someone who wanted a custom follower for my playthough


Yes, I am very sad he stopped his Lucien tutorial series:/


Completely agree. He’s so active and responsive with the community as well.


Some of the companion mods are so fantastic, Val Serano, Lucien of course (Joseph Russell is a damned delight to watch stream also), Taliesan, Khash, Gore, the GOAT Inigo. Custom follower ai unique to the mod as well as diverse personalities and personal quests - these people are so clever! I love when the follower mods interact as well. I also am living for the armor mods by Fuse00.




He'll never stop until he has finally used up all possible combinations of words that make the acronym SOS.


I just did a mod with the same acronym because I appreciate the meme.


GiraPomba has been releasing some really nice and immersive animation mods that utilize both IED and OAR. If you haven't definitely check them out. https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/GiraPomba/mods


SimonMagus deserves a shout for sure. dTry, Ershin, Everglaid. JJerem's stronghold overhauls are just SO good. Honestly the list of outstanding modders is so massive. It boggles my mind sometimes.


Pulcharmsolis’ armor mods are some the most excellent works of art that I have ever seen. Also ditto to the other authors mentioned previously!


Pulcharmsolis is great! His armors are both inspired on real historic armor and clothing, and immersive, while still original. Love all his work.


There's this thread from not too long ago... https://old.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/1cbe429/less_popular_mod_authors_with_some/ Would like to give shoutout especially to shazdeh2 for his cool UI and minigame mods. He happens to publish a new mod {{Easy Console Commands}} just today - go check it out!


I am truely honored to find my name here. I can't express how much that means to me :) Thank you!


Thank *you*! Really enjoyed your mods! Eagerly waiting for the woodcutting minigames and more, if that's still in the plan.


That's awesome to hear! I have a few lined up :)


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Easy Console Commands | [Fullscreen Fix and Easy Console Commands](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/1860) | [Easy Console Commands](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/122895) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)






GG has to be one of the best authors out there. Super nice, super responsive, makes patches for TONs of mods. And people always underestimate the importance of the patching team, like for example, Czasior, the guy who run the patches collection for all the JKs mods. Helpful, responsive, and do exceptionally good job for documentation all the change log. Without him/them, none of us can run all those mods at the same time.


Xavbio's armour retextures have been a game changer for me, as someone who has just used a Midian borne since like 2016 I never knew how detailed armour could look. Even 4k textures seem to not really effect my performance and I'm rewarded with beautiful armour and weapons


Goredev is probably one of the most innovative follower mod authors in the community's history and ~~he's also my male lover,~~ Vicn, like I always say, is the Michael Jordan of mod authors, JaySerpa is very cool, and I also like how Billyro, Novelyst, and lots of other who make weapons and NPC asset replacers make everything free for everyone to use.


MaskedRPGFan , his setting loaders and MCM mods are a great time saver .


Love Mihail’s creature mods as well as his versions of the cc content, he literally only makes mods of cc stuff to show that Bethesda can be doing it better such a legend. Also excited that Skyblivion will hopefully release next year, it’s a mod I’ve wanted to play for like 10 years


Seconded. Only thing I dislike is that I can’t pet the kitty.


Spaghetti's mods are brilliantly balanced.


For me it's Xtudo. Lots of options for his patches and upscale textures.


Pandorable and Skyrimlazz,


I would say that BluePwnsU, the author of the IMO best follower ever made, {{Xelzaz}}, counts. (The reason I think he's the best is he's the only one I've tried that actually feels like a real person and not just a video game character with a role to play)


I was also gonna say this. Xelzaz is the only follower mod I've used that doesn't feel like he exists just to suck up to the player. I love party members in games that have their own opinions and will disagree with some decisions.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Xelzaz | No Results :( | [Legacy of the Dragonborn - Followers Patch (Inigo-Auri-Kaidan-Xelzaz-Lucien-Grandma Shirley-Remiel-Redcap)](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/40816) | [Xelzaz - Custom Fully Voiced Argonian Telvanni Follower - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/62893) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


[https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/35929](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/35929) the "Here there be monsters mod" is not seen enough in my opinion. its part of a series of mods dedicated to fighting giant bosses. between all the mods it adds three rarther large land masses. the creator Araanim has put out some quality work and is still releasing mods and updates.


compatible with MCO?


I think Nether’s custom follower mods are really neat Yes, the same Nether who made the popular Nether’s Follower Frameworks. He made a few custom voice followers and revamped certain vanilla npc to become extensive super-followers with their own system like Vex, Eola, Frea, etc. Used AI voices, but I think his mods’ AI voices are probably some of the better ones. Very clean and while some of the acting can be pretty flat, they surprisingly fit pretty well into Skyrim, because a lot of Skyrim’s vanilla voice actings are pretty flat overall


The creator of the Mystborn follower set did really well


Whoever made Chanterelle. I haven't had this immersive of an outdoors experience since I hike the PCT


Coldsuns makes great NPC replacers


He also makes fantastic followers. He's recently released a new Visions line.


I concur


How come no one mentioned DarkWandererAmon with their "Dragons use Thu'um"? Personally, I am in love with it!


You honor me❤️


I am a fan of TateTaylorOH's mods. Particularly C.O.I.N.


Hmm (MihailMods) is one of my favourites :)


Fuse00’s armors, clothing sets, and hairs are incredible. 10/10 would recommend.


Po3, sheson, shizof, and flying particle have made my game playable in VR. 


Exceptionally good at simplicity and balancing yes. I put a lot of thought and testing in to the few mods I have (the gradual food and drinks, gradual potions, gradual ingredients series) and I’m always happy to receive feedback on inconsistencies or ideas. Edit: I read “any you modders” so I thought this was a chance to plug lmao


Doodlum. I don’t know if it’s one guy, or a team, but what they’re doing with Community Shaders looks hella promising


JK for all those JK's Skyrim mods.


So many modders do amazing work, but I really like the armor mods Sunjeong makes.


Enai, mocia, and the original author of bijin


Since everyone already mentioned the gods of modding I wan't to mention anbeegod who is doing a great job with his Follower Dialogue Expansion series by breathing some life to our beloved vanilla followers edit: tipo


Attacko for his Daedra & Shadow of Mereth but sadly he‘s been very quiet since December 23‘


Eugene - edge UI


my mod list will always have enaisaion... and some from of sp0ckrates mods


I miss Haem Projects. I wonder what ever happened to them?




SmartBlueCat, EdmondNoir, JohnSkyrim, ToosTrus and MaskedRPGFan are all exceptional


BluePwnsu and Smartbluecat (Followers Mod) in my opinion. Inigo is one of incredible follower i know, he's highly interactive (react humorously on surrounding), incredible khajiit voice acting (he's extremely put some work in his job), No matter what might happened to him, i hope you doing well and I'll wait for his next progress! Xelzaz will be on my top list so far. His work is extraordinary and still progressing by now. I can't believe Xelzaz is his first mod due to his dedication, more immersive, like he had a soul and unique behavior. He made him alive, Xelzaz is a House Telvanni Lawman, Alchemist and Chef (The modder probably is into Morrowind i think). He'll feed you twice a day, make you a potions and even tell you his detail back stories (they'll be unlocked if you have a closer relationship with him). The more we travel with him, the more you love him. His opinions on you will increasing (likes) or even decreasing (dislikes) depends on your decisions his will moral compass. Like he's a real person. I'll always have him in my Load Order.


Phenderix for many wonderful mods but Proteus stands out for me the most and ill never play without it again tbh. Now i can be evil and good at the same time and dont loose out on certain rewards due to my characters morals anymore by playing as multiple characters, wicked fun rp too. mrx16 for the incredible Overlord dungeon mod. Best (imo) immersive way to become a lich and live as a lich, one of the most fun and difficult dungeons ive ever played, fun unique systems like the scroll crafting, spell ring and rituals, coolest treasury/mausoleum EVER (also imo), the unique spells and super compatible standalone perk tree... The list goes on for days as to why ill always have this mod in my order and the author has my undying appreciation. Cirena for Raven Castle, i cant get enough of the meticulous design and how it feels dark and unsettling yet beautiful and welcoming, truly my favorite castle home ever. icecreamassassin and the LotD team, a big one most people here would know of course but well worth the mention anyway. With some discourse in the community lately I wanted to show my appreciation for the incredible and irreplacable flavor this mod adds to my game. KreaQ for M'rissi's Tails of Troubles; the backstory was compelling, the quests were fun and unique, the consequences of my actions/decisions during the quest always surprised me. Overall one of the most unique followers out there. And far too many more to list all at once. Praise the strongest modding community on Earth, you guys are incredible!