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I have found that working in a building with other SLPs can feel worse than being the only one, especially if you are the newbie. I had a nightmare of a partner for years and it was so detrimental to my mental health. I swore that when I got a new partner, I wouldn’t treat her like crap. I haven’t and we get along like two peas in a pod. However, I go to her for advice and training on stuff because I am older and she is fresh- she has been trained in the newest stuff with both the district and in SLP. She offers to take kids from me to make things fair. She is a dream. I hope it turns around for you, I truly do. I get your frustration.


Your comment has inspired me immensely. Thank you!!!


Where exactly are you located where having a caseload of over 50 students is illegal? This seems odd. Most states don’t even have a caseload cap.




Yeah that’s more or so what I was referring to. Most states have these caps, but hardly ever actually implement them. Good to see some states do though!


AL doesn’t care I had caseloads like 70-120 no one blinked 😣


I worked as an SLP in MS and we absolutely had more than 50 students on our caseload.


west virginia! asha has a list of state-by-state caseload guidance


Good to know! In regard to your problem, does your district have some type of union that you can talk to about this issue? That would be my first step. Especially if your state has a strict caseload cap.


i have actually looked into our main union, but the dues are a bit over my budget at the moment. its also difficult because getting unions involved in problems like this really sets off administration. we have a deficit in speech therapists in west virginia, and the state and county are highly aware of that fact. but if i get more problems like this, i will for sure join a union. thank you for the insight!


I’m in California and we also have a caseload cap, based on our contract (I’m in a school district). Union or not, if yall have a caseload cap, you should still stand your ground.


Sorry you’re having to go through this. There is a shortage of SLP’s and sped in general. Do not feel bad for asking for extra support or extra pay for helping (if you choose to).


California has a caseload cap of 55. I can’t speak on other districts but some also have SLPA’s


No it doesn’t. That caseload cap is more or so an average number. So one SLP can have 33 on their caseload while another SLP has 72. That averages out to around 55-50 when you put both numbers together. I work in California and can assure you most district don’t follow the 55 caseload cap.


Wow I’m so sorry. Sounds so shady. I must be in a bubble then 😭😫


Yeah it’s shitty sadly :( I’m happy that you seem to have found an awesome district though 🙂


Exactly. The only hard cap is 40 for pk only SLP.


i’m in year 15 in schools. Just started a new district this year and it’s the same shit. Other slps ask for help and the supervisor asks me even though I have 47 kids and some have 12. i’m started to realize schools are just as bad as big pharma and shady businesses. No one cares about us, it’s all what looks good on paper and gets them money. THEY DO NOT CARE. I have to basically do everything teachers do. including pay. I have to do SGO goals, still don’t know what they are, annual review thing where I basically write and essay about how amazing I am so they rehire me. Why? every school is short staffed but I need to sell myself to you? it’s such BS. You are not alone. School systems in the country are all fucked. I don’t care how high they’re ranked.


PREACH 🙌 special ed is just numbers to administrators. they dont care about the quality of our care. i was literally once told, “as long as you’re with the kid, i dont care what you do with them.” like, i’m not a babysitter? im not seeing two or three high-needs kids at once just because theyre in the same grade. but if that arrangement opens up a place to fill in my schedule, then they are happy and satisfied. ridiculous 🙄


I've got 71 on my caseload this year, very SpEd heavy school. I'm the only SLP. It's def a lot of work and very overwhelming but I love the kids. Hang in there. If the site doesn't fit you, find one that does.


If it makes you feel empowered and better in the end, stick with your first instincts. Seems all you were doing is asking for help, can’t go wrong with that. Your boundaries need to be honored too.


Where is your CF supervisor in this? Also, your state DOE should have guidance for this new SLP.


my CF supervisor supports me but she cant be there for me often because she is supervising two other therapists and she is an slp at a different school, so it’s a lot harder for her to talk to my principal face-to-face due to schedules. and hahahaha the concept of the state doe providing any training for new slps is a joke. we received one binder called “the special education survival” guide where all our out of date and unorganized legal forms and documents are placed. how and when do we fill out the forms? beats me. we werent trained on that.


my CF supervisor supports me but she cant be there for me often because she is supervising two other therapists and she is an slp at a different school, so it’s a lot harder for her to talk to my principal face-to-face due to schedules. and hahahaha the concept of the state doe providing any training or guidance for new slps is a joke. we received one binder called “the special education survival guide” where all our out of date and unorganized legal forms and documents are placed. how and when do we fill out the forms? beats me. we werent trained on that.


I’m also in WV and oh my goodness yes I feel like our forms are a mess this year!


Sometimes other SLPs work with you as a team, and sometimes other SLPs are trying to throw you under the bus unfortunately. You can also try to befriend other CST members for guidance and support. I know that’s been helpful to me


I was in a similar boat and no one told me I could just discharge kids with parent approval, until my AP did. Talk to your AP. See if you can release some students. It is harder when they're so young but talk to some parents, they may not even want speech for their kid, at the end of the day it is up to them. I work in a high school and part of my job is releasing certain students from therapy who are meeting their goals. It feels so good when a parent is right on board. Move to a low SES high school it will make your life easier, suburban schools are full of helicopter parents, yuck. And yes this is a very mean field for whatever reason, I found out the hard way, best to work alone, just try to find a new solution and get yourself to a better place. Good luck.