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Omg just quit and get a new job. This is ridiculous. They’re robbing you blind, you deserve better, you can get better tomorrow, quit tomorrow. 


This actual robbery. My clinic pays SLAs a starting rate of $35 in rural NH, and SLPs $75 or higher per visit. Find a new job, it is not worth being paid practically minimum wage when you have a master's.


Buddy what??? My new home health practice pays me $20 for a NO-SHOW and $75/session. Get out of there, run.


This is absolutely an unacceptable pay rate, even if you live in a low cost of living area. I would apply for new jobs immediately and consider taking ones that perhaps aren't in your preferred setting to get through the CFY and have some experience to get a more preferred setting. You can't live on that. What if clients cancel often? You'll end up unable to pay rent!


This is horrible and frankly because people accepting low-ball offers like this is why they keep offering us these offers. You are doing a disservice to yourself and all SLPs.


I get where you’re coming from, but they are CF. They came here for advice. Give some grace.


Maybe consider people come from different circumstances and not everyone has the same luxury or entitlement as you. I needed to work to survive.


I also need to work to survive and nothing has been handed to me in life. You recognize this is an extremely low pay or you wouldn’t be posting about it. I do empathize with you. You should advocate for a higher pay and apply to other jobs in the meantime. I stand by what I said. Your circumstances do not invalidate the fact that people accepting jobs like this is why they continue to offer them. For $20 an hour, you can get another job that does not require a graduate degree.


And nowhere in my original message did I ever tell you to just quit your job.


$20/session isn’t a living wage babe. You deserve better.


Exactly. You can make $20/hr working at Target and/or gas stations where they don’t require a master’s degree. 


I quit my cf midway through. Yeah, it was annoying, but doable. More it was the mind-set shift of knowing I could quit during my cf and still find more work. I think we are all frustrated with low pay, but I respectfully disagree with others on this thread saying it's somehow on you for that trend. We should be empowering our colleagues and students to demand more! Most of my professors in school were so disconnected from real life they made it seem like ANY pay was fair. Fellow slps! We will never make gains by blaming our fellow worker. It's not as if the only reason other industries with better pay outlooks is due to new workers demanding better pay. I know we're all frustrated- this is not how to make sustainable change tho. Op- have you looked into telehealth companies? Or what about even finishing up at a snf? (Not my favorite for sure). There are options ! I'm sorry you're going through it


This!! It is pretty wild how disconnected some employers are, especially in places like Los Angeles where the overall pay rate increases so quickly. People just honestly don’t know, and you really have to dig and talk and do research to find out what people are actually getting paid. It was a whole ordeal finding a good CF pay rate just because no one knew what a good rate is and what to ask for.


Yeah I got $65 per session during my CF; no pay for cancellations; I get $150 for evals. I didn’t get paid for doc time outside of point of service


Assuming you're not in a developing country, that's an unacceptable rate. In fact, that's close to what people charge in the post-Soviet economy where I live. Talk to your employer about market rates and the fact that you have an advanced degree in a shortage field; if they can't/won't provide an acceptable wage, find a new job. Even low-ball remote agencies will have better rates.


Why would you think $20 is alright to accept ? The reason why we get underpaid is because of people like. Don’t accept lowball offers. What were you thinking…


That is what other private practices pay in my area. Quit blaming other hardworking SLPs


Let’s try not to pit people against each other, hm? Pay rate and work ethic are not mutually exclusive. I would suggest taking a step back and returning to this thread with a clear head.


What would you do if you were couple hundred hours short of obtaining your license? It’s HARD to find a CFY opportunity where I’m at. The depression and anxiety has never been worse but the thought of quitting now send me spiraling. Also the thought of continuing sends me spiraling. I came for some advice from fellow SLPs.


My advice to you is to start applying to multiple job openings in your area and when getting job offers, never accept the employer’s first offer. ALWAYS negotiate and negotiate high. Do not go by what other places in the area are paying. Go by what YOU want to make. You are making less money than SLP assistants nationwide. Most SLPAs make $30-$40/hour. Think about that. You should he asking for DOUBLE that. Your current employer is robbing you blind and taking advantage of you.


Hi I’m sorry that there’s people shaming you for your pay and making you feel that it’s “people like you” that make the industry low paying. While I agree that you’re underpaid and might want to start looking in other places, there’s always a lot of factors to consider like your geographic location and the setting you’ll be in. Thinking about pay for no shows and cancellations is something to consider when applying to new positions/in an interview. You can definitely also consider speaking to your employer about a raise, though considering how much they’ve lowballed you they might be jerks and reject your proposition. In the event you like where you work, you could always research similar jobs in the area (like in indeed) and tell them you’ve seen rates for X amount. I’m in California and the rates I’ve seen for my region are about $40-50/hr. Hope that helps and hope you get what you deserve and more :) good luck!


Thank you. What would you do if you were maybe a couple hundred hours short from getting your license. Stick it out or just leave now? My mental health is horrible.


unless you have someone supporting you financially i don’t see how you could afford to stay


Could you get a better paying job for less hours so you have more time for your mental health? That’s what I did for my CF, I only work 4 days a week and finally was able to recoup after grad school. If you’re surviving on 20/hr I’m sure you could work less for higher pay and make the same monthly but have more time to heal, I hope. If you’re a few hours short, I would start looking for something asap and if you can’t find anything, at least you have something, for a few more weeks.


Start applying for a new job.


What is your area? If you contact a recruiter I am sure they can find you several positions in your area that would pay much better. You could work as a contract employee for a public school and make $40+ per hour for 37.5 hours a week. Not knowing your area I’m not sure which contract companies are big around you, but there is CRA Therapy (Community Rehab Associates), Stepping Stones Group, Agape Therapies and Educational Services, Amergis Therapy, etc. All of these places would staff you into a school based position (some ESY available for summers), and pay well above what you are making.


You'll make a much higher salary working for a school district Edit to add: the hospital I currently work PRN at offered me $52/hour to complete my CFY there


Holy shit they’re robbing you


Quit quit quit quit quit 100% quit you are an SLP you can work literally anywhere else Q U I T


i’m getting $40 / hr as a cf in a SNF


What state? I’m getting $35 for a SNF as a CF


michigan; when i did my interview i asked for $40 and that’s what I got. Unsure what they would normally offer a CF since they met me at asking.


I live in Alaska and I think most places start at about $50/hr, and I recently was offered $58/hr at a private practice (who comp you for a few hours/week of no shows). Get out!


Where did you get that in AK? I'm in AK and saw a high paying position by Anchorage a month or so ago, but it was straight salary. I haven't seen your numbers locally.


Oooof, OP. I'm sure I'm in a higher COL area than you are, but I get paid 30/hour as an *SLPA*.


Personally, I’d choose a salary position over per person visits if you had to rely on getting paid for the attendance or lack thereof of your clients


Find somewhere new, $20 is insulting for the amount of education you have and for your worth given the demand for SLPs. They need you more than you need them.


The minimum wage for my hospital is $17.50, what they are paying you should honestly be illegal.


Wow op seeing this opened my eyes! I make $35 per session (also private practice. No benefits, not paid for cancelations, no paperwork/indirect therapy paid, typical 1099 worker getting used as a tax cut from rich boss) and realized how screwed over I was when I accepted as a dumb CF after 3/4ths of the way done. I stuck it out and dug myself into a hole, so PLEASE please quit and find something else while you can. You deserve to be treated and compensated way better than that. Remember you have a master's and you worked hard to get to your CF! You're not just some entry level employee and these type of private practice owners need to really stop using CFs as a way to line their pockets from their own greed I burned myself out because of this. I currently accepted a new telehealth position at a school and will be w2 with $45 an hour but with a guaranteed 40 hours a week. We deserve to start becoming more transparent with these things, especially starting up, we get screwed over, thinking we're desperate and employees playing right into that


I make $73K per year as a CF in an outpatient hospital setting. We get paid regardless if patients show up or not


Get out of there. You shouldn’t take anything less than 40/hr


Even $40 is too little!! Most SLPAs make in the $30-40 range in most places


Determine how long you have left for that section of your CF and discuss exactly where you are with future employers. Lay out a plan that helps you complete your cf in a timely manner. And also ask how will compensation and responsibility be adjusted once you’ve completed the CF. Get a new job. Slps and cfs are too valuable these days for you to take that. DM for a suggestion if you’re interested in Teletherapy. It’s a company I used to work for. Way better pay and they retain staff very well. Best of luck.


I'll pay you $22 an hour to babysit my kids. Message me if you're interested. This is why pay transparency is necessary in this field. Make it your job in the next week to ask every employee what they make at that place. See what others are getting. You need to reset your anchor when it comes to what pay should look like. When you quit this job and look for another one you are not looking for. $25 an hour. You need to find out what everyone else is getting paid. Acf should get paid near what an SLP gets paid. Take what a CCC gets paid and minus a few bucks an hour. It shouldn't be slave wages. You left that behind with your practicum.


We didn’t even get slave wage with our practicum 😂😭


I would say talk to them to negotiate higher pay but that company will continue to be red flag city. Private clinic pay is much lower than schools unfortunately but better than $20 per session!!! Chick fil a pays $20/hr dude. I would put in your two weeks immediately and find another job. Do your research and negotiate your salary. I got $2 more an hour from my company because another company wanted to hire me at that rate. So I got the rate with the setting I like because my husband told me to speak up, I’m glad I did! I’m curious what area you’re in?




I was once in a similar situation, I would advocate for a raise but continue to look for another job. I'm sorry this is happening to you but unfortunately I feel like it happens a lot because we need a job so we take it. In certain parts of the country it's really hard to get a CFY!


Yes, given that you’re PRN and I assume no benefits, you should definitely be getting paid more than $20 a session. I was salaried during my CFY and before taxes, it probably worked out to about $26 per session. But, I was paid for documentation and no shows/cancels, and I got benefits so it worked itself out. $20 for a session is definitely low. You’d need to be doing probably 12-15 sessions a day to make even a modest wage over the course of a week or month. And without benefits, it’s really not a great set up. Do you see a lot of Medicaid clients? Or does your clinic see a lot of Medicaid clients? That may impact reimbursement because they don’t always reimburse at a very high rate.


Is there no public school system hiring in your area? At least then you will have support, salary, and benefits? I pay my babysitter 20$/hour. This is unacceptable, and I’m sorry you were ever made to feel it could possibly be appropriate with your level of education.


Quit. I’m a SLPA and I make more than that. 


I’m looking for my CF right now and I got an offer at an outpatient clinic. There are 2 pay models: billable or hourly. The billable pay model is $23 per 30 min session (so $46/billable hour) with no payment for no-shows. I also have the choice to select the hourly pay model which is $36/hr regardless of sessions. So I’m wondering-Are your sessions are 30 min or 1 hour each? I’m not sure if my offer is good or not either but it might be comparable to yours depending on your answer.


If they’re making you choose between W2 and 1099 pick the w2 option.


I have never taken a job in which I’m paid per visit. Hourly or salary only.


I’m a CF- I get paid by the session. They started me at $50 a session. W2 & benefited after 60 days. No money for cancellations though…


I would quit, that’s way too low. I’m getting paid $55 an hour at a private practice and I get paid still when clients cancel as long as I’m still doing paper work or some type of help. We can’t keep accepting pay like that!!
