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Braising it, maybe, but not boiling it. There's nothing wrong with Braising, you just might lose bark.


There is no might. Bottom half of that definitely won’t have bark.


What works best like this is to rotate the butt in the liquid every hour, add some extra seasoning before pulling it out of the pan half through the cook and leave the pan underneath on another grate to finish. You’ll get plenty of bark and flavor deep into the meat in a way that’s unparalleled in a dry cook.


What works best is to not do this. Put the meat on the rack over the pan. 


I don’t put mine in a pan either. But if you want the pan then I would definitely use the rack in the pan and I would drain some of those drippings.


What works best is to choose if you want to braise or not and look for what steps to take. Not all bbq is done with the USA style nor should we demand it be the only style.


USA-style BBQ isn’t a thing. There are very different styles of BBQ within different regions in the USA, and only one of them is the best-in-the-world, true BBQ.


Found the Texan


Nope, not a brisket. I’m guessing Carolinas


wtf are you even saying right now 🤣. Don’t drink and Reddit


Amen to that! Can’t upvote this enough. Nothing will ever beat true socal BBQ


In the United States, South Carolina BBQ is the best hand down. Unfortunately I've met far to many people who don't even know about it here out west


This comment is basically the "respect all builds" of BBQ and it's ridiculous. Boiling your meat in a pan is not a valid style of barbecue. This guy is just fucking up using his pellet grill.


Yes it is. It’s how birria is made, and much deeper in liquid than this


And yours is basically "let's gatekeep methods of cooking for absolutely no reason whatsoever." All the most creative and innovative ideas in the history of cooking have always come from "this is the only way to do it and the rest are bullshit" amirite?! Go away.


If you wanna cook it like this, use the crock pot.


Does your crock pot have smoke?


You simply place the crock pot inside the smoker and turn both devices on. Wa-la.




🤣🤣bonus for melted cord flavoring! Double smoked


Not to be confused with r/doublesmoked


Depends who's house I'm at.


I don’t braise my pork butts.


Bro that’s fine but some people do, or do both, I don’t see the big deal they’re two different styles and each have their advantages


I didn’t say it was bad. I just said I don’t braise mine. But this is the smoking sub bro.


Newsflash you can braise in a smoker 🤣. I don’t always braise in a smoker but it’s never a bad idea.


Newsflash, never said anything bad about braising 🤣


If you take it out of the pan for the last two hours+ you'll get that bark back.


I’ve never put mine in a pan


I put a pan under the grate to keep the smoker clean. 


I put a tray of beans under it


Elaborate please.


you take the tray and put the beans in it


It’s a cup… with dirt in it… I call it ‘Cup of dirt’!


I immediately went here too.


Just put an F on there and let me go home


The big yellow one is the sun.


Is this a good activity….? Love this whole album.


That’s a bit I haven’t heard in a long time. Classic Brian Regan.


Grape! I’ll have the grape!


but what about the tray with the beans?


It's your side. It cooks, and catches all the jiggly bits and juices that normally drip into your smoker.


I think they said something about beans but I missed the rest


That’s what I’m wondering, except about the bean tray.


Basically just used to make something like "over the top chili" with the drippings that come from your meat, cooking the beans.


This made me laugh harder than it probably should have


# Smokin' Pig Drip Beans! ## Ingredients * 1 lb dried pinto beans * 1 large onion, diced * 2 jalapeños, diced * 4 cloves garlic, minced * 1 can fire roasted tomatoes * 1 tbsp chili powder * 1 tsp cumin * 1 tsp salt * 6 cups chicken broth ## Preparation Soak the pinto beans in water for at least 8 hours. The beans will swell and absorb water, so make sure there is plenty of water to cover them. ## Instructions Drain the beans and add them, along with all other ingredients, into a steamer pan. Mix thoroughly. Place the pan below the pork and smoke at 275°F until the beans are soft. Stir occasionally. ## Notes Yesterday was the first time I ever did beans below pork, and it was fucking awesome. My friend commented, "I'm going to dream about American Pie tonight... but beans." I originally ran the smoker at 225°F overnight, but the beans never got above 150°F. This is no where near hot enough to cook the beans, nor the onions and jalapeños. I cranked the temperature to 275°F and the beans made it up to about 200°F and finished after another four hours or so. https://imgur.com/a/nA3zNoD


I'm definitely trying this! About how long do the beans take at 275º?


So I left out some details... * I started the smoker at about 11 or 12 PM and set it to 225 * I woke up around 8 AM and found that the beans were still crunchy, barely any softer than when I had finished soaking them. They basically didn't cook at all. * I cranked the temperature to 250 at that time * At around 1 PM, the beans were still crunchy and the water wasn't much hotter, so I cranked it to 275 * By about 5 PM, the beans were done Next time I'll run the smoker at 275 and start checking the beans at the 4 hour mark and expect it to take closer to 5. A *few* beans were still crunchy, so I'd imagine that 6 hours would be a good time to pull them out. I might not even put them in the smoker until the pork starts to render. There will be a LOT of rendered fat in the beans, so use a slotted spoon to check them. I put the left overs in the fridge, along with some of the rendered fat. I scooped some (beans and rendered fat) into a zip-loc this morning and crushed them with a rolling pin. Moved to a bowl and reheated in the microwave for 60 seconds on medium. Basically made refried beans for a delicious fuckin breakfast.


Depending on the brand of tomato, the mix may be too acid to soften the beans properly. I would always boil the beans for 15 minutes after the soak then get everything in the tray


Thanks for the extra detail! For pork butt, I usually start 225-250 and increase to finish out 275-300 after wrapping. It sounds like the timing on the beans will be pretty close. I might bump the temp a little earlier and then keep the beans on the smoker while the pork butt is resting. Can't wait to try it out!


I'm lazy, I don't wrap. I used to, but ended up softening the bark.


I wonder if it would help to bring the broth to a boil before adding it to the pan with the beans.


Honestly not long, pull them when they get cooked and before they’re mushy.


Well, definitely doing this next time I make pulled pork


Yeah, this is definitely going to be a staple from now on!


Just go with chipotles for extra Smokey vibes. They’re just smoked jalapeños anyway


I thought about that, and I'm not against it, but this definitely doesn't lack on the smoke flavor. Since I ran the smoker at 225 overnight, and had an extra smoke tube in the smoker, and I stirred every 30 to 60 minutes, it took on a LOT of delicious smokiness!


I always have way too many dried peppers around so I tend to use them over fresh for beans or stews.


OP puts a pan full of beans underneath to catch the fat drippings for baked beans…


Baked beans, drain and add to drip pan. Dice onions and bacon, add to drip pan. Add brown sugar and your favorite bbq sauce to drip pan (I usually just go with sweet baby rays). Mix it all up and place under your meat. The beans cook and the drippings add a great flavor to the pan.


Beans are legumes


It puts the beans in the basket.


I didn’t see anyone mention it, but have the tray on the rack under the meat, without the meat sitting in it.


I cook baked beans in a pan underneath the pork. The recipe varies, sometimes includes bourbon. The beans catch all the tasty juices so you don't have to worry about getting too old, and the moisture helps to moderate the temperature of the smoker.


That’s the ticket. Beans with onion and green pepper. A sprinkle of brown sugar and a few rosemary sprigs, garlic and onion powder, and salt and pepper. Good to go.


Yeah every time I’ve used a pan the leftovers just solidify together because of all the fat


You can take them out before storing the food, silly


Sounds like a good thing


My man, drain that liquid off, separate the fat, and save it. I use the fat to season things like green beans or sauté onions and garlic. The liquid goes great in chili or any other recipe where you need flavorful broth.


Is there a general thought on doing it in the pan?. I usually do it over the pan. Not in it.


I do my pot roast over the pan and3/4 the way though it goes in the pant with a touch of wine and butter. It maybe not the best way ever but it works good for me.


That sounds awesome


Thank you! It makes a darn fine Sunday meal! Plus you can have amazing gravy from it!


So mine is done in the pan after my bark is where I want it. But the diffrence is ill be adding ontop of the pork butt butter,brown sugar, seasoning and maybe some mapple glaze. It's covered and let it rock up to finish. After wards use a fat separator to get just the pork juice left. Shred it all and then re add the pork juice for some moist ass pulled pork.


I do it in the pan all the time. Its hard to get good bark on a pellet smoker anyway


I was at 165 for with a nice bark so I through in some apple juice and let it rest in


So you are braising it in apple juice.... All this is going to do is pull out the meat's flavor, put it into the apple juice and wreck your bark. You gonna make popsicles with it? Seriously though if you're worried about it drying out or whatever just put it in the pan by itself and give it a spritz of water or a cider vinegar based mop sauce recipe.


Even then spritzing isn't making the meat more moist, it's wetting and softening the bark, and cooling the meat so it's just going to take longer to cook. Adding liquid to the surface doesn't magically change the water/fat content that's bound in the muscle fibers, so it can only really affect what kind of bark/glaze you get.


it's not making the meat more moist, but if done early and often... it's keeping the outside from getting too over cooked while the internal temp comes up.


If you're concerned about that, that's what wrapping is for.


Which there should be zero reason to do


And slower cooking at a lower temp means more smoke penetration. Slower isn’t bad. If you’re worried about it taking too long cut the butt into 3rds and MOAR BARK




I’d eat it


Pull flavor out 🤣 hilarious.


He said “you gonna make popsicles with it?” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 thanks for good laugh mate !


I think a moist meat comes from the marinade. The mop sauce (and its sugars) helps create a nice bark when smoking.


It comes from the fat rendering inside. More moisture is coming out when you're smoking it not going back in.


Ahh. Thanks. I won’t double down on my comment and I appreciate the correction.


How does the liquid stop the fat from rendering though? The connective tissue still breaks down with a braise. All of this is discussion about preference.


It doesn't stop the rendering, its just not adding moisture back in either. Braising liquid is mostly there to protect the bottom of the meat from burning on a slow cook, which is more important on the stovetop or in an oven where you need it in a pot. Nothing wrong with braising meat on a smoker either, but if you want a lot of bark on your pulled pork then its kind of working against that goal.


Don’t disagree with any of that.


I just place it in a pan when it’s done cooking and cover it loosely. The juices and steam from the meat will keep it from Drying out.


Technically you're braising it which is delicious in its own right




It’s apple juice and rendered fat, which id call a braise. Fat alone, confit for sure.


Next week on guga pork shoulder confit


I think that's the traditional way to make pork carnitas.


It is, and it’s delicious!


God tier food. Add some oranges!


This would be incredible tbh


It’s apple juice


Nope. When it’s done and shredded, pour that liquid back over it. I rub mine in salt, pepper, garlic, and brown sugar, with a mustard base and everyone loves the sweetness of the brown sugar.


That is liquid gold that becomes delicious pork jelly. After the cook, pour it off into a bowl and stick it in a freezer. The fat will solidify on top. Trash that and what's left is pork jelly to incorporate back into the pulled pork.


My God man! Don't trash the fat, that's for frying eggs, making cornbread, all kinds of stuff


Personally, I use my fat renders I get for soup by turning it into a roux that thickens the soup.


Ohh never thought of using it for the roux - trying next pork shoulder


Not the person that suggested it, but it’s good.


I make a lighthouse corn chowder that has bacon in it. I render the fat on the bacon at the start and reincorporate it back in at the end in a bacon fat rough to make it thick and chowdery.


Or if your making a roux with it you can turn that into gravy for fried chicken/steak or mashed potatoes




Tortillas as well. Fat is also the most expensive ingredient in tortillas. 


Smoked pork fat tortillas is 🤌. I make a lot of my own bacon and render fat that I clarify just for this exact cause. Also if you mix in some coconut oil if you’re making fish tacos it’s so good


Yeah, my only complaint is you don't get brown spots with it, but a little olive oil or butter right them.  It's also great in a roux. The perfect start for a Mac and cheese then smoked again!


Svenn513 gets it.


Buy a fat separator. It allows you to drain all that delicious jelly making liquid back into the meat and pour the fat part into something else for later use. Game changer!


Definitely trying this.


You won’t regret it. The cool gelatinous meat juice is nice on the fingers when pulling a warm yet rested pork butt. Saves a lot of cleaning up the smoker too.


I just use a fat separator. Very convenient.


Also leave at least half of that when you pull it, mix it up real good, and the pork will stay nice and juicy!


Keep the fat and use it to fry things.


> what's left is pork jelly to incorporate back into the pulled pork. Or to spread on your toasts.


I smoke for a few hours on the great then put in a roasting pan over onions or potatoes to keep above the grease but really it's all flavor.


> great


Been drinking


I’m gonna try this for my next pork shoulder for sure.


I do this as well… I’ve also done vegetable mix like corn/broccoli/cauliflower - it allows the moisture to evaporate around the meat without soaking the meat and ruining your rub. It works!


If you cook over the pan you can create more bark and then you can take all the juice that drips and put in a fat separator and pour the juice back in when you pull it and keep the fat out. Then again, my best butts have been no wrap and cooked till the end without pouring juices on so...


As others mentioned this is a braise, some call this “cheat smoking” but it’s still damn delicious.


Mine are just like that every time. I rest it and after I pull, I pour most of the juice over top give it a good mix and serve. Never disappoints!


It’s just braising in its own liquid gold! Looks god to me! Be one juicy pork butt!


That's how I do a mojo for Cubanos but in a Dutch oven. Keep about half of that juice in the pan when you pull it and it will stay nice and juicy.


The term is braising.


If I’m doing several butts for a big party I smoke directly on the grate for 5-6 hours then put it in pans like this and finish in a 200 degree oven overnight. It eliminates anxiety that an overnight flare-up will ruin the graduation party and is super moist.


When I started smoking bbq I did same thing but now I just put some butter and a bit of brown sugar on top and cover it in a pan like you have there. Let it rest when you hit probe tender for about 5 hours and then shred away. Add a little bit of your favorite rub and stir it up with the juices. Best pulled pork in my opinion


Raise it out of the pan. Just the vapor from the juice below it will be enough to keep the meat moist, and you will still probably develop a bark if you rubbed it again.


Never set it IN the drip pan


That’s the norm for me when finishing a butt. You lose some bark but gain a ton of moisture. It’s a braise, not a boil


reminds me of the Glen video where he says “a LOT of liquid is gonna accumulate, but DON’T take it out. unless it’s excessive”


I work for a BBQ restaurant and this is how we do our pork.


Na, it doesn’t really matter, just makes it more greasy if you don’t drain it good before pulling apart, I go back and forth


I will say, some of the most tender butts I’ve had where from a 15 hour smoke with all the liquid and fat in like that


At most I’ll foil boat a pork shoulder. Don’t add any liquid though. To each their own.


I do mine this way, just throw the pan away when done, easy cleanup. The juices don’t last long like the meat either. It doesn’t need the juices when you’re eating but I never have any leftover juices after serving. Soaked up in bread.. drizzled over meat.. yummmm


It depends on the composition of the liquid. Liquid water and liquid fat have separate effects in cooking


Pour the liquid into a container before you serve, and use it for when you reheat leftovers if you have any. Keeps it moist and gives it flavor.


It's fine, but you can pull the liquid with a turkey baster, let it cook especially in a fast separator. 


Was the pan empty? When we say put a pan under for smomking, it's under the grates to carch the dripppinga and keep moisture and help steady temps... not the meat directly in the pan with water....


If I’m smoking it for use other than the day I’m cooking it, I’ll put it in a pan around 165. That’s so I can keep the rendered fat to help keep the meat hydrated when I reheat in the oven.


Depends on what you’re going for. If you want a killer bark all the way around, then put a wire tray on top of the pan so you still catch the drippings but allow the whole butt to stay exposed to the air.


Having liquid in the pan, helps control the temp and adds moisture, but it is going to have the opposite effect if your meat is sitting in it.


Damn sure doesn’t look like mine do. Bark should be mahogany color, looks like you got it too hot. 225-275 degrees. About 1hr per pound but go strictly by internal temp. Pop lid every 30 min to spray with apple juice and cider vinegar blend to keep exterior moist. At 160 internal wrap it up tight with a little of that juice blend and go til you hit 200. Take it off let it rest for atleast an hour before you take the foil off or anything. Just let it chill out on the counter. RESTING IS CRITICAL. After that enjoy


Put a little bit (2oz or so) of apple brandy (I prefer Lairds Bottled in Bond) in that spray. The booze brings out a ton of the alcohol soluble flavors. It will really elevate your bark


Put the pan on the level below the meat if you have a grill that lets you. I use a Weber kettle.


I put mine in a pan at 165ish to capture the liquid. makes re heating a lot better. I usually make mine a few days ahead .


I put it in the pan like this when it hits 165/good bark. Add a whole stick of butter, brown sugar, and some more rub and cover. It doesn't kill the bark. And when you shred it, pour some of that goodness back into the shredded meat and add just a bit more rub.


Add a shot of apple brandy (I prefer Lairds bottled in bond) to the liquid. It pulls out so many alcohol soluble flavors.


Use a roasting pan with a rack next time. By a cheap, reusable one and only use it for smoking.


Not boiling, braising. And with pork it’s not a terrible idea. In general American bbq avoids it but in Mexico it’s utilized in birria as a technique, which is stupidly good. Barbecoa is also done in a pit but over a pan vs in it. I love using a cast iron to braise pork in a smoker. It’s more tender, juicier and there’s just more sauce to goof off with.


Man what I do after a good cook like this is I’ll take the pork butt out the tray, drain the juice from the pan into a shaker, pull the pork and then drip some of that liquid gold in a pan of shredded pork but. Then discard the rest. Good lookin butt


Braising. You shouldn’t be smoking anywhere near boiling point. Depends on the desired outcome - braising will still be super juicy and tender but you’ll miss out on the bark anywhere near or below the liquid line. I’d grab the ole turkey baster and suck as much of that out into an adjacent container so the liquid stays in the smoking environment, but not touching the meat.


Boiling point is 212 Fahrenheit or lower the higher in altitude you go. Water will definitely start boiling during a 12 hour smoke. The Weber Smokey Mountain even relies on boiling water as a heatsink, not that everyone uses water. Some use sand or other material.


Yeah but you’re likely not using water, you’re using something with more flavor (sugar and fat) which all raise the boiling point. In the picture above I’d wager there’s 80% fat




Yes. Make BBQ sauce with it!


I only see 1


Imo, you will lose bark, but gain flavor in exchange.


Do people really care about bark on there pulled pork ?


Pork Confit


Put the meat on the rack if the bottom is drowning. Throw the poor roast a life jacket.


Is there a way the drip pan can go under the rack?


No. I smoked mine like this every time and end up with good bark as well as flavor.


Braising! Much different.


I wouldn’t worry about it. Your braising it a bit and it’ll be delicious.


Looks delicious as is. I start out, working in. You know when it's under cooked. One could say I don't cook. I was 50 when my 8 year old daughter showed me how to microwave soup. When did cooking become so complicated?


no that’s 3 much liquid


Collect every once of those juices. Turn every hour and on the grate for the last hour. Shredded half and mixed in some of the juices for some moist sandwiches with beers and barbecue sauce


SO funny. He's great in Loudermilk.


Not at all. It’ll still taste great.


Turkey rack in the pan keeps the juices and an all over bark. Looks good though.


I usually take a bit of liquid off if it’s going to overflow , but save it . I keep every ounce of liquid to fold it back in after it’s pulled . Fat is flavour!


Being the fact that this is just pork. It’s totally not necessary to baste it like that. Could just cook low and slow and baste here and there and then wrap at the end. Pork is super easy you really can’t fuck it up. Low and slow, wait for a bark, wrap it up till 210.


I just did this today. Made quesabirrias or however it's spelled.


That does sound good I’ve done birria in the pressure cooker never smoked I’ll have to give that a shot


Yes. Rip bark on half of that thing. Also, why the pan at all? Its not needed.


I never smoke meat in a pan. EVER. I put a pan under it but the meat is elevated to catch the drippings. Long story short yes too much liquid for the meat to sit in.


Too much for you. There’s a huge tradition of smoking meat in liquid outside of American bbq culture


Way to go Peter.