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Whatever happens: these are our Golden Times, so enjoy them while they last. We will never ever see the likes of this again. God I love this team. Also: respect and kudos to Heidenheim. That was a Clencher. 10x more intense than Bayern.


I'll be rewatching every match highlight from this season every year till I die


Me with every CL tie until Tottenham


Me with every CL tie until Liverpool


Whenever Tottenham lose I watch the semi final highlights on YouTube. It never fails to give me chills.


Me with all the thrashings Bayern dealt over the last decade


Proper small club behaviour


Same brother


I know the feeling of that with this season too (albeit alot less comparitavely obv). We sadly couldnt break the best Eredivisie start ever record, hopefully you guys can actually get this one


I am glad to see Peter Bosz doing so well in his home country. He's a great man.


Still on track for the invincible season!


Whaaaat? Even with such a dominant season, it's still not the best start ever? Who holds the record then?


Funnily enough PSV hold the record in 1988 season they also started with 17 straight wins, they actually won the treble that year. Oh and now to make you feel out they was managed by Guus Hiddink.




Knowing the Bundesliga they will all be taken down and be absolutely nowhere to find for simple people like us by 3 years from now


I hope it wont end like 20 years ago. You deserve a trophy.


Kane Curse Vs Neverkusen is one hell of a battle


Moveable object vs stoppable force


Lol good one


I've been burned before. I have also celebrated before (1988 as a 10 year old in the stadium!). So I am torn.


Ha, you're old


Done him cold.


>I've been burned before. And he's been burned again!


I was pretty much that old when mutd was last time exceptional Edit: early 2000s


Dosent it feel sad of what has football become come next season all your top players would he poached and xabi would probably leave aswell these kind of miracle runs are just so rare nowadays I hate how big teams can just decide to do whatever they want


I may be wrong, but I don't believe that will happen. All our players have long-term contracts (iirc only Frimpong has a release clause, but would he really want to leave if he can play CL in this team?), and Xabi Alonso has only been with us for a year. There's nothing other clubs can do - other than offer copious amounts of money, of course. Xabi Alonso can build on his own work and mastermind a deep CL run, and maybe challenge for the Bundesliga title again. Obviously I'm biased...šŸ™šŸ¼


Yeah no youre biased but youre right. Idk where people get this idea that all of the players we JUST bought or that JUST extended are going to get poached. Xabi would defo stay if klopp didnt just open a window for him which is a bummer, but regarding the players I am not worried at all. With very few exceptions every single one of them is going to be extremely expensive and I am confident that our scouting will find replacements with that money if they have to.


Ya I feel the timing is unfortunate. I'm sure he'd probably love to stay, but there's no guarantee the Liverpool job comes up again which is probably the ideal job for him too. The board is solid and will give him to work his things, plus the squad is in a great place. Then he's also a great former player and the fans will stick behind him quite easily.


Yeah the way I imagined it in my head before klopp announced his leave was that alonso was going to get us into the CL and then play that run out. So essentially one more season. It seemed very reasonable especially since he is so young still. With klopp out though...not sure anymore.


yeah if klopp didn't suddenly leave i would have been interested to see alonso stay another year and manage another title challenge as well as champions league, u guys play great football


I'm actually optimistic that many key figures will stay at least another year. And also that the parting will be amicable. Which goes together actually. Like if Wirtz says: I'll stay another season, but after that I'm interested in (big club), then why not agree to that? I mean if they actually win the damn league, they'll all be heroes here.


I hope you are right Stopping this project too soon is just bad for football. Let's hope Xabi is serious.


I'm 50/50. Liverpool have the strongest squad I can remember in my lifetime and the opportunity may not come again. But he may think it's a bad time to take the job following Klopp, as the fans have really high expectations for Alsonso to just pick up where Klopp leaves off and keep challenging.


Itā€™s also worth remembering that this is his first full season as a manager. Taking that job with those expectations with 1 1/2 seasons experience is a crazy gamble for all sides even with how good this Leverkusen team is.


If it was Real Madrid I would agree but Liverpool fans are quite patient and Alonso already has a lot of credit in the bank from his time at the club. I'm not convinced he will come, but he's the only name that been mentioned that I'm excited about. He's clearly a very good manager and I worry if we miss out he will be the next great manager and we'll have missed our chance. To me it seems a no brainier for everyone, but I'm obviously biased. He could stay at Leverkuzen and lose all of their best players in the summer and have a bad season next year and it could be a while before he gets an opportunity like this again. Ill be disappointed if he doesn't take over from Klopp.


It's actually hard to tell how patient we are. We have had ridiculously few managers in our whole history. The recent ones that have been fired or replaced we have to see are rafa, Roy, Kenny and Rodgers. Roy we had 0 patience for. Honestly after the first 6 games where we had like 6 points. People were already done. But he already lost a lot of fans during the transfer window when people were so confused by the signings. The club were extremely patient with Rodgers, but the fans were not honestly. After 13/14, once we lost suarez and started looking lost, many fans were turning quick. But to be fair, we gave him the 12/13 season where we looked promising but were shit. I think Kenny and rafa at the end, would be more reflective of what we would give xabi. They were all riding on past highs and the love from the club from their previous experiences. We looked kinda dire at the end, but we always gave them at least until the end of the season. The fans did not really turn massively, but there was a lot of discontent. I would think even if xabi did not live up to the klopp standard in his first season, which I think everyone is expecting that he won't anyway, we would give him at least 2 seasons as long as its not dire and we look like we have a direction we are going. But another factor is... There are a lot of new fans from the klopp time. And that's all they have seen. I have seen Liverpool since rafa, and have gone through some low lows. We were terrible. The new fans might not be as patient.


Nah I'm not so sure about the fans. Some idiots might be, but I would think most of the fanbase appreciates Klopp is easily in the top 3 best managers they've ever had and is one of the best (if not the) best manager in the world right now. Replacing him is going to be far from easy. They'll definitely give an ex player like Xabi time.


The biggest factor is Xabi Alonso, and there is an incoming vacancy for which he will likely be very sought after. If he stays then it'll be huge.


Well that's the problem right teams like Chelsea Madrid City can offer those copious amount of money


Even if all the players and the manager stay sometimes itā€™s not a guaranteed for another good season.Ā  Some years are just too good to be repeated. There are places in football where the only way is down


xabi has to stay, ucl is coming


I think your best hope is Real Madrid. Liverpool will want Xabi this summer. RM has Ancelotti for another year.


So far it's just Reddit top comments talking about it non-stop like it's the only thing that interests them in the club, and taking little time to just actually talk about the Leverkusen team lol. Every thread about Leverkusen, more talking about Liverpool and Real Madrid than Leverkusen. I always see few comments about what is currently happening in Bayer at all. Basically, comments like this are the reason why big clubs have to remain big lol. "Football" has no mind, "football" didn't and doesn't become anything, it's the football fans and their attention that is focused purely on the few biggest clubs, you are giving them all this power or not.


Its far from a recent thing. Most of Leverkusens great players got poached after 2002 as well. That's over 20 years ago.


yeah, always funny to see people trying to affix everything they don't like to some kind of modern trend


It's always been like that. Take for example the 2000s Parma team, they all left in a span of 2 years. https://www.the42.ie/where-are-they-now-parma-1999-uefa-cup-2177835-Jun2015/


I met a Stuttgart fan on an airplane once and he told me his biggest regret was not joining in on the title celebrations in 2007 cause of some work event. Enjoy these moments mate


Hope you win it and hope you donā€™t get torn to shreds by other teams in the summer


I just shed a tear. So humble, i root for y'all now!


I hope Xabi Alonso stay at Leverkusen for at least one more season. But it seems unlikely because Liverpool is too thirsty for Xabi.


we're witnessing history unfold


melodic bow party wrong nose longing adjoining pot shy imagine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They were not. What they're doing this season has caught pretty much everyone by surprise. Fantastic work by them. Edit: Felt like I was obvious in stating that them looking likely to end Bayern's streak caught everyone by surprise, but apparently not. Of course they were well set to be a top 4 team.


They kind of were the drak horse last season, but started so bad they they only finished 6th. That's likely why people didn't expect them to be that good.


they also ended the last season with a 7 game winless streak in UEL and BuLi, gambling away their shot at getting into CL


On purpose so they could focus on bundesliga???


No, they definitely didn't tank on purpose.


I'm fairly certain that was a joke....


Spot on


Leverkusen is the dark horse every year tbf


It's not just that they started bad. Even under Alonso they finished only 6th in the second half of the season with the same points as Mainz and just 4 more than Schalke, who were relegated that season. And especially the end of the season was genuinely weak, scoring only 3 points in the last 5 games losing to Kƶln at home and 3 - 0 to Bochum. There was a question mark behind Alonso for sure before the current season.


The Xhaka redemption arc having a sequel wasn't on anyone's list. Ā Imagine the odds you could have got on him being the top rated mid in the league for an undefeated team.Ā 


Are you talking about prior to his move? Because Xhaka was having one of his best seasons in an Arsenal shirt before his move. We all could see he was turning around to be a great player again. It sucks he couldn't show it earlier on but glad he got his redemption and now possibly get's a Bundesliga title to his name.


I mean they did say a sequel to his redemption arc. Part 1 was last season at Arsenal and Part 2 is this season at Leverkusen. I hope itā€™s a trilogy šŸ¤ž


Basel licking their lips


ha, let him come back! Swiss referees will make him look back fondly on PL refs.


HeĀ“s been absolutely great but both Palacios andĀ Wirtz are better rated across sites and more decisive for the team.


Many could see it coming especially after preseason where they toyed with enemys like westham, marseille etc but certainly not to this extend


I started being a fan of them last year because they had so much potential and i was hoping they win the Europa League alas they didnā€™t but coming into this season i was expecting them to rival the likes of leipzig not the titans at bayern


I will definetely get downvoted for this, but thats not true. Any avid bundesliga fan knew they were a clear clear top 4 team and as always some outliers predicted them to win the title


This defo did not catch everyone by surprise. The streak of last season combined with returning and new players was making it pretty obvious. Not in this fashion of course but everyone that knows their shit had leverkusen in the top 5.


He said nobody expected them to challenge for the title, and all the replies are talking about top-4 or top-5 Letā€™s be real, nobody expected anyone but Bayern to win - and for BVB to be the only team that puts pressure on them. All the people saying you could see Leverkusen doing this mysteriously have no post history indicating such.Ā  If you said Leverkusen would be top in February youā€™d have been laughed at - let alone being 8 points clear and unbeaten.Ā  Itā€™s much like Leicester Cityā€™s win. Unexpected they win but expected that they could do well. The only difference is Leverkusen arenā€™t simply capitalizing on someone else fumbling.Ā 


Our transfers were really impressive. So no, due to the Bayern dominance, a title was still unlikely, but itā€™s nowhere near Leicester. A lot of people rated us higher than Dortmund or RB leipzig, as we pretty much only lost Diaby, but strengthened the squad with Grimaldo, Xhaka, Hofmann and Boniface. whats most impressive though is that we arenā€™t on top because Bayern is doing badly, but because weā€™re playing one of the best seasons that have ever been played in the league. I donā€™t think anyone expected that.


> Itā€™s much like Leicester Cityā€™s win. Couldnā€™t disagree more. Itā€™s like Tottenham or Sevilla winning the league, not even close to Leicester. Leverkusen was incredibly highly rated last year and fumbled their season hard and this year theyā€™ve had an insanely good summer window that anyone into Bundesliga wouldā€™ve told you made them even better. I have multiple friends that are friends of different clubs and they all were mocking me for Dortmund being overtaken by both RB and Leverkusen. Heidenheim this year or Union last year wouldā€™ve been comparable to Leicester. Itā€™s an absolute surprise *how* good Leverkusen is. The surprise is that someone else is winning despite Bayern not having a terrible year. Itā€™s not that Leverkusen is the one to win.


Everyone has Leverkusen in the top 5 literally every single season. They are a top 4 team in germany with Bayern, Dortmund and Leibzig. People were talking about actually having a shot at the title, not fight for 4th or 5th like they do in almost every season. They also did not end last season perticulary great to say the least, with scoring only 3 points in the last 5 matches, losing to Kƶln at home and 3 - 0 to Bochum. And even looking only at the RĆ¼ckrunde, they finished only 6th, same points as Mainz and just 4 more than Schalke who were relegated that season.


Idk why people are looking at the okayish last season in reference to this one considering half the team that is playing is either new or returning. This is not like stuttgart where the same players are suddenly performing really well. These are different players for a lot of positions. Wirtz returning, new players like xhaka, boniface and grimaldo...it was always going to be different.


They were pretty good at the end of last season so something good was expected. Like, maybe 2nd place. Didn't expect them to make an honest try for an invincible campaign! One of the things that has to be taken into account is, that some of their best performers were just bought last summer and nobody could expect that they would show up like that.


At the end of last season they were winless in 7.


They werent that good tbh, they had an awful last run of games, they didn't win any of the last 7 matches of last season, which makes this even more unexpected


In My kicktipp runde everybody Had them at Herbstmeister and two Had them winning it all. A Lot of people familiar with German Football Had them as the biggest challengers for Bayern This year But I donā€™t think Anyone Even considered them Potentially staying invincible


Klopp said that he thinks Xabi's Leverkusen team that beat Bayern is better than his Dortmund side


I'll buy that. Ā I don't remember Dortmund being dominant so much as ruthless.Ā 


Having watched both, I agree. There's a very machine-like way they pull apart teams. It's something that goes beyond just individual player quality.


That dortmund side was one of the most entertaining teams Iā€™ve ever seen though


Aren't we always?


Just one more! Incredible what they've accomplished this season, hopefully they can keep this level to the very end


Watch them gift the title to Bayern on the last match day.


They're not Dortmund


True, they are Neverkusen




True, their history of bottling trophies is way worse than Dortmund's




No wonder they're top of the league, what an achievement


Go on lads


Incredible. This is Xabiā€™s first full year of being manager correct? Did he get hired halfway last season?


He got hired when leverkusen was 16th or 17th last season.


After some hard games and with some injuries though, chief amongst them Wirtz.


Man has literally FM-esque performance.


And then he managed to get 6th place by the end of that season, which is definitely impressive.


Yeah, the only scary thing is that he ended the season quite poorly after starting great (7 games without a win). That's the only thing that still scares me about the title charge this season.




Hopefully he stays and gets a good run in UCL next year. Very doubtful cause many clubs will come to take players and managers away.


Hard to imagine he won't move to Liverpool this summer.


Very hard


I would love for him to take over here, but itā€™s hard to leave a situation this magical.


Just one more game to go past them. Incredible run of form


Thatā€™s generally how it works.


Math is math


Mainz is next, they can do it.


Mainz is the destroyer of dreams though


We had conceded 16 goals in the 4 games leading up to facing you guys who had 15W 1D at home in the campaign This time we at least come from our 2nd win of the season.


Still hurts


Itll hurt forever


Home game for us, too


Username checks out, flair not so much


Got me condused.


bruv, you got man utd flair but your username is bayerleverkusen


i'm sure he's aware


Close enough, both got some red in their crest.


Is that what ā€˜equalā€™ means?


Cheers Geoff


I wonder who fucked that record up for Bayern? I mean, I'd really like to know.


Hoffenheim with a 4-1 victory


Well that's unfortunate. Thanks.


LOL i 100% expected it would be Gladbach or Frankfurt


Do you remember who was that one single tie in the middle of that insane streak?


Pretty sure it was leipzig


0-0 with LeipzigĀ 


Bayer Leverkusen 's next opponents, Mainz 05 just beat Augsburg 1-0, via a set piece goal from centerback Sepp van Den Berg, making this their 2nd win of the season. Bayer should set a new record next week.


If we don't, it's my fault, because I will attend the match, and every Leverkusen match I have attended so far ended in a draw. I'm sorry!!


A draw is good enough, so new record confirmed


Remind me! Next week


Wir haben kaum unentschieden gespielt diese saison, wie kann das sein dass du ausgerechnet nur zu den spielen gekommen bist hahhah


Ich war diese Saison noch bei keinem Spiel! Lebe in Amsterdam, da ist das immer ein Tagesausflug, und auch nicht zu gĆ¼nstig šŸ„²


anulo mufa


Famous last words in the world of football.


Amazing, hope he stays for atleast one more season before going to a top club.


It would be cool for bayer and there fans if they get to keep some off there players and xavi just to try and win the champions league


Yup, haven't had an unlikely (not an elite club) CL winner since 2003/04 and Mourinho's Porto.


Liverpool in 04/05


Not even closeĀ 


Really they had 4 champions league already


We had the same points as Bolton that year domestically. Our top goal scorer had 7 goals.


Doesn't change the fact that Liverpool was a European giant and still is


We hadnā€™t won one in 21 years at that point, it was a massive surprise. Weā€™re a European giant but that doesnā€™t mean weā€™ve been expecting to win every game in our history. Celtic and Ajax are European giants but it would be a big surprise for them to win.


Most of the players will either stay or be very expensive, players wont be an issue at all. Alonso is going to be the hardest to replace I think. It's actually kinda hard to tell how much of the current success is on him and how much is on the new players.




bless you




A 5 point lead that does not feel comfortable at all


Trust in Bochum!


Does make me feel for Tuchel a bit. Heā€™s getting slandered as if heā€™s doing a terrible job, but heā€™s going up against one of the greatest runs in the leagueā€™s history, and heā€™s potentially only 5 points off (if Bayern win their game in hand).


His team doesn't play that well though, that's why he is getting slandered They rely heavily on individual players to win them games rather than their system breaking down teams and aren't exciting enough to justify the moments where their players don't bail them out


if you could have a random person read this comment, they wouldnā€™t be able to tell if this is about bvb or bayern, the times that weā€™re living in, eh?


They did that for years. With Levy gone and Neuer injured they became very beatable.


Didn't they get knocked out of the cup by a 3rd division team? That's nothing to do with Leverkusen.


Flick managed that too, so idk


He also went out in the first round of the cup to a 3rd division team, has lost to Lazio in the CL and is playing dreadfully despite the fact that Kane has been scoring like a mad man




Put that string of results into a text to speech thingy and it'll sound like dubstep.


Bayernā€™s is disgusting


Absolutely incredible from the team and Xabi. Heā€™s gonna be so sought after once the season ends. Also so happy for Granit. Hope he wins the Bundesliga as an Invincible.


act worm light sable flag ossified marble abundant vast versed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Speaking as someone who really wants him to succeed Klopp, it's really exciting seeing how insanely well he's doing, but at the same time a team's cheat code tactics can be found out. Pep and Klopp - the true elite - have found ways to reinvent, and change quite significantly from season to season and still find success. Alonso will not be able to play the same system indefinitely, so it's important to temper expectations. I don't think we should be calling him "the next best thing" when the real tests lie ahead.




Thatā€™s what yo momma said




The fact that Dortmund got the draw is still so funny to me, coming from a Dortmund fan this season has been pretty subpar


Obvious to say, but this is even more impressive since they donā€™t have nearly half of Bayernā€™s budget


The Nathan Tella effectĀ 


heā€™s finally finding his footing and playing really well. I think heā€™ll become very important for us as a Frimpong replacement if Frimpong leaves in the summer (which I kinda expect). Great guy


Poised to lose next game. It's always like that with these streaks.


poor harry kane lmao


Spanish midfielders and managers


Please donā€™t fuck it up šŸ™


Hopefully the team win the league, but regardless, they will likely get ripped apart after the season if they don't lock down Alonso for another one.


All hail King Xabi. I hope the the mad lads go on and do it.


Seeing Leverkusen in the CL final in 2002 is one of my earliest football memories, so this is kind of a nice full circle moment for me.


how many more games till they clinch the bundesliga title? so happy to see another team besides bayern making history šŸ¤­ congrats to leverkusen


Impressive. Considering that they beat Bayern along the line. šŸ™Œ


32 game unbeaten run without a defeat is crazy ngl


Fuck if I start watching, will I course them!?


3 more draws than Bayern. This doesn't count. Lose and do it all again with all Ws.




It's Bayer, not Bayern


lucky theyā€™re not playing us next


I've been using the name Vizekusen for many years, but will be more than happy to retire it if they can finally stop Bayern from winning every bloody year.


When people are sticking it to Tuchel and Munich, they should look at this. What Leverkusen is doing is out of this world, even by Munich standard. Ā 


They play great football and combines that with some timely good luck.


Surprised Bayern's record is only 32


Can't say I've seen any of their games this season but their results have been outstanding. How are they to watch?


honestly fuck it I want them to go invincible