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Next earnings with good guidance on positive EPS hopefully Q3 but at worse Q4 we should see some moves up. Long term SoFi is a bargain. Just keep buying at these prices and you'll be very happy in a few years.


I believe that too. Just frustrating


Bought more


We’re in the middle of a banking crisis, SoFi is doing relatively well, especially compared to other competitors. Take this as a bullish sign and just ride the waves


You can say it is accurately priced by the market conditions right now. LC is profitable and it’s market cap is ~700m. Marqueta is the closet proxy to Galileo and it is ~2b. Sofi is at 5 bn so 2bn below Ally which is also profitable and has way more deposits. To me it makes sense at the ~5-7 bn range right now


$5.5-$6/share is a dream this morning


I believe in SOFI's strategy, its execution, its CEO, and opportunities ahead. Keeping all my shares.


Among all the dumb gov spendings, forgiving stduent loans upto $20,000 using tax dollars is right up there with subsidizing cowboy poetry festival (true story).


It's been a common theme for more than a year now. SoFi (and other companies) announce great results and stock price goes down. Tough market conditions.


I'm not a stock market expert like some of these snarky folks chiming in, but I've been at this for a minute. It has been an uphill slog but most of the market is in the same boat. Was mildly bummed but will keep holding


It’s not sofi first earning to do this people pump it in the premarkets and dump it on the open people did it in the earnings before this one. I literally had to spam the sell button on the open to get the best price of the day


Don't worry about the Snarky folks ... when SoFi's price goes back up over $10, or better yet over $20, everyone will be happy and celebrating here. The good times seem like a mirage ... they are always 1-5 years away and keep moving into the future.


Wasn't expecting a huge bump but was thrown by a 12% dive on good earnings. Just going to try to lower my average (about $7.80) in the meantime






I was just looking for some other people's thoughts. No need to be a dick


SoFi earnings always happen 3 or 4 days before a major interest hike cycle or something similar.. if not these a war. So, obviously, the market plummet happens and pullback for SoFi for no reason. Now you know the reality lol


I was also very disappointed with the stock performance. I hold a core position in Sofi that I trade around. I normally buy some extra stock prior to earnings, then sell for a profit a day or two after earnings. It will inevitably drop and then I'll roll the $ back in. Averaging down like this has me within a tolerable deficit to being even. This time I saw an early headline that Sofi was up on earnings and later that night when I looked, WHAM! Double digit drop. I didn't expect that. Not happy.


It’s gonna be some years before this stock really makes us some money. Which I’m fine with because I only have like 100 shares and buying 15-30 a month. Just keep buying shares.


Same. I have 300 and buy 10 to 15 every month. I like the Business, I'm a client. This was always 2024/25 at the earliest for me. DCA. 10.60




They didn't miss this ER. They double beat!


I know. And it still tanked 30%. If they miss the next ER, it'll be game over.


The company is solid. Needs to reduce sbc but otherwise they keep turning out excellent growth and doing what they say. Financial stocks are shaky. It’ll come back.


>Needs to reduce sbc You mean Noto?


Stock based compensation. Ok to have it as high as they gave during aggressive growth in new tech companies and allows more FCF but it dilutes everyone and the stock price low.


I feel like all the employees who receive that stock would disagree lol


If you got hired with sbc being a decent portion of your compensation package, and the stock was at $18 when it was being given to you, I don’t think you would have rather taken the money. The sbc are options paid to you based on fair market value on the grant date…couldn’t imagine any employee is happy with losing money.


The stocks are granted as RSUs. Dilution does happen but it wouldn't make up for receiving fewer units. If they gave new hires half as much the stock price wouldn't be more than twice as high. There's also the problem of making competitive offers without RSUs, which doesn't really happen in these industries. For example, very few companies are paying engineers 300k+ in cash.


I think student loan finally, either way, will provide a relief. Until then stock will consolidate in this range.


Yeah this right here is the answer I think most of you came for. It’s gonna be a minute before this thing take a peek over six again. It will for sure get hyped from student loans coming back, but use that opportunity to cash in and reposition


When does the Supreme Court decide that case?


end of june


My bull call spread still has time but it sucks it didn't pop like last earnings... ah well, I opened a bull put spread to make up for it. Both spreads are over 2 weeks out so lets the markets have time to adjust. Either way, the company is fundamentally doing great so whether markets react properly or not is irrelevant... if anything, it's an Irrational reaction leading to a buying opportunity


Trade sideways for another 2 quarters with minor movements 50ct up or down but always return to center until black swan or buy out or management change barring out side controlling intrest buy in. Won't see double digits till mid to late 25'.




Now? You go to work. Come home. Eat some dinner. Go for a walk. Now there is nothing you can do. You can look at this two ways. Do you believe in SoFi or not? Do some DD. Does the current business model bother you? If the answer is no, buy some on a regular interval and live your life. If it is yes, sell and live you’re life. Those are your options.


yeah yeah I get that, but it didn't do what I wanted it to do!


How old are you?




If you are younger this may be a valuable learning opportunity


What if he tells you he is 89?


Then I wouldn't reply. "If you don't have anything nice to say..."


If you were expecting a tick up, you havent been paying attention. Sofi beat earnings every time, always goes down. The stock price and the company are not correlated. It's also a bank, when several banks are struggling. It's something Wallstreet isn't interested in other than shorting. This is a "get in in the ground floor of amazon" buy. If you aren't in it for the long term, I'd recommend selling and moving on.


No it went down 2 of the last 4 earnings reports.


I thought I was on the ground floor at $15


I'm down 65%. I put in what I was willing to "gamble". I haven't see. Anything that makes me believe this company won't do well in 5 years. I doubt we ever see this top even $7 until the company is actually profitable.


Spreading wisdom !


So is life. Things don’t always go you’re way. Spin the block and bounce back.