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I just demoted to Iron 2, so I'm doing neither apparently


Yoooo Iron besties 🥲


I am trying to climb outta silver I just want to be gold so I can stop 😭 just 836sp to go.... 💀


I grinded to gold last split so it would be easier to get gold/80 points for the current one. Took me 50ish games, I believe in you!


I was feeling hopeful when my provisional games went well then got to silver 4 but haven't won since 😂 Here's hoping to a nice wee win streak soon or it's 140 more losses to go!😂😂


Same, I just ticked over 200sp today


I'm trying tu push it but I just had an horrible lose Streak, but I swear my teammates are having mental booms and my toplaners are solo losing lane, I think Im on losers Q rn, was Diamond 1 and now Diamond 3 after it. At least I still have like 100 days. If I end up Masters and get the closet to a pink chroma I'll be happy.


i will try to reach master this split after always quitting at low dia. not sure if i will play support or jungle tho. regardless my motivation is this skin


same! i always stop at d4 but i’m willing to spend hourssss on the climb if it means i get the pink master chroma on this sona skin 😩


i was unramked until the skin anouncement.and started the split in iron soo i have to push my rank to gold or play to get the 1000 points. whatever comes first


I'd love to get a lot of chromas for my fav character. But the one I care the most about (red) is far away. And getting the Challenger chroma would be amazing because the rank is inspired by Demacia, so it would be a Demacian chroma. Unfortunately, I'm in no way a Challenger player.


Hoping to get to Diamond (Peaked Emerald 2 last split), I am certain I can do it. If everything fails I stop rushing Lich Bane and spam W max Sona for free LP. Part of me also wants to try and somehow go for Masters but the other more rational thinking part of me tells me this ain't happening any time soon (purple chroma would still be cool)


im considering speedrunning master again but uni got me in its grasp so probably will try and rush it before split ends and hover 1 - 100 lp


Planning on getting to gold and stopping at the 80. Ranked is the worst, but so far, one-tricking Sona has actually been going well in ranked. We'll see how I feel, but most likely stopping in gold.


i played my placements and got emerald i’m good bestie


I've been just hitting Masters for a couple seasons and stopping. Been playing for 12 years now and haven't had a season with more than 200 games, I just get lazy/busy and just stop at the rank I'm happy with. But I feel like for this I gotta go all out!! I might push for GM this split. Gotta make Schuhbart and Nanners proud 😭


Girl I’m at the point where I need a high elo daddy duo 😂


Yeah that’s what I did for a lot of my games ngl


Cause how am I gonna solo carry as Sona when almost no one listens to pings/shot calling😭


572 sp and started iron and climbed up to only bronze, i guess i'll grind 1k points


The split will be around for awhile you got this! Took me 52 games to get to gold 4 0lp and I instantly quit playing (this was last split.)


I can play well with emeralds and diamonds when i play with friends, but impossible for me to get my account from this hell. (Diamond friend can't carry me out from bronze too)


Hopefully you get lucky with the random teammates. I genuinely feel like thats how I climbed so fast this split. Half my games were done by 15/20 mins bc my top or jg was uber fed so enemy just FF


I think i got the situation, if you keep a good score even with bad teammates, game gives you worse ones, so i keep dying when it's certain that i lose, that way my teammates getting better for now


My minimum is emerald. Everything else above would be nice if I can


Trying my best. I have been achieving Diamond from seasons ago, but I would like to give a shot and aim to masters just for the extra chroma


Im just playing whatever honestly


80 points is how many games and what win ratio ?


You get 10 per win and 6 per loss. If you reach gold you only need the 80 points otherwise you need 1000


Trying to go for Master cause it's pink T.T


I wish I had the patience and time to do that. Pink is my fav color but I barely made it to gold so I think thats a bit of a stretch for me


Im going to try to get all the chromas that I can and realistically that means that I’ll try to get to diamond in flex queue (currently on emerald but I don’t play much), in no universe I’m grinding solo queue tho, I love Sona but I don’t hate myself that much


I got into Iron after calibration, I got worst possible teams and it surely dismoraled me very much (I even skipped two weeks cause gosh I hate ranked) and I hope I somehow push just to get gold iV


I can’t rank up unfortunately I was silver but I’m back in bronze hell with leavers and afkers, each time a guy with protagonist syndrome dies, it’s over for the game


I was never a ranked girlie, I really tried but I just can’t 🥲


I haven't touched SR in forever. Can anyone tell me the minimum rank I need to get the skin?


Has anyone managed to find a picture of the victorious skin yet?


They dont show till the split is about to end


That's good to know! I've never tried for a victorious skin before so it's all new to me


I just normally play ranked until Master and then grind for it on another account, I might push for Grandmaster this season though.


Getting my acc boosted tbh