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Too many doping scandals over the years, system needs to be revamped, more transparency, visibility, especially for nations like China, Russia, US, Jamaica who get caught comparably often and have lots of record holders. Also remove any people who have been in too long or/and are close to Olympic committees or Sports Federations, or have ever received any benefits. Corruption needs to go out first.


The U.S. does not have a doping level anywhere near those other countries. USADA is practically feral about catching dopers.


I completely agree, and that is why more transparent tests won’t be a problem. US has lots of medals, and has had some doping scandals in the past, that is the reason I think they should be included. But yes, they aren’t anywhere near to state sponsored doping systems that operate through the complete list of sports like Russia (and very likely China) have.


The US has the most sophisticated doping program on the planet...


Enhanced Games solves this