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If you're not going to Odor then Odon't


I got down voted for hating this theatrical nonsense, speed up the game with pitch clock and slow it back down with stupid useless clearings. the down voting didn't bother me, the fact that people don't see this as stupid in an entertainment medium with grown adults bothers me.


I’m with you. I’d so much rather MLB go the NBA route and ban anybody on the bench from getting involved. Have coaches only come up and separate the two, throw them out, and move on. Or, if we want the “spectacle”, go the Hockey route and let them fight 1-on-1 for a minute or so, then separate them and move on.


When stuff like this happens I just imagine all the players backing off and Jar Jar Binks just saying, "Steady. Steady."


Oie, heesa throwin at hisen head metinks!


Thank you! Got down voted for saying MLB needs to remove these from the game as well


The funniest is when you also get the slow trot from the bullpen.


So stupid


Muy estupido



See, I love it. (But I’m not going to downvote anyone who doesn’t.) The anticipation is fun to watch, like the build up to a big finale. Other sports are more spontaneous, but in baseball they have to want to fight so much, they clear benches, run all that distance, and still want to slug a guy. I also love when the coaches get all OTT and start kicking dirt and red-faced. But I was brought up watching baseball, so maybe that’s a difference too. ETA: clarity


I’d be all for it if they actually fought like hockey. Dugouts clearing with people running from the bullpen to stand around and do nothing is embarrassing.


This is exactly why I hate this. If you're gonna go through all these theatrics but everybody knows that nobody is gonna actually take a swing, it loses all meaning. Nothing ever actually happens in these dugout clears so it just feels like a dumb waste of time for a bunch of guys to act tough.


They could all be allowed a shield or blunt weapon too. But no bats allowed, gotta have your own weapon you made. Imagine them charging a line hahahaha


Literally 1984: https://youtu.be/HZgw-ujI8UI?si=V2XUjYmTvGK_YS8T


Your best example is from 40 years ago? Not a great sample size to work with is there.


Gotta set the standard somewhere. It doesn’t get much better than that one. Players cost a lot less back then. Harder to justify a violent brawl with today’s multimillion salaries.


Imagine breaking your hand punching someone's helmeted head


They tend to hire them because they sports good, not because they’re smart.


People from the stands jump in get arrested


But... they're not fighting? No one is getting "slugged." They just stand there, maybe shove each other a bit, then awkwardly walk back to their dugout. It's embarrassing and cringy.


I'll split the difference here. Let the benches clear, but the bullpens have to stay put.


But how else will the bullpens get their cardio?


I was also brought up watching but for me the fun is in the battles on the field, pitcher vs batter, not benches clearing. Seeing a tremendous pitching performance or an offensive battle is the fun part to me, the benches clearing just ruins the pace and takes me out of the competitive side of baseball. the benches clearing feels foreign when every league up to the majors would get you suspended for doing stuff like this. only in the highest level does this stuff happen and it makes me wonder why.


Love a 1:1 Pitcher v Batter. Kyle Farnsworth laying a mf’er out was priceless.




Over the top


first person to leave the bench should be ejected.


Yep. Overpaid sports entertainers. Yawn 🥱 Best part of major league ball is the field and sweet stripes. Kudos to the grounds crews. This is why I’d rather watch golf.


This. Real men and women square off and duke it out one on one. The only reason the benches clear is because they all know that no one‘s going to get hurt.


This entire sport is so fucking boring


Isn’t that the truth, how cute ☺️


I love how these “heated” and “intense bench clearings are just a bunch of dudes casually walking to meet and maybe push because they think they’re supposed to.


Yep, they definitely have a feel of social obligation. "What happened? Oh, they threw at Brice. Oh you're going out? Fuck I guess I gotta look like I'm willing to fight for him too, fuck"


I miss the days in the early 90s where it turned into all our brawls.


As a hockey fan, most baseball fights just seem silly


Well that’s because most baseball fights aren’t fights at all. Just as bunch of theatrics


The bullpen was about to get into bro I swear


They really are starting to become like soccer. Soon flopping will occur everywhere.


There has been only like 5 actual landed punches in baseball history lmao baseball fights are honestly so lame. They charge the mound and throw the weirdest looking girly punches or they just shove each other around. I love baseball tho, but yeah either swang and bang like hockey or do away with "fights" all together like nfl does.


I’d love to see someone charge the mound and just fucking spear the pitcher lol.


How about a cross body block? https://youtu.be/xTrhSbpX1TY?si=ABnRvd4dabDkROXn


Heh nice.


My favorite fight video is when the batter straight up kicks the catcher down before he can even get up THEN charges the pitcher Pure savagery


Whoa, link?




I’d love to see a batter and pitcher drop gloves/helmet and agree to go to town, waving others off, and earn their sport some goddamn respect. Every sport can have fights like hockey if it is clear two opponents agree to it one v one. It’s not like there aren’t penalties in hockey. I understand there are probably much larger repercussions in a sport like baseball though.


4 of those punches were Nolan Ryan vs ~~George Brett~~ Robin Ventura


They should have a rule where only 5 guys can come out of the dug out. Send the enforcers and drop the mits at home plate


I’d love hockey rules for all sports fighting.


Honestly it kind of makes sense. If someone comes off the bench to join in something it’s a pretty big deal. Stop having both teams empty the benches and keep it to the people involved to deal with it. Anyone else gets involved it’s an automatic suspension.


As long as we're introducing enforcers into baseball, then I say we keep them on the field during play as an added position. The batting team needs a representative in the field.


Bautista Odor was the last good baseball fight.


I enjoyed Jose Ramírez knocked Tim Anderson out cold last year


People get suspended if they actually fight so that's a big difference.


Handbags at 10 paces.


Came here to say exactly this.


It’s a fight like how you hear your neighbors “fighting” at 2 am


Baseball’s got the dumbest reasons for fights. Oh you hit ME with the ball, I guess we fighting lmao but for the most part, I also think baseball’s got the best sportsmanship. Player touches the base before getting tagged, you see the player from the other team giving him a pat on the back or a fist bump. It’s cute lol


As an adult, most hockey fights seem childish.


I read this as “threw up on him” and was expecting something a lot more entertaining


Both on and in him. Sounds intimate.


Two players, one cup


More of a spiritual walk about than a bench clearing


At this point, they should fine anyone who runs out and DOESN'T throw a punch.


Harper thought he saw Hunter Strickland for a second


It was on this day 7 years ago that this happened too. How...coincidental


Pat “the bat” Burrell.


Is that former Philly Pat Burrell?


Sho is


I’ve got a Pat Burrell story… My friend had sex with Pat Burrell. She said he followed her around bars in Santa Cruz for hours (this was when he was playing for the Giants). Eventually he carried her to a cab and took her to his hotel. When they got into bed she said he took off his shirt, did three practice swings with a bat (yes he had a bat in his hotel room) and said "are you ready to get fucked by Pat Burrell?"


I don’t give a shit if this is true or not…this is THE definitive Pat Burrell story.


Pat Burrell is an Always Sunny character


This could be totally fake but knowing that Pat the Bat fucked his way around the tri-state area, I will only believe it to be true




I watched pat burrell just go behind a bar in some place in old city and pour himself a beer once and nobody gave a shit.


The machine


Most baseball "fights" are about as serious as NBA "fights". Everyone pushes and shoves a little bit and talks some shit and no one is even remotely interested in actually fighting. Everyone knows that they will be held back and no one wants to get injured or fined. Nothing to see.


But then 3 years later that one random guy who said something to a pitcher on the other team who wasn’t even playing that night finally gets an at bat versus that pitcher and he gets plunked, and the cycle continues.


No one holds a grudge like an MLB pitcher.


second one looks intentional because harper chirped at him. I believe Harper has missed time from an injury of getting hit a year or two ago.


Yeah he’s been hit in the face twice by lefties going up and in. Got his wrist broken by Blake snell on one, and had another that genesis Cabrera hit him in the face on


Hit the bat, looked like a foul ball to me


You all do realize the second pitch definitely would have hit him in the head if he didn’t move? Pitcher definitely intended to throw those pitches high and inside. Maybe not hit his head but, that’s asking for trouble and likely should have been ejected. Everyone calling this soft has no respect for being at the plate when 95 mph pitches come whizzing at you, let alone at your head.


I'm not calling it soft that he is upset about the pitch. Agree pitcher should be tossed. I'm calling all of this bench clearing nonsense soft as fuck in general. Bunch of dudes go rub their tits together for a sec because they think they need to to look tough.


The picture should have absolutely been tossed after the second one.


So dumb.


Once is chance, twice is intent. Pitcher should have been tossed


Baseball is weird like that. If a pitcher hits a player or digs at him, then the other team’s pitcher will do the same to one of their players. I remember a video last year of a coach **screaming** that ‘they got theirs we need ours’


The Jets and the Sharks meandering to a snap battle


Savannah Bananas should totally do this.


Brows were furrowed.




It was. Look at the catcher


Catchers try to fool batters that look back at them, all directions go over pitchcom


He didn’t look back and that very clearly wasn’t the case. You must not watch much baseball because that very clearly was not where the catcher thought the pitch was going to be. Everyone involved including Harper, the pitcher, and the catcher said it wasn’t intentional. You’re just wrong


Its not about "because he did", its "if he does", every where catchers position their glove is not the end all of pitch placement; cassali was lined up all over the plate all game, as is every other catcher. Not saying this was intentional but unless harrison sucks (tbd) he's not gonna miss his spot by 4+ feet, especially right after nearly hitting bryce.


Yes he would. Like I just said you clearly don’t know what you are talking about or you would know Harrison has control issues and misses arm side like this pretty often. But I guess you know better then everyone actually involved including Harper who said it wasn’t intentional!


My contention was never that it was intentional, just that in response to your first comment, catchers dont always line up where they call the pitch to go i.e.- catcher can call up and in on batters hands, then line up low and outside. Staying consistent with placement is a huge give.


lol now your are just lying and trying to move the goalposts. There would be literally no point to making that comment at all in anyways if that’s not what you were implying


From the start all I was saying is that catchers aren't going to be consistent with line-up. You're looking for a fight that I don't care to have. To read my first comment and come to your conclusion is insane, go suck a tailpipe you sophist. Edit: also since youve already stopped trying to reply and have resorted solely to ad hominem, pretty clear you dont know what your talking abt.


I’m a hockey guy, so I don’t understand the baseball players mentality per se. IMO if they want to fight, let ‘em. They’re grown men, just keep the rest of the team out of it. You leave the bench in hockey it’s a major and a game misconduct. No need to have the rest of the team, especially the bullpen show up.


Harper didn’t want to fight. He looked away after the second pitch. The rest of the team was concerned that Harper WOULD fight, so they go into the field to calm things down. Phillies don’t need that dude getting suspended and/or injured


Baseball is the weirdest sport


Damn, the Giants really have an organizational hatred for Bryce


The guy who threw the balls was just starting college 


Yeah I know, mostly was a joke


Back in my day, a bench clearing meant some Mfers got hit


The last time Harper got into a fight with a Giants pitcher he threw his helmet like a bitch and then got clocked square on the jaw.


two groups of men with things to throw and bats...


This bench clearing is getting ridiculous. Nothing is happening, there’s no need to all drift over to create an incident. I get it if players are going at it, and people love the spectacle, but it’s just unnecessary if nothing is going on.


Looks more like the 7th inning stretch than a bench clearing brawl


Pat Burrell is a hitting coach???


Baseball rules question. If the ball is obviously a foul ball, but when the batter moves out of the way and it "hits the bat," does that count as a batter foul? Just trying to figure out why it was mentioned. I personally think the batter should get the free base as if he were hit.


Still foul


Honestly was pisses me off most is when the catcher tries to play the good guy, fully knowing a beam pitch is coming


When they all gather together and do absolutely nothing, do most just glare menacingly while other people argue…about what?


Ahhhh. Roid rage millionaires, always giving the kids a good example to look up to


Can someone explain this to me? Is the pitcher hitting him on purpose? Or is he recklessly trying to brush him back and accidentally hitting him?


Come on Pat, you know better than this?


That second one hit the bay. Just saying… he should have started running.


Didnt go fair


Good catch! On second watch, it went straight down into the dirt. Still sitting in the batters box.


Fuck SF. I hate that team. I’d rather root for the Dodgers, and FUCK the Dodgers


Why does the pitcher NEVER apologizes??? And why does the batter ALWAYS assumes it was intentional?!! 🤡


Just kiss each other already


Even baseball highlights are boring


People that get mad at you because you’re upset that they’re being pos, are complete pos


Does anyone else laugh when they announce that the bullpens are coming?