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Well there's also a rapist playing volleyball at the Olympics, so...


Jesus that is such a horrendous look for the Netherlands. I am really hoping the backlash from that revelation forces them to remove him from the games. He deserves to be in jail, not living out his sporting dreams on the biggest stage.


It’s especially fucked up when they told 4 golfers who qualified for the Olympics “you’re just not good enough to represent us” but the rapist is.


It’s even worse that they came out and said they know about it but he served his time and he will be on the team. There’s not even time to serve in a persons life span to make up for what he did


This is honestly the big issue. Most people (hopefully) would say people should be given a second chance after serving their time. But when we get to especially heinous crimes people have varying levels of what that time is. This is an especially extreme example where he served 1 year. Which I assume most think is low. However, the government has established that as acceptable for whatever reason. So now the uncomfortable question. How much time is okay? And to be honest it isn’t a question I have thought hard about before. There’s the very easy answer of fuck em give them life. But should it be life? And to be honest trying to find reasons for no is incredibly uncomfortable.


In this case of pedophiles there’s no known cure or working treatment, the only thing they can do is help the person manage their pedophilia so they don’t fuck more kids. They will always want to fuck kids you just have to hope they don’t act on the urge. So you have to penalize them enough to get them to think it’s not worth it IMO, what else are you gonna do. Like they’ve already shown this person that if they do it again the chances are just another slap on the wrist. This wasn’t even a case of it being like an older teen that looks like a woman, it was an actual child


Not just a rapist, but a child rapist. The girl was 12. Makes The Netherlands look horrifically bad on the world stage


Countries literally just care about medals. If he wins one then they can sportwash the situation.


It makes you wonder… just how bad is the team for them to even consider this guy? Does this dude guarantee them a medal or something? Just doesn’t make sense why take this huge reputation hit.


Child rapist from the Netherlands, for clarity


The U.S. is also about to elect a rapist to the White House. A convicted rapist.


it was a 12 year old…


SafeSport isn’t supported by tax dollars (unlike, for example, USADA). In fact, the law that created it dictates that it is supported by USOPC and set its budget in advance, regardless of how many cases it gets.


From the headline I thought the allegations against her would be competitive integrity related (I.e. some kind of cheating). Verbal and/or physically abusing her students, also very bad if true, but less relevant to judging imo.


I thought getting yelled at and physical abuse was common in sports... I feel like I got yelled at all the time playing sports growing up 😂


same…my soccer coach in early 90s was angry af


There's definitely been a culture change over the last 4-5 years especially. While part of me agrees ppl need to build a thicker skin, I'm not going to shed tears over these guys getting held accountable. I had a tennis coach who was a nightmare of a person. Huge prick. If I ever saw him again, I'd punch his teeth out


My rec soccer coach when I was 9 is still to this day the angriest man I've ever met


This isn't band-camp cupcake.


ANY sport that has judges that determine your score is corrupt.


I consider it athletic arts. Gymnastics, figure skating, diving, snowboard/ski events like the half pipe and others, and more are in that category for me.


I mean, how would you suggest we judge gymnastics?


While I agree that USAG is a corrupt organization, I would disagree about the reason it’s corrupt. It’s not because it’s a judged sport. USAG is corrupt because there’s widespread physical and sexual abuse of gymnasts by coaches and coaching staff, and USAG tries its hardest to cover it all up like it doesn’t exist. More often than not, the judging in gymnastics makes sense to those in the sport who understand and follow the sport. It’s based off of the difficulty of the skills performed, and the cleanliness of the routine, not some arbitrary opinions like figure skating. The judge in question is under investigation for said abuse, not because she judges in a corrupt manner.


Also considering there’s several documentaries and news articles out there showing exactly how easy it is to buy and influence referees in non-judged sports like basketball, soccer, and football to swing a game a certain way, perhaps you shouldn’t single out judged sports for being corrupt. Every sport has some form of corruption, and none are any cleaner than the rest. Judged sports may just seem more corrupt because many rely on a judge’s opinion versus a referee’s call, but how many times have you seen people scream at their TV because they’ve disagreed with a ref’s bad call that obviously helped the opposing team?


Track is pretty straight- who crosses the line first wins. Rarely does an official have the power to change a result. With video replays even things like relay zone faults get reviewed


her mom was my coach when I did gymnastics and she was so verbally abusive it’s why I quit


I used to love watching the Olympics. Now with all the bs that is happening, especially the graft, I won’t watch a minute of this year’s.


honestly, i pretty much lost interest in the Olympics after 2008. that whole thing was so rigged for China. completely lost my interest after that

