• By -


374 for his ridiculously stupid strategy of "projecting weakness" in a moment when many of the players were looking for a guilt free or easy vote out option.


The most wtf move


Lol for real. Idk why he thought that was a good strategy


It makes sense because anyone that is seen as a threat is usually who gets eliminated, but he just stood out in another way. The best strategy is really to stay as average as possible and not stand out in any way. Be nice to everyone, but don't join an alliance.


Don't be seen being nice to too many people or you'll end up like 200, though.


One of the few times reversed psychology should not be used šŸ˜‚


Fucking braindead move. Genuinely a what the fuck moment.


"When I said I wanted to go home, I didn't think that people would think I wanted to leave!" Like ???


Omg yeah that was so dumb i cant lie


Prometheus school of running away from things, honestly. šŸ˜‚


That was hilarious


I just think a lot of these people are some of the dumbest people you can ever meet in life


That was one of the dumbest things Iā€™ve ever seen lmao


Haha I can't be the only one who needs a slight description of who you are talking about when you say the number


Thank you! I didn't get nearly invested enough in any of these people to learn their numbers lol. I only know 432 because he was the "antagonist" for a bit.


179 is the black woman who has a group with others. She was also on the screen when they had to vote 3 people out. 229 is the woman who had to eliminate 3 people after the jack in the box. She is hated, because she eliminated the old man and his friend.


Sheā€™s hated for playing the game correctly. Thatā€™s not why she nor 179 are hated.


she's hated because she's a misandrist and personally I feel she's lowkey a racist . misandrist cause she quite literally said "seeing a male dominant group rubs me the wrong way" (like wtf) and racist cause if you remember "the bros" was made up of predominantly people of color too but at no point was she part of the people that showed dislike....i wonder why. like why does a group of guys make you feel like you're in a power struggle, in the interview she even had to specify and go on about how she's married to "a woman, a strong woman" to somehow show why it bothered her like?????


She is terrible. Just imagine a middle aged white male being interviewed and talking about how he dislikes black lesbians.


I'm black myself, and I agree with you. I think she may be racist. I'm so sick of seeing white straight male hate!! It's really pissing me off. It's unbelievable. I wanted these two to make it to the end. I really hate her šŸ˜’


What was weird for me is that she started by saying ā€œI am a watcherā€, and then she goes on to say how she hates that male dominated groups are forming. Like, why is she hating on other people being active and taking initiative? If you are passive and hating on active people, it's your fault. It's not like she was shown trying to make groups and people not joining it.


Oh my god I hate her so much for eliminating Steven and old man


The old guy who was a beekeeper seemed like a super nice genuine guy. Everyone else I didnā€™t really care for


Rick and Stephen were a lovely duo


I liked them and the mother/son duo. Super bummed the first two were eliminated


I adore Rick and I think the unilateral eliminations were a huge mistake


Yea I think he seemed to have the best mental game so he was definitely a threat for winning


Is he a plant though?? I keep getting vibes that heā€™s acting. His stories are a little too mysterious. ā€œI wonder if my bees think about me..ā€


He reminded me a lot of oh il nam from the series so I was a bit suspicious the whole way though, especially when he turned out to be really good at the envelope flipping game....


Right?? And when he was first introduced, he was like, ā€œIā€™m not going to win, but I would love to help someone else win.ā€ Or something incredibly spirited in an unbelievable way lol.


ofc hes an actor. no way he just knew the name of that paper game and started playing and winning after being called to the kitchen specifically and no way he just won a 'candy bar'. its gotta be something like a 'get back in the game' ticket or something. the fact that NO ONE asked those 2 about where they were and what they did was very sus


It seems like most of the people there have studied the show a fair bit, so it's not really shocking that he knew the name of the first game played in the show.


then they should also be sus of a single 70 yr old contestant just like there was in the show. i mean idk for sure, but cmon, he looks like an actor, talks like an actor, was singled out to play the paper game, won a 'candy bar' just prior to the marbles game (where he was elim'd in the show)


My first thought after seeing him a couple times was "this guy's a plant."


1. 432 2. 229 3. The Hamburgler


šŸ˜‚ my son said she has "seagull vibes" snatching that hamburger lol


Who was 229 again?


One of the female players that look like 4 others.


LMAOOO BRUH I SWEAR I laughed out so loud when I saw her tiny frame come out of that group with that big ol burger in her hand


- the burger snatcher - that sassy ass rude gay dude that was voted out by the grandma - everyone else, really there's no one to root for here. Everyone's so cutthroat which is good for emulating the spirit of the kdrama and actually makes for good tv.


Jada I think her name is and she's the fucking worst, followed closely by daisy man. Was a big fan of Rick though, seems a nice guy.


I mean stealing the entire burger was already rude as hell, but doing so just a day or two before ridiculing someone else for being greedy is crazy.


It wasnā€™t Halal so he could not eat the burger, she speaks more about this on her TikTok and another player on Twitter/X said it was edited out or something. They were secretly in an alliance as friends, so she knows him.


suck that Jada still in the competition. Her hypocrisy disgusts me. I was shocked to see many people stole food- wish their faces and names post on the internet to show their true color lol


I didn't think they were nearly cutthroat enough watching them all nominate themselves in the dice roll game was so boring


For what it's worth, the guy who won the meal is Muslim and asked if the meat was halal and it wasn't, so he wasn't going to eat the burger anyway.


Easier to just say who I like, since most of them suck. The guy who sat on the picnic mat alone šŸ‘‘. The two guys (one of them is Indian?) sitting on the picnic mat together, opening the box and were so stoked to find cookies. "Yo, there's candy in here!!" So cute šŸ„ŗ. The long haired dude who's pretty nice to everyone.


The ā€œthanks mate!ā€ when he was handed the blanket put a smile on my face.


I feel like 432 is a given, so Iā€™ll go with three others. - Italian food thief - 179. I just donā€™t really like the toxic masculinity/bad bitch type stuff. You can be competitive without being a twat - Hamburglar Thatā€™s it. Donā€™t steal food and donā€™t be mean.


179 made it about gender & race when the game wasnā€™t about that. But it was interesting that a lot of the people did end up being ā€œallies/friendsā€ with people from the same gender or race as them


Sociologists call that 'homophily', one of a few laws that hold true across cultures


Bryton the frat dude. The redneck with glasses who voted out the Indian guy. The bitchy Italian.




Was it the other mullet guy? or I canā€™t remember who you mean


Most viewers donā€™t like the ā€œI am here for the moneyā€ contestant which is what all these players are here for. So nearly everyone is naturally unlikable.


Yeah but thereā€™s a way to do that without coming off like an asshole. Most people canā€™t stand people like 432, who constantly claim theyā€™re just ā€œbeing realā€ but are actually being insufferable pricks.


Honestly I just hate Jada. That burger-snatching pig, lmao. Screw that entire group too for swarming him, people like them are why we canā€™t have nice things šŸ™„ other than that, I expected everyone to be in it for the money tbh so it really didnā€™t bother me too much.


432 is definitely the most insecure little man. He definitely peaked I'm high school and can't let it go.


Funny how he boasts he quit his college football career to come on this show, but a quick google search shows he never played a single game in college due to multiple ACL surgeries and had to retire from football. I don't think it's possible to be washed up and bitter at 21 since life is so long and has so many different paths, but 432 is doing a good job at proving that wrong.


Haha seriously. "I dropped put to be on the show." Did you? Or did you drop out and just happen to now be on the show?


The grandma absolutely taking a dump on the sassy annoying guy for not taking her apples was hilarious


The hero we all needed


I know people will say 432 but when he was in the episodes it entertaining more. 179 and 229 pisses me off ngl. So those two for sure and 161.


161 432 179


Yup, 161 for sure.


Everyone hates 432


I don't. Made the show more entertaining.


Speak for yourself hun. I loved every second of him. Meanwhile, there's a guy running around literally saying he has no morals and does whatever he wants, but that's ok. Lol. Make it make sense.




jada (i think her name was)- sassy for whatšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ italian dude- idk if it was just me or he was kinda fake and had pick me vibes and 229 along with 432 who we all h8, a pair of POSā€™! NO EXPLANATION NEEDED LMAO


Yup. 161. Couldnā€™t stand him, super arrogant. Also for unfairly taking more food and stashing them. and then begging others for more food. WTF was that all about? could have starved a player.


Yes Lorenzo was the Italian dude. 161. Couldnā€™t stand himā€¦ so arrogant lol


432, 179, rude British guy. Donā€™t know number


The scouse guy on the phone?


the guy who was taking food and dressed up in a weird doll outfit in interviews? if so i thought he was french?


I honestly wish 432 had stayed around as the "villain" for much longer. He was somewhat entertaining and just a young arrogant guy who liked to talk trash. The unlikeable people in the spotlight now feel like their actions are coming from a more genuinely hateful and malicious place. And they aren't even embracing their antagonist role like 432. They straight up think they are heroes and underdogs.


432 is insecurity and hypocrisy incarnate. He was threatening to hurt outsole, constantly talking down to people, and just generally unkind while preaching about Jesus every 5 minutes.


Really, threatening someone with violence is trash talking? I loved watching that bitch get knocked out by something he had no control over


Same as you except hamburglar instead of 179. As for 229 to vote out Rick was confusing. Is she really threatened by this sweet old man? I was rooting for Rick and Stephen šŸ˜‘


I was rooting for them too šŸ˜­


229, Burger Snatcher and the other black "Boss" woman who has a very loud mouth.


229 and the burger bandit some foul ass ppl fr love these shows yall see what ppl really are about


Burger Bandit šŸ˜‚


I'm surprised that no one has called her the "Hamburglar" yet.


wasnt she the one that shamed that guy for going back and getting seconds of the shitty rice. called him a food snatcher too, the irony is insane lmao


I hate that boss woman. She thinks she runs a prison gang


432 and 161


The Italian guy who hates apples, the frat boy jock dude, the woman with a huge ego who thought she was a strong player because she was the first to voted for someone who was gonna get voted out anyway, the redneck mullet and the one who sent the old man home


The Indian dude who picked up the phone was so stupid, it was obvious the first time was just to build trust to bait the second time, and even after he picked it up his strategy to get someone else to pick it up was so stupid, he acted way too enthusiastic/desperate for someone ELSE to get a cupcake when he already showed he was kinda selfish to the others. He coulda stayed in if he just said "They said I can't pick it up twice in a row" or something like that in a calm demeanor (sorry I used this to rant but that guy's stupidity really pissed me off)


An easy way out for him would have been pretending ā€œ#432! Iā€™m calling you out! This phone says I have a one on one challenge with someone and Iā€™m calling you out! Then, when he walks up to him, pretend to hear the instructions from the caller. And then hand the phone to 432 for his ā€œinstructions. ā€œ Done.


Yeah, I was thinking just say "yeah"...."mmmm"...."ok" and then say something along the lines of "I nominate 432!" and motion for him to come to the phone.


Yeah that's a smart idea, but who the hell thought it was a good idea to go around looking like you won the lottery, telling people to go claim their cupcake, of all things why a cupcake? I mean if I looked like that at THAT game, it would be because I got the food, not some random person (unless I was close to them). At least look a little disappointed that you didn't get a cupcake yourself if you're gonna use that strategy (299 I think it was). He could've also added like "ugh, come get your stupid food you food thieves," and add something about how they get rewarded for stealing food.Funny thing is 432 indirectly got him out by threatening him because the thought of getting him eliminated made him go pick up the phone.


The woman who took the guyā€™s hamburger really got me


229 literally ruined the show. Got rid of the one person with an advantage. Producers set the entire thing up just for him to get eliminated. Jack in the box winners should have been protected. Unfair that first guy wasn't able to eliminate 229. But 229 can take out a person that just jacked the box?!? Also. They sent old man and the young kid into the kitchen to practice that game. Boom. Instantly gone.


229 for sure after what she did at the start of ep 5.


I think itā€™s more her motivation. She hated them for simply being men


Exactly, she literally said sheā€™s ā€œtired of seeing male alliancesā€. I have a personal vendetta for that pos. Gets so lucky and says itā€™s what her daughter would want. Shut the fuck up and drink donkey piss 229, your daughter is too young to have an ass backwards view of the world like you.


Whatā€™s worse is she was a self-proclaimed observer. If she had wanted to join their group, theyā€™d have been down for it Iā€™m sure.


And the sad part for me is all of them have 1 thing in common ( i also have that thing in common with them just so yall dont call me racist).


079 Jada the Burger Thief


mine are 097 (jada : burger thief) 161 (lorenzo : the negative person also the food thief) 179 (chaney : she was very arrogant)


you know what i change it instead of 179 i am putting 229, they was no reason to eliminate 232


I hate that Jada snatched the burger after judging Italian dude for taking two containers of food saying ā€œI would NEVER do thatā€


All of them suckā€¦ all the crying all the fake we family and friends bsā€¦ the fake religious ppl and the non religious ppl all sucked


Number 278 was tripping, playing the victim after the son jumped 3 times on the glass game.


I hate Ashley for not moving on the glass. What an asshole


278!!!! She did not take her turn and let Tray sacrifice himself for the group!!! And then she gets all self righteous and hateful towards 287 (Mai) for nominating her in the dice game, which is so insanely hypocritical in my opinion. AND to top it all off she LIED about what she did and actually claimed she had taken her turn which she 100% DID NOT DO!! UGHHHHHH


Could not stand Player 229 constant crying!


Iā€™d choose exactly those same 3 players as the OP. I feel like 179 and 229 are out and out racist against whites and asians. 179 chose the Asian doctor when he didnā€™t do anything at all. Hope they both fall flat on their face. Another thing about this game: the original Dquid Games was a Korean drama. Why on earth does this show have token asian people. There isnā€™t a single Asian person where they go in detail about their life or give them screen time. Theyā€™re just filler contestants who get eliminated. Is this the same low-key racism where they think Asians are boring math nerds who are quiet and need to be hidden from view?


229 for voting out my favorites just cuz she doesn't like it when men are friends and having fun fr....


Same, such a misandrist pos. She can swallow cow patties.


432 161 229 299 101


How can you hate 299, he seems genuinely nice and he took the hard cookie so that people could stop being eliminated.


Agree. Spencer (299) was bullied and peer pressured into taking the umbrella shape. My petty self would have just refused and let 432 and the other 2 get eliminated with me


299 was weak and ultimately his weakness cost his team. He was more a villain than the bully in that moment because one helped his team and the other doomed it... That being said 229 is the worst by far. Once she eliminated mullet there was zero reason to target the old man. She just hated that he was white and a man.


033 she always needs to be ā€œ in chargeā€. Thank god she is eliminated.


i cant choose 3 but ill give you 4 lol. 432, 179, 229 and 161


Lorenzo # 161 is so rude. But I love his crochet šŸ§¶ outfit. Where can I find one? Also I canā€™t get into this show because I think every ā€œchallengerā€ is actually an actor. But itā€™s interesting to say the least Edit: name


That douchebag that dressed like a flower. 161 I think


OP said it best. Other than the fact that 95% of the spotlit cast are absolute trash human beings, the following is a quick pick. 161 097 179 229 ā€”ā€” I donā€™t get the hate for 432. Heā€™s just obscenely arrogant.


229 is a biatch


229 - voted 232 out for no reason. 179 - giving me a mean girl vibe in high school


097 - hamburglar 179 - egotistical 229 - misandrist 161 - annoying


I donā€™t like 161 he was very rude , I donā€™t like Jada bc why are you stealing burgers and 432 for obvious reasons


Jada, for stealing a burger after shaming lorenzo for doing the same. DONT.FUCK.WITH.OTHER.PEOPLE.FOOD! Phalasia for eliminating granpa e mullet boy. She was very brave to do that, ill give her that. But she eliminated two fan favorites, so f\*ck her. grandma is starting to annoy me with her plot armor Now, some unpopular opinion: 432 was annoying, but he served so much entertainment. Ppl like him are essential to reality shows. But i think that he crossed the line when he threatened that phone guy. Gave me "I peaked in high school" vibes and that was very uncalled for. Other than that, he was a good villain. Same for Lorenzo and that girl who calls herself smart and pretty. They are both Incredibly annoying, but they are so entertaining to watch. The fact lorenzo didnt want to eat the apples like they were poisoned or something was so funny lol


Gotta add freaking 229 for the list for sending home the old man and his friend šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬


And cry alot for self called strong person


the person who took the whole burger - i am actually disgusted by that


That what me and my fam called her, a "burger girl"


161 is Italian, and I know that kind of person very, very well. Didn't like him from the beginning and he would have eventually turned into a real issue. That said, he would not have been in the too three. 432 was the obvious douchebag. And he deserved to go away. That said, I never say him as threatening. Too overconfident for no ood reason, and he kept lying. "I dropped out to come here"? STFU, man. 176 is scary and she would be my first pick if I could kick someone out. 229 is as dumb as they come and kinda obnoxious. She also deserves to be kicked out. Jada is insufferable, not unlike 161, but not a threat. I would not kick her out. The guy who picked up the phone was constantly trying to cause trouble. Incredibly annoying. 229, 176 and the guy who picked up the phone.


What really made me upset was when player 198 got his hamburger and fries and everyone started grabbing off his tray and taking his shit, that really pissed me off.


Can we also talk about how much people cry on this show? Like why? Also everyone talking about ā€œbest person Iā€™ve met in my whole lifeā€ huh? Youā€™ve known each other for a week. Calm down.


Oh my GOD the incessant crying made me want to punch through people.šŸ¤£


Just saying all I hated, not just 3. 432 - Bryton (no explanation needed) 161 - Lorenzo (no explanation needed) 229 - Phalisia (voted 2 people simply because of their gender) 278 - Ashley (cost Trey to be out and then gaslit Mai) 065 - Dylan (too stubborn for words, just an ass) I will say Tim (382) had a reasonable argument, though he spoke unnecessarily harshly. Also didnā€™t think Chaney (179) was as bad as 229. Of all, Ashley is the worst, she broke the team spirit that got Trey out. Didnā€™t even make sense for her to do it, since she was still going to have to do it eventually. Then the rest of the remaining players forget what she did and then go after Mai for trying to get her out. In Maiā€™s position I would have done the same because I sure wouldnā€™t trust her to nominate herself in the dice game.


I honestly don't think she would've nominated herself. And she didn't! She just got an easy cop out to nominate mai! But had mai not nominated Ashley, I truly believe Ashley would've nominated someone else! Just like the glass.


The black lady who cries every fucking episode whoā€™s supposed to be a strong independent woman, lol who eliminated the old man, who lost at marbles. That bitch was annoying


179 / Chaney. One of the most toxic and unbearable women Iā€™ve ever seen


unpopular but 302 really got on my nerves because how was she so empathetic towards 432 being an absolute asshole to everyone in the dorm just to then essentially get 161 eliminated because he didn't take her apples? That was very nonsensical on her part


she didn't vote her because he didn't take the apples, she voted him out because he had no reason to say he doesn't want the apples out loud, he would've just declined and went away, he has no reason to do that. ALSO The way he went towards 302 to then "Check" the number because he couldn't "remember her number" that is so pathetic.


179 - chaney, the bitch that thinks sheā€™s beautiful and powerful and is acting like she runs a prison gang 229 - phalyisia the misandrist that hated on gganbu gang for just being a bunch of guys and even broke them up 097 - jada the hamburglar for obvious reasons. Edit: Iā€™m just now realising theyā€™re all black women.. which is unfortunate. But they really didnā€™t come across well - I also hated Italian guy and 432 gym bro and hate the mother and son. Edit: wellā€¦. Episode 6 was fun šŸ˜ˆ


ikr how can 179 call someone 'entitled' lol


179 is so ugly and immature 229 stupid biatch


Burger snatcher 198 Girl who eliminated 232 and 243


229 is pretty disgusting


229 is the by far the worst. Notice how most people who wanted others eliminated, it was either strategic or out of revenge. 229 eliminated purely because they're men. Especially after her comment on how she dislikes seeing men come together like that. Uncalled for eliminations.


229 was by far my least favorite


432 161 229 229 is an a hole for eliminating one of the best duo in the game. 161 is an a hole for being rude to the person tryna give apples, the way bro went to her to check her number is very pathetic. 432 drake a$$ lookin mf, he just feels like the main character, he lost the gayest way possible LMAO.




So many people are either terrible or really depressed, it's hard to watch. Everyone who mobbed 198, cheeseburger guy, were assholes.


You nailed it, but my rankings are reverse. 229,179,432




179 432 229


Starting from the worst 1. 229 2. 432 3. 179 Distant 4th - 141


229. 179. 229. ​ I absolutely could not stand 229, 179 and 432 were annoying, but 229 took the list when she brought her feminist hatred into it.


179 was a high key bitch


Couldnā€™t stand 278 I knew she was gonna be a problem , showed it at the bridge episode especially, Trey shouldnā€™t have been eliminated like that as there was a plan in motion


I hate 278 shes so annoying. Idk how the other players are siding with her.


278, Girl who didnā€™t jump on the bridge and then expected everyone else to go in front. Then turned around and played victim to the remaining group. 161, The annoying and rude ass Italian dude.


Dash 141 he tried sneaky tactics then got eliminated but left like he'd just won the game and outed some snakes Ashley 278 was a coward in the bridge game then talked tough after hamburglar


Haha.... Yea, he's like "I never lied".... Uhhhh bro, we just watched you do it 5 minutes ago


I legit donā€™t hate anyone more than 278. What she did to Trey was unforgivable. Sheā€™s just a little hypocrite šŸ¤¬


432 - Just an arrogant narcissist 161 - Rude Asshole 278 - Didn't team play and then played the victim.




179 was the worst by far.


278 because shes a rat. Looks like one too. She acts so civil and righteous when she was the reason why Trey was dun. Mai did the right thing got attempt to eliminate her. 278 if you ever see this, you are a disgrace.


278 an absolute trash human. Why am i not surprised she is a "civil rights investigator?" Self victimizing mind set.


I freaking despise Ashley. she's so annoying. she had the damn audacity to get mad at Mai for nominating her when she clearly said "f the group" during glass bridge. Also dislike Phalisia for breaking up Stephen and Rick cuz they were my favorite duo. Then Bryton (432) was just egotistical




278 makes 161, 229, and 432 look neutral. Sheā€™s the worst! Every time sheā€™s on the screen I throw up a little.


Ashley. Canā€™t remember her number and I donā€™t care.


Fk player 229


Chaney (picking on the doc for no good reason other than she found him arrogant for trying lead) Dylan (stubborn marbles guy; imagine getting eliminated because the person you're playing with takes you down with them because of spite -- I wanted to wring his neck!!) Unpopular opinion, but Rick (old guy who seemed like the producers were feeding him Korean knowledge tidbits to throw in like with gganbu and the ddakji. It was so cringe to me whenever someone referenced gganbu gang)


Mine are: \- 278 (so selfish and self centered) \- 161 (rude af and so entitled) \- 393 (Uses the sympathy card. Her using sign language out of nowhere after discussing it with the older guy doesn't make sense to me)


432 161 the puker


Ngl I kinda liked 161. I got the vibe that he was just hamming up his persona for the camera, almost to the point of trolling. 432 on the other hand just seems like a full-on douche bag even in real life. The puker was just a young kid with anxiety who should never have done the show to begin with.


Wrong move to be rude to the old lady.


I told my gf this. Never be. Mean to the mom of the group. Her kids will rally behind her so quick.


I honestly pitied him, but he wasn't suitable to join this game.


Omg the PUKER šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


229 is genuinely so dumb lol. She targeted two dudes who were middle of the pack as far as skill tbh but had a ton of friends. Thatā€™s a good way to get yourself targeted heavy lol. Just let that group slowly lose members through the games not from your public vote.


432 actually gets too much hate imo. Keep in mind. Its an American show. They made 432 the villain, but in reality, i think there were maybe a few people who just disliked him. He is cocky, he is competitive, but he never outright acted like a jerk. I know frat boy isnt exactly a terrible thing to say, but its the tone and intention behind it that set him off, which is understandable. He explained he had no father, he is a little insecure, is all. There is no players in there deserving of hate except for all the food hoarders. The italian stealing extra food, not knowing if there would be leftovers, burgerstealing girl, and frankly, everyone who ripped the guys fries. Dont mess with peoples food.


You saw the nasty side of 432 when he cornered 198 for referring to him as a fratboy and said basically he would beat him up if they were outside the show. In that joking but not actually totally joking way. There was also that sly smile after he shook Spencer's hand saying he would help with umbrellas and then when the decision was locked in the Squid Game voice said teams can't help each other. The way he smiled showed he definitely enjoyed the moment of fucking over Spencer on more than just a gameplay level. That said he also had vulnerable and more introspective moments so I don't think he's an evil person but he definitely did outright act like a jerk at times.


I **really really** hope you drop the "He explained he had no father" line. Enough people without father figures still act like good, mature, generous human beings despite that. It's not a valid excuse.


He also went on to say that he doesn't even trust his own mother because she's 'too white' for him - anyone saying stuff like that definitely has problems.


He didnā€™t say she was too white for him. He pointed out that he loved her, but sheā€™d never understand what itā€™s like to be him or how to handle it. He is very much correct.


It's actually a British TV show just saying.


432 literally physically threatened someone day 1. He seems to be extremely insecure and the hypocrisy of constantly preaching about Jesus while showing no compassion for anyone other than himself is disgusting.


432 was the only entertaining person on the show




I thought 141 was genuine !




179 is sensitive baby I can tell


Unpopular opinion and i am sorry: But I cannot stand 301 and 302 - they just annoy me so much 141 And the burger girl too


What did mom and son do to you????


The son seems pretty chill, but I hate how the mother faked being offended when someone saw through their sliced apples trick. On a larger scale, I hate their special treatment, like how the mother was one of the first to vote against a player. It seems unlikely she was first to that spot in the line. Smells like producer meddling.


To your last point, the producers added more time to the clock so that the mom could finish Red Light Green Light, [according to contestants interviewed by Rolling Stone.](https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-features/netflix-squid-game-reality-show-cruel-rigged-inhumane-contestants-say-1234672474/)


The apple thing did seem very scripted. But I really didn't like 171 anyway.


I was most annoyed with 299 (I think) AKA the cryer/puker AKA WTF are you doing choosing umbrella? He didn't use his competitors personalities against themselves. He should have placed his hand on triangle and just stayed there instead of allowing himself to be punked into choosing umbrella. He was going against 432. There is no way 432 would have just allowed himself to be "killed" because the 4 couldn't agree on shapes. He would have ultimately chosen umbrella if only because it would give him a competitive fighting chance as opposed to just being immediately eliminated. Instead 299 tried to be Mr. motivational savior and told everyone to lick someone else's cookie and ended up being responsible for probably 95% of the people in his line being eliminated.


179 229 302 I think she will eliminate her son.