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No, they're just being nosey, plus what's in the bag, squirrel treats maybe? Trust me, these guys look very friendly, they don't see you as a threat, if they did they'd be squaking and shaking their tails, so feed them something organic like broccoli, kale, walnuts, pecans, filberts. Where are you from, our red squirrels are small and don't have long ear hair, I would love to have them!!!!!! You are one lucky man, just keep in mind all of God's creations have souls! I'm not a Bible thumping fanatic but I just love all creatures big and small, treat them all with love and kindness. The rewards out weigh everything else. As I said...you are one very lucky man!! They are way kool!


Great film. Great beasts. 


A lot of their play is about predator evasion. If they play on you like that they trust you and want you in their group. 


The other squirrels told that one: ![gif](giphy|YYRkVlmqo11MA)


they are just playing around 😌


Squirrels are very loyal. I have six squirrels. My fox squirrels are Gibils, Emma and Fuzzy. My grey squirrels are Petey, Grayson, and Dixon. Petey guards my door when I am running errands. My fox squirrels are all therapy babies. They sit with me and I talk about my day. Little sponges listening to everything better than any psychologist.


You pissed off the squirrels Morty. Great going. ![gif](giphy|1USKMDPjuH4ovL7J5h)


Lmao that one just went charging at ya


Lol.. gotem good 👍


![gif](giphy|xT9IgLOFX5qD9qqYUg|downsized) Well I mean your friend is holding a little tree. 😂 you were just its stairway to heaven! ✌️


Lol no. Not attacked. Part of what ever game the kids are playing.


No, you did not get attacked. I can tell you from firsthand experience that squirrels think of us as "a different kind of tree". But a tree, nonetheless. While likely siblings, those four squirrels are at the very beginning age of asserting dominance over one another. Eventually, one will "own" that tree they were all on, and the other will be pushed away. You can see a bit of "squaring off" behavior at the very start of your video.   So, the behavior you're seeing there is the squirrels checking to see if you're a suitable tree to climb, and then retreating to the familiar tree when you move "in a strange way". But then the last squirrel, sensing that he's not going to have a place on the familiar tree decides to chance it with "the strange tree" (you) and see if it can find a perch somewhere on you. When you panicked and started wriggling, it realized that was a mistake, gets off of you and keeps going in search of a safer place. Had you been able to stand very still, it'd likely perched on your shoulder and the other might have followed suite.   So, it's not that they were trying to be vicious (even though their razor sharp claws always hurt and scratch), it's that they are still unfamiliar with the world and were testing you out to see if you'd make a good tree to climb.


Thank you for the insight, that is VERY interesting. I’ve never thought about it that way


The one squirrel turned around and said to the others, "I bet none of you have the balls to crawl up that humans leg!" While the others were like, game on! In the end, only one had the balls.


Dude are you ok? That was viciously adorable!


They’re exploring the world outside their home tree. You’re just another tree to them.


No, you got climbed like the walking tree that you are.


her friend was literally holding a baby tree lolol


Ha! I missed that, so it's even funnier.


You got attacked with cuteness 😲


Those were babies asking for food/playing.


Well if you bring them food they will remember you forever and may even follow you home. They have very good memories. And they never forget. You might have some new friends


I went back and didn’t find them, I walk by there frequently so I’ll try to put some stuff out for them


Oh I'm sure they'll be around and you'll see them again.


I really think they were just trying to play with you. Because if they were attacking you they would have all done it at one time and they would not have stopped. When a squirrel attacks, is relentless and they don't stop. So yeah, I think they're just trying to play with you. They're curious to see what you had. And they run up and down. You like that because that's what mine do. They're just playing. And besides they didn't bark or fuss at you before they started. So that's a good sign. I think they were playing with you.


Squirrels in my park are very self-confident and bold. Every now and then somebody is screaming in surprise because a squirrel has just jumped onto their butt from the tree and now demands nuts 🤣


That’s interesting, thank you for the insight! All the squirrels I see in my garden etc are always really shy, so I just assumed that the one had bad intentions when it jumped onto me. I’ll see if I can find them again and bring them some food to apologize for leaving :D


They were 4x FAFO 😆


Curious I think They seem like youngins, I know first hand how feisty reds can be! But I think they may have been curious and just climbed you like a tree lol


The squirrel version of "hey do you have games on that phone?"


I might be completely wrong, especially since I’m not familiar with the red type, but they seem to be fairly young, still babies. I think they were just curious and being playful. They may not be very aware of how to behave in public just yet. 😆🥰


idk man that behavior of tugging on pants usually means they were asking for help, but its usually not an entire crew at once doing it... . they look kinda young


Damn really? I left after this because I got kind of spooked by the one climbing on top of me :/. I’ll take a look later


Maybe go back with some nuts, you’ll make new friends!


Haha i definitely will try!


Keep us updated if you do! Reds are awesome once they get to know you 🥹♥️


I walked by there again and didn’t see them again :(. But luckily this is on my way to work so I will try to always put some food out when I come by there. I really hope I see them again :D


You won’t regret it 😉


yeah.... it's usually a last resort type of behavior, asking for help, going against all insticts, out of desperation i wonder what happened to their mom/the nest, probably from the same litter, they have juvenile faces, but the tails tell me they aren't THAT young