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Note: the photos at the top of the page were taken, immediately after I caught him, while he was in the humane trap/cage. I was trying to capture a photo of his jaw and teeth but sadly not visible in these photos. But you can see that he is unable to close his mouth fully due to the over grown teeth.


You did the right thing, thank you for helping him. They deserve kindness and love. You did good.


Thank you ❤️


I think you made the right call OP. the squirrel will adapt to it's new life over time. Will it live in the aviary only? Or will it be able to run around a larger enclosed area? How big is the aviary?


I’m guessing the squirrel will live in the aviary only. It’s seems quite large. I’m bad as estimating sizes so couldn’t give you dimensions. The rehabber has a couple of other squirrels (kept in separate aviaries), ferrets in another cage, rabbits, chickens, and regularly collects hedgehogs and other small mammals and takes to the vet and in most cases rereleases.


You saved the life of another being today, one that had no hope without your help. That is an amazing thing, a thing to be proud of.


Thank you ❤️


Your situation is tough, and it's one of the situations I just do not want to be in. I know someone will always say, "but blah blah is treatable!" and the answer is yes, something like this is treatable, but 0.000001% of the population is willing to take this one, taking on the squirrel and trimming it's teeth every few months. Just not going to happen. So that's when things lean towards option #2, and that's putting them down. If it's humane - then I'm all for it. I don't know how they do it, but like I said, if it means the squirrel dies peacefully and doesn't have to suffer any more pain, then it's the right thing to do. From your update, though, it doesn't say exactly what's going to happen to the squirrel. Will they occasionally trim it's teeth? If so, that's great, but if they've just prolonged the agony, then that's not great.


They're taking the squirrel to the vet so I should find out the full details next week. Maybe the vet will file down the teeth every couple of months or surgery to remove them. I'll chase them up to find out exactly what is planned.


Tbh, I don’t think that woman gives a rat’s ass about the welfare of that squirrel. Sounds to me like she was just looking for a confrontation because she saw someone else doing something good, rather than her herself. Thank you for helping the sweet little squirrel! You’re very much appreciated over here in the squirrel community.


Thank you for your kind words. I really appreciate the kindness and support this forum has given. ❤️


You’re most welcome! Keep it up. As long as you’re doing what you’re doing with a good heart, which I have no doubt you are, then you are already doing more than most. 🥰


It's difficult doing the right thing but it's better then turning a blind eye and looking the other way. I just keep thinking about the 'what ifs'. I'm a natural worrier - always second guessing and questioning my decisions.


Agreed. OP is a hero and an outstanding human being. The other lady can hit a cactus


HAHAHAHA omg 😭 poor cactus


Have you seen the cactus in Arizona. Trust me, that lady doesn't stand a chance. ![gif](giphy|P6Pt8lZw7BiQo)


LOL 🤣 Thanks again that made me laugh 😂


Glad I could help. I was going to say a bus or a double Decker, but I figured I would keep it all on a PG rating ha.


You’re doing good.


Thank you ❤️


First of all, thank you for doing that. Secondly, I'd say we set up a donation fund or GoFundMe or something for that rehabber. To help make sure that the rehabber stays up and running. And lastly, people just need to mind their own business. People forget that we should just let the animals die naturally, but it's humans that interfere with their actual natural life so we should help if we interfere with it. Thank you though for what you've done.. I appreciate you More than you know. Please let us all know what you need to help keep that rehabber up and going.


Thank you for your kind words and support. Unfortunately public funding for the rehaber isn't possible due to reasons I'm unable able to discuss in a public forum. However a local wildlife charity can step in if the property has to be sold for whatever reason. So I'm hoping that the situation isn't as dire as I fear.


I am all about doing whatever it takes to help those little ones. I am good with keeping it underground or just send money to the rehabber directly because of hard times. Oh and you are awesome. You kick the hind parts like chuck Norris rounds houses a side of a skyscraper.


Thank you again for your support. I'm fairly certain there isn't any immediate cause for worry for the rehabber in the immediate months to come. I will provide funding for the boys vet bills and a little towards food and general care so I'll keep a close eye on the situation.


Well, I am going to follow you. If you need help, we will help you. Just say the word.


Thanks ❤️


Here to help am I