• By -


Mag Boots. I love the zero g sections but a pair of mag boots that could be activated on the fly would be great.




even cooler if we could change the polarity and walk on the ceiling.


Yes!!! As a stealth character, I've always wanted to do that!


Have you tried the Earthbound power? It's not quite mag boots, but it does let you set the gravity to 1 at will.


1. Random Crowd NPCs need better / non-ugly models 2. A jetpack that can fly... Like permanently.... Maybe with some fuel system etc. 3. As many as possible hand crafted new POIs


Starwars NPCs would be a cool one, like the aliens and stuff


Its already done pc:https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/8518 xbox:https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/3645c420-9ddc-4182-b5b2-ac57a0e10e2f/Star\_Wars\_Aliens


I see that is a very popular request.. :) But I am sadly not interested in anything star wars related šŸ™ˆ


the jetpack one is there on nexus, for a longer time. maybe go there and request author posting it on creation club too


1. Nice looking npcs. 2. More and more skins


2 things that are a bit ambitious, but the core ideas are simple: - a proper alternate start (not a fast start): You start with a ship and a loadout in one of the major hubs. To kickstart the main quest you need to interact with an argos booth and this takes you to the mining operation in vectera (game starting sequence). Until then the lodge is locked. - a fuel system for ships based on mining minerals on planets (RNG yield of fuel per type of rock). Fuel can also be restocked at spaceports. When you break a rock the fuel is automatically added to your ship, even if the rock itself is stored as a resource for other stuff. This invisible fuel counter is consumed only when you warp from star system to star system, and maybe a full tank in a small ship is good for 10-20 warps (counting the trail of systems to get to the distant area, even if you make it in a single loading screen. What counts is the actual distance). Larger class ships = larger tanks.


Alternate start with a start without a ship would be cool too. Id love to have to find a way to get off my starting planet. Even if its a no man's sky tyoe start where your ship is crashed and you need to gather ressources to fix it before leaving.


Yesssss (or kotor on taris :p)


that would be sweet, however it would require a more experienced modder to pull off. By just giving us this basic set up (similar to skk's fast start, but adding the argos booth and locking the lodge) you basically get an alternate start without dealing with too many variables. It would have to be a different ship from the frontier to not mess with the intro sequence, though.


These sound like awesome ideas. I'd like an overhaul to ship mining in general. Much like you can just use a gun to mine on ground, they should have mining lasers to mine in space and maybe even attach a fuel scoop and have you be able to fly to gas giants and scoop fuel from them. Honestly just anything to make mining in space more immersive than, look a rock, shoot rock. Profit? A more out there idea, but I'd love rate asteroids that you'd have to space walk to get to and mine manually. Maybe even have a mod for mag boots to allow you to walk on the asteroid.


More POIā€™s. Just more POIā€™s


NASA MUSEUM (RE-OPEN MOD) Does anyone know if it would be possible to make a mod which reopens the nasa museum on earth? After you do the quest the entire structure collapses inside and you can no longer enter it. Would be cool if you could go back after instead of it being destroyed.


Totally doable given everything is already there. At its most simple it would be a matter of just "door" back in.


I am a simple xbox man A mod that only tracks missing resources not all of them including the ones I have enough of.


Detachable starborn suit helmets, for Xbox. Would be cool imo be able to remove the helmet, set it down, etc and see your characters face without feeling like you're sealed into the suit More violence, also for Xbox. Something like fallout 4


Even if we could make our helmets clear like the emissarys and hunters when they reveal their identities would be cool.


I am pretty sure there is a mod for transparent visors for the star born armour


Yey more violence sounds goodšŸ˜ˆ Probably a dismemberment system like from fallout im assuming you mean correct?


closest ive found is the starborn mantis replacer which i really like but i need to delete and reinstall it everytime i quit the game and the holstered weapon sometimes bugs out


Oh you can take off the helmet? Cool but if it's having those issues I'd rather wait


Don't know how feasible any of this is cause I don't know anything about modding so just throwing ideas out there. Better swampland and river generation. Make it actually feel swampy. Need proper rivers. Wearable npc outfits that work with body morphs. A way to save and load your character as a preset. Possibly even with a character browser so you can download other people's. The "ideal" follower. Customize face and perks. Maybe you find them in some abandoned clone factory? Romance options for non-Constellation members! Edit: A mod that increases the density of forests/jungles (and only those) Some way to re-allocate skill points.


A mod that allows you to change the skin of your starborn suit to any of the ones you've previously had. A terminal that allows you to turn gravity off on your ship.


Love this idea! I grinded for the Venator and now I kinda hate it haha


My favourite is the Avitas from ng+9. I didn't want to go to ng+10 and lose it, but I also wanted myself as a companion, which I didn't get anyway haha.


I'd love some radio stations like we had in Fallout. Like different star systems have different radio stations or maybe there are communications beacons that retransmit it. Maybe it could play by having a computer core hab installed on your ship. Perhaps having Amelia Earhart on your ship could unlock some big band swing that happens on your ship. Or even religious talk stations based on Va'ruun, Universal, and Enlightened.


1. Diving underwater. 2. Eyebrow piercings. 3. (Might not be possible) but I'd love for the gravjump animation to extend into the loading screen


Just more stuff to do in space with your spaceship. Exploration, combat etc. I really want to feel like an interstellar captain.


Remake the Red Mile to be something more than it is now with radiant quests and random hostile npcs trying to take you out


Mod wish list: * "Place Everywhere" equivalent. * Object renamer. * Preview ship interiors from the ship builder menu. * Ship builder items to force placement/nonplacement of doors and ladders. * Cargo hall and storeroom habs add cargo. * Infirmary habs have a console that lets you clear afflictions. Variant 1: resting in an infirmary hab bed clears afflictions. Variant 2: crew with Medicine skill let you clear afflictions. * Science lab habs give a bonus to scanning (e.g. increased chance to reveal traits when scanning). * Crafting can pull from containers on your ship (like it currently pulls from the cargo hold, but links containers/crates too). * Crafting in an outpost can pull from containers in that outpost (like it currently can from solid/liquid/gas/warehouse storage, but also all small containers/crates). * Placeable faction mission boards. * Placeable mission boards in ships. * A computer that has a menu that lets you access multiple mission boards and bounty terminal from a single screen. * Fix nonfunctional galleys in empty ship habs. * Outpost hab interior doors and bathrooms. Privacy please! * Non-airlocked outpost hab entrances buildable on Goldilocks planets like Jemison, Akila, etc. * More variety of 2-level outpost habs. * Outpost scan boosters work planetwide.


[Cargo is Cargo at Starfield Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/9584) * Cargo hall and storeroom habs add cargo. [Functional Ship Infirmaries at Starfield Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6386) * Infirmary habs have a console that lets you clear afflictions. Variant 1: resting in an infirmary hab bed clears afflictions. Variant 2: crew with Medicine skill let you clear afflictions. [Outpost More Mission Boards at Starfield Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6695) * Placeable faction mission boards. * Placeable mission boards in ships.


Wish I could upvote more than once. Thanks!


Ships needing to refuel, either at ship technicians, fuel depots or resourcing it yourself. Volcanoes! Lava flows! Waterfalls!


Engineering habs with grav drives / reactors inside them. Better / more lighting for outposts. Making weather events on planets more common. Ability to set up a temporary shelter on a planet, like camping. More frequent boarding attempts against your ship while in space. Better rewards from all mission boards. Just more / leveled credit rewards from them. Wearable skill patches like were in the previews from before release. Expanded favorites with more slots. Also, please can someone smarter than me fix Star UI?


Skill patches like the ones on Sarah's spacesuit would be awesome because then it'd be like a real spacesuit


1) Enemy encounters spawn mod for xbox. A mod that allows players to spawn groups of enemies close by the player. It can allow for roleplay and to populate outposts/ abandoned areas with enemies to fight. Edit: for anyone wondering there is now a mod for this. It's called SKK Stalkers and Followers by SSKmods. Thanks so much SSKmods https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/fa137609-e3e4-4ae0-b23a-ac52fd0ff755/SKK_Stalkers_and_Followers 2) More POI/ dungeons for the pool of mission board missions. Will pay for both these mods. A set of 10 new POIs for like a 1000 creation credits would be awesome.


[https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/all?author\_displayname=InquisitorOverhauls](https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/all?author_displayname=InquisitorOverhauls) I have 2 POI on XBOX now: 2 bosses: Mech Overlord and Ramses II, I ported them! <3 In case you wanna test something new!


Hey love your stuff thanks for giving us interesting things. When you say you added 2 POIā€™s, to what are you referring? love the farm add ons btw.


I love all the mods you are pumping into Xbox I just had to thank you for these. Half of my mods list is your mods. Quality content


More items showing on the character would be awesome. I want to see my sidearm and main weapon at once, and a blade. Gore and dismemberment is a big one. Some kind of system to make space travel more interesting, an auto pilot, for example. Self destruct button on ships, buttons and systems on ships that are usable in some way.


Yeah i was thinking the same..i have the boba fett armor mod and I'm mostly a pistol guy so seeing his holster empty all the time is sad


Lean left and Right in combat/while aiming ADS like the Fallout 4 combat mod EVA while in space to dock/float around :)


Didnā€™t read everyoneā€™s responses so this might have been mentioned but a proper dual wield mod for pistols. I think it would work best as a weapon mod that can be crafted


A mod to add all powers, without needing to do the temples.


I'll look into this one. Not making any promises as I'm still learning that part of CK, but this seems... Doable... I think.


I second this! Also, the ability to upgrade your powers without needing to do temples


A "Armistice is Not Peace" mod People with Freestar Collective backgrounds cant join the Vanguard, get citizenship or property in New Atlantis / UC citizens cant join the Rangers or acquire property in Akila. Neither of these guys can get quests from NPCs in these parts that involve them entering public buildings or doing favors for cops or authorities from the opposing faction. Prices are higher in the planet's opposing faction but are slightly cheaper in your planet's faction. EDIT: Also, make it that joining the vanguard or the rangers trigger all these flags, even if the character doesnt have the respective perk (uc citizen, freestar settler).


I know OMB has a mod that can take you straight to Unity but it's only for Xbox. Does anyone have a mod that does the same thing for PC?


The ability to leave our ship and do space walkā€™s and also a reason to be out there , in Star citizen we can force our way into airlocks and move cargo but of course we will have to start slow and do small tasks like repairs to ship or something , if other people like it then get more complex space walks !! Thank you to all modderā€™s for you hard work !!!!


Star lords outfit from guardians


I dont know how feasible this is from a technical standpoint: The planets exteriors are procedural, but the interiors apparently are not. This means stumbling in andreja's mine across 700 planets. I wonder if it is possible to make procedural interiors for caves and outposts in locations that are not tied to quests. I dont mind if they are bland. I just want them to be unique. Hopefully not conflicting with mods that tweaks locations spawns. I use a neat little mod called "desolation" that reduces the number of outposts and human presence the further you get from the main systems. EDIT: If possible, it would be neat to not add mines or smugglers to all types of caves. It would suck to find smugglers in a mine in the fringes of the galaxy, specially since Im running "desolation". Not a dealbreaker, though.


This would be the dream. But right now I would settle for collections of new POIs like a collection of 10 new mines instead of going to the same Andreja's mine


Some weapon skins mods would be much appreciated!


Would love to see the following on Xbox: - Skill Magazine Racks, like the ones from FO4 - Immersive first-person helmet mod, similar to Gas Masks of the Wasteland (FO4) - helmet scratches, dirt, breathing sounds,


I'm gonna be that person: Something like VBB or CBBE for Skyrim.


A set of Doom guy space suits would be nice


Doom guns as well.




Doom praetor 2016 with shoulder grenade launcher and wrist blade for xboxĀ 


More lore friendly weapons, skins and spacesuits is another big one.


I spent most of my evening tinkering with this one and couldn't get it figured out, granted I'm bad when it comes to scripting so someone with more scripting ability would probably have an easier time than I. Fallout 76 has a contextual ammo thing that essentially gives you a chance to find the ammo that is assigned to your current ranged weapon. It specifically looks at the weapon you have equipped and puts THAT ammo in the container.


I know someone made a mod like that for fo4, hopefully we'll see something similar for starfield. I think it's part of the SKK collection of mods.


I don't know how difficult this would be, but I'd love to see actual intelligent aliens in the game. Either as companions, or as a faction, or just random NPCs. Could be some of the races from Star Wars, for example, or some other IP. Just something to make the people we interact with and the game's universe more varied and interesting.


It's already done pc:https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/8518 xbox: [https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/3645c420-9ddc-4182-b5b2-ac57a0e10e2f/Star\_Wars\_Aliens](https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/3645c420-9ddc-4182-b5b2-ac57a0e10e2f/Star_Wars_Aliens)


So, have we got a mod yet that addresses those "on rails" quests, like the one that you need to infiltrate the crimson fleet and cant murder your way out of space interpol? Ideally something that goes beyond just flagging these npc's as not essential. In this example you'd become a wanted criminal and most certainly Sarah wouldnt like it one bit.


This isn't a mod request per-say, but rather a question for you modders put there. How do I add new POIs using CK? I know a good deal of creation kit and enjoy making locations (specifically interior cells), but am struggling with *how* to make them so that they end up on the POI lists. Also, any good way to test to see if they are on the lists? I'd rather not just search randomly until I happen upon mine.


Star wars armor packs on xbox! Clones, Mandos(i know we have two bobas and mando, but iā€™d kill for some deathwatch and shadow mandos), more jedi robes.


Was scrolling through the newly added mods to bethesda in the last day (Console player here), and came across a mod for a restored earth with biomes and an atmosphere. Found here; [https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/9d71a1dc-de10-4839-8952-266915cce020/Earth\_Restored](https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/9d71a1dc-de10-4839-8952-266915cce020/Earth_Restored) by AinsyMods. It looked like a cool idea, but lore wise didnt make sense to put in right away. It got me thinking though, it could use a quest series that leads up to Earth's atmosphere being restored and then repopulated with life. So my thought process was maybe have an older NPC on the generational ship (keeping that general to avoid spoilers) that remembers their grandmother talking of other work efforts on old earth for terraforming research. This could lead to a research facility quest to find the data. Que restoring power, repairing some things, competition from some corporation out to gather the info for themselves to use for nefarious purposes. You bring the data back to the old NPC, now they need a research facility set up on a moon nearby a suitable planet. Que finding and scanning a planet that suits their needs and build a small outpost on the nearby moon for the NPC to move into. (actually making more use of outposts for those that don't really use them). Could put in an alternate of finding an abandoned facility to use as a research outpost. Once moved in, they could have some survey missions to specific planets to fully scan some flora and fauna to repopulate the world with (which will then appear as the ones in the Earth Restored mod). While the outpost gets attacked maybe once or twice by the corporation and either can be repelled or maybe they are able to get away with data or the older NPC researcher. Now you have a rescue mission to follow. Finally you have the mission to seed desolate earth which could be several steps to restore atmosphere, using a special module that needs to be added to you ship. After it's built first using materials you need to gather /build. Maybe then having to install a number of machines to restore water to the planet. Then transporting plant and animal life to it. All while fending off mercs and corporate agents. I unfortunately have no modding abilities, so my ideas are just that and are now tossed out the airlock into the aether.


720p and worse settings with 60fps on series s thank you


For xbox Something that my wife and I thought would be cute and funny, a space cat follower/companion with a little suit/helmet and a built in laser weapon (like what Vasco uses) Maybe customizable color for the cat/spacesuit.


A mod that adds 2 new backgrounds: * UC Vanguard * Freestar Ranger Selecting one of these autocompletes the quests that are necessary to join either of these factions. You start the game already enlisted. Would pair very well with skk fast start.


Evil companionšŸ™


Be able to change where doors and ladders are located inside ship habs. Similar to changing outpost hab windows and walls from inside.


Edit: Sorry my first post and im not being clear to what i want. 1 faction clothing, uniforms, space suits have influence over negotiations 2 faction clothing, uniforms, space suits make npcs react differently depending on location I'm playing the UC Vanguard terramorph quest, on my way to the Freestar Collective to talk to Deputy Macintyre On the way there I put on my Freestar Collective uniform I had collected earlier and during the negation I thought "I'm wearing your peoples clothes because I'm cool with the Freestar Collective." Faction garb can say, add to a positive/negative response. And then that led to an idea that if your wearing Freestar Collective clothes in New Atlantis people should be bug eyed staring at you. But if your wearing UC Vanguard people are more used to seeing you and dont look at you like the vanilla. Maybe a little more immersive having to plan out what faction uniform, clothing item, space suit. What do you think? Is there something like this already? Does it have legs for a mod? How difficult would something like this be for a total Creation Kit noob?


I've been watching a lot of SG1 lately, I'd love to see the weapons, costumes and such brought into the game. It's a shame we've never had a proper Stargate Game.


Agreed. And yeah, I'd love Stargates in Starfield.


We have mods that enable M-class ships or remove size limits on regular ships. To fully utilise these without crushing everything within 200m of landing pads Iā€™d love a mod that adds a shuttle bay module that would transport us up and down from our ship if it is too large for the landing pads. Also, a fighter bay module would be dope. Like the ones in Elite Dangerous that allow you to keep a light fighter on board.


- Change in the inventory system. I think StarUI was the PC one but I understand that Modder stopped updating it. For how much time we spend in the inventory streamlining this would be great. - Intelligent Alien Races. It's hard for to believe we are alone. - POI (More and closer to each other) - Ability to change background and traits in NG+ & reset skills - Something that hides the loading screens - Hide this with some kind of graphic or animation, different landing animations that is not the same every time. - MORE SHIP BRIDGES - I think moving the planets in the solar systems closer so you could fly between them (& it not take hours) would be pretty cool. For immersion being able to fly between planets would be pretty neat I wish I could learn how to help modding honestly. It sounds fun.


Star Wars Xbox mods Hi all, I was just curious as to whether anymore Star Wars mods are in the pipeline for Xbox. Iā€™m a massive Star Wars geek and have been waiting patiently for Creations to come to console so that I can begin my mission of a Star Wars conversion šŸ˜ I already have the Mando/Fett armour installed, Iā€™ve installed the Alien mod to make the crowds more diverse, now I just need lightsabers to complete the job. Star Wars ships and planets will come naturally in time, I just want my damn lightsaber šŸ˜‚ Any response would be appreciated, thanks in advance!


a radio system like Fallout would be sick now that the CK dropped. This one [https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/7670](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/7670) is okay, but the new update broke it.


"Spacer" / localized "faction" names So different star systems would have different named "gangs" Maybe even have rival factions and POIs inspired by said groups


Could we please get a re-color of the Pirate Corsair Spacesuit to be more like the concept art? I love the suit just not the all red coloring personally.


Oh, and there should be a mod that gets rid of all the dead bodies Bethesda seems to love to randomly strew around for no reason.


I'd love to be able to tag bodies for retrieval and returning to their relevant authorities. The UC or FC should offer a reward for returning the remains of their citizens so that they can bury them and such. (it should be easy to determine body faction, right?) I know bodies would quickly fill your hold, so something like placing a retrieval beacon might be better than having us bag them personally. Maybe an NPC at the Jemison Spaceport who flags you down and says "Hey here are a dozen corpse tags, if you place these on a dead body we'll dispatch a crew to come and return their remains to their loved ones. Plus we'll pay you a flat fee, and if they're a citizen their government will kick in a few extra credits. If you need more beacons, stop back in."


Another idea I had that might not be to popular but it would add a different aspect to space travel is like going into "hyperspace" when traveling, and maybe having a short "travel time" between jumps, like the farther the jump distances, maybe like 30-45 seconds travel time in "hyperspace" kind of like in the star wars/Star Trek universe, where space travel requires a few minutes, not an instant arrival.


*Requesting * šŸŒŒ Craft-able Spacesuit Tiers UpgradingšŸŒŒ Hey everyone, just joined the community. Iā€™m on Xbox & I have a simple question/request. I was wondering if there is any Mod that will allow us the ability to upgrade Spacesuit/Weapons from Tier 1 (Common/Gray/White) to Tier 4 (Legendary/Gold) If there is already one for Xbox, I havenā€™t seen it. & if there is one on Nexus, could someone pretty please port it over šŸ˜ Thank you for your timešŸŒŒ


1. Setting appropriate .50 cal heavy machine gun, kinda like an advance looking M2, that uses the .50 cal caseless ammunition and meant to be carried and fired by an individual. I think it should be in the Laredo Arms style, as I think the FSC would be the most likely to employ this kind of weapon, over the more advanced feeling heavy weapon options. Modern life heavy machine guns are too large for an individual to carry and use, but I like the idea of using this to show just how much technology has advanced that a person could conceivably wield by themselves what today would require two people to crew. 2. Power Armor, while something like FO4's power armor would be cool, it could just easily be something more like FO3. When you look at the in game suit designs, some have servos, and some of the upgrades are the kind of technology that would be necessary for someone in setting to build a power armored space suit. However I think its should more ideally be something that makes you a similar bulk to the robots. 3. Expanded hacking skills, I would like to see the player when properly skilled and equipped to be able to remotely: lock/unlock and open/close doors, view security camera and robot sensor feeds, change robot and security gun settings. 4. Improved Gore and Weapon Impact, one of the biggest issues I have with the game is that despite all these technologically advanced weapons the visual impact of weapons aren't distinguishable enough, making the otherwise hightech weapons feel like they're only modern analogs. The weapons need gore, they need more visible impact to let the player know just how advanced and devastating these weapons are supposed to be. Charred, ground beef... ash piles... missing limbs... helmets that are a bloody mess inside. But in less of an extreme, if an enemy takes a shot to the helmet in an area where there isn't atmosphere, even if the shot doesn't kill them they should look like they're scrambling to patch their helmet before then passing out, but we need more of that. 5. Crew assignments, on your ship you should be able to assign quarters, seats, and roles to each of your ships crew members where doing so has an impact on the ship's and crew's performance. 6. Auto-rivet flare launcher, add to the Auto-rivet an alternate fire mode that makes the projectile fired and that imbeds itself into the wall a flare like light source. The tool weapons in general need more utility. 7. Deployable barriers and sentry guns as a kind of mine/grenade.


a mod that removes from the questlog ALL the quests that get added by overhearing NPCs talking in the street. If you overhear the npc's talking about the quest you actually need to pay attention and then seek the actual questgiver yourself


Would it be possible to add a zombie like enemy, Specifically Death Troopers?


Looking for Darth Vader stuff on Xbox. I followed someone's tutorial to make my character look like Hayden Christensen/Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader and I'm looking for iconic Anakin looks plus the Vader armor and lightsabers.


My idea for a mod is either a menu with every area you explored to travel to or a list of planets you've been too that you can organize from a to z. To make going places easier rather than getting lost in the Galaxy map


ā€¢ Ships always land at the landing pad, and always with animations. IE; no fast travel directly from space. ā€¢ Ship parking, where is my fleet? Create extra landing pads at outposts where your non-active ships can be assigned. Perhaps need at least one crew member always assigned to them (but can be changed)? Or maybe that crew member's only job is as a secondary pilot and thus counts as a passenger and not a crew member (hirable custom NPC you find in spaceport bars). ā€¢ MCM in game UI interface. ā€¢ Transfer blueprint so we can share ships more easily


A special perk given to all Aceles so they get lots of extra damage reduction and damage done vs Terrormorphs.


Chunks story/quest line More conflicts between factions that player could/could not intervene with


Vaults on earth and stuff in general on earth from fallout 4 !! Another one more violence, more blood etc . Also my top one in my mind is, the ability to the enemies to board your ship too, i really hope and wish it is possible, i really want play something like this in future


More variety in the Hair styles please. Even if its like Haligerth's hair or wasteland styles. I dont get why Bethesda didnt add more hair styles.


Iā€™m sure itā€™s been requested but any chance of getting lightsabers on Xbox?


A mod that allows me to max out all powers at once on Xbox. Really don't mind the grind just don't want to have to completely start the game over ten times to do it.


A way to export and import ships so you can keep a ship you like to use in every new game you play


More star wars and ship mods for xbox šŸ¤ž


40k mods weapons, armor, etc, To further push a star wars playthrough a mod similar to civil war battles in Skyrim but dogfights as well as land skirmishes between the UC and FreeStar Collective. Aliens/prometheous mods models, ships, armors, Mod introducing bugs from starship troopers as well as weapons and possibly a state of decay esque mod similar to the one in FO4 with ghouls or a tower defense spin for workshops and outposts.


Hey all, is anyone working on creating a ship re-clutter / clutter tool? I've seen somewhere that ship clutter does no longer appear after an update earlier this year. My ships feel bland now and due to all the habs, its a massive pain to place everything manually. Therefore, wanted to request a function which would re-clutter junk on your habs, identically to what Bethesda did before.


Quality of life mods. Faster animations for sitting in pilot seat. Faster animations for airlocks. More mannequins for outposts. Someone please bring a StarUI equivalent over.


Let civilians give exp!! Just killed a few and didn't give me any exp. It's a great farm if it offered exp. Huge exp for constellation members if you can get them to die xD


Empty 1x1 habs.


[Empty 1x1 Habs at Starfield Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/10196)


Eliminating as many unnecessary animations as possible. I'm tired of watching my guy get out of the pilots seat slower than my gran


1. Scopes for Shotguns to pair with slug rounds. 2. more immersive and realistic crafting recipes. Why does 9mm and 7.62mm ammunition need uranium to produce!? Why cant we craft primers and diodes? Why is there so much material waste when crafting?


If you want to test my "Gunsmith Workshop" mod, it lets you craft gunpowder and batteries which you then use to craft vanilla ammo! mod link: [https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/8854?tab=description](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/8854?tab=description)


Iā€™d love a way to add my screen shots to my outposts / ships and stations as wall art.


I think two mods would make this game 100% better: 1 - Make intersystem travels possible. I know there is a mod for that already, but you need to reload the game so the assets can be loaded. I would be great if it could work without those tricks and with events happening during the 'Cruise Speed'. 2 - I'm not suire how complex taht would be. But replacing that black screen when you Grav-Drive for the animation that is already there would be great as well.


No penalty for destroying the Valentine - a mod that allows The Valentine to be attacked, destroyed, boarded and captured without incurring disapproval of crew or a bounty. Better yet: incentivise destroying the Valentine - a mod that rewards the PC for hunting the Valentine across the multiverse, with a quest reward for destroying the Valentine and no penalties for doing so. Death to The Valentine.


So, since we dont have a combat overhaul like CURSE or ARBITRATION yet tackling enemy AI and health pools, I figured that one way to combat bullet sponginess and keep things balanced is to set the combat difficulty for player and enemies to easy/easy or very easy / very easy in the gsmeplay settings. However (here's the mod part), I'd like to keep the "normal difficulty" health pools for big creatures and robots. This means multiplying these enemy types hp pools by a number that increases it to a point that negates the damage multiplier of the player from the easy / very easy difficulty. So 2 mods, actually. The math formula isnt that hard to figure out, actually. Im just a dumba$$ so I cant grasp it from the top of my head now.


I am wondering if anybody knows of a mod for the shock trooper helmets? Specifically one to remove the satchel/bag off the back right of it or a mod to make the visor on the helmet see through? Itā€™s my favourite suit in the game but those two things are the small tweaks Iā€™d be after


I would be appreciative of a mod that: 1 adds hk47 from swtor as a companion;Ā  2 adds chuck norris to the game in akila city possibly a big statue or monument to the texas ranger lol; 3 expands upon backgrounds. Eg i did diplomat and it said i saved lives and kept peace but its not really acknowledged by anyone. Perhaps a chef could have been put out of business by elzar from futurama lol or lost an iron chef bet or suffered an employee wage scandal. Just feel more could be done on this rpg aspect. Seems like you do mining to hide away and or make a bunch of cash; or 4 id like it if new game plus adoring fan changed not sure of that is a thing not tested didnt pick trait but will on new game soon


I dont know if this is even feasible, but is anyone able to refine the tracking function? Normal game behaviour for me is go to the crafting area, craft as much as I can and tag everything i plan to make in the future before heading out again.Ā  When i come over something i tagged, i dont know if i needed that for researching cooking or making weapon mods, and being able to tell what I tagged it for without only tagging one project at a time would awesome.Ā  I realize this change could be too much work or impossible, and im sorry if this come over as too demanding.


Can't help with a mod for that exactly but if you use the StarUI mods that gives you a count for all your items. I just click the tap for owend and it orders the store so you can easily see what is marked and how many you have.


Make the pirates enemies again after joining the faction. Didnā€™t realize it would be so boring when they donā€™t want to fight most the time. Even if you shoot a few


True HOTAS support, I know one of you code wizards can do it. Please, I beg you


Just more melee weapons to find. There are currently very few. Changing skins is ok, but is there a way to add more without doing that? I honestly want a planet to be turned into Nirrn, but I know that is going to take a lot of work. Anything to make Starfield more Skyrim-ish really.


I'd love a mod that works on gamepass PC that allows you to increase max ship size/ parts. Doesn't even need to have a UI.


I have an idea for a few gun skins that I would love to see realized (trust me if I had a pc I'd just do it myself lol) Like frutiger metro and vector flourish type skins. I would be able to make the actual patterns themselves and the concepts of how they would look on certain weapons.


That brownish Crimson fleet looking armor with the black helmet from the concept art looked so cool, would be nice to have a craftable version


I just want a simple fps uncap mod for series s that's it, I've already got multiple performance enhancing mods that have made my game smooth like butter but now all I'm missing is a fps uncap mod like i had for Skyrim and fallout. Also if your going to comment something along the lines of series s can't handle it please do research before you comment because there were MANY other games that the series s "couldn't handle 60fps" on that later became 60fps with updates so understand i do not want to engage a debate over proven facts.


Any way we can get a deadzone increaser/ decreaser? If thatā€™s even possible


For xbox more of "our modern day" ballistic weapons, as well as customizability, such as weapon lights and such. It would be awesome to have some AR/AK style rifles and modern pistols as well as the ability to add weapon lights to all guns.


Xbox please add a mod that places all weapon and clothing mods that are available to be crafted in the normal pool of end of dungeon loot boxes as legendary. I love downloading cool weapons and armors only to have them only have one type of way to get them. Make on mod that will scan all other mods and add them to the loot pool


The ability to mod the starborn armor. I like the look but I can get better effects and stats on regular armor.


What I'm wanting more than anything at this point is a port of the Nexus B.A.S.E. (Building Advance Space Encampments) mod. Please put that on CC for both Xbox and PC. [B.A.S.E. - Building Advanced Space Encampments (walls foundations etc for your BASE outpost or settlement) at Starfield Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6593?tab=description)


*Requesting * šŸŒŒ ā€œFriendly Space Followerā€ ? šŸŒŒ I always thought it would be a cool function to add in the possibility to make/give a Ship for a follower (that would have been the Piloting Trait) that could follow you around in space, rending the ability to create your own fleet (maybe a maximum of 3-5 ships per fleet? Could be a cool immersion/follower/gameplay mechanics that could be built into an elaborate ā€œSpace Stationā€ šŸ˜


Assignable stations or Habs for crew reminiscent of fallout settler assigned stations. Imagine telling Barrett to go to the engineering hab or having Sarah assigned to the navigation table and Rosie the Doc actually sitting in the infirmary. If for no other reason that to keep them from wandering


Heels šŸ„ŗ


Xbox Please make a MOD where you can invite multiple friendly POIs to neighbor your outpost. I want to make a full town!


1. cat, robot cat, vasco cat with HELM!!!! CAT IN HELM! 2. ship/hub active skills or Use powers in ship 3. How to spawn enemy ships? 4. More ship parking lots at cities / more landing ships at cities like 30? 5. Ship baked on exit of ship builder (top photo from surface map orange one) inside the shielding icon during flight 6. Astrogate button or analogs to auto pilot on current speed ( astrogate quitted I still have the zip ) best mod for last months I used it only for accelarion pedal brick tho, still huge thing - UPD: oh astrogate is up! [https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/9363?tab=posts&BH=0](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/9363?tab=posts&BH=0) 7. Custom particles effect, grav glow on speeds above 100K m/s - star citizen style 8. Remove pesky Atlantis trees. 9. Long range torpedoes like xwing proton torpedoes (40000) 10. missile range engagement 50000? active lock on missile cruising style? ship stealth button 11. attachments ui like in bf 2042/fo mod 12. Animated ship missiles lock reticle - star citizen style 13. custom ship huds/ based on manufacturer 14. Assault M class ships for piracy 15. More POIs 16. More M class ships 17. Ship blueprints 18. Garage with visible parts gravdrives engines etc, pull garage in ship builder 19. Fill space with my ships like astroneer does but no restrictions on building 20. Vulture javelin missiles like from dreadnought game/Vertically placed missile launchers I loled so hard when craftable ammo requiring now 7 copper and 7 lead, not 4 in official patch =)))


First and foremost- a mega Star Wars overhaul. I need it. But beyond that I would love to see the game get more Gorey. If thereā€™s a way for modders to add the type of dismemberment and gore that are in the fallout games, I would love that. Maybe Iā€™m just a sick fuck tho. I want to see is the addition of more factions- particularly scummy or evil factions that could possibly be joinable. Lastly, the addition of absolutely massive capital ships (cough cough, Star destroyers) that we can board and destroy or some sort of functionality like that. On the other end, Iā€™d love to see single fighter sized ship pieces added too


I don't know how easy it would be but I'd love a mod that adds a rear entrance to the Overseer Cockpits like Derretech did for the big Kon-Tiki one. I assume probably not seeing it's just out but are there guides for using the Creation Kit? Maybe one meant for Skyrim's or Fallout but would be applicable as well?


1. A way to be able to fly freely from one planet to another within a solar system on xbox (a cherry on top would be to spacewalk too, but im not trying to be greedy). 2. A way to add any gun to ur arsenal, with the option to add whatever legendary effects you want


I would like a halo mark v command o helmet/armor set [Commando Helmet](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FqH3jJLWwAIVZGG.jpg:large). Or better yet this mod ported from nexus with all the halo armors [Halo Armory](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/8137). Cheers! -Jacob


These are with "achievement friendly" in mind since I'm on Xbox; 1.) A shearling jacket outfit with aviator gasmask, I know aviation and space travel are separate but being a ship captain I figured it would still be lore friendly. To describe the outfit, a traditional shearling jacket with fingerless gloves, grey neocity sweater underneath, dark beige cargo pants with a holster strapped to the hip and black boots. The aviator gasmask being a lightly helmeted or hooded piece separate from the outfit with those thick goggles and the mask piece being a filter fed mask like the NCR ranger helmet for reference. 2.) Backpacks, like Skyrim and fallout to get a little increase to carry weight and some additional cosmetic choices 3.) Freestar Spacesuit/outfit collection, the Freestar Rangers just lack the same variety of gear that the UC has. A single spacesuit set you can't buy anywhere else and around 3-4 outfits compared to the UC's dozens of each. I was thinking an outfit inspired by the Coe Statue ~ a leather trench coat with a fur pelt over the shoulders, a ballistic vest like the crimson fleet wears under that coat, denim jeans for the cowboy feel with lightly armoured shin and wrist/gauntlet guards. For the Freestar spacesuit an "Ashta defender" or "Resistance" themed suit using Ashta pelt over the shoulder and drapes over the back like a small cape but still allows boost packs but something also indicative of resistance against the UC during the war such as patchwork repairs, improvised armour, strapped on pockets and the helmet being a goggle style traditional full face helmet with a tactical headlight on the side and the boostpack being a refurbished discontinued pack with Ashta trinkets hanging off of it and pockets strapped to the sides


This may be silly but I'd love a little robotic pet that could travel with me and collect junk that it would compact into junk cubes to sell haha (I weirdly hate how dang dirty and messy POIs are) A whole suite of robotic pets would be rad. From carrying space dog bot to turtle bot with a turret.


*Requesting* šŸŒŒ Permanent Star Born Follower? šŸŒŒ


Inventory for creation


Loot adjustments; * More interesting Stats on Gear (think Diablo or Borderlands) * Make Legendary/Unique tiers that include those more interesting Stats. * Rebalanced loot generation (to make exploration more worth OR difficult enemies reward specialized tiers of gear more consistently.) * More scaling with higher rarity drops. * More weapon class specializations, so each weapon might remain useful in certain playstyles. * Some kind of prestige or longevity system so that you can upgrade your long-standing 'best guns' OR have a chance to create a new powerful version.


*Very much want* 1. Hair is probably what I want the most 2. Next on my wants is a body mod (like cbbe) 3. Next would probably be cool but sexy operator type space suit and clothing *mods I would love to see eventually* 1. Weapon mods like MK18 CQBR (+additional armory mod) , Remington 700 (+additional armory mod 2. Beauty Eyes 3. Texture/Skin I would say a cheat terminal, but I heard someone is already working on it . (If I could just get some more hair styles, I would be happy) *I know it's a long list, and probably most of these will come eventually . Just need to be patient *


More a QOL change, but a Dark Screen Mode for computer screens & slates on Xbox. The normal white screen can be quite jarring. Not good for some players.


A TARDIS ship. Thatā€™s all Iā€™ll ever want


- A scriptable, extensible, and up to date replacement for StarUI. The original was great, but the author has been AWOL for over 6 months and itā€™s only going to get more broken over time. - An indicator of which NG+ you are on. - A save manager which shows that NG+ level, lets you see modded vs unmodded saves, and organizes your list better. - A configurable ā€˜junkā€™ flag that identifies items of this type as junk, with a sell all junk button at vendors.


Modern.....errr old earth firearms pack kinda like fallout 4s modern firearms pack. Remove parts limit such as engines weapons etc.


I got cash American dollars for a Hadrian Sanon romance and overhaul mod. Make her thicc, give her braids some baby hairs and we talking business brother


I need someone to port the ship module limit and place doors your self for ship building to xbox I've been waiting for creations to come out so I can finish my ship but still no one has done this yet if someone can please do this id really appreciate it


I'm not sure if it's possible but would someone be able to turn the Red Mile into an actual race? With a timer and leaderboard and such


First off, thank you to all modders... A trident luxury lines/flowy art deco style ship parts for xbox would be awesome! like in the first pic here... [trident](https://stealthoptional.com/guides/where-to-find-trident-ships-in-starfield/) Optionally, matching luxury hab interior & double-decker high ceiling habs and cockpit as a trident luxury lines manufacturer added to ship builder Man I wish I could do this myself


I want the cosmic carnage mod to be ported to Xbox it has all the permissions to allow it


I would love more hair and beard options aswell as better textures for player characters and npcs


More than one adoring fans would be awesome. I wanna feel like a pop star


I am going to try this idea myself but CK is hard as a first timer right now, so some help or someone else taking charge would be cool: The idea is an ā€œimmersiveā€ way to get resources which arenā€™t available to mine at your outpost. I had two different ideas for how to do this. 1- the commerce skill unlocks the ability to ā€œsummonā€ a trade authority delivery ship to your outpost, which would probably need a custom landing pad to avoid messing with the existing onesā€¦ maybe do this all via an auto-respawning ingestible item that brings up a menu with list of resources/ prices to order Or 2- a crew member with the geology skill (or something like that) can be ā€œsent outā€ on a ā€œmining missionā€ to return with x amount of y resource via the existing dialogue menu. Probably would also require a custom landing pad with a ship on it that takes off and returns on a timed sequence for ā€œimmersionā€


Matteo Khatri companion mod? Is it possible to make him a companion plus romanceable with voice lines? Like how Serana from Skyrim has a Dialogue Add-On mod? And possibly Lane Garza as well?


touhou fumo mod. just to find them around the galaxy cause haha funni plushies. and compatible for both pc and xbox


I feel like I could explain my fuel idea a little clearly: a fuel system for ships based on mining minerals on planets (RNG yield of fuel per type of rock, with helium 3 having the largest yield ratio per rock). Fuel can also be restocked at spaceports. When you break a rock the fuel is automatically added to your ship, even if the rock itself is stored as a resource for other stuff. This invisible fuel counter is consumed only when you warp from star system to star system. Maybe a full tank in a small ship is good for 10-20 warps (What counts is the actual distance, so if youre going somewhere 3 or 4 warps away, its a single loading screen, but it subtracts 4 fuel). Larger class ships = larger tanks. All (or most) rocks yield some fuel. Helium 3 gives more than others. If you get stranded on a system you need to get down somewhere and mine.


Master Chief armor on Xbox creations? Hopefully someone sees this. I've been waiting forever for this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I have no idea if this is possible, but I want to be able to take my companion to Enhance.


Would love it if someone could replace the Mantis armor with the new Starborn Gravis Suit, obviously it'd require the original but still. It'd be even better if the originel Mantis Helmet could be used instead of the Gravis one


I would absolutely love a mod that recreates / re-imagines the Nightingale armor from Skyrim as a space suit!!! I nice cloak, hooded helmet etc.


I don't know how hard it would be but a mod that would expand the dialogue when romancing your favorite npc from constilation.


Iā€™d love some starship trooper bug enemies!


Im sure irs been mentioned a lot and its already being worked on, BUT PLEASE SOMEONE JUST MAKE AN ALTERNATE START MOD THAT LETS ME START WITHOUT A SHIP. also I guess being able to steal any ship and enter in any ship so Im not being locked out of ships that land next to me. Thanks guys I love you all so much


fix into the unknown please


Idk if this has been mentioned but a pistol holster mod or a mod that puts pistols on the hip as well as having a rifle on your backā€¦ idk if this is doable but just a suggestion ā˜ŗļø


Mod request: sell/remove home ship Iā€™d love to be able to remove the home ship from my inventory and start the game in a major city with truly nothing, needing to do local jobs and scrounge the planet to earn enough to buy that first ship, then head out into the stars. Is this possible and/or straightforward??


A camping mod for more immersive exploration. Iā€™d like a more varied POI as well. And maybe add on better landscapes for the random generation of planets. They all feel like the same ball of dust in space I wouldnā€™t be adverse to adding more areas to Jemison and or Akila. Especially Akila as it feels more like a fancy outpost. Also would like to see more expansions to the Trackers guild. Maybe a story for them that makes them kore then a go here and kill this person.


kore kinetics weapons like the magshot actually firing in the center of the screen with a reticle like every other weapon


A multiple companion mod for console


KoreKinetics Magbuss (blunderbuss aka shotgun) -Default 6 or 8 rounds. --6 rounds if going for a "revolver", similar reload or animation to the mag-pistol (magshot, iirc?), but still a "long gun/rifle" --8 rounds if going the standard "clip/magazine" route similar to the magpulse or magsniper. --(could do something similar to the coachman, 2 rounds, but that might be too close to a certain doible barrel shotgun from another popular game...) -Able to charge shots, similar to the magsniper. More charge means more recoil, range, and armor penetration -Plethora of modifications, similar to other shotguns Reading over this several times, maybe I just need to find a magsniper with the "shotgun" perk lol


Man I just want dual wield pistols so that I can feel like Iā€™m from altered carbon


Mod to highlight all open quests next locations on star map. Through this you will be able to plan your journeys better and with more sense.


So some of you may have seen my past posts about working on importing the Mass Effect Andromeda ship Tempest and Ive head a road block in this project. At the moment i have exported the Blender model to a nif but cant wrap my head around replacing an exiting structural part to use its snap point or even gotten to creating the mat. I though with the release of Creation Kit would help, but I am totally out of my depth with that as well. I would be incredibly appreciative if anyone could help with this. Thank you


Xbox mod to remove skill challenges


SKKā€™s encounters/patrols/settlement defense combat stalkers (would be dope combined with a predator mod)


I saw on this sub reddit constellation uniforms similar to the uniforms to star trek if those could be added to the creation system on Xbox also seeing a spacewalk mod would be awesome!


For xbox, MCRN (Expanse) mods for shipbuilding please.


I'd like a flux capacitor I can place in my engineering hab


I would love a mod that gets rid of the HUD when in your ship. That circular HUD is just terrible. Maybe a streamlined hud that doesnā€™t obscure the screen. Elements in the corners of the screen instead? On Series X btw.


Immersion wise it would be great to be able to switch off enemy health bars. They are very intrusive and give away enemy locations to easily.


Simple mod to add forests, deserts, mountains, and oceans back to earth


Add an NPC to your crew and companion mods


A mod for Xbox that replaces the starborn outfit to make it look like Isaac Clarkes dead space suits and rig with health displayed on it that you can customize fully possibly and maybe a plasma cutter from dead space


Economy balancing would be pretty cool, i mean seriously, chunks are nearly 100c, fruits and vegs are like 33c and then a nice suit is as low as 400c? Then some ship parts are extraordinarily cheap as well? What?(ive only now noticed this since im using the consumables gameplay function) Id also like an outpost mod that adds some pre made homes, not with the available stuff because good grief is it hard to make a good looking outpost. Also one last thing and its a tweak to an existing mod named better companion ai, its great but there seems to be problem when using the ship, after fast traveling to a star system or planet from the ship it tends to spawn the companion on top of your flight console, so you end up not only blind but unable to leave your seat because it wants you to talk to your companion.


Would be AWESOME to see a Proc Gen overhaul thatā€™ll make massive forests and biomes


Instead of Keys getting tossing into the misc section of the inventory, can there be a separate tab just for them


BetterHud by KhaoMatt or something similiar