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Get yelled at for handing him the wrong tool even though you’re like 12.


"Go get me the screwdriver" *Looks in tool box* *Sees Flathead, Phillips, Allen* *Brings Phillips because it's the most recognized screwdriver as a kid* "You know what screw we are working on, why the fuck did you bring me the Phillips head???!!!"


Dad: get me the thing! Me: what thing? Dad: You know! THE THING!


Mom overhears, lays into him, and demands that he apologize to you.


Yeah…I don’t quite recall that part lol


I wish I had more times like this with my dad. The only time I remember that I was about 7 years old and we spent two weeks with my father and uncle fixing uncle’s old car. I understood nothing and did nothing but handing the tools to them, but it was still fun and interesting to see them fix things, then see if it works, drive to the market for parts and see them get angry when same thing breaks up again.


Honestly it started being actually interesting after college. My dad chilled out a lot and was way more interested in teaching me and doing things with me than when I was younger.


You forgot the radio playing country music in the background


Classic rock. Aerosmith and Bruce Springsteen and Foreigner


"102.5 DVE. Pittsburgh's Classic Rock Station"


No doubt my friend. I’m a Californian so mine was KLOS L.A.




Okay now put your foot on the gas 


My dad has anger issues so he straight up got one of his friends to teach me how to drive. I ended up learning from YouTube and myself lol


My little brother was in the same boat lol. My dad hired somebody to help so he wouldn’t yell. For me he just said “you’re not going to need any help.” He was right but still 


Similar here, my girlfriend taught me to drive when I went to college.


Haha yes, I can hear my dad saying that so clearly. He's gone now and those times were definitely underappreciated in the present. I miss doing this kind of stuff with him.


🫂 It’s annoying in the moment, but looking back it’s definitely trust and inclusion. Sadly I did not learn a damn thing about cars.


Oh my car is definitely neglected now, I'm sure he wouldn't be impressed at all lol.. Sorry old man ❤️


Awww. I got to have a moment where my dad saw me working on computers and understood the progression instead of emasculating me for not knowing how to fix a car lol


Yeah that's gross, I'm glad you didn't have that experience with him! Being born in the late 80s and growing up through the 90s I can tell you I saw a lot of that. The lack of me learning how to fix cars as a means of independence on its own would be the disappointing factor for my dad. Otherwise he was happy if we were, both my brother and myself.


Go hold the brakes. Now turn the signal lights to your left, now right.


Then he yells at you when you don't hold the light correctly and tells you how much of a disgrace you are only to stay silent for an entire hour leaving you to stand beside him and think about how you were wrong.


No bro. The light part is right but why your dad calling you a disgrace? Brutal


Ah, that's the 'quality time' I remember.


"point it where I'm WORKING"




What about helping dad out with the smartdash and his smartphone?


Or helping him out with door dash 


You end up just holding the flashlight and getting another can of beer for him.


Only I didn’t say fudge


The queen mother of dirty words.


Or if you're an adult asking for a little help/clarification it ends up going like this. - Ask dad a question - Dad takes the tool from you and begins doing it for you. Despite telling him that you want to give it a go yourself and refuses to to hand it over. - You end up standing there watching him while he does the job - He finds something else that needs fixing somehow and you end up riding up to the auto parts store together. Anyway that's why I don't know how to replace my brake pads.


This is seriously one of the most accurate comments I’ve ever read in my life. I’ll even start to do the shit I know and he’ll stop me to “show me something” and just start doing it on his own. Around 22 is when I realized some people’s escape is through booze or vacations, my dad’s is working on cars. The guy really just loves it


Where’s the part where dad flies into a rage because you don’t anticipate which tool he wants next, and cusses you out until you cry


do we literally all have this experience?


Wait we all had this experience? Always has been


some of y'all really need to accept the fact that your dad is an emotionally inept man who left you nothing but childhood trauma


Seriously I'm looking at these comments and there are/were some shitty dads out there (mine is one of them)


Yeah, unfortunately I'm speaking from experience as well


Am I the only one who LIKED working on the car with my dad?


depends on your dad, really


"Hold this."


You'd think after the millionth "ten minute" project taking over an hour they'd learn to budget their time better but no


I never had this experience with my dad but I ended up to be a mechanic for quite a few years before I went back to college. When I’m at home I still say “yeah it’ll just take 20 minutes, won’t be long” and then 2 hours later I’m coming back inside. It’s the mechanics curse. When I’m at work, it’s “yeah probably going to take 3 hours” to an advisor and it’s finished in 2.


Hold the light....no over here...not like that.


How could you make this and forgot about the flashlight? You have to hold it at the exact same angle and point it at the exact same spot for hours and by the gods if you just moved it for a sec!


Me: enjoying my evening playing Sega Genesis. [Knocking on my bedroom window]. My dad: turn off that TV. I need you out here to help me work on the car.


I really hate it when he says I unable to do anything, I can it just a different way than he does. He will end up take over everything and forced me to watch him fix it. I cant even leave. Let me do it myself, youve shown me for 100 times!!!!


What's missing in all this trauma by the time Dad feels like "bonding" with you what you didn't know he was already about 8 beers into a 12 pack and still had another 12 pack in the garage fridge after that. Dinner time was the looming sequel to mechanic time


no father no problems lol


with how I was raised, I just hope I'll make a good father one day... though maybe I'll make a better mother. (I'm a boy)


In the end, quality time with dad is what counts ☺️


And when he's gone, he's gone.


I'm 50 and it's still like this...


And he curses and yells at you when you ask if you can help anyway.


Don't forget all the yelling and anger from Dad, at least from mine :(


He explains what he's doing the entire time, but you dont remember a lick of it.


My dad: "Just take off that belt so you can get to the manifold, it's right above the transmission, next to the driveshaft." 10 yr old me: "Uh could you show me..." My dad: "Just move, I'll do it. Don't you know anything?" Dad passed away last September. I'm 28 and still don't know where that manifold is...


How is it possible that this has no yelling?


This almost made me sad till I got to the fine print at the bottom.