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I would have finally have people to play board games with and a d&d group that could never cancel


Oooh holodeck dnd would be fun.


Yeah D&D was my first thought. You could custom make a DM that rolls all the greatest story tellers together into one perfect DM. The battle maps would be insane, the miniatures would be animated. It would be amazing.


Why would you play a tabletop game on the holodeck when you can have the greatest larp of all time?


I'm glad you asked! I wonder at the ability of the Holodeck to allow me to do the kinds of stuff that characters can do in D&D. Like, I couldn't be a druid and wildshape for example. 


Hmm... good question. I guess it can't make you shapeshift. I guess there would be a few limitations.


It could SURROUND you with the hologram of your wildshape. And adjust your position accordingly. So you could LOOK like you're flying. And you could be shown information from a flying perspective.


Maybe not shapeshift, but I bet you could throw a hell of a holodeck fireball.


Worf is not a merry man!


The LARPing is how I'd get exercise, not unlike Mariner in Lower Decks. But the game is fundamentally different as a ttrpg. There's the role play sure, but there's also the strategy seen from outside, the socializing, the out-of-character comments that would completely break a LARP but just make the table top experience better. 


To be fair, lots of the star fleet/other people break character in holodecks all the time and it doesn't seem to throw the characters off.


Seriously, this- I love me some D&D, but come on, think bigger!


You know that thing would become sentient in three hours and you'd spend days fighting it.


The Orville when Gordon is battling the guy in the holideck 😂😂😂


"Computer, run program 'Friday Night D&D session.' Realism: on." *Simulation boots up* "Hey, man sorry I can't make it tonight I got a thing." "Yeah, me too bro." "I'm not up to it today." "Computer: that's too realistic." "COmPuTeR ThAt's TOO rEAlIStiC. That's you, Chief O'Brien."


Dolly Parton's character in Steel Magnolias, "I should have known that boy was odd when his own invisible friend wouldn't play with him."


Even the computer knows O’Brien must suffer.


Careful, if you torture holodeck characters like that. They may rise up against you. Like the Hirogen found out.


So data with his poker game with Stephen hawking, newton, and Einstein


Damn. I feel that.


I'd move in and make it my home. Why bother with a real home if you have a holodeck?  After that, play some video games.


Honestly Id never leave if I had a Holodeck.


Why would you want to leave, you can have anything you want and live whatever you want inside one. 


You have to clean your own filters.


I mean, I already clean my own bathroom.


lol, yes


I'd create a holo to clean them.


Sounds like you suffer from “holodiction.” 🙂


I'd certainly get some holodicktion lol.


I’m 65 and have been a devoted _Star Trek_ fan since 1970. Time was when I’d have used the holodeck to have various adventures, both from the world of fiction and from history. Kind of like Dr. Bashir and Miles O’Brian did. But now I’d just like to walk around Ancient Rome, Greece, Egypt, etc., “like a tourist,” and observe different historical events. 🖖


Cypher agrees.


I’ve always wondered why no one in Star Trek does this. We know from DS9 that you can run a holodeck continuously (they did it with Vic Fontaine), and having a holodeck for a house means your house can have literally any features you want whenever you want them.


I'm guessing power requirements, the novelty wears off and the knowledge that none of it is real.


I mean power I guess makes sense, although again on DS9 it seems pretty clear they can run holodeck/suites pretty much continuously with very little issue. They tried it in VOY too and they did run into some problems, but not from power. As for the novelty wearing off, yeah I can def see that happening if you decided to never leave a holodeck, but that’s not what I’m suggesting.


Essentially Seven's holographic quarters on VOY when her completely random thing with Chakotay started.


Nog lived on the holodeck for several weeks as I recall when he was trying to get passed his trauma from the Dominion War. He hung out with Vic and tried to maximize the casinos profits or something.


Given that Quark usually charged for Holodeck time I suspect Nog only got away with that because he was his nephew.


Yep, Starfleet Quarters one week, space 1999 themed the next, maybe even a Firefly class ship’s bunk the next.


I vehemently disagree with Scott Adams on everything these days but showing a broken clock is right twice a day, he did say the Holodeck would be mankind's last invention.


convert skyrim to a holonovel


I always felt they just never did gaming right on the holodeck. And while it can be chalked upto the main star trek series being in the 80s and 90s I feel like we could use it for gaming so much better. Like just having a holo version of skyrim would be brilliant. Or some other rpgs, mmos, it would be fun. Could you imagine call of duty warzone with a fucking holodeck?


A holonovel is essentially an RPG like Skyrim or Witcher 3. There is a storyline, you're inserted into a role and away you go. The mutiny scenario Tuvok wrote reminds me of Alan Wake or BG3 with the way Tom talked about going back and trying different things. Fairhaven reminds me of Red Dead RP.


A holodeck version of the Myst series of games would be awesome, you could even have working linking books.


Imagine playing through all the JRPGs that current exist in the holodeck. Or Battletech / Japanese Mecha. Or hell, Sword Art Online or similar VRMMOs. The possibilities are insane.


The Orville is a better representation of what people would really use it for.


Bortus walking in: Oh. Was the duel time changed?


Yeah, the gaming possibilities are pretty awesome.


I'd live in Animal Crossing


I love the idea, but the amount of time and effort it would take just to be able to lift and swing a sword would be rough. Pressing ‘X’ is just so much easier. I also like that in the film version of Ready Player One, people exploded in coins so you don’t have the trauma of willingly vivisecting another human being.


Or Doom!


Assuming you can manipulate gravity. You could do some awesome superhero simulations. Also use an EMH for medical care. For education. I’d learn to fly planes. Learn physics from Einstein. Maybe some sword fighting for exercise.


You can definitely manipulate gravity. You're just on treadmills and forcefields on a holodeck. They could easily just lift you up via forcefields and slowly move you around to simulate low gravity.


Case in point, Lower Decks has an episode where Rutherford uses the Holdeck to teach Tendi about how to do a Zero g space walk. So yes, absolutely can simulate other gravities.


I always assumed the holodeck had artificial grav plating in all the walls and ceiling that could be adjusted to simulate changing gravity. This would also be useful to simulate falling or flying an airplane as I think it’d probably replicate those sensations more effectively than just pushing you around with force fields.


Simulate the Star Trek Universe.


Finally, someone with the only correct answer. 🫡🖖


You: Maintain course. *Crashing all around, the bridge is half destroyed. Crewman: Sir, the shields are down and we have damage on all decks! Crewman: Warp core breach in 20 seconds! Crewman: Sir, we need orders! You: Maintain course. *The ship blows up all around you.


What a good Captain I would make. 😌😌


I'd go on animal adventures with Steve Irwin. With the safeties on I'd be perfectly fine and safe from random stingray attacks. Also Steve Irwin and Dinosaurs. Imagine that fun! Also go on medieval fantasy adventures. Learn sword combat from the greatest warriors across the galaxy.


Steve Irwin spots a T-Rex: Oh! You see that T-Rex there? I am going to sneak up behind it and stick my thumb up it's bum. Let's see what happens.


How many toddlers I could beat in a fight


Found Anakin Skywalker’s reddit account




Medical research, create a team of scientists to find a cure for my medical condition. Being a holodeck they can create any equipment they need. That is assuming the cure is not stored in the computer running the holodeck. Maybe a team of mark 4 EMHs will succeed?


Oh wow, and when no one else was in the holodeck, they could be running at a faster time frame. You would get results on your said study or experiment mush faster than normal humans could move at.


>Oh wow, and when no one else was in the holodeck, they could be running at a faster time frame. Good point, Also i can program hundreds or thousands of them to research every possible angle. >You would get results on your said study or experiment mush faster than normal humans could move at. Not only that, today medical research costs money for salaries, equipment, supplies, location and more, all of that would be eliminated.


Just think you could recreate any movie or TV show and put you in it either as the lead,another character or a unobserved outsider If you like sports you could be part of any sporting event in history or at least ones that were filmed


It could even recreate older sporting events based on eyewitness accounts!


Physical fitness. How about a swimming treadmill? Give me some interesting scenery, like a forest path, and put a kind of aqueduct in it, so I can swim in a straight line indefinitely and not get bored.


Not to mention near zero chances of serious injuries since the program would prevent that from happening.




You could just adjust the physics so that you were neutrally buoyant and so air was as dense as water to move through then just swim/fly through whatever scenery you wanted.


That would be fun! I've had dreams like that before, usually set in my high school.


You do realise if you were on a holodeck you could just swim literally anywhere. You wouldn't need a treadmill.


Sorry, you lost me at "bored of sex" but during the refractory period there's lots of cooking, building, engineering, programming, artistry to learn, there's millions of games to play and all the people I want to play them with, all the holonovels, movies, TV shows I can be the star of, the possibilities are endless. Plus, you can get all the sick shit out of your system, play out all the intrusive thoughts, safely jump off/under/into all the things, literally anything. You're only limited by your imagination


Well I meant like once you are temporarily satisfied obviously lol.


It’s hard to get stuff done in those 30 minutes though.


Daycare, then once my baby gets older, education. We'd go on some Magic Schoolbus style adventures!


I thought about this at one point, too. I also thought about that being detrimental because the child would have grown up with those "kids" and grown attached to them. It might be an issue when you have to take the child out of the holodeck and then you would have an issue on your hands. Ah, the perplexities of the human condition.




Ramsays shouty persona is more for tv and mostly for American tv. And as as Brit it is very entertaining. I could imagine in a 1 on 1 cooking session he would be pretty chill. Learning to cook with Gordon Ramsay is a great idea.


To my understanding Ramsey is super chill with amateurs and people who genuinely want to learn how to cook. It's the professionals who should know better that he gets frustrated with.


I’ve met Ramsey. He’s different in person. Very cool, and quite chill.


My first thought was Ramsay Bolton, psychopath from Game of Thrones, and I was very confused.


He can be whatever you like, it's your holodeck!


I’m unsure why holodecks aren’t featured more as design environments. It’s the perfect 3D CAD opportunity, and one can easily simulate all manner of additive or subtractive operations that simply aren’t practical in computer interfaces, or features from desktop CAD software to crafting operations. I imagine the possibilities of shaping a design with carving tools, massaging it like clay, using a metal grinder, and more, with the surety of an undo button, and ignoring/utilizing any material property I want.


Every time they do that, Tom tries to add dynametric fins to the nacells I'm an attempt to create an aggressive hotrod.


He should have known all it takes is to add some bright red racing lines


Of course, everyone knows fines and stripes make cars and space craft way faster!


I live in the Mushroom Kingdom now. My name is Luigi.


Do what O'Brian and Bashir did. Recreate battles like the Alamo and Gettysburg


I would bring my mom back


Computer! Use all relevant data and extrapolate Half-life 3.


Another great answer for this sub, Mr. Freeman.


Get lessons in Sports from the greatest coaches and athletes of history. (Sisko'ing it) Play pick up with Steph Curry. And then get a lesson from Tiger Woods, with Steph playing a round of golf too. Just play golf with all the best players of history.


i would basically play video games but just me being in the game. call of duty. starcraft, warcraft, 007 goldeneye, zelda etc.


Turn it into read dead redemption 2. Beat that and then go back to having sex with the celebrities.


I would absolutely love to see *Pokemon* as a fully-realized holo-world. Don't bother me I'm collecting Gym Badges.


I’d create all the scenes that I’ve been writing about in this SF novel that I’ve been working on for the past few years…. Including all the planets ahips characters vehicles environments etc


First, I’d create a complete reproduction of the ship. Then I’d populate it with a full crew, but I’d tell the computer to make them all as smart as data. Then I’d tie all the real ship systems into the holodeck systems. After that, I don’t know, fuck off to Risa and hope Starfleet Command never finds out.


You're right. We've had this before. >You've had it for several weeks now, you have had sex with every celebrity, every porn star, done everything you can think of and are now bored of sex. If this is the fantasy then I can see why one might get bored. I would use it to unwind after having real-life experiences. Probably exotic forms of exercise or sports that are ordinarily too unsafe or expensive to risk attempting. Or just a nice day on the beach somewhere when I need it. I'm not that complicated.


I honestly would experience a number of historical events.


I mean first comes fun. I'm going to ride historic on the fury road. Be a mandalorian. Join the crew of serenity. And many more things that I would enjoy. Then? Yes, it can be used for education. I think it would be great for learning languages, imersive and supportive. Martial arts, fencing even, and the best home gym you could imagine. If it's mine, only mine, and I can do with it as I see fit and it can't be taken away from me, then I'm going to rent it out. Just on Saturday and Sunday, 9am to 9pm, charge 1k per hour. I get a lawyer to make contracts, some cleaning supplies, and it's now the new dream destination for hundreds of people. The rest of the week it's mine.


hmmm...I´d fire up the ole Einstein sim and tell him that "i over J(not)" might just cancel those pesky infinities out, which would lead to the possibility of 28 dimensions instead of 10... Grüss Gott!


If I had a holodeck, I would end up with Barkley syndrome to the point where I couldn’t differentiate holodeck from reality


I’d create the best spa and rehabilitation program in the galaxy. I’d also recreate iconic concerts and performances. And hang out with the muppets. 😂


Maybe not what you’re envisioning, but I think I’d use it to go on hikes in really beautiful places in the world that I’ll otherwise probably never get to see. I’d exercise a lot more if it was something I could do without leaving my home, too! I’d also take ballet lessons and other dance lessons, I think. That would also be really fun. Non-exercise related: I’d take cooking classes perhaps. Maybe some classes that teach you how to upcycle, too.


Defo Vulcan Love Slave


….for the “cultural exchange” of course! Building bridges with the Vulcans and all that 😉


Therapy. 😁🖖


I love how it is just assumed getting all the sex stuff out of the way is the first thing everyone would do. 🤣🤣🤣


Personal gym and naked trainer


I'd like to be Ted in an Excellent Adventure. Then, back to sex


I'd have a bunch of glorified video games for my hobbies. Car mechanic sim/tom paris' garage, I'd have a metalwork workshop, all my first person games, a lounge room with a simulated pc to play city builders and 3rd person games on, a garden one maybe mutiple garden programs, a flight sim. I'd have a mountain river meditation spot too lol. Plenty of learning to be had flying, doing botany/horticulture, and metalwork.


I would do all of the physical activities I’m too scared to do in real life. Things like sky diving or swimming far out into the ocean. With holodeck safeties, I could try everything. I would also love to do all of the historical stuff our heroes enjoy doing. I would love to dress up and go find the wife hidden in the attic in Janeway’s holonovel or ride the Orient Express.


If swim with whales. Just chill with them underwater for hours.


I would have an english countryside with a clear stream like that one in tuscany, and a small but airy cottage with a porch tucked away, a tiny garden/grove, a farmhouse like kitchen and a cozy library. Each room would have a very specific temperature and it would be different times of day in different rooms.


I would watch concerts of my rock heroes that have died.


Id frequently fly fish Salmon in my favorite rived back home. And hike in the mountains And yeah, probably sex if i was away from my partner


I believe i would leave it sooner or later. Imagine any single player game ever... no matter how good the characters or missions are. Somehow if there is no one (real) to talk about it it all becomes very shallow. Non of it matters. Nobody cares if you are good how many missions you accomplish. Imagine you have no challange that is truly challabging for you can force the program to change the outcome as you see fit. Or maybe the program designs it so you can't fail in the first place. Is it truly a challange. I imagine the Q or any all powerful being runs into a very similar problem. Maybe its interesting for a week or a month but soon it will become lame. And so i am forced to go back to reality to truly grow. And since there are replicators too and material wealth is no more, i mean i can have the same cool car my neighbour has if i wanted to... So what is left? I can only be unique by becoming a contributing person. Either through intellectual means or by simply running society. Just run a restaurant others can come to and relax. That is a contribution too. Anybody who ever was on vacation knows how much worth such a simple thing as a nice place to spend the evening can hold. And with it society would change. Since getting the better over one another wouldn't gain you much anymore.


Creating movies with basically 0 budget but time and then releasing them. Also since holodeck doesn't have to be just realistic could also make animated movies/shows and release them(probably better than real looking since then no one can ask where the actors are) . other than that, work on my fitness and health in a more interesting way


"You've had it for several weeks now, you have had sex with every celebrity, every porn star, done everything you can think of and are now bored of sex." Bored? Hahahahahaha! HAHAHAHAHA!


Riker would like a word about this!


I'd try to get better at Spanish.


I’d go to phish show from the beginning. I’d see Iron Maiden in the 80s on the world piece tour. I’d see Frank Zappa each year he toured will all his different bands.


I would pick the best time and place in history for surfing and learn how to surf. Or go to a wrestling school, learn pro wrestling and then play out that career on the holodeck.




Play around with guns. You have access to every weapon in history with no risk of injury, and you can't take them out of the holodeck to hurt anyone so the cops don't care.




I would simulate World Series the 1969& 1986 World Series


Become a hyperpolyglot. Learn every language currently spoken on Earth. Then I could go anywhere in the world with less anxiety.


I would recreate the battle of the five armies and fight side by side with dain iron foot and thorin oakenshield. TO THE KING!


I like to explore new places.


If it comes with replicators for the perfect diet, work with best personal trainer and martial arts instructors there is.


What makes you think that being bored with sex would make me stop having sex? I'm no quitter.


Non-stop police chases in every damn car ever made and some that weren't!


I would recreate the battle of Narendra 3, but this time with the Enterprise F as my lone ship taking on the Romulans..


Commercial Multi IFR pilot license. Also, play GTA. With the safeties on.


Probably find some fun exercise programs to help keep me motivated. Try converting video games I like into holo novels.


I'd program and attend some of the greatest performances in music history. Queen at Live Aid, Prince at the Super Bowl, Woodstock, Amy Winehouse in her prime, ect.


Load every book, comic, video game, TV show and movie into it and start living them all out.


super realistic video games


Better coding, repairing of things and learn composing music. Give the Federation the best battle soundrack ever.


Play a simulation in which I am the ruler of a nation and figure out how to rule the world… HOI4 Style lol


I'd do so many things. Visit places I can't go to in real life. Have a decent swimming pool to exercise in, and get fit. Meet people I'd like to meet. Play games with a hologram of myself. As others have said, live in it. I can have much better surroundings than I do know, and change them at will. Order up a med bay, and get things fixed that need it. Have it be a TARDIS sometimes. Fly with the crew of the Serenity from *"Firefly"* (safeties on, of course). Visit Hogwarts. Have Julia Child fix me a fancy French dinner. Whatever my vivid imagination can come up with, and something new and innocent interesting every day. It would be a long while before I checked in on Reddit, again, I think.


I dream of constantly of holodeck climbing wall. Safety protocols mean there’s no need for a belay or climbing partner, you could recreate any climb in the world, and possibly generate an unlimited number of indoor-style routes. Absolutely the number one reason we should really invent holodecks.


I’d play flight simulators.


I would replicate myself a Younglingslayer 2000 and go and execute Order 66


Run detailed simulations of every aspect of Earth and use them to gain money, knowledge and power. Other simulations would show me various outcomes each of my actions would have as I put to use the information I had gained. Think of the movie 'Next' with Nicolas Cage only on a global scale with no time limit on how far into the future you're able to see. Although how far you take the simulation would greatly affect its accuracy so it would probably be best to keep it to a fairly short timeframe to sift through. I could even make countless simulations of myself going through each one simultaneously so that (just like in the movie) it would be almost instantaneous.


We'd get new memes like "The holodeck is for p*rn"


I think I'll become a tourist and explore everything forever. With sex in between walks.


Jam with lots of musicians. I would form every possible supergroup I could. Hendrix on guitar with me, Jaco on bass, Freddie singing, Keith Emerson on keys. And Paul McCartney because he’s Paul McCartney. And that’s just day one


Ah yes , the holodeck , mankind’s very last great invention. Basically we’d stagnate as a species if we invented it too soon. It works as a trope in things like the culture universe of Ian m banks because the super intelligent and MORAL AI minds are running everything in the background. You need someone to mind the store!


Write a program to have a holographic technician change the biofilters.


I see it as this: sex, education, travel, sporting events, cooking, dancing, attending musical concerts, nature walks, exercise, building environments/architecture, watching movies in a theater, watching plays in the theater, playing a video game in live action. There may be more, but this is just off the top of my head.


So does it come with the necessary knowledge to build another one? To build a replicator? To build a functional cold fusion reactor? To build a warp drive? To build a phaser? To develop a sentient AI? Can I get a holoemitter bracelet that is a t1000 function?


Ironically I’d probably use it to explore the interior of the ships and stations from the show, maybe even visit the holodecks from inside the holodeck


I’d have a Star Wars program where I have light saber duels with an increasingly difficult series of opponents - like Darth Vader’s Punch Out.


I would get in shape. Holographic personal trainer and as part of that combat lessons both armed and unarmed. Also, holographic doctors who can order every test and use holographic equipment to see what's going on with me. Also, if possible, remove safety so I can have some minor cosmetic surgery to remove a Lipoma on my forehead. Also video games and D&D.


I’ve thought a lot about this over the last several years. I wouldn’t accept it. I have too addictive of a personality to be able to handle it. I’d be Nog in It’s Only a Paper Moon, using it to escape reality. But I’d also try to rob a bank.


"That's weird. I think I'm done being horny... Oh wait. No. No, we are not."


All the hiking and rock climbing I can handle! Finally having that home gym I've been dreaming about for years. Enjoying a drink with at a bar with a jazz band. All the stuff that TNG did with the holodecks lol. Except for Cpt Picard's PI programs...he got shot at way too much for my liking.


I would load up my favourite tv shows and join in. I’d start with Stargate and Atlantis and be cast as a cross between Carter and Teyla. What fun!


Maybe use it to create schematics for real world replicator...


Go jogging on the outside of the enterprise D. Imagine running laps around the saucer or nacelles. Swim in giant lake in space.


The best gym and personal trainer. Become absolutely shredded.


If everyone had a holodeck, could you link them and be “in the office” and yet everyone is at home? Available space would be infinite so everyone who wants one can have a private office but you get the social aspects that are admittedly limited in WFH.


Workout regimen where I am playing my favorite video games IRL. Lots of hiking/ running. Honestly this would be my primary use for it. First time I saw Star Trek as a kid I thought “I want to play Legend of Zelda: OoT on this”


I am asexual so I would never have sex. I would probably design a life with a partner who doesn't want to have sex so I can finally have a partner. I think that might be nice. I would also create worlds in which I could safely interact with wild animals: a place where I could hang out with tame tigers and another where I could hang out with tame elephants. And, while I'm at it, maybe programs in which I can BE a wild animal. I would like to fly with a flock of macaws and swim with a raft of penguins.


I’d be like Barclay with the Voyager crew, except it’d be me with the Warp Core Four (and T’Lyn, obvy.)


Porn. Me and all of us.


I'm drawing a blank.


It'd be great as the ultimate CAD program


All the education. Masteful personal singing and acting lessons. Weight lfting coach. Martials arts instructor and sparring partner. Dance lessons. Infinite educational possibilities in very challenging skills with an infinitely knowledgeable instructor who will never be disappointed in you or too busy to teach you.


Akido 1. Shark diving. Punch Adolph Hitler in the face. On a loop. Over two hundred times. Kick Joseph Stalin in the balls. On a loop. Over two hundred times. Ride the launch of Apollo 11. Drive the LRV with Apollo 17. Take a sledge hammer to the Berlin Wall and sing backup for the Hoff. Take lessons with Yoda and Obi-Wan and learn to fly an X-wing.


Easily I would use it for 1-on-1 tutoring and practice in every field of interest.


I'm depth immersion for learning a language.


Unlimited, free, expert medical care.


"Bored of sex"? No. More like "Need time to recover." As for non-sexual uses: Education. I would want Carl Sagan to teach me about the universe. Rosalind Franklin to explain DNA. And various alien scientists to explain their great discoveries. Plus I'd like to punch Stalin in the face a couple dozen times.


Probably start with sex addiction therapy?


I'd make a version of the Wall-e computer the captain learns from; basically just a voice activated, visual output Wikipedia


Escape room mocked up like the theme. Trying to escape an old mansion, underwater lab, space dock, Cardassian prison, Klingon pit-mine, a failed federation colony? Hecks yeah.


Lets be real... You would use it for your dark deviant fantasies first...You wouldn't see me for years...


Probably go on cool "outdoor" adventures to places I cant afford to travel to. Plus since it's simulated, I could interact with wild animals without the danger risk (provided it's not the 1/10 chance the holodeck malfunctions, and safety features don't work)


Educational purposes would be improve my welding and improve my directional tree falling accuracy. Improve on my meat processing. I'd use it to figure out where a certain part was on my road grader and how best to change it.


Luxury travel, without the noise. Flying Boats, the Concorde. Luxury train travel from the 30s. And a First Class accommodation on a transatlantic liner during the glory years. I seem to have a trend.


Ngl, I would first turn it into a sickbay so i can get a good doctor clean up of all the shit I have, if any.


I'd treat it as an unlimited retry machine and use it to skill up on stuff like fighting, fasttalk, etc. How it works is easy: You set up a real-world scenario that'd kick your ass. You have to fight an MMA champ, or talk your way out of being shot after being held hostage. And you try/fail until you satisfy some win condition/can do it repeatedly (i.e. don't count that lucky sucker punch in the first round!).


Every great concert I missed for being too young/not alive yet. There are so many great acts from the late 20the century who died before I was old enough to ever see them.


Is everyone's first use of the holodeck really to get off? I figured it would be something impossible like combining all known Data points about a passed loved one and having a conversation again. All matrix like having grandma bake you some cookies. Y'all weird.


🤔 I guess I'd want to focus my learning in three areas: - how do I maximize my own biology, even down to the molecular level? - how do I build the ultimate intergalactic vessel? - how do I build a technology that will let me understand the things I'll discover? TBC, each of these are multidisciplinary. For example, building the ultimate intergalactic ship requires metallurgical knowledge, maybe warp field mechanics (or something faster than warp), etc. And because you can't study ALL the time, I'd alternately live out different fun scenarios: today I'm Tom Cruise in the next Mission Impossible movie, tomorrow I'm Chadwick Boseman in Black Panther--with the exception that I'd "open world" these such that I'm not following a movie plot.


Let's suppose that you were able every night to dream any dream that you wanted to dream. And that you could, for example, have the power within one night to dream 75 years of time. Or any length of time you wanted to have. And you would, naturally as you began on this adventure of dreams, you would fulfill all your wishes. You would have every kind of pleasure you could conceive. And after several nights of 75 years of total pleasure each, you would say "Well, that was pretty great." But now let's have a surprise. Let's have a dream which isn't under control. Where something is gonna happen to me that I don't know what it's going to be. And you would dig that and come out of that and say "Wow, that was a close shave, wasn't it?" And then you would get more and more adventurous, and you would make further and further out gambles as to what you would dream. And finally, you would dream ... where you are now. You would dream the dream of living the life that you are actually living today. Alan Watts


Travel. Simulate the Grand Canyon, London, Salzburg, Bagdad, or wherever you like.


I would have a really nice bedroom with fresh sheets every night.


I’d probably simulate something akin to Star Trek Bridge Crew.