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Carpeting on the bridge is a dated thing on current ocean going ships as well. Ships I have worked on from the 70's 80's always have carpet. New ships usually don't, and it makes them feel a bit hospital like. So I vote carpet.


This reminds the time I came out of surgery high on the pain meds and I thought I was on the enterprise. Because of the bright lights and people in uniforms moving around. I even asked the nurse if I was on the Enterprise. So I understand the hospital thing lol.


Sounds like a fun time.


Was the nurse blond, with the surname Chapel? Just checking.


What? Without the carpet, a bridge is just an industrial controle room. Why would they do that? Rhetorical question, it's obviously money, but still. I've seen some older container vessels that still had swimming pools installed. Just used as another storage space these days. Really had a vibe of the good times being long gone.


Wait swimming pools were a standard thing on cargo ships for a while?


Not standard, but many of the big ones had them.


I sailed on an old Coal boat ( i kid you not, called the Enterprise) on the great lakes. Was a concrete carrier by then. It still had green shag carpet in the pilots cabin. shag carpet. On a coal boat.


makes me think of the wheels house of a fishing tender I worked on. You didn’t enter in rain gear nor boots as it has carpet. So in gear you spoke the skipper from an open door or in boots you handed him the plate from the stairwell.


Considering how many bridge stations don’t come with chairs, I imagine a duty shift on a carpeted floor would be a bit less brutal lol


I think that, during a chaotic battle, with the red alert klaxons going off, I would appreciate the sound dampening qualities of carpet


Getting the scorch marks and blood off it would be a pain, though. Must be one of the Lower Decks jobs on the Galaxy class.


I bet they either have Starfleet grade carpet shampoo or a sonic vacuum


You just ask the computer to beam in a new carpet once in a while to deal with the Earl Grey tea stains, the coffee stains and the endless Chocolate Sundaes that keep mysteriously landing on the floor.


Get the maintenance team to cut out the stain, toss it into the matter reclaimer, replicate a new piece and stick it back it. Easy peasy.


The ship will clean itself. - Picard in one of the many episodes…I don’t know which one. This is said after a nervous new crew member spills a drink all over Picard and the carpet. I’m old and forget the context completely.


I could swear it was Riker, explaining things about the ship to his J'naii girlfriend.


menial labor is a way to instil discipline and do punishment in a chain of command organization. they can just use various bots or even just transport everything to clean things.


Mariner would find a way to make it fun


Yeah, thats a sonic cleaner problem.


It would also cushion the falls that happen every time the ship is hit hard and crew go flying.


Yeah this is it. All I can think of when I see those glassy floors is, NOISY. 


It’s partly why I prefer tng cause it felt very homey with the carpet 😁


Hey Voyager had carpet too!


The Defiant too, Bashir made a quip about hating the carpet on the Sao Paulo


Everyone hated the carpet on the Sao Paulo.


Yeah VOY is second favourite for me!


Yeah the ship isn’t just a work place. It’s truly home to over a thousand people. So it needs to feel like a home. It’s my biggest gripe with new ship designs is they feel so harsh and military.


Yeah that’s why I tried my best with discovery but I just couldn’t do it 😑


Apparently Gene Roddenberry loathed the sound of footsteps on wooden sets and wanted everything soft and soundless to show we’d moved on from clanking deck plates of a more industrial space faring age to a the plush comfort of TNG era space travel being a home from home.


Yeah I know :) I’ve read/seen that somewhere. It’s great :) no wonder so many people sleep to trek 😁 cause there’s a soothing tone without clanking steps


The lullaby pulsing of a warp engine humming through the space frame is truly comforting!


Carpet. And no steps!


shag, baby


Carpet: Absorbent insulation. Soaks up body fluids, offers grip, soft and warm shock absorber, protects against electric charge, muffles screams over distance, but is bad for heat dissipation. Metal deck cladding: Slippery when wet, cold and unyielding, heat and vibration conductivity -- can hear footsteps and yells ring from the other end of the ship. Good for heat dissipation but offers no protection against live electrical charge where there's nowhere to ground. Result: Sensible carpet wins against metal cladding.


It's a no brainer.


Cruise ship in space all day


Secret third option: Recycled rubber




Do they smoke grass out in space, Bowie, or do they smoke *AstroTurf?*


Oh! Space travel! Of course!


Great way to train your back swing on the Bridge


No thanks. Not on a ship where Riker's aboard. We'd all know where the rubber was recycled from and no-one would want to walk on the floor. Still, at least if the grav went out, you'd not need special boots to stick to the floor.


God, no! 😬 I worked in a place that had rubber flooring, & it was a HAZARD whenever it got wet. You took your life into your hands every time it rained. I slipped on it one snowy winter & landed so hard on my right knee that a piece of my kneecap broke off. Which I know because I could feel the piece pinging against the inside of the skin over my knee for at least 6 months.


I like carpet in rooms, especially rooms where you might be standing when the ship gets jostled. Otherwise you'll sllliiide all over the bridge. But never carpet in medbay.


Not even futuristic self-cleaning carpet?


I’m still mad we don’t have the futuristic sparkly lamé space blankets Star Trek assured us existed in the future.


Aesthetically and practically: Of course there's no point to carpet on the bridge. It's weird, it gets dirty, and with all the stuff that happens every time the ship gets into a fight, it's got to be on fire all the time, or at least stained with god knows what. Emotionally: It must be carpeted. Nothing evokes my nostalgia, my comfort, my trust, more than the sense that I'm on board a powerful starship that is also a Radisson Hotel outside a midsized airport. Give me all the carpet. On the floors. On the walls. That's where I'll find Picard. That's where I'm safe. That's where we go to the stars.


Space-carpet is obviously dirt and fire proof.


My answer as well.


The 1701 had carpet as well- and when the set was dismantled and the chair later purchased, there was a coffee stain on the base of it




If you’re going on a multi year mission into space That means claustrophobia, repetition, isolation, boredom, stress, and danger will be expected constants of daily life. Little touches like carpeted floors, nice lighting, wood paneling, various food options, and comfortable upholstered chairs will make a huge difference over time. It’s not just that the crew lives there full time. It’s that they all know they cannot leave and the there is nothing they can do about it. The sound deadening properties of carpet alone would make it worthwhile on a ship assuming weight wasn’t an issue.


Riker prefers his ships have no carpet ;)


I always pictured Riker as a shag carpet man. Something thick and soft back in his quarters to sink into after a few too many Trakian ales.


I like the way you think.


As a Brit, I always thought of Riker as a man who liked shag, too.


LOL ><


I want tatami mats.


The _color_ of the D's carpet makes it look very 1980s, but, totally, bring back carpets. I like most of the production design choices of SNW but the weird glossy for ain't one of them. Who would want to work in an environment where everything glares at you?


I prefer carpet for what it represents. A brighter future where humanity is exploring the stars. It’s not about being “bad ass” or a battle ship.


Heck, even the actual badass battleship Defiant had carpet. Even in an intentionally Spartan ship, they still made it feel homey


I've been known to prefer seeing a nicely manicured and clean carpet when I enter the bridge.


Prefer with carpet. Also - not polluted with reflective surfaces and ALL THE LIGHTS like the SNW bridge...


How many lights do you see?


A hell of a lot more than four or five...


The SNW bridge looks like it was intentionally designed to give the crew headaches. Absolutely my least favorite hero ship bridge design in the franchise, nothing about it feels like a space people would work in.


There's definitely no way I could work up there without some kind of protective eyewear.


I like my starships how I like my women. 70s shag carpet.


New captain gets assigned to a galaxy class ship, pulls up a corner of the carpet: "Can you believe they covered up these hardwood floors?"


As the ship is self-cleaning I don't mind. I doubt it's what we'd think of today as carpet anyway, more likely a smart material that uses geckotech to repel and contain dirt and spills, and ensures that regardless of footwear crew and passengers always have adequate traction.


A good compromise would be some kind of softer, rubber-like surface with a bit of texture.


Without. I want hardwoods


Hmm I never thought about. I would want to say yes, not for the aesthetic though it does look really nice, because in an emergency situation a carpet would have better friction to really get to a run easier than the more slippery surface. I think the question is what color is the carpet lol. I’d go with black just cause the beige brown is a little too at ease. We may be an exploration vessel but we may also be the front line at any point so something as subtle as carpet color could work just as well. Am I overthinking this question, absolutely and I have no regrets lol


Bright lights, carpeting, soft touch materials on the walls... That just screams UFP exceptionalism to me. It conveys diplomacy and a duty to help out; save the dark militaristic look for the battle bridge.


Why did this comment make me think of the battle bridge as a sex dungeon?!


In TOS carpets were added to the sets for noise reduction of background noise. So I vote carpet. All the new sets look good, except for the insane lack of lighting.


every time I see one of the current hyper reflective floors all I can think of is the blue spill clean up and I have the vfx equivalent of a vietnam flashback. I also wonder about if the sound department has to deal with annoying foot steps that echo or otherwise cause problems. so carpet for me please


Without, easier to feel the shifts of speed of the warp engines.


Every time I get blasted by an enemy on the deck I prefer carpeting to anything else. I kind of like it when theres some cushining under the carpet because those falls can be brutal. If you're a red shirt, you know.


I like the carpet. I’m being genuine when I say the thingsthat bothers me most about the nutrek ships is it looks like you could slip and fall on all of them, and either have trouble seeing, while randomly being blinded by mood lighting, not to mention everything is so glossy, fingerprints would be a nightmare.


Bridge, no, quarters, yes.


Usually, it’s not just a starship as a place of work, but also a home for crew and their families. The more darker modern treks seem to have forgotten this


I dunno. They have some pretty homely places to relax. Especially on Pike's Enterprise.


Saru’s quarters look nice.


It was really only TNG/DS9 era ships that had families onboard. I guess Voyager kinda as well, but TOS and ENT didn't have families onboard. But, seriously, there would have to be something horribly wrong with the Admirals at Starfleet headquarters if they kept putting civilians on starships after Wolf 359 (RIP Jennifer Sisco), or the First Contact Borg invasion, or the Dominion War, or the battle of Veridian III, etc. It's just too dangerous out there to bring your kids along. But I agree with you that the modern Treks are much darker. They need to increase their lighting budget to compensate .




Good for rug burns when the inertial dampeners fail!


Carpet; the bridge room Picard s02e01 was too damn austere.


Carpet I don’t really mind, but what they NEED to get rid of are the high-polished floors of Pike’s Enterprise and the Stargazer/Titan-A/Ent-G. They’re always scratched.


I prefer my ships well lit and with carpets.


Regarding the ramshackle starship (UFPF *Challenger*) being built from scraps to defend the Belle Terre colony: > For an instant Keller wondered why they'd bothered to carpet when time was at such a premium. Then he remembered the noise buffer, the fire-retardant treatment, the safety factor in case anyone fell down—there were reasons other than cosmetic. * Carey, Diane (2000). *Challenger*. *Star Trek: New Earth*. Pocket Books. p. 299. ISBN 9780671042981.


Carpet 10000000%


Carpet, give those engineers some work to change the carpet annually.


The NX-01 had a very industrial feeling to it (by design), I like how it’s really the nitty gritty of first stage exploration and not the cushy design of the 24th century travel of Voyager through the Delta quadrant. So I like diamond plating floor and steel walls of the NX-01 and NX-02 ships.


For the Galaxy class in particular, carpet on the bridge makes sense since ships of that class are expected to be hosting (and impressing) foreign envoys and Federation officials more than other classes. For most others, though, I don't think the carpet would be necessary.


Is this one of those hidden meaning questions?


lol no but plenty of people are answering that way. Do as you will


I prefer just a little strip of carpet, the rest without.


How many roombas would it take to keep the D clean?


That's what she said.


Canonically there was a kind of built-in, self cleaning system in the flooring. The whole thing was basically one giant roomba


Definitely without! I really strongly dislike the aesthetic of TNG


That’s fair. Which show’s aesthetic do you prefer?


Enterprise is my favourite! I like how naval it feels. Very submarine. I also really like the TOS movie aesthetic for similar reasons. Everthing feels very naval, darker lighting, etc. Enterprise feels like a military naval vessel. Whereas the galaxy class reminds me more of a Hilton lobby from the 80s ha.


If my combat rated Starfleet issued shoes have proper insoles it doesn't matter.




Deffo carpet. And enforced slippers if I was captain.


If it's the flagship, or going to be hosting guests at all, or even if it's just a long range science vessel, then yes to the carpet. If it's more combat oriented or utilitarian then no carpet.


Why not both? Some bridges have carpet, some don’t. Ships primarily for ceremonial purposes— carpet.  Ships used to do patrols and more risky stuff that requires military actions, no carpet. But maybe have sections with carpet.  Diversity of look.  Also they can hide a bridge look better switching things up to save budget instead of building a different set for new ships.


Need yellow shag carpeting all the way, plus wood paneling, orange rails, and egg-shaped chairs.


Not sure. I think I would get rug burn...


I want thick shag carpeting or grass


They should do a nice shag carpet.


You just sparked the thought in me that apart from the sonic shower Torres had in voyager, you never see any cleaning apparatus in star trek. How do they keep the place clean?


There is the bath scenes for Janeway but that was also conveyed as relaxing not cleaning


Carpet! I like my spaceships cozy


I like my bridges without flame throwers on the pillars


Carpet is a horrifying amalgam of allergens and filth. I *hates* it, and I cannot fathom an advanced, post scarcity society that *clearly* values order and cleanliness to still use fucking *carpeting* on their ships.


Maybe like their walls that look like steel and plastic, Star Trek carpet is also a more advanced material that we are not familiar with


After my time on the Enterprise D definitely with carpet!


No carpet. It would be a pain to clean the carpets of blood, ceiling rocks, spilled drinks and shattered console glass.


But the ship cleans itself. It really helps keep the stains down.


I find a high quality vinyl plank flooring is more durable and easier to clean, and some of the products available in my century are really high quality. Carpeting is so outdated it practically screams "20th Century" design.


The carpet was the means of gravity. That’s why when they lost all power they didn’t float. It also self cleaned. It also went to deterring echo on the bridge. Why do you think Kirk spoke with unnecessary pauses. At least this is what I tell myself…


Love the carpet but it is hard for delta shift to get the blood stains out after a romulan encounter.


It’s easier for my wheelchair if there’s no carpet.


Na makes it difficult for the robot vacuums to clean. But a rug would be needed to tie the bridge together


I don't care how impractical/outdated it is, I want that carpet! On a side note, that is probably what I'm gonna be on Enterprise, the ship carpet cleaner!


I feel like that’s Mr. Mot’s side hustle.


Wood, carpet, metal. Need to have two out of three is my take.


Carpets are a thing of the past, those things are filthy by nature and filled with vermin. Kill them with fire.


I feel like the carpet would be softer to fall on when the ship gets rocked by a torpedo or pulled into a random wormhole. You could break a lot of bones on Discovery. Granted, when even a carpeted starship is made of rocks there’s not much you can do.


Carpet. It looks horrible but sounds great.






I could go either way with the carpet. My issue is, why have shiny floors that reflect light? When I see glossy floors, I just think they could be slippery as hell if you walk on them with the wrong type of shoes. And don't get me started on steps.


I don't mind the pop of color, and I bet a soft floor is nice when the bridge crew inevitably gets thrown around after their consoles explode I'm sure Federation thinktanks focus a lot of time comparing deck plating vs carpet or various other flooring choices constantly. There are probably lots of subcommittees


As a professional carpet and upholstery cleaner I always prefer carpet


Depends on the situation, if it's a warship, no carpeting but if it's more of a deep space ship, with carpeting


I bet carpet is extra cozy in space I bet fancy blankets are a thing too


With, certainly


Shag carpet, El Capitan!


i prefer tos so no carpet


Tos’s bridge had gray carpet.


then im team carpet