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It really depends on your server. When I was at your level, most of the players on my server (96)were similar level. OPC hunting was lucrative because most of us had small protected cargo and people went OPC all the time. This lasted pretty much for the server's first 6-8 months. Now? The server is about 18 months old and we (average players on the server) are mostly somewhere between level 35-45. Most of us have a lot of protected cargo and don't go OPC very often. I generally find OPC hunting annoying because I spend a lot of time looking before I find anything lucrative to kill. The only time I bother is when the war room is active, and then I mostly hunt iso because meridians go OPC all the time.


it might have to do with which locations you marked. I bookmarked things close to me so I could mine faster and didn't worry about others. Now I have seen a lot of lower level miners in high value systems (level 17 in s 27 galaxy) since they are less likely to be attacked


Hitting OP isn’t considered “raiding”. That term is used for bases and understood to mean you’re raiding bases. Hitting OP is hitting over cargo. For both you have to search and watch and note habits of other players to take advantage of their vulnerabilities. 🖖🏻


Thanks for the clarification on terms


No point I’m hitting OPL at any level, much less g2 lol. I can’t remember the last time I hit someone’s miner because they were opl, and I’m ops 55.


No point for anyone or no point if you're going to buy packs anyway?


I don’t but anything, I’m fully f2p. Do your own mining LOL


How long have you been playing? On my server the "quick" f2p are up to 45 or so. Edit: not questioning you, just curious how old your server is


I hit opc miners all the time. I'm also f2p, ops 54. And my server will be 4 years old this summer


I thought that you weren’t supposed to attack other players while they are mining unless they’re just sitting on the empty node?


Every alliance has different rules. So basically, you never hit someone unless they are over. The protected limit o PC if. They are over the protected limit. They are free to be hit. Some places such as ones that need a ticket to get to are off limits, so if you're in a regular system and somebody is over the protected limit and obviously they're not one of your friends or in your alliance, then you can feel free to hit them.


At the lower levels you can’t protect anything. So it seems to me that it’s just a dick move to do it and you are better off just mining yourself. If someone attacks one of our miners, our alliance marks their entire alliance as kill on sight. We just had to mark an alliance as an enemy for continually killing our vessels who were doing nothing other than killing hostiles. So you might end up getting other members of your alliance on a kill on sight list.


Raiding bases is tough until you get into mid 30s. Just don’t have much cargo space. Gotta really work at it.


At your level you are mining much less amounts than, lets say a mid lvl 30 or lvl 50, so the amounts that you can raid are much less at your level. Players at your level are most likely to have also less crew available to add to protected cargo/total cargo or mining speed, which all influence how much cargo you will find at another players mining ship. That all said, I would go by efficiency - especially if you are F2P (which means the time is your resource and you need to use it wisely): does it take you longer to mine x amount of crystal (or whatever) or to get it from OVP hunting? If you are faster with mining, you may just do that instead of looking countless hours for a fat loot. This is in terms of efficiency. But if you just love hunting OVP, then keep doing it. Everyone has his/her own playing style and all of them are OK ;)