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It’s so great that you all are able to read the books straight though now that the series is done! I started in the late 80s when only the first two books were out, and holy hell the waits and uncertainty between books was excruciating! Hands down my favorite series ever.


I was lucky enough to read them all last year, marathon-style. Can’t imagine waiting the real time between each release


Pure agony. The worst was waiting SIX years for the end of the cliffhanger with Blaine!


I have to say I found The Drawing of the Three quite humorous. When Roland struggles with the language of the other worlds it just tickled the hell out of me. Made me want a tooter fish sandwich.


When he says "Thank you, Sai" to the flight attendant and she starts freaking out that he is some foreign hijacker 🤣


What that being said though, I found it was quite jarring when the worst the flight attendants could conceive of a hijacker doing was landing in a foreign country and asking for a ransom. As someone who has lived most of their life post 9/11 this really stood out to me.


Same here. Kingslingers podcast also brought that up. I was quite shocked at the overall relaxed reaction.


Never heard this podcast before, might need to try it out. Been craving some conversation about DT this last week or so.


They are pretty good. You have to be so careful about these DT Podcasts since the hosts are usually super fans who just can't help but spoil things. If you read the revised Gunslinger, then Kingslingers is fine. However, I read the original and had a spoiler for something that the revised edition reveals or retconned. Not sure which since I have not yet reached the point where it's addressed in the series.


This was me too. Was laying in bed reading the part when Roland was talking about the high priests of the customs ritual and it really made me laugh.


A cum and salami sandwich


Long day and pleasant nights.


I’m jealous of you all. I would love to take this journey for the first time again. :)


Also just started the DT series last week and loving it so far. Almost finished The Drawing of The Three and will be flying straight into The Waste Lands once I am done. Can’t believe I didn’t read start this years ago I have been missing out.


I am half way through "The Gunslinger" right now and I love it. I don't normally start with sequals right away but I might just do that for "The Drawing of the three".


I enjoyed The Gunslinger a lot, but about 50 pages in to The Drawing Of The Three I knew I was reading a potential GOAT fantasy series. Almost finished that book now and can’t wait to continue.


I accidentally started with Drawing of the Three, and fell in love instantly. Then went back and read Gunslinger as a prequel. It all worked out. I've now made the journey to the Tower about a dozen times over the years and never regret it.


A lot of people hate on The Gunslinger, but I enjoyed it significantly more than Drawing of the Three. I really like his prose in The Gunslinger, at least in the revised edition.


Keep in mind, book 4 is mostly flashback to Roland as a teen becoming a Gunslinger. A lot of people don't like it, and a lot of people have it as their favorite. It's definitely my favorite.


My favourite parts of The Gunslinger were the flashbacks. I recall thinking to myself that I could read a whole book of just young Roland, so that is music to my ears.


I’m at the same place as you, just starting Wastelands on my second journey through this series. It’s been so long since I read these, I had forgotten so much. Much as I liked the Gunslinger, TDOTT is such classic King. I couldn’t put it down. It’s been a while since I enjoyed a story this much! I can’t wait to continue this awesome journey!! This time through, I am hoping to read through the books more slowly and really enjoy them. The problem is that I just get so excited about the stories sometimes that I try to read too fast, sometimes I need to just slow down and savour the moment! Hope you update as you go and hope you enjoy this series as much as I do!


You just started the Wastelands? Well, say hi to my old pal Gasher for me.


>I am hoping to read through the books more slowly and really enjoy them. The problem is that I just get so excited about the stories sometimes that I try to read too fast, sometimes I need to just slow down and savour the moment! I solved that by reading them out loud to someone else. That kind of forces you to slow down.


Enjoy your tooterfish popkins 


These were some of my favorite parts! >!”Can you drive this carriage?” when he’s in Jack Mort in the cop car trying to get away.!<


Well met, Sai. Happy to hear you're enjoying the series! There is a long journey ahead, so Long Days & Pleasent Nights, do it please ya!


Enjoy the journey! Long days and pleasant nights. Please report back when you have finished. There will be much to discuss...


I always envy anyone starting a king book for the first time, let alone the DT series, I was late to the party myself but once I started I just devoured the books in quick succession, that said, I have only joined Roland and his ka-tet on their journey the once and am not sure I've ever really wanted to start it again, it feels like one of those reading experiences that holds such a special place in my mind because of when I started and finished the series that I'd be scared of somehow diminishing the story by starting over, that said, OP you are in for a beautiful adventure


I got a third of the way through the last book and just gave up. Can't bring myself to finish it. It just rambled on and on. Loved the series up to book 5. Wolves of Calla was my fav - thought it was excellent.


How fast do you read? That's a lot of pages to read in a two week return period (plus extensions).


My library has a 3 week checkout period with 2 auto-renewals (also 3 weeks a piece). So I think I’ll be able to do it.


King can write characters that you care about. Not easy to do. Thank you king.


Say hi to my old pal Gasher!


I’ve read the series twice now, originally started with the first few books around 1990, then read each as they came out. 2 years ago I received the box set for Christmas and read through the journey again. Last November I started again with the Dark Tower, but then got distracted by other books I got for Christmas. I want to get back k to it and get fully invested in it again. Enjoy your journey!


I've read the gunslinger and drawing of the three a while ago but I'm working my way through the stand currently and other related books before I continue with the dark tower.


I just finished Wind through the Keyhole! Stoked to keep going!