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When I was in high school there were these two massive powerlifters that worked out in my gym. I was like 150lb, weak, and probably annoying. Years later, I’m about 200lb. Now I’m friends with these guys and they’re really impressed with how far I’ve came. They were making a scene yesterday to each other about how much bigger I am each time they see me. I’ve been with my girl for so long, I genuinely lift 90% for myself, but that last 10% is external validation from other dudes lmao.


A lot of people won't cite it as a reason, but a lot of us lift for the respect and acknowledgement from other men. I will confirm that people do treat me with a lot more respect now than when I was a fat turd.


I don't mind admitting this either. There was a good chunk of my life where I felt small, and I was. Still not huge by any means, but I've certainly reached "general deterrent" size/notable physique in a t-shirt, and that's pretty cool. Two recent anecdotes: * Was at a bar with some friends and a girl I was seeing at the time for Halloween. I had gotten too hot in my flannel (lumberjack) and gone down to a beater. I didn't see it, but my friend tells me a guy "went to get the attention of (the girl I was with), stopped, looked me up and down, thought better of it, turned, and walked away." I'm not the type to handle someone hitting on my girl poorly anyway, but that was pretty cool to hear about the next day. * A bigger guy who's been lifting at the same gym as I have since I was natural (and used to intimidate me a bit) and I have been talking and lifting together recently. He made a comment recently to the effect of, *"...you see the same people in here all the time, and they look exactly the same as they did last year. Then there's you and me, and maybe 7-8 others, who are actually changing or doing impressive lifts, and then the 1 or 2 IFBB looking guys who are just beyond everyone"*. It made my fucking day to be included in that list and I definitely had to act cool about it.


Yea, being acknowledged by the big boy club was a massive ego boost for me. I haven't got myself into any potentially violent confrontations since I got fairly large, so I don't know if I have that effect... guess I need to go instigate a bar fight for science.


If you haven’t been to a bar in a while you won’t even have to instigate anything, manlets and lanky dudes will just try and fight you apropos of nothing, weird shit 


I don't drink anymore... I was an alcoholic. I won't actually be going into any bars, unless they are giving out free swiss cake rolls and Swedish Bikini Team blowjobs. I'll go in a bar for that.




Hey, I used to fight semi-pro, so you know I don't walk away from a fight if I think I can get away with it. I ***LOVE*** that adrenaline rush that hits right before it goes off... makes me feel like a fucking god. Everything slows down, there's no pain, and I feel like I go super saiyan or some shit. It's like heroin for me... I've really not had anyone stop and size me up though, that I've noticed anyhow. At 6' and 225 I guess I don't look like a fun guy to test. I look pretty rough naturally, so even when I'm trying to look friendly I still look like I probably killed someone recently. It's kind of a curse, tbh. I've only been mean eyed once by a local wannabe gangsta (these chollos are a fucking joke around here... starving stick boys who can't keep their pants up) and he looked down real quick when I caught him and returned the gesture. The guys at the gym either avoid me or are friendly... no inbetweens. 🤷‍♂️ I'm a really nice guy and don't try to intimidate anyone intentionally.


Having that rough, probably killed someone look is the worst. It makes socializing hard because when I think I’m smiling people think I’m grimacing 🫠


Its part of my reason too. I like looking like a hard target.


That's some of my reasoning as well. If someone is going to target me, I want them thinking twice and concerned they won't walk away from it.


Arnold said the same thing years ago. The respect of size. People seem to respect you more the more muscular you are. Probably evolutionarily as we don’t mess with the biggest guys.


Can confirm, guys treat me with more respect now which fucking sucks in a way because it’s just so vain


Theres another side to this coin. Building a physique takes serious dedication over serious time. Its recognition of your ability to exert that focus.


That is true. We deserve respect!!


Love it. I pushed my weight up HARD for the first time in 4 years this past cycle and it’s the first time in many years my wife has commented on my body. Twice this cycle, she bought me clothes that didn’t fit and both times in similar words, said *“I keep forgetting that you’re a VERY large man”.* But yes, the other 99.8% is for the dudes.


Haha that’s awesome. Yea you’re a big motherfucker I never post on my socials, but I threw up a pic of me under fake-natty lighting and a nasty pump. Had a few people I never talk to message me saying I’m looking huge. My wife doesn’t really care about my physical appearance too much, but I got a “WOW” from her on that pic. Feels fuckin good man lol


That’s just the best. We’re lucky fellas!


I try to be a giver as well. Noticed this jacked dude in the grocery store a couple times now (pretty small area). Clearly a lifter of many years. And his fucking huge arms made me jealous. So I told him so a few weeks back. He obviously took it exactly how I'd take it - huge smile, 'thanks bruh!' There was no return compliment, which I was slightly saddened by, but it's not why I did it. Back to work I guess...sigh.




Mrs. Mesquite is getting to the point she could compete and has been asked numerous times if she intends to (she doesn't... she doesn't like the idea of getting judged on stage in a bikini), and she made a similar observation a while ago that made my day. She said she always thought my gym time was more of a "boys club" social thing, but now that she's put on a decent amount of muscle she thought the muscle I've put on was a lot sexier because she finally realized how much work it actually takes... and she's not seen me stay dedicated to one thing for that long. Now, instead of thinking bodybuilders are not attractive, she appreciates the immense amount of work and suffering they've put in to be that way. Once she did it herself, it changed her whole perception of what we do from just being testosterone fueled narcissism to a real respect for the people who do it.


Can you show a before after ? Super cool 50 lbs increase btw🙌👊🏻


Tried to post an on cycle update in here but accidentally posted it in the Q&A thread like a ball bag. Take 2: Brothers, the cycle is in full swing and I am rocking IMO my best look so far while feeling phenomenal and still progressing with cardio fitness. [This](https://imgur.com/a/89cEM6a), [this](https://imgur.com/a/4zU24pm) and [this](https://imgur.com/a/BoyU1cM) taken today.


Jesus Christ. Look sick bro. Stats?


So, uh, how much would you charge to have your leg genetics spliced into mine? You got the tree trunks I'm aiming for.


Phenomenal. Did I catch you posting in one of the /r/fitness threads? Ahahaha my man tryin to show off. How many years you been training natty vs. superhero?


Did I? 😂 Not in recent memory. Been training since 15. 32 now. 8 years using PEDs. One year off completely no weight training or PEDs 29-30.


Bro looks like nick bosa. Stud for sure


You look incredible bro


I gotta stop viewing my hinge hookups as potential ‘fixer-uppers’ lmao. caught myself thinking this random girl could be my woman if she started coming to the gym with me I’ve started slow by showing her some unconventional ways to use my old figure 8 straps but she’s 40 mins away and neither of us have a car.


My gf was 90 mins away and neither had a car. We've just celebrated our 8 year anniversary in our new house, never say never.


Never gonna give you up


24 hour drive to Florida with my 3 toddlers while having a crippling headache from a sinus infection is not something I want to experience again. Got my meds so the drive home should be better lol gonna sleep this off on my first day of vacation




Haha I like to push myself! We are stopping on the way back lol Edit: pregnant wife too! lol




150$ one way in gas is better than 1100$ in plane tickets 😂 yes wife and I switched off


What kind of car were you driving? 24 hours @ 60 mph average = 1440 miles Average gas price in US $3.125/gallon. $120 / ($3.125/gallon) = 38.4 gallons 1440 miles / 38.4 gallons = 37.5 mpg. Pretty good mileage on your vehicle.


So I thought I might as well give a life update because things have been good and the only time I really gave updates here was when things were bad. And a lot of people reached out over the past couple years so I think it would be fair to give a positive update and a sort of summary for everyone. To quickly get through the bad part, most of you probably saw how bad I was when my ex lost the pregnancy and then the downward spiral I went on over the next two years. I won't beat around the bush here; these past two years were absolutely the worst years of my life. I know a lot of you saw my sporadic posts here so you got a glimpse into how bad it was getting for me. It was really bad, I effectively ruined my life, and I don't have much else to say so I'll move on. But given that I was so obviously going to kill myself I knew I had to take drastic measures and restart my life hundreds of miles away. I'd say I left everything behind but I had nothing left to leave behind. Except for the girl I still loved. So last May, the final month I was going to be in that town, I invited her over for what was supposed to be a final goodbye. And instead it turned into us sleeping together throughout that month, admitting we're both still in love with each other, and her asking me to stay with her. But I rejected her because I was going to die in that town if I stayed. I told her that it'd be best if we never contact each other after I leave. And then in June I left my life behind and moved hundreds of miles away to start fresh. The rest of 2023 was quite rough though. I now lived in the city but I really struggled. It was a lot harder than I thought it'd be. I eventually turned to drink and drugs to find solace. But this is just a part of the terrible two years so I'll sorta skip this bit because this post is getting overly long and it's supposed to be positive. But throughout all this I've been in constant contact with a friend I met on this sub, RedBeardBuilds if anyone remembers him, and me and him have literally messaged each other multiple times a day for the past three years. He's been a rock throughout all my highs and lows. But he also saw my occasional drunken grief over walking out on the girl I loved and was like, hey, you're clearly not going to get over her so why don't you just try to make it work. And my drunk ass messaged her one night when I was in a dark place and within a couple of days she'd hoped in her car and travelled down to see me in the city. We basically just stayed in her hotel room for those two days. It was amazing. Just pure joy with no worries. So that all sounded mostly negative but honestly? Life has been good recently. I'm finally starting to find my feet. I'm pretty financially secure at the moment. I've made friends, in fact one great guy has told me he already considers me one of his best friends, and I'm pretty much a capable, functioning, happy adult. There's been plenty of times where I've been walking through the city and have legit looked around and smiled at how happy I am to be here. I didn't really make any gym gains those past couple years but I somehow managed to maintain decently well, and recently I've managed to actually improve to where my body is in the best shape it's ever been in. My life is not full of turmoil and stress it's just.. normal. And because of that I'm happy. I'm not completely out of the woods yet but it feels like my aim to improve my life is finally coming together. And the girl I love more than anything is back in my life and she's been helping keep me stable. We're not together officially yet, we're taking it slow because we ended up getting hurt badly when we rushed things last time, but I see the way she looks at me and I get to hear her tell me she loves me. I get to wake up happy these days. Life is looking like it could finally be good again. And I don't really have a way to end this so yeah I think I'll just end this here.


Hell of a turnaround man, sounds like you've got the basics all in order and have room to grow everything from here on out. Super happy for you. > But throughout all this I've been in constant contact with a friend I met on this sub, RedBeardBuilds Also it's fantastic that you had that big bastard in your corner throughout this, miss that guy.


Thanks. And yeah he's a really great guy. I'm not exaggerating when I say we message each other every single day. He's been an absolute rock throughout all this and has been there when I've been at my worst. He's currently been enjoying all his new guns that he's been buying so I have endless videos of him using them. And he's always in his workshop finding any excuse to build something or use his 3D printer. If things don't work out with me and my girl then I'm probably going to find a way to break up his relationship with his wife who he's been with since like age 12 and ask him to marry me.


You gonna take us up on the offer to come be a truck driving gun toting country boy? 😂


Yeah tbh I think me and him being together would be good for both of us. I could finally teach him how to be cool and in exchange he could teach me how to lean out my truck window and scream at every minority I pass.


Hey, yall can drive down here and I'll show ya how to blow shit up and get a truck sideways in a mudhole.


> get a truck sideways in a mudhole. So thats what you call it


...don't give away the surprise man... these city boys don't know what we do out here. 🤫


*Directions unclear. Dick stuck in radiator fan*.


> I've been walking through the city and have legit looked around and smiled at how happy I am to be here I'm happy you're here too, and I'm delighted you're so happy <3 Congratulations and good work.


We’ve been waiting for this update since 2022. I’m really happy for you man, you’ve shown enormous courage and wisdom if you’re still here after that period, AND you’ve somehow managed to find happiness along the way. Enjoy your castle king! 👑


I wouldn't really say I've shown wisdom, but thank you man. I appreciate it.


I’ve only been following your story a little over a year now, and am really happy that you are finding peace in your new environs. I’ve been in a long distance, committed relationship for many many years. People will give you all kinds of bad advice about not living in the same place—tell you it won’t work, tell you one of you will cheat, tell you the loneliness will be too much. I want you to know it can work, and can be one of the most real and powerful romantic connections of your life — even into middle age. You have to have faith, trust, and learn to hold on to that when you are apart. Which is easy if you truly love that person. Best of luck to the two of you.


Thank you. Though the intention isn't to keep it long distance. It's complicated, life is messy, hence taking things slow right now. I'll likely see her in person this weekend again though. And we call each other almost every day.


I hear you. I see my person in person every ten days or so, but it’s complicated and life is messy as you say, so we settle for what we can get. One day circumstances may change and we will be in the same locale.


Hell yeah brother. You’ve been through it and I’m glad to hear you are getting a solid foundation built. You’re a fucking fighter.


Thanks man. I know we spoke a lot when I was in a real bad way though I sadly have a lot of memory blanks from around that time. I remember a fair amount of the personal stuff you told me about yourself but I only have a vague notion of what I said and frankly I'm quite embarrassed about that. It's why I've fallen off on updating you as I've been improving because I hate the way I think when I'm in that state and I'm embarrassed by how much of our conversations I don't remember. I'm sorry about all that.


No worries dude. And no pressure at all. I know we were talking at some of your darkest times.


I am so happy for you man! People think that happiness is in doing all sorts of things and travel and parties and and and...but its not. Happiness is found in the normalcy of you life. It is a true calming and sublime happiness. Once you find happiness in your normal, you have one. As you can now find happiness anywhere!


Thanks for posting this, really glad you're doing better now, and I hope the two of you will be happy and successful ❤️


Does anyone else notice that after a few cycles, and gaining a lot of muscle mass, it's a lot harder to get comfortable while sleeping, needing to change sleep positions more often, and generally just getting more sore from staying in one sleep position? I'm talking even on cruise when you've been off blast for a while. Is it just me?


Just wait until you need a cpap to not suffocate in your sleep 😂


That's also pretty much a guarantee with taking AAS, right?


Only if you start pushing around 200lbs+ from my experience and even then not guaranteed, just much more likely. When I drop below 200 I need my cpap less and less, when I'm going over, more and more.


I'll second that. The minute I go over 200lbs I need it. Doc said after I had a test that I stop breathing 18 times.... an hour 🤣🤣 Currently in a bulk at 225 thats getting way out of hand. Sacrifices


For me it's less about the possible death from not breathing and the fucking Mrs punching me awake every 5 minutes for snoring 😂 Never going back to that!


Same. I'll get beat up like I'm sleeping with Bruce Lee if I don't wear my cpap.


Exactly the same here.


Part of getting bigger. I've resigned myself to having to buy a new matress every few years now. It doesn't matter what I get, my heavy ass will turn it into an uncomfortable taco pretty quickly. I usually hover around 220 to 225lbs, but I'll go up to 245 or so on a long bulk. My wife is 135lbs.... finding a matress that we can both tolerate is a bitch.


>uncomfortable taco my SO likes to refer to the indent in the middle of the bed that i've made as "the hole". and she hates it with a passion


Seriously. It sucks ass. I wind up with sore hips from the dent.




I think next time we'll be getting a custom 2 part like that. I spent a small fortune on the one I have now. Thought it'd be tough enough for me and still not bother her... it is great for her... it was good for me for about 2 years. The damn dent is forming anyhow, and this one was designed to be for people heavier than me and not dent. Welp, that was a lie. 😅


Look into a split king. Can even get different comfort levels for either side.


I can't recommend a natural latex mattress enough. I've had the same one for 15 years and it's still good. Was crazy expensive, but worth it.


I wear a CPAP every night. I won't even take a nap without it. Laying certain ways can be uncomfortable while before they were fine. My weight is now to the point where my mattress has a noticeable rut which has only exacerbated things. I've been like this way for coming up on a decade. I'm used to it now.


Getting sore from one sleep position doesn’t seem akin to your other observations and could be something else, like poor mattress quality or support. Now that you’re a larger human, you might consider that your mattress needs have changed. But generally speaking, yes this is absolutely a known phenomenon that being hypermuscular causes disadvantaged sleep positioning and particularly in the shoulders.


I have had increased trouble sleeping in correlation to increased size


A Memory foam mattress is the way to go. Just don't go below medium stiffness


You might have sleep apnea, but also yes. My arms fall asleep laying on my side due to muscle mass. Just part of it.


I started watching old Clint Eastwood movies again last night... movies back then just had a cool feel to them that I enjoy. I've been watching those old westerns since I was a little kid... it's a nostalgia kick. I think if there's one movie star I tend to emulate, Eastwood is it.




I started with High Plains Drifter. That's an underrated one I really like.


how about hang em high?




There are a number of people I’ve met who look great into their seventies — maybe not huge and jacked (that’s hard for the body to cope with as we age) but certainly fit and far more muscular than the average gym goer. That is where I have my sights set. I’m closing on 50 and still think I look better than most the folks half my age. Nothing wrong with shooting for the top 10% for as long as you live. There are always things to improve.


You can stay pretty damn strong until you kick the bucket if you are willing to. There's a guy at one of the gyms I go to who's in his 80's that's still in the gym at least 4 days a week. Still deadlifts more than most average gym goers too. He swears lifting is the only reason he's still mobile, and he doesn't look as old as he is either... so... just don't give up, and you can stay pretty damn healthy to late in life... Chuck Norris is in his 80's....


>The stuff he tells me about gear is so outlandish and funny while we've figured out a lot about how to use gear responsibly, safely, and more efficiently in recent years, I think this is more of a testament to how small of a role it really plays in building a physique. It really is just the sprinkles on top




for sure, i hear you. it’s just funny hearing you say that because i agree, it seems ALL the old school guys talk some crazy shit about gear. but if they have the physiques to back it up then you gotta wonder how much it really attributed and how much of it was just their dedication to the craft and lifestyle.






I'm shocked wikipedia is still free in this day and age


Yeah. Pretty shitty. 😕


Things are starting to look up. My dad and his girlfriend moved out last night so I have the house to myself again. I’m glad it’s finally over. Also signed up for summer classes. Planning on going back to school and doing something in uniform. Also want to make friends and meet people. Other than that I’ve been somewhat tracking my macros and trying to keep a weekly budget. Been eating around 450g of carbs and 150g of protein and scale is already up 3lbs first thing in the morning which is nice, plus I look “fuller”. The only downside is the mild gyno is still there (not noticeable but can feel it). I stopped TRT yesterday because I think it could be due to hormonal fluctuations OR too much free T. Hope you guys can help me figure this out since you guys know a lot more about this than me… Been running 150mg TRT for 2 weeks now. My progesterone came back slightly low, estrogen numbers were in range, and prolactin was super low. That’s why I don’t understand why my nipples are still super sensitive (with tiny lumps behind them). I’ll post the bloodwork on another thread. **EDIT:** Should’ve added I’m on day 5 of taking 60mg of Raloxifene daily, 300mg of P5P, and still waiting on more raloxifene, nolvadex to come in, and more caber.


Stopping trt cold will lead to another hormonal fluctuation, no? I’d leave everything in place for a good amount of time to let your body adjust to one setting rather than throwing it additional curve balls. It takes weeks and sometimes months for a body to adjust to changes. Glad the rest of things are gong well for you — congrats on the decision to start classes and get yourself out there. That is a big step.


#👆 Don't make changes like that often. The body has to adjust, and that take time.


Strongly agree.


Thanks bro, I’ll take your advice and continue pinning 2x a week. Just want this god damn pain to go away lol


Glad to hear all of this, man. Keep pushing in the right direction 🤘


Appreciate it bro, thanks again for directing me in the right direction 👍


Thank you for deciding to do right by yourself. You have my respect.


Let’s gooo


Was hoping we’d all get an update man. Congrats on pulling yourself out of the slump. Keep hammering away!


Thanks man, I’ll still be around probably more often but it won’t be like how it was lol Anyways, thanks for listening to my long rants these past few months lol. Glad it went the right direction


Glad to hear it man keep us posted. It’s not just a coincidence you were able to turn your life around once you dropped the tren. Just sayin


Are you just LARPing in all your other posts or are you actually 150lbs and on tren lmao


I want you guys to take 5 mins off and YouTube search rich pianas wedding. Its fucking HILARIOUS


Been laughing at it for years. The drugs got to him and he lost his mind, glad he’s in the ground.


That’s a fucked thing to say. But when you abuse stuff what else is gonna happen


do you guys hate people that always try to twist and make things your fault? like you get stabbed walking to your car leaving a restaurent late one night. them "Well, its kind of fucking around and asking out. isnt it? what were you out after midnight for?"


> do you guys hate people that always try to twist and make things your fault? Mate aren't you the one that made this comment yesterday? >He was on meth bro , you can’t punish someone not in control of their actions https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/1adw007/offtopic_daily_chat_20240129/kk4rn8c/?context=3


First, I did not blame the OP. If I had replied to his story with "well, looks like you fucked around and found out. You should let security do their job and not pretend your security" then it would be a fair comparision and me being hypocritical. but the situations could not be more different me not holding drug abusers responsible for their actions just makes me "progressive"


>me not holding drug abusers responsible for their actions just makes me "progressive" No, it doesn't.


It's a deflection tactic. People use that to either avoid talking about it or defer blame from something they're associated with.


no, its just human nature. you could post that got hurt at the gym here and there will always be someone calling you an idiot and giving you shit


Well, yea, there's always the shit flinger... but that is a common use of that tactic. Makes further discussion difficult as you're now guilty until you can prove innocence, and the other party can assume a the conversational high ground, needling you with distraction about you instead of the subject at hand.


Has anyone made injectable amino acids and would like to discuss it further, I’m looking for information on what compounds are safe to inject


Check out L-Carnitine recipes as a starting point! I don't have any experience there but its a data point for you.


I have checked out some but it does not give a clear idea of what is possible. Some recipes have Lysine HCL, I have no idea if that is same as L-Lysine HCI and so on, and why do some recipes have? HCI variant and some don’t, is it maby all HCI and they don’t say


Any older guys here done dermal fillers? Was it worth it?


I switched from 1mg of semaglutide to 5mg of tirzepatide, and it's absolutely crushing my appetite. Is this what normal people feel like all the time?!


Do you feel the tirzepatide works better than the Semaglutide?


So far, the difference is night and day. I don't know why, considering those should be roughly comparable doses.


Hello friends, I have a strange problem. After each injection, a hard swelling forms where I applied the medicine and it does not go away for a long time. I will be on the podium in about a month, but I no longer have any areas to inject, my hips, legs and shoulders are like stone. I massage the hard areas with HIRUDOID gel and NAPROSYN gel, this helps a little, but not enough. Sometimes I use Naproxen and ibuprofen, they also work, but still not enough, I still have stone-like edema. I am no longer able to inject, not because of any pain, but completely due to swelling. When I try to inject on the existing edema, the medicine never goes into the muscle, no matter how much force I apply. what should I do ? I need to get over this situation. I tried heating the medicine, making it sterile enough and trying to inject it that way. I tried many ways, but none of them work well enough. help please :(


It sounds like you need to switch suppliers. You could be allergic to the carrier oil.




Skin is an androgen sensitive organ; when we shift the androgenic load, the skin responds/behaves differently. I personally only seem to get acne flair up post cycle vs on cycle as well, sometimes even pretty far post cycle.


That’s cystic acne. That deep, large acne that looks like you’ve just been hit by a bug. That’s basically the only acne I get from anabolics. More frequent injections, maybe salicylic acid acne pads, and accutane is about the only things that’ll help in my experience. Clean clothes and bed sheets might help, but not that much.




Nope. Some guys have seen tangible improvements with more frequent injections with ethanate (ED and EOD)


Try some salicylic acid soap. Works for me when I change from blast to cruise.


If accutane isn’t for you, doxycycline also works as well!


There's a smoking hot fitness chick at my gym that is always giving me the eye. She might be internet famous or something cuz she always has a team of people around her but on multiple occasions she'll make her way near me when she's working out a completely different muscle group(no stalker). Today she was doing legs, while I was doing DB incline chest. She comes next flat bench over and starts doing DB hip thrusts with her vagina looking right at me, which is odd because our gym as hip thrust machine that was unused at the time. I ask because I am 100% certain she has a BF. He's this short skinny/fat DJ while [I'm a 6'1 230](https://ibb.co/9vqsj7C) behemoth. I don't want to break up a happy home but I'm deep in a tren/mast cycle and my erections could crack diamonds and can't really think straight. What to do bro's?


It's a trap bro. Look out for the hidden cam to catch you creeping.


I think you are obligated to enter her now, once facing hip thrusts are presented. Lest you be banned from said gym.


what the fuck? we have very similar insertions, chest aside, but I'm trying to wrap my head around how you have almost 50 lbs on me at the same height. \>6' is a gift and a curse I swear, how long am I gonna have to bulk ffs


What’s everyone favorite compound to pair with tren?


Mast. Takes a lot of the unpleasant bite out of tren.


Clen, because they rhyme. That's the basis for all my cycles, actually.


You’re a madman. I love it


Test and mast




> 1ml twice a week No Sustanon’s shortest ester (propionate) has a 20 hour halflife. For stable blood serum levels pin it daily. > im just trying to lean out what should I do i do Don’t fuck around with your hormones and simply eat less calories than you expend. Anabolic steroids aren’t for weight loss.




Drop this in the ask anything as well please.




Suggestions for drying out during my Cut? Been cutting a month feeling good weight dropping at a decent rate and strength hasn’t left, looking to find or research compounds that would help me dry out more and get leaner? Only on 220mg Test nothing else.


Lower test will dry you out if your e2 is high. If you are over 10-12% bf other compounds aren’t going to have too much of an impact on your aesthetic. Anabolics don’t make you lean, they grow muscle. If you are cutting there is no need to add extra drugs — just keep up a caloric deficit, cardio, and lift heavy until you reach your goal.


10-4 I appreciate the detailed comment !


wouldn't really look to add anything into a cut 4-5 weeks in personally. especially if you're still dropping weight effectively. maybe some dandelion root if anything


Never heard of taking that root thanks I’ll look into it. Ya everything is going smooth.


For temporary cosmetic effects, anavar is the king.


Unless you are fat, and then you look like the Burger King.


So I've been throwing darts the last two-three years, and I've always had trouble with the soreness from lifting, especially on the day after Triceps, lesser so with biceps. I was wondering what experience others have that partake in both past times, and what sort of things you've found that help.


Is there a way to re-sterilize a vial? Bought like 2 years worth of TRT from this guy, and I'm not sure if it's something he used or if this shit isn't sterile but I get red warm hard lumps where I inject. Lasts a bout a week. Never had this happen before. If it's just shitty oil or something fine, I'm just worried bubba is regarded and want peace of mind knowing this shits sterile.


If you're genuinely concerned, throw it out, cost be damned. The cost of jabbing unclean gear could be a limb, far higher than whatever you paid for it


True, I just don't know if it's a localized reaction to a filler or the type of oil etc. I guess I would've gotten an infection had it of been unsterile but not sure. My TRT clinic got the boot from my state and I'm kinda having to make do atm. Just didn't know if I could throw the vials in a pressure cooker for a while without ruining them or the test, figured it would at least give me some peace of mind.


Well I’ve outgrown my suit and I’ve got some weddings coming up. Anyone got any brand suggestions for reasonably priced ($300-$500? Or less) suits that are flexible, lightweight, and comfortable? Going to get it tailored so not too concerned about off the rack fit just want something comfy lol.


You’re going to have a hard time finding something off the rack that fits decent enough, even with tailoring. I just found an online suit company with a local rep who did a full custom measurement. I had him leave a bit a room for growth, which hopefully will last the next 2 years. It’s 97% **wool** and 3% stretch material. It’s worth the extra couple hundred to get something fit for you so you don’t end up looking like a goof wearing a garbage bag


The Man in the Wooden Suit


Hahaha god damn auto correct


Just ran into this issue. Made to measure from SuitSupply. I'm a 54 chest and 42 waist damn near impossible to find anything off the rack. I will say tho that starting prices are a little higher like 699.


Indochino will custom make you one for that price


Anybody here was an absolute twig who got huge?? I remember watching a video about a pair of Scottish brothers and one of them was anemic skinny as a teenager and now is a pure slab of muscle. So it seems it's possible even if you have weak skinny twig genetics.


> So it seems it's possible even if you have weak skinny twig genetics. "Weak skinny twig genetics" means what, exactly? Most skinny people are skinny because... they don't eat as much as the people larger than them, or they move more. That's it. It's only related to genetics in very limited terms (e.g. as relates to leptin/ghrelin). And everyone that does no physical activity is weak. Ignore genetics. They're only very relevant to the actual competitors, which means they're incredibly irrelevant to 95%+ of people here. Just eat in a structured manner and lift in a structured manner and you'll make incredibly progress over a long enough period of time.


If a person puts in the work, maintains their diet correctly, and has their recovery in check, they will get bigger. If you throw anabolics on top of that, they will get large. Your genetics will determine how far that will go, but even people with unfortunately bad genetics can look respectably athletic.


hurry selective tender quicksand plate direful agonizing psychotic cooperative cows *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My husband and I are on a blast for the past 1.5 months, and I will say that it has revealed a lot of habits I had when I had low t for the following 1?5 years after I ended my last cruise. It has been a sort of dead bedroom situation to say the least, outside of threesomes we have had in the past. I'm trying to have some frank conversations, but it has been difficult to try and change our dynamic.


I'm confused... you're both on blast right now and not fucking like horny rabbits?? How does that happen? Even on cruise, I'm still like a horny teenager... cruise still puts me at the top of the natural range, and I act like I'm 18 and a virgin who's not discovered masturbation yet. You sure it's the hormones and not that you've just become complacent?


So I’ve been wondering recently about diet, I have a question which even I don’t know how to answer. Let’s say you are bulking right and you’ve hit your protein total for the day let’s say that’s 200g and your only on 2000 calories. And you’ve got 1000 calories left to fill, so you fill it with whatever you’d like or would you optimize with carbs or would you just have another 2 chicken and rice meals? Does anyone know the ideal answer to this since I’m a bit lost myself.


I fill it with whatever most of the time, but ideally you'd fill that with clean carbs and a small amount of an HDL fat.


This is a personal philosophy, but if I hit my protein goal, I don't stress about carbs vs. fats. Cutting, carbs are a better bet, just because they're less calorie dense and thus more filling. But on a bulk... Whatever works man.


My legs feel significantly weaker almost week 11 of my bulk than they did 15 lbs ago. Today and last session I could barely get a single of my deadlift warmup. My legs are bigger, I’m training for hypertrophy, but my mobility and strength is completely out the window when it comes to my lower body. I’m going to just drop some weights and exercises completely and try to regain some mobility while still building up mass. It was a very demoralizing day.


When is the last time you took a deload?


Bloods back. (500 Test E/week, day 30) Test: >120nmol/L (fuck top limits seriously) Estrogen: 231pmol/L. Out the top of my head, estrogen looks kinda ”low”? If i recall correct i usually have around 300+ at this point, day 30 of blast, still no Ai, no nipple feels etc. Keep on carrying and do another e2 test in 2 weeks see the diff?


I can’t donate blood to Red Cross cause of the shit I’m on. How do I go about getting my blood drawn. My hematocrit is high


Drink more water. High HCT is almost always due to lack of water in the volume of blood. I know, I know... just trust me. Drink more water. It'll be in range.


Baby aspirin & hydration


familiar plucky school dam relieved tender detail chubby door summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


4 NHL players - Cal Foote and Michael McLeod of the New Jersey Devils, Dillon Dube of the Calgary Flames and Carter Hart of the Philadelphia Flyers were just arrested for participating in an 8 person gang rape of 1 teenage girl


If it's true, they deserve every damn second of time they get, and then some. Outlaw justice would just be a bullet to the face.




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I clog the toilet at work every fuckin time dude, it’s annoying as hell


First pin of cycle Sunday, sick by Tuesday 😂 On another note, holy hell I forgot what PIPs felt like on cycle.




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took dbol, 1 week in, felt warm and slightly off the whole time. muscle mass/volume through the roof. it’s obvious i’m on through the first three days. however now i have this weird fever. chills/fatigue/flu like symptoms. sore throat. can’t tell if its from the dbol or if i just got sick.


I cant find a video of the Quad Stomp of the actual reaction of the people. Everytime its some random edit of some kind or Jay talking over it


Pls rate my meal plan and help me with a final meal: Currently cutting on 2000 cals. Currently I am only reaching 150grams of protein butni would like to hit 190grams! Breakfast: oats,flaxseed,Whey,water,fishoil kapseln Dinner: lean meat, serving of low cal veggies, carbs from either potatoes, sweet potatoes or rice, some psyllium husk Before bed: low fat cottage cheese, chia seeds, some berries some fruit Now I need another meal that gives me around 30 - 50 grams of protein but without fat! And it should be cheap and easy to make and somewhat tasty! Egg whites are way too expensive and whole eggs got too much fat... thought about only some eggs with some lean meat like a beef Omelette or something but it seems the egg to meat ratio is quite off if I don't want to stack too much fat. My fat currently peaks around 45 - 75 grams a day. I thought about a second scoop of Whey but am afraid that I don't get enough micros that way! Thanks in advance!


You can get 4 packs of triple zero nonfat Greek yogurt at the grocery store in different flavors. They are usually around 4$ per 4pack, so 1$ a container abouts. The Oikos brand macro break down for a pack of 4 is 60g protien 40g Carbs 0g Fats. 101 calories per container. I buy 5 packs a week for work. I love them.