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God damn there’s so much talk about exes here. Either get off the 19-nors or up the AI. They’re an ex for a reason. Plenty of girls out there, my guys. Leave her ass on read.




Just be regarded like me and you won’t even talk to women 🧠


Can’t drunk text the ex if there is no ex


Aim for that wizard life


Smash. *(….Somebody else bro it ain’t worth it)*


If the keep up the 19-nors maybe there will be plenty of guys out there too


Amen, even if her ass is pure gold and loves anal, never ever worth it (but will prob do the same mistakes again too, weak mf)




Easier said than done when it's been 7 years you were with the person


My ex randomly msgs me out of the blue after no contact for a while saying let’s meet up fuck one last time and block each other the next day and never talk again…. How likely she gonna msg me soon after cuz I been missing that fat ass🥹


Go do it. I am all for bad decisions.


And I know she wants to eat my bootyhole how can I resist


You simply can’t resist. Do it.




Let her tongue punch the fart box, what you waiting for? Man


I love me a good redflag.


Logically its a bad idea. But if I was in your position im hitting it 😂


Let’s see the ass


Yeah OP show pics or gtfo


Maaaaaaaaan, if you’re single that’s both a compliment and a gift. Obv if it’s toxic, maybe just accept the compliment. (Or don’t. This is r/steroids after all).


Had to bring the wife to the ER. 23 weeks pregnant and having a severe migraine with almost full vision loss in the left eye and numbing on left side of body. Sounds like she’s okay/doing better now.(excess blood flow due to growing a human) I’ve been in the city with my 3 kids all morning, went to chik fil a so they could eat and play in the playground. Waiting in the parking lot and the doc told her the iv/magnesium will take 3 more hours. Not sure what to do with 3 anxious children. Probably gonna go to the mall and let them raise hell. Anyway good morning! I did manage to get my workout in early so that’s good.


Any updates? Hope all is well brother!


Yes all is well she needs to start drinking Gatorade/electrolytes daily to prevent it. She drinksloads of water but was low on other stuff


Weekend work: Installed new toilet - found the guy before me half-assed the flange and had to fix that first. The one-piece toilets are damn heavy. Installed new PoE security camera - discovered the guy that built this house half-assed the soffits and had to figure that out. Thank god for borescopes. Installed new recessed lights in the hallway - this went pretty well cause I'd already ripped out the half-assed wiring and junction box here last weekend. They're fucking beautiful too. Replaced dimmer switch and switch box for above lights - Found the framers had half-assed a stud behind this box and I suddenly needed a shallow box which I did not have. Picked up sticks in the yard - This went great; weather was nice for once. I kinda half-assed it though. There are a lot of freaking sticks out there! Played for hours with my new Home Assistant and Blue Iris setups. Probably should not have started these at the same time - it's a huge time sink, but a lot of fun. Ticked off some items on the todo list. One trip to the hardware store. No leaks. Everything worked. Zero serious injuries. Getting good at this shit. Needed someone to know.


Every home project we do I discover new and exciting ways that the previous owners (and in a few cases the original builder) did work incorrectly or incompetently. Good times.


Yeah, it's been an exciting few months. By the time I complete one item on the list, I've added 7 more I found along the way. The sewer line is getting dug up for the third time in six weeks soon, I hope. But hey, those new lights look fucking awesome. Wife didn't even notice...


I **feeeeeeel** this


I’ve learned from all of the houses I’ve worked on the only houses that weren’t half assed we’re built in the early 1900s lol Unless you got a contractor that gave a shit.


> One trip to the hardware store. That's a neat trick. I went to the same store three times on Saturday before declaring I was stuck (they didn't have the final tools I needed). Local store, so the owner is actually on-site and was laughing at me by trip 3. Thought I could swing that friendliness into her selling me the demo tool, but no such luck. So then went to big orange on Sunday to pick the rest up. Project still barely started with the weekend now over.


Yeah, I was pretty happy about that - but no shallow box in my mini electrical supply store that's stuffed into my office closet. Three visits on the same day is my record. And it's like a 40 minute round trip. But I routinely go once in the morning on Saturday or Sunday, get back to the job, then order whatever else I actually needed online for delivery at the start of the week. The workers there must get used to seeing people multiple times. I've asked the same guy different questions on the same day, hours apart, and they don't seem to think anything of it.


Home assistant is amazing. It runs my entire home and has made my quality of life much better. It's a goddamn time vampire though I'll say that.


Had to stop my LISS this morning on the stationary bike as I was getting overstimulated and about to jizz my pants


Jizzuz christ




Most reasonable answer to that kind of comment.


That's not how you do that... you just jizz your pants and keep going. How else do you expect to burn those calories?


Please tell me you were at a commercial gym. Did you just get up off the bike in joggers full mast and assert your dominance on the other gym bros.


I've learned a lot of life lessons from lifting. Preparedness has to be one of the biggest though. Prepping food, clothes, drugs, etc has made a massive difference in my training consistency and life in general. I'd love to hear how and what people prep here. I could always stand to learn more.


I’ve eaten the same thing for lunch M-F since October 2022. I eat the same thing for breakfast every morning, though I made a minor change about six months ago. None of that is exciting, but here’s what it has taught me: I can get used to pretty much anything and simply turn it into background noise and never be bothered by it. If I can unlearn bad eating habits, what other unhealthy things can I unlearn? Turns out a lot. I don’t have the discipline of a lot of guys here, but compared to who I was even a few years ago I’m light years ahead of myself. Again, it’s a small and boring thing, but it opens up the floodgates for all kinds of other boring but meaningful changes I can make over time.


I think you covered everything you can prepare lol, besides mentality before a meet or whatever. I will say the biggest life lesson I’ve learned from lifting competitively is what true effort means. I don’t think most people (normies) know what trying actually feels like, I know I sure didn’t. I’ve never tried harder with something than with powerlifting. Even high school sports were just kinda whatever. And it’s interesting because as time goes on, the word effort can mean something totally different. Like my effort 5 years ago lifting is not the same as the effort I put in today, even though I always thought I was giving a lot of effort. I hope in another 5 years I feel the same way about myself today.


I concur. I haven't competed in lifting, but I push myself hard and I highly doubt that most people have any clue what their real capacity is. They've never had to use it. Modern society has made people soft, and it's somewhat concerning, because if this ever goes bad and people actually have to do something that doesn't involve a screen, they're fucked.


Usually every Sunday. I get my Tupperware, my 2 crockpots, chicken, rice and whatever vegetables. Pressure cook my chicken and portion each with my rice and vegetable. Fridge 2 of them. Freeze the rest and pull as needed. Lasts me the entire week. Take 2.5 hours though but man it is worth it. I also buy ground turkey and portion that how I like. Prepping my food has made me much more consistent in my diet and thus gains


Does anyone have experience dating female lawyers? this girl is awesome but i feel i can't just yap whatever redacted bs comes into my mind


dating no, but friends with a bunch. it's a job ultimately, and when people are away from their work they just wanna unwind and not think about it like anyone else. ie I have friends who are doctors and lawyers, and you wouldn't know it if they didn't tell you. when they're out, they're cranking back liquor and blow like any other normal human


>you wouldn't know it if they didn't tell you. when they're out, they're cranking back liquor and blow That's how you know they're lawyers.




> But generally she’s extremely intelligent that's so hot MAKE ME FEEL LIKE A HIMBO BABYYYY


Trust me she wants to escape from overly intellectual bullshit and people droning on about discovery, SJ motions, caselaw, etc. lean in to your regardedness 


I have with a Doctor lol. What redacted bs are you talking about though?


whatever dumb stuff i can think of i don't remember most of what i say when i'm just yappin away. i just enjoy making her laugh


If you can make her laugh and giggle you can make her ass clap and jiggle


Oh, then you’re solid bro. If you’re making her laugh, you’re making her do anything lol


I know two female judges. Both are as regarded as they come. So nevermind talking BS.


oke will do she's quite smart so she sometimes takes what i say too seriously. probs bc of her nerdy side


Ha, I know that feeling. At first I chalked it up under not enough humor but I guess it’s normal at the start sometimes. And some ppl get the joke but still reply normally. Kinda weird but ok


Hey guys, could use some relationship advice. I've been going out with this amazing girl for almost a year but sometimes my amputee fetish gets the better of me. Last week my gf received a parcel containing a dirty socket liner I ordered from an amputee model because I couldn't find the option to have it delivered at a pick-up point instead. She asked me what the parcel was about but I brushed off the question and stayed evasive. I'm feeling awful because 1. She's very intelligent so she'll figure something is off 2. I really love her. She knows I have this fetish but do you think I should spill the beans?


I have zero advice, I just wanted to say that I had absolutely no expectation of this going the way it did, and I loved the ride.


I’m gonna go against what everyone else is saying and recommend you keep this weird shit to yourself. Stop watching porn and be normal


I second your advice. It's one thing to say i find amputee chicks attractive and share that with your significant other. It's another to order dirty socket liners from online fetish chicks. That's crossing a line whether its weird or not. If I ordered some used panties from an OF chick and my wife found out she'd divorce my ass. You gotta control those urges and bury them deep down inside like every other man.


I'm a psychologist. During my training, a professor told our class, "I had a famous football player come to my office one day. He told me he gets off wearing pantyhose while having sex. I told him we could do maybe 6 to 12 months of therapy and we would likely get to the root of the issue but it would be very expensive. Or he could just find a woman who is cool with his fetish. He chose to find someone compatible." I would probably give you the same advice. There is an amputee out there thinking, "If only I could find my perfect match" and you are it.


> 1. She's very intelligent so she'll figure something is off 2. I really love her. Perfect. > She knows I have this fetish Perfect. > but do you think I should spill the beans? Tactfully. Consider something like: *”Hey, I know you know I have this … specific sexual interest. I’ve been exploring it in myself a bit further lately. This is very new to me and I feel like it’s important that I be honest with you in that journey. Can I bring you up to speed and make sure I’m not doing anything that would make you uncomfortable? I love you deeply and want to make sure I don’t do anything to betray your trust.”* If she objects to something you’ve done so far, you apologize and reiterate that you understand there’s a boundary there that you need to explore and respect, and acknowledge that perhaps you should involve her more directly (if that’s the direction she chooses). If she doesn’t… great. Now ask her if she wants to play into your fantasies and if she’d be willing to nail you with her legs under the sheets below the knee 🤗.


Top notch answer. Do you work in therapy or counselling?


I have loads of certs and formal education but my only claim here is that I genuinely love people and aim to experience connection in every encounter.


>I have loads of certs and formal education but my only claim here is ...67 GB of amputee porn.


Shrugs: Counselor to all.




That's a bit of an odd one to explain... but... trust and honesty are the base foundation of a good relationship. If she knows something odd is up, she's going to want an explanation, or she's going to be suspicious and you'll lose a little of that trust... lose enough of it, and it's over.


Lot of sound advice given so far, I’m just here to say whaaaaaat THEE fuck bro


I would play the long con on this one…. Feed her candy and soda for the next 5 years, until the diabetes get bad. Then when the doctors say it’s time to take her big toe…. You live your best life, with your true love. Best thing is, as the “sugar” increases, the amputation continues…. Next a foot, many partial limb. It’s like banging a new woman every time. Maybe even sell a few sleeves on the side to fund the Pepsi habit too? Win/win.


LOL ! I could also pump her with GH so that she gets the diabetus without becoming too large.


Honesty is always the best policy in any relationship, romantic or otherwise. You’ve already betrayed that a bit by being evasive. Yes, I would be open with her, and make sure she knows (hopefully for you both this is true) that your fetish isn’t something that will ever come between you again. You will then need to be open to whatever her response is, and be prepared for her to possibly be hurt.


>She knows I have this fetish but do you think I should spill the beans? Just have an agreement that you don't talk in detail about your fetish related activities. You let her know what it's related to and she stops asking.


Have you considered asking her if she'd cut her leg off? If she loved you she would.


The alternative is let her think you’re up to something that she should be aware of and you’re hiding it from her… like cheating. Break trust once, you’ll never build it back up the same. Actually though, have you considered dating an amputee? I imagine there are quite a few out there looking for relationships / love.


Hey, agreed bud, there is no alternative. > Actually though, have you considered dating an amputee? I imagine there are quite a few out there looking for relationships / love. I tried but they're (statistically speaking) one in a million. Then to find those who are actually attractive and attracted to me, it's one in a trillion lol. Then I've also been told (probably here) that it's generally a bad idea to base a relationship on a fetish.


Wish I could get jacked and strong without eating lmao


Yea, doesn't work like that. I wish it did... I fucking hate food by the end of a bulk. I'm enjoying starving now.


My favorite cheat meal right now is not eating


Flu took me out for 2 weeks. Lost close to 10lbs, still struggling to feel normal again.


Try nearly 4 weeks. am struggling to get back into the gym again chronic fatigue is real issue.


Any advice for dating for a 30M that's going through a divorce? I'm getting my own place in a month. I've started using the apps, but most of the girls are either flaky or want a commitment. Never getting married again and not interested in anything long term. Plus I'm working on scaling a side business, so my free time is going to be limited. I want to try to go out an meet girls in person, but I'm not really a drinker and never got into the bar scene. I'm moving close to a downtown area, so I'm within walking distance of some hangout places for young professionals I'm pretty sure.


> Any advice for dating for a 30M that's going through a divorce? This is my advice and my opinion only, but don't. Focus on self improvement and being happy on your own until all that stuff is fully in the rearview. It's a great time for friends and hobbies. Anything else is a potentially unhealthy coping strategy, imo.


Maybe be open to something for long term? Be sure it won’t fit in most cases so you can work through many short terms? Also, if you have limited time and just want to bang, maybe there’s other apps and so on. Regarding the social thing of drinking etc, same..


Signed up on Reddit seven years ago today. Just realized that. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Got to hang out with all of you degenerates and the absolute love of my life/ dream girl/ soul mate found me here and she and I are living the beautiful life together. Thanks Reddit :)


Happy cake day and congrats


God we’re old now. 💜


Seriously man 7 years.


Happy cake day, bro. I for one am glad you're here, always appreciate your comments


Do yall ever deal with lack of exercise induced depression? I feel like I'm going through that now. I had surgery a few weeks back so I havent been able to work out and wont be able to for a few more weeks. I also went off T for the time period. I've been trying to focus on other projects and stuff including entertainment but my body and mind feels all levels of weird/wrong with me not being active. I usually work out but also cross train (climbing, hiking, football) dependijg on time of year. Not being able to do any of that is just making it hard to concentrate, stay on task/feel productive and is just depressing rn.


yeah man, this shit is our rock. it helps us either set up our day on the right foot or blow off some steam in the end of it. it's definitely not odd you're feeling off and depressed. just know you'll recover soon enough and get through it, and get back to where you were. it's just gonna take some time, and we all have to endure through the valleys to reach our peaks


Sounds like your symptoms could be from crashed T. I had two surgeries and both doctors told me not to stop trt. The idea was the healing would stress your body enough already without the change in hormones adding to it. Look into any exercises you can do with parts of the body that aren’t affected by the surgery and recommend you restart the test. Might help.


Are you able to go for walks outside? I find that's correlated with my mental health. More steps = more pleasant mental state, especially when paired with some mindfulness practice and a podcast about whatever strikes my fancy at the moment 


Exercise acts on almost the same neural pathways of antidepressants (BDNF release), so no surprise when you don’t take your meds you feel depressed.


I’m going to bitch a bit. It’s kind of depressing. I work for my family business and I’m pretty sure my dad just doesn’t like me. He never has. I’m different then my family. Not a huge right wing conservative conspiracy theorist. It’s just a weird feeling in the air every time I’m around him. He’s my boss so it gets to me after a while. We’ve been into multiple altercations. He’s pushed me a few times and threatens to fight or fire me I refuse to hit him or anything cause he’s my dad I won’t even really yell at him. I make ok money my pay has went down the last 2 years I went from making almost 70k to 55k (I work off commission). I don’t know what to do. I’m 28 I have a son and wife. I’m intelligent and hardworking but I don’t have collage experience or and trade experience that could transfer over. I work in pest control so I don’t feel like I could just transfer to a meaningful job. I don’t want to work with my crazy family anymore, but I also can’t let my family down


Your dad sounds miserable. I’ve personally never seen a “right wing conspiracy theorist” not be insufferable. Keep an eye on other pest control companies when one has an opening I’m sure they would like a guy with experience


Unfortunately I get paid well compared to pest control technicians. So idk if that’s a viable option. Yes bro, he’s very miserable. We once got into a fight because my wife didn’t txt him back after saying a questionable jokingly shitty thing about me. He then got pissed at me and was convinced that we were plotting or something. He told his family that all I do is go home and talk shit to my wife about him and now she doesn’t like him…. Like I was turning people against him


Sounds like you’re in sales. It’s probably The number one skill to get paid. Start looking at other sales positions. You can learn the specifics easy. If you can produce, you’ll get paid anywhere. Just depends how much bs you want to deal with as to your earning potential


I run a Medicare sales floor and my team did dogshit last week. Little do they know that this deep into a blast I’m ready to fire people on a whim. Luckily I’m just barely self aware enough to ignore that impulse. In positive news, the company is growing, I’m making more money than I’ve ever made, I’m heavier than I’ve ever been and consistently hitting PRs. Gains across the board baby, just trying to soak up everything going well before life throws me a curveball


The question is: are they dogshit or did they just have a dogshit week? And no! No curveballs. Smooth sails my brother


Just a bad week, I’m not one to blame the leads typically but when my top performers still aren’t hitting the minimum expectations, something else is going on. And thank you brother 💪


Have a good week, boys. I keep reminding myself that I'm nothing when I give up on my dreams. I come home from college, completely exhausted, and feel like taking a power nap or something. But I know my lazy ass will procrastinate the workout, and soon I'll fall asleep without getting in the workout. So I made the change of going to the gym immediately after classes. Ever since then, not a single workout missed. Yall...where do you get fashion advice ? This professor of mine called me and he complimented that I look good but I look like a bouncer. **Bitch** "You maintain a good physique. Why don't you learn to dress well, eh?" I'm trying, prof. Trust me.


Your prof is an absolute monster for that comment. Respect. Here’s an easy way: 1) pick a “look” 2) go to website of the highest end brand selling that “look” 3) scope out the pics of the male models for the clothes 4) go find the same thing much cheaper on Amazon / SHEIN/ temu / whatever Best is when the high end brand has a low-end brand with similar appearance. For example, if you like the banana republic look check out old navy.


Thanks bro. I'll do that


Smashing advice. I’ll add - if you’re a young professional and/or just busy AF, find the brand that makes “non-ironing” versions. I jumped on this bandwagon 3 years ago and I’m STILL elated with them.


Non-iron shirts are like pants with stretch: Once you convert, you'll never go back.




I look like a bouncer no matter how I dress, just a more fancy one




Ex's are ex's for a reason. Remember the reason.


Yeah, here’s some advice, fucking don’t


Gyno surgery went well, was talking with the surgeon during the whole surgery, total gland removal. He is highly experienced and was recommended him by another user here a few years ago. My surprise though: I can start training everything as long as it doesn't cause excessive sweating, and as long as I'm not overstretching my pecs by putting my hands above my heads, after about 48 hours 😮 This contradicts everything I've read about others here, saying they have to wait 5 weeks and what not. Not sure if the clinical guidelines are just different in Sweden where I got it done 🤷‍♂️


Wow that is wild - wouldn’t it hurt? I had it done and was a baby for 2-3 weeks lol


Anyone fucked around with phenibut (sparingly) as a pre-workout for lagging muscle groups? I had a potentially life-changing job interview today (would basically double my salary), and I used a couple grams to mitigate performance anxiety and improve verbal fluency. I keep it handy only for occasions when I need a little extra oomph, because I'm well researched on the risks. I'm training legs now though, and my focus and pain tolerance is sentinel-like. Probably the best leg workout I've ever had. I'm wondering if once a week administration would be a judicious and beneficial use of it to maximize leg days or if there's something critical I might be missing.


I would expect something with anxiolytic properties to be a hinderance to working out... it may be that the calming effect just lets you focus better if you're naturally scatterbrained, but that'd just fuck me up during a workout.


Appreciate the response. I am somewhat scatterbrained normally, so that could explain the heightened focus. Curious why an anxiolytic would impede exercise performance, though.


Dampens the adrenaline response. It'd just make me drag ass.


Makes sense.


Well I mentioned yesterday about my trip to Thailand. I got so fired up looking at photos I started planning going back in April. My girlfriend is going to be so fucking pissed but it’s my birthday so it might be able to slide… or we just end it and I stay in Thailand every single winter and have 5 girlfriends. When I was there I think I fell in love at least 5 times. Most notably the Dutch flight attendant.. fuck me boys. I was looking at a beautiful one bedroom for 25,000 baht which is around $1000 Canadian for 21 days close to the Muay Thai gym I was at. I’d probably start my blast 2 weeks before I went and pick up some test when I get there. I’ll probably lift 4x / week and train Muay Thai 6x / week with a few two per days. 500mg of Test after 3 weeks should have me recovering fast enough to train that much and still feel good. The biggest challenge will be getting enough calories to mass. On another note; I’m buying the RP app today for a 6 month run. Has anyone paid for it? I’ve been exclusively following his spreadsheets for over a year now which have been fun. I’ve gotta slow down the movements and not turn it into a rep competition with myself. I end up moving the weights too fast to beat my previous numbers and form gets worse.


You have trouble gaining weight in Thailand? Dawg when I was there I gained 10 solid pounds of fat in a week purely off mango sticky rice and those $0.25 Big Gulp sized fruit smoothies


I’m sorry, *mango sticky rice?* Is that something I can’t find in the US?


You absolutely can find it in the US (tho you need to make it to an authentic Thai restaurant for the really good experience). A word of caution before you depart for your adventure: kiss your abs goodbye.


Lmao fair play my friend. Thank you; my partner keeps pushing me to try Thai and now I have a strong reason!


Spicy Thai Basil rice is my number one favorite meal of all time


Oh. My. Fuck. That’s all. Thanks dude.


Bahahaha hell yeah!


most thai restaurants have it on their dessert menu, otherwise you can for sure pick it up at a local H-Mart or Asian supermarket if there's one close by


They cook it in coconut cream and sugar, it's soooo gooood.


Bro when you’re training Muay Thai 4 hours a day in the 30 degree heat, walking 7km / day on top of that and eating only Thai food it’s hard for me to get those calories in. Mango sticky rice is BOMB


is the gear good in thailand? also the pins? only reason I havent gone is not having access to the gear


It's literally sold over the counter in pharmacies. So uh yeah.


Gotta say fellas, life is pretty damn good right now. I’m from KC and watching this dynasty is a dream come true. Been off tren for about 6 weeks now and my girl took me back after making the terrible mistake of being unfaithful because point blank I cannot handle the mental sides of tren. Been in therapy for 5 weeks now and I’ve been able to identify some of the underlying issues that cause me to self destruct. I know I’m better than what I’ve shown and I’ll continue to work on myself. Cheating is immature, selfish and just a shitty fucking thing to do. Tren turned me into a fucking insecure uncontrollable sex addict, I can’t ever use that shit again. Got 2 weeks left of this blast, 750 test 500 EQ . I’m up 24 lbs, feel great since I dropped the tren. Gonna cruise for 20 weeks and cut before my next run. Until then I’m gonna keep riding this high and continue working on myself, keep proving to this wonderful saint of a woman that she didn’t make a mistake taking me back.


How did you manage to get her back after this? Is the relationship the same?


Man I don’t know how she was able to forgive me honestly. I stopped fucking around on her before I got caught, I quit the tren, I got into therapy, I admitted how much of a piece of shit I was and took accountability, I guess she could just see that that’s not who I truly am and saw the good in me. She still struggles with feeling like she’s not enough for me so no it’s not the same but it’s been going well and getting better. She saw me at my absolute worst and still stayed by my side. I owe her more than I can ever repay for that.


Well, today is one of my two days I work a week, so no workout. But I have five patients on the schedule, so it should be a good day. I might try to work them through some corrective exercises to shake things up a bit. Hmmm....


"Today.... deadlifts until you puke. GO!!"


Holy shit, I might do that. "Your lower back hurts because it is weak, not tight. So we are gonna put 315 on the bar and set a timer for 30 minutes. You are gonna try to get 100+ reps in that time. You got this, Mildred."


"Fuck your discs! That pain is weakness leaving your body!! Pull you weak bitch, **PULL!!!**"


Can someone recommend a good SHBG thread? I’m on trt with low SHBG. I want to add an oral that won’t further reduce my SHBG.




Best bet is probably /r/homegym some proper gear nerds in there


I love my Marcy pro cage. It has upper and lower cable connections on both sides, Squat cage and smith machine. It gets a lot of use in my gym. The only thing i wish it had was moveable cable connections but I get by with the upper and lower. Marcy Pro Smith Machine Weight... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07HHF5QM7?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Well I deleted the wrong comment 😠 but here is the cable machine info: Just in case anyone searches this topic here in the future, here is the list of possibilities I came up with after reading a number of posts on /r/homegym - Bells of steel plate loaded cable tower - Titan short wall mounted pulley tower - Archon cable station - AmStaff Fitness DF2109 Single Stack Plate-Loaded Trainer - Valor Fitness BD-62 Wall Mount Cable Station


Made a blunder on office party (minor) and my boss made it a huuge deal. I overreacted (super high e2😂) and started crying like a little girl, must have been a weird experience from his POV hahah but honestly it made my case, quite an experience. Even still, made me realize im going to give him the finger and wish him luck replacing me, he admitted to me being superb in my job and apreciated by my peers yet his big ego got hurt, so whats the deal? This corporate world sure aint my thing. Next stop: self employed🖕👌


> Even still, made me realize im going to give him the finger and wish him luck replacing me, he admitted to me being superb in my job and apreciated by my peers yet his big ego got hurt, so whats the deal? Uhh... or just move on like a normal adult once you find a job you prefer? Nothing in your comment justifies this hostility.


Ngl man if you showed up to my corporate holiday party crying and acting like a fool and shit and blamed it on the steroids I’d have an email out to HR to get the process started before you headed home for the night.


Man idk if I love anything more than seeing dudes who are semi-new to the gym, like a year or so in and muscular but still soft bodied, doing a ton of bodybuilding poses all over the gym. Lol. There is a dude who literally still has a chest like he’s in middle school doing a full blown stage routine. Sure he’s got some muscle on his arms, but dude… lol. I love it. Perks me up early in the morning.


Better than the dudes you see since 5 years, and they still look like they are first week signed in.


That's the majority of my gym.


Is cluster dextrin for intraworkout the same as if I just used regular table sugar


No. And you can Google this. Come on man.






I had a heart attack from Covid a few years back. All my arteries and everything is perfect. It's a long, long story, so I decided I would give a test cycle a go. Man, I felt so weird for the first few weeks. Same thing. Pressure in my chest, my heart felt like it was fluttering sometimes. I stuck with it, and now im at week 7, and I feel fine. It was one of the best decisions of my life, actually. Completely cured my depression. I'm strong and confident. But anyway, I'm getting off subject. Tell him he might wanna have an EKG done to see if he has heart damage he didn't know about. I say this because I know 2 other men that had heart attacks exactly as I did from covid. I mean exactly, down to the letter. Had a heart attack, but the arteries and everything inside were perfect, and the doctors couldn't tell us why it happened. I was 27, so even if he's young, it doesn't matter.


Time to end the cycle I think my prostate is feeling it there was blood in my sperm this morning


Having followed you a sec here, hoping you can go down to a cruise and stay there for a year to get your health in order — stated as someone who goes for you to be and stay well after you have been permablasting most of the past year . Best luck friend ✌️




Start by reading the wiki on this subreddit…. Read all of it! Also ask steroid question in the on-topic stickied daily post


This is a not a question for the off topic thread. Anything “on topic” is for the daily ask anything. However before you post there, you need to read the wiki. Your questions will be answered there. If you need to ask a question that’s not answered in the wiki, that’s what the DAA is for.


Well you’re pissy today….


This man saved you from getting roasted, give him a thanks then check out the Wiki 💪


No, I’m just trying to help you navigate the sub so you can get the answers your looking for


A lead position might be opening up at my job. Kinda on the fence about applying. Upper management is shit but I like being lead positions. Also, I'm probably way under qualified for it, but at the same time, I know no one else is going to apply to be a lead in my area. There are some changes I want to make, and I want to be an advocate for the guys on the floor. I also don't mind taking the blame for them since I know they're highly skilled and get the job done.


Depends on if you're willing to be the guy who doesn't always get to clock out on time, gets to get shit thrown at you from both above and below, and have to answer for the dumbest person you're responsible for. If you want to move up the food chain and are willing to take on that extra level of BS, then do it.


fuck it dude, you don't have anything to lose in applying. you always want to be perpetuating yourself upwards, and if you don't like the position, it'll open up more opportunities for you in the long run.


I live near a certain midwest city. I am tired today, and ate like crap yesterday. Shame.


But back to back champs!


Figured this is probably the best place for this lol, looking for advice here. Currently running 400mg test e a week, pinning eod, currently about 20 weeks in and developed a tiny little lump under my left nipple, maybe about the size of a skittle, would taking an AI amd throwing in some Nolvadex possibly get rid of it since it's so small? Or am I already forced to get surgery to have it removed?


> would taking an AI amd throwing in some Nolvadex possibly get rid of it since it's so small? Yes, new growth appears to be much easier to make recede with SERMs than established growth.


Any one tried fasting on steroids? Might seems counterintuitive: I ask because I’m about to go on TRT, as advised by my doctor (I work nights which has tanked my T levels.) I like to do extended fasts every now and then, it makes me feel clear headed and refreshed. I’m curious to know if anyone has done them together?


Sure, I know /u/oldkingkratos used to do occasional fasts, and he's a large lad.


I've done a few. Nothing detrimental happened.


Realized how nice it is to have access to machines. I have a home gym. I recently just bought a gym membership to a nice place. Fell in love with the cable push downs. I’ve been doing skull crushers. Started bothering my elbow. Woke up this morning and my triceps are fried. The peck deck is also amazing


Sounds like it's time to add a dual cable stack to your home gym!




I can’t have instagram dude. It’s like my fucking cheating trigger.


i don't even understand how instagram works. like, i hear people use it for dating or w/e. you create an account, and just like follow random women who happen to be in your city? or just like friends and then follow their friends and shit?


Tren feels like poison even at low doses. Nightmares, sweats, out of breath easily. Feel like shit on it , I thought roids make you feel better not worse. At least with my primo and test cycles that’s how I feel, best version of me, with tren it feels like death


Why would you run tren? It's notorious for its mental sides and being incredibly harsh on your body overall. Don't see why anyone would unless you're a serious competitor and you'll basically *have* to do it


[Help] Low libido. I started taking steroids when I was 21 (I'm now 26 years old) blast most of the time with test, deca and dbol, totaling a maximum of 2g/week. Cruise on 200-600mg/week of testosterone alone. In the beginning, in the first 2 years, I was horny as hell, even if I watched porn, had sex with several girls, I was always ready for more. Afterwards this became something more controllable, still strong, and today I feel natural, my dick works when I need to use it, but nothing compared to before. I even changed the steroid supplier, which was always the same with the same quality, but it didn't solve the problem. what to do? Has this ever happened to anyone?


I don’t even know where to start with this lol Just try going for a short dry streak. No porn, no TikTok / IG thirst traps. Most you give yourself is a glance at the big powerlifting chicks hamstring, not even the glute. Sex, like anything else, gets old and a bit boring when you’ve done or watched everything under the sun. Your generation literally watches too much porn (hardcore or softcore shit on Ig / TikTok). You’re desensitized to it and need more of whatever to feel interested. Case in point: Most generally available porn when I was a kid was about fucking your hot neighbor. Now everyone apparently wants to fuck their step mom while dad is away on business.


At what age do you guys plan to stop blasting and drop to TRT permanently?


Don't have a set age in mind, I think you'll kinda know when it's time as you age.






Just finished my 3 weeks testC at 250mg… 16 weeks at 500mg starts now 💪 lezzz goo. 2nd cycle.. first cycle I did 450mg and went from 72kg to 85kg at 6ft.. now sitting at 89kg. Wonder if I can crack the big 100kg.


> Wonder if I can crack the big 100kg. Hope so man, you're victim weight rn. > Just finished my 3 weeks testC at 250mg… 16 weeks at 500mg starts now There's no reason at all to start your cycle at 250mg if you're just gonna run 500mg later. Just start it at 500.


Testosterone is running 1070 ng/dl after 3 weeks of running test cyp 500 mg a week. Is this normal or should my levels be higher? I was normally running 330 ng/dl before testosterone cyp.


Should be higher than that


Would be helpful to include pinning frequency and how long after your last pin that your bloods were drawn.


Took hcg injection for pct after steroid cycle, had sex a few hours after the injection. Had this wasted the hcg injection I did?


This has to be a joke right


Nah genuine question, been told you can't have sex directly after the hcg injection


Tell me how or why that makes sense to you