• By -


Good morning y’all. Life is great and I wanted to share with the boys. My daughter is 4 months old today and 100% mine (I got my wife pregnant on my first blast). My ankle is fully recovered from breaking it in November 23 and I’m about to hit a leg day. All in all feeling blessed and grateful. Wishing you all the best.


>and 100% mine This took me out a bit ngl


🤣 There was some doubt here when I found out. She was on birth control, I was on steroids, shouldn’t have happened but here we are totally obsessed with our juicy baby.


Maaaaaaan it happens! Super happy for you. 4 months is super close to when it starts getting REALLY fun for dad ❤️.


Jesus that kid really wanted to be birthed lmao




I miss that age, have 4 and my youngest is 9 years old now. Edit: it all flies by so fast


Oh this is good, this is about the age where they can do stuff like be thrown around and do high fives and all that


Just got ORIF surgery on my ankle, week 3 of being no weight bearing and stuck on the couch. Going fucking insane, how was your recovery? Currently on gh, bpc and tb500


Damn I feel for you. I got lucky with no surgery required, but the recovery was still horrible. Two months in a cast, one of them in bed in horrible pain because of swelling inside the cast. Once I was on crutches it was a turning point and got stronger/ better every day. After the cast I wore a boot for another two weeks. 5 months later I have occasional pain but I’m back to full mobility and squatting good weight for reps. Worst part for me was watching my legs get smaller everyday. I lost 20 ish lbs, very distressing. Kneesovertoesguy on YouTube helped me out a lot with the initial re-strengthening of my ankles. I honestly think I’m more flexible there than I was before. Remember that the injury is healing and you are doing what’s required already; resting. I’m sure the peptides help but sleep and protein are your best friends here. My go-to meal was shredded chicken, rice and bone broth soup. Oh and if they gave you the good meds, do your best to not use them. Something like 500mg ibuprofen and weed if you have it is smarter. Sorry about the injury brother I hope this helped a bit. It’ll be behind you before you know it!


Life is excellent. I found myself a varbie that both pegs and pins my ass


My estrogen is down and I feel better today. Still got one hive of bees that look happy. Slept like a chimp. About to finish some coffee and take the kid to Charles Entertainment Cheese. I'm sure I will update this throughout the day. 😅 Edit: wife kept asking questions about the remaining hive, making it sound like they were going to fail or leave, too. Now she is saying im too negative because I told her (after twenty ish minutes of it) that if I lose another hive this year, I will sell all my equipment and find a new hobby.


You show up and your escaped bees are all playing skee ball.


This mental image made me laugh audibly. Like, music stops and they all look over at me with guilt on their faces. 🤣




Amazing 🤣🤣🤣


Shes definitely not into me right? Came up to me outside the gym and started a conversation, we chatted for over 2 hours, really into her, competes, uses gear....basically lives the same lifestyle. Anways, Messaged her the next day inviting to some birthday event i was going to, no reply, 2 days later replies with "hey i only just saw this, how was your night" yeah, yeah. Replied to a story a week later and during that conversation said "if you feel like training together sometime let me know" her response "Yeah that would be great fun!" Now when i go into the gym i pretend not to see her and when i fuck up and we do make eye contact I just smile and wave. I dont want to be that guy that cant take a hint so i try and keep my distance but every time she'll come up and start a conversation. Of course im friendly and flirty during those interactions (I think) but its starting to confuse me Im getting the vibe shes not interested but still wants the attention, does that sound like whats going on here?


> Shes definitely not into me right? I think she's the only person that can answer this for you. Thus far, it's very unclear. Frankly, I wouldn't go to a birthday celebration with someone I have no relationship with either. You took a stab at inviting her to an event. In your shoes, I'd take another stab at the same. If the situation unfolds the same way as previously, and she proposes no future progression, then you'll have your answer. Invite her to a specific place on a specific date and time. I don't care if it's planning a gym workout, the supplement store, or any random errand you have to do that you think interlinks with her interests. Anywhere. Preferably somewhere casual with no expectations.


That's great advice


Invite her to do something interesting that you want to do. Indoor rock climbing, go cars, sky diving. You want it to be active and fun. Or you can go standard coffee date. “I think your fun, I’d like to get to know you better and make sure your not a serial killer” As for the gym, start cutting your time with her short. You can still be friendly, but set a boundary for yourself. You have to leave some mystery and give her a reason to want to spend time with you. If she gets her fill of attention from your interactions with you at the gym, there is no reason for her to move forward.


Does that mean me referencing us training some time and kind of putting the ball in her court, after she pretty much ignored that first invitation (was a stupid choice I know, just heard all about "invite her to something you're already doing"), wasn't a good enough attempt and I should still try again?


Vague suggestions of doing a thing on some undetermined date are basically never successful. Not just with romantic interests, but friends too. It just isn't something productive. That's why I said to be very specific with a date and time.


Can't help you at all but I've been in this situation a couple of times. But I can't keep a conversation to save my life, so it never goes anywhere even if they are interested in me.


I think a lot of girls are like that and just want the attention from guys, if I were in your shoes I just straight up ask her to go out on a date so she knows it is a DATE, preferably coffee or something so if it doesn’t go well you dont have to sit through dinner. I think that way it’ll be clear from that moment, so either she says no and you can go back nodding and waving at the gym and an occasional convo here and there or she is interested in more. Not asking this question early on makes you waste your time


I would agree with what all the others have said about asking her out on a specific date but I think there is an added complication of you guys both loving the gym and going to the gym. Like if it were a random woman who you wouldn't normally cross paths with then it would be a little different and may have been more willing to do something like a birthday celebration. But because you both share that part of your lives and are guaranteed to see each other and both value being in the gym, it may be best to take it slow and build the relationship via conversations in the gym. Maybe she's scared or hesitant because it might seem a little much to her to already be doing shit outside the gym when she knows she has that built in gym time to get to know you. Maybe she values the gym so much she's worried about potentially making that situation awkward and then she feels she has to switch gyms or something. Idk man, just my 2 cents but it doesn't sound like she's not into you, but sounds like she wants to take things at a pace that only she knows about in her head


I do definitely want to do something like this. I'm kind of put off now because I've now. 1. Explicitly invited to something and then 2. Tried leaving the ball in her court with the "we should train some time". She's definitely not the shy type, may be a little intimidated by the fact I'm biggest guy in the gym, juiced to the gills, but i assumed if she was interested she would've said like "what are you training tomorrow" ghee idk I'm a little autistic with all this stuff. And as I mentioned in my post I don't want to be that guy that can't take a hint she's not interested. Surely she can't be that offended if I just ask her out right? Even though there's all the stigma around not asking girls out at the gym, not harassing them or they'll have to change gyms etc. I hope I'm not that creepy and overbearing.


I think your approach here is fine. If she's interested in more she'll tell you or you'll figure it out. It sounds like maybe she just wants a like-minded friend more than a date.


I think you’re both trying too hard to not make it weird at the gym if things don’t work out. What do you gym options look like locally? Is the one you two go to the best / closest around? Agree with others. You said hey we should workout some time together and she actually agreed enthusiastically. Why not take the next step brotha? “I need quads like yours so when’s our next leg day?” You’ll know from her response whether she’s just being casually friendly (in the way you would say yeah dude we can totally get a lift in to some DYEL bro who you know is just going to want to talk for 2 hours — you don’t actually mean it).


Show her your cock only way to know for sure


There are some girls that are really turned off by guys inviting them to an event as opposed to a proper one on one date. There's a difference between being intentional about taking the time to get to know her versus including her in whatever you already have planned.


I’m addicted to shooting thirst traps for this girl. I love the exhibition aspect and the validation. Never thought I’d be so into it honestly. Sooo, I ordered a tripod for my iPhone. Next step should be some basic editing skills with iOS. Anyways, some ideas for posing, lightning, spots and so on? I already looked on the subreddits and found some stuff.. looking to make some pics and also vids…


So uhh, feel free I guess to post them here first… I mean only if you want to or whatever.


Bro, I’m sooo much too insecure for that.


It’s ok bro you can just pm them to me and I’ll verify the quality for you


When this comment popped up in the mod queue i didn’t expect this to be the context


Lower the tren


Woke up to an unexpected meeting with my manager and HR . I'm laid off as of about 9:30 CST. It came out about a week ago that my super stable project which was the model for our corporate vision had a client who wasn't paying on time. I'm honestly unbothered by the entire situation. I've been explicitly told by former a manager to call him if I ever wanted to move on from my (former) employer. Pretty generous severance package (I think?) : 286hrs (\~7wk) of pay + COBRA through July at no cost. Honestly the worst part is that my normal coping strategies are kinda off-the-table right now: Crafting shit: I've got a couple of leather craft projects backed up but I'd have to hit my condo and deal with the husband I'm trying to divorce. Write code: I'd honestly like to take time and get caught up on some work for a business I'm trying to start with my soon-to-be-ex. But really do I want to invest in that? Gym: I was planning a bulk / cycle but blood work isn't in yet, compounds are delayed, and not sure that the added expense of food is a great plan. Plus i probably don't want to start a new job mid-blast.


In your position I'd take the week to relax and do easy tasks you enjoy. Taking some time for yourself and reset.


I mean I definitely will be relaxing. This is far from the worst position I've ever been in


Good morning Juice fuckers. I have been blasting around 600mg and I ran half a marathon. I am alive and why the fuck you haven't done your cardio? Also the recovery on that amount of test is incredible!


Man, I do my LISS every session and I could run a 5k most days at like a 27 minute pace or whatever. The last 6-7 months I’ve legitimately brutalized myself with Gamma Bomb and Creeping Death 2. Most workouts I’d be fighting consciousness for some of those sets and if I passed out, vomited and pissed my pants it was what it was. But I feel like the mental fortitude you have to have to run long distance is insane. Even a half marathon is what 2-3 hours for a good time? Fuck that man. I can’t imagine full marathons or ultra long distance runs. Congrats on the half marathon bro


I use to distance run, it gets better with time, usually it gets easier. 


Running used to get me to a very calm state of mind. Most of your runs will be fairly comfortable unless you are truly pushing the pace. Once you get better and you find your rythm(steps per minute) it becomes wayyyyy more comfortable.


2 hours is doable eith minimal training (dragged my mate for one before), 1.5 is good but winning nothing. I am a natty dyel tho


Anyone else enjoy the extra nipple sensitivity? My girl sucks on them and I swear it’s almost all I need


I would remove this post, but it would only spare others from seeing it and not me, and Im really the person Im trying to protect here.


Dude you can just say yes and agree with me :p Jk bro I got issues 😂


I become violent when people touch my nipples. We all like different stuff man, Im glad you're getting something positive out of it.




My eyes 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


This coming from \*you\*?


What is it exactly that you're implying there babe? 😅


Implying? I don’t think I was implying anything but outright calling you a freak ;)


Well, you ain't wrong there 🤷‍♂️


Finally off Lexapro after a year of being on it. Fuck that shit. Didn’t feel any kinds of happiness while on it. I felt like it took half my soul away.


Welcome back to the real world


Lexapro turned me in a fucking zombie lmao


I am cracking up at “you guys are assholes”


My freaking NINETEEN YEAR OLD BROTHER just spent the night in the ER having emergency surgery to stop a bleed in his liver due to AAS abuse, all enabled by my shitty parents and his shitty fucking coach who probably sold him the steroids in the first place. My full rant is over here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/offmychest/comments/1bzzqti/my\_19\_year\_old\_little\_brother\_just\_spent\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/offmychest/comments/1bzzqti/my_19_year_old_little_brother_just_spent_the/) Be careful guys, especially younger guys, and be careful with your doses. God knows what all he was on. Fucking what kind of goddamn awful idiot parents gives a teenager just free reign with a credit card, KNOWS HE'S BUYING HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS OF STEROIDS EVERY MONTH AND JUST KEEPS GIVING HIM MONEY???


Thank you for sharing. Genuinely hopeful that his liver takes the punching bag treatment with grace and bounces back because he’s young and that’s what livers do - and also genuinely hopeful that he’ll take the very not small hint to knock it off. We don’t do that here; we don’t condone that here and we certainly try to take every opportunity to educate the young and misled fellas the come along from YouTube and TikTok, telling them That all these toxic substances are the cure for their social inadequacies or that they’ll “finally get the girl” if they just take these pills. It’s part of our every day life here, and we’re really lucky to have each other to rely on. Some of these kids don’t care, and heed absolutely zero wise council. But still, there’s the random few; like one we had this morning, who adjust themselves and are grateful for someone actually being honest with them about the possible detriment to their physiology, chemistry, psychological stability and development etc. Well wishes to you and your brother ❤️🤝🏼.


Appreciate you and that's really great the knowledge in this community. I know he was doing a lot of research online and I'm sure came across the millions of anecdotes saying don't start steroids before 25, but, when you're 16 you know everything and you're invincible. And it's not only his liver, doctors said there's signs of heart and kidney damage. Apparently his potassium was at 6.5, which from what I google is dangerously high and indicative of kidney damage. Not sure what was indicating heart damage, if it was just the potassium or other levels, but it's not good. Of course when the times I talked to him about steroids and their dangers he swore up and down yeah yeah I'll get blood tests, I know what I'm doing, I've researched this... Told him he's going to need to be on TRT for the rest of his life and he's just "yeah yeah I know, it's worth it to me." I'm just so mad that my parents, the people who COULD have actually stopped him not only didn't stop him but entirely enabled him. He's 19, still living at home, all his bills are paid for by my parents. All they had to do was cut off his credit card, and stop paying for his coach, and then he wouldn't have had the money to buy test and HGH and SARMS and whatever else he was on. Judging by the liver bleed he was probably on some awful orals in addition to test and HGH.


Hey man, Im sorry this happened. We're a harm reduction forum, and are absolutely committed to driving forward safer use models. This includes: - insisting that users wait until after age 25 to begin using - avoiding harmful, untested substances like SARMs - avoiding harmful, excessive doses


That's what I was telling my partner. Like any knowledgeable coach/decent human being would have told my brother "16 is too young, use your natural testosterone to grow now, wait until at least 25 before starting them." He has strong natural genetics and talent, that was why he got so into it in the first place, him lifting for a year during covid he saw huge results and got really into the sport. I seriously can't wrap my head around the fact that my parents kept paying for his anabolics, and that his coach just coached him through all this! Even if we say my brother completely hid his AAS use from the coach, you're gonna notice something is up when your 16 year old client has put on 30lbs in a year and is benching 3 plates.


Its highly likely his coach sold to him. I'm also stunned that he managed to spend hundreds of dollars a month. I've been accused of having a... robust supplement protocol, and I think I spend less than $500 a month soup to nuts, including HGH, anabolics, and my supplements. I'm sorry that so many people around him failed him and led him astray. I would also be terribly, terribly mad. He's young, and will likely recover. Im hopeful your parents blame themselves for this in part, and also that his coach blames himself too.


Appreciate you. I hope this will be a good reminder that his actions have consequences and shake him out of that young person "I'm invincible" illusion. Hopefully the organ damage has not progressed to a level to have permanent injury, he's probably going to need to be on TRT for the rest of his life though, I don't think he's cycled off of test since he started using at 16. It's really crazy the amount of money he blows through. Literally every new supplement, pre-workout, protein, he has tried. His room has a pile of different supplements. Last time I was home he came back from the grocery store with 5lbs of pre-packaged grass-fed ground beef. It's grass-fed beef or salmon for dinner for him every night. I'm 37 and can't afford to eat half as well as he does.


Just want to say thanks for everything you do man. Just a lurker and sometimes post but people like you are the reason I waited until my late 20s, do bloodwork, and always keep researching. 🫡


Thank you for sharing that with me :) sometimes it feels like trying to boil the ocean, so to know I’ve helped somebody really means a lot to me. Always feel free to share if you have questions!!


I'm very sorry to hear that. Sending best wishes and I hope that he makes a quick, uneventful and full recovery


Thank you. He's out of surgery and the doctors say he'll be okay and make a full recovery.


That’s really horrible man. Steroid abuse can really fuck you up. I’m wishing you and your brother the best and I hope your brother can come to terms with his drug abuse and fix the issues that led to it. Normally steroid use doesn’t cause acute issue like this, but issues might materialize many, many years down the line. If you ever find out his drug regimen, like what drugs, what dosages, and duration he took them, could you come back and let us know? He must have been taking some insane dosages of the harshest drugs for a really long time or something. Like he would have been going nuts during this 3 year period straight without any breaks. Hundreds of dollars per month of steroids is pretty insane too, because I spend maybe $400 for the year for my high dosage cycle, TRT, and the associated drugs lol. His coach for sure was milking him out of a lot of money.




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I am PISSED today. Like I wish somebody had tried to mug me on the commute home so that I could’ve beaten their ass to pulp without consequences -pissed. On an unrelated note I’ve been thinking about getting a cat. Need me a cute ball of fur who I can pamper and who loves me unconditionally


> who loves me unconditionally Never owned a cat before have you


> who loves my ability to open the wet food can unconditionally There i fixed it.


nailed it


I’ve got a cat who loves me unconditionally. It makes my life 1000x better. I love that little fucker.


Fuck, this is sad, but I`ve not fucked in years because of social anxiety and somehow today I thought enough is enough and managed to get the balls to call a whore. I even took some cialis and she was super hot, perfect body, nice face,... Couldnt get it up to save my life. I feel so frustrated. I didnt know where else to vent than here. Im on 200 test 100 mast just for shit and giggles, and I can jack off no problem. I think all these years fapping to all kind of degenerate porn has fucked my head. Add the performance anxiety and shit just doesnt work. On the positive side, the whore was miring hard lmao


You clearly already know the problem. Also social skills can be learned.


> Also social skills can be learned. True, but social anxiety is not lack of skills, it's paralizing fear of interacting with people. In particular to me, talking with women I'm atracted to is terrifying, I can't even speak. I guess if I talked with a few every day I'd get over it but it's easier said than done.


Gonna say dude, had this issue when I was watching porn. Shit starts to work again if you stop for a week.


Pt-141 helps with performance anxiety.


The 👏 answer 👏 is 👏 not 👏 more 👏 drugs👏


Do you know what sub you are in? lmao as long as it works I couldn't care less.


Yes, I know what sub I'm in. Thanks.


lmao point taken


LMAO this exchange was gold


Shame on me lol. I don't know how long I've been in this sub but it's easily 10+ years (with another account I... ehem... lost) and I only recognize like 2 mods.


Stop watching porn and jerking off so much


True that, but it’s also finding the right drug, I’ve found that cialis and viagra are not effective if the problem is in your head. PT-141 however overrides your mind and you are hard no matter what. 4mg keeps me hard for around 12 hours. Takes about an hour to kick in. It’s FDA approved to make women horny.


>4mg keeps me hard for around 12 hours #😳


Thanks, man. I'll look for a source.


My girlfriend is worried that when we have kids I will inadvertently damage their self-perception/body image and their relationships to food. I get where she’s coming from, as many of us do I tend to fixate a lot on my appearance and my dietary practices are rigorous to a point that most normal people tend to view them as extreme. While my eating practices aren’t physically unhealthy, I recognize that psychologically they differ from the norm, and I’m not looking to traumatize my children down the road. The whole conversation is just weighing on me a bit, do any fathers here have a perspective on this to share?


It’s fair to worry about that, but I’ll also mention that kids go through a long period of time where they absolutely do not listen to their parents at all, so it’s probably a mixed bag. If/when the time comes you could simply explain to the kid(s) that daddy doesn’t eat like a normal person. They’re also going to notice that you don’t *look* like the other kids’ dads, so it won’t be that hard for them to make the connection.


I’m not a father (yet) but I think that there is definitely another angle to this where your kids think of you as a super hero. They’ll watch you lift, do your cardio, eat healthy, and (now or in the future when your done competitively bodybuilding) have the occasional cheat meal. There are so many positives that your future kids can take from your lifestyle, and if we’re all just a reflection of the people closest to us, there’s a good chance (imo) they’ll take the best of what they see you do. I think there is something to be said about watching people you admire act with self discipline on a daily basis. That said, you can always show up for them to teach balance as well - for example, having 2 oz of frozen yogurt while on a cut when you take the family out for a treat. I really do think there’s a ton more positive than negative.


I told my kid that it's a personal choice, and I do things like weighing my food and tracking my calories because I have goals that require me to do so. She knows this is my lifestyle choice, and that I'm doing it because I enjoy it and it gives me a sense of purpose, and some of the things I do are unusual. She knows that it's not "normal", but that it also isn't a disorder or problem either. It's for a purpose. I don't try and push my habits or lifestyle on her, but I explained the reasoning so she understood and didn't feel like it was something she, or anyone else, needed to do. I find that just explaining things like that simply and truthfully with the context given so they understand it is the best way to prevent any misunderstanding on their part.


It’s good for kids to see that you eat lean meats and vegetables all day. I can see some worry in weighing food but how is that different than more standard portion control? I’d rather my kids be a little obsessive about food than eat like normal people do. The norm is obesity now.


Rationally - it’ll be a good standard for them to see. If you’re confident that you’re eating well, then it’s not a net negative. Better than whatever the hell else. They’re kids. They’re gonna eat ice cream. But I’d say it’s a good example.


I make my own breakfast, snacks and lunches and eat a small portion of the family dinner. The wife and kids eat the same.


Anyone else noticing an uptick in AI bots since reddit licensed out to google for AI learning?


I can’t stop eating ass on a cycle anyone else get this side?


Life advice: Never trust that you understand the motivations of others. I used to be the old dude on here giving relationship advice because I had been with my ex wife for 18 years and I believed everything was perfect. We had young children together and I supported her as a stay at home wife. I assumed she loved me, was happy, and we'd grow old together after raising our children. Enter the inheritance: I inherited around a million in assets and cash from my best friend when he passed. My wife immediately saw her chance and kicked me out filing for divorce. It turned out she never loved me the way that I loved her and she had been having an affair behind my back with her highschool boyfriend for the entire time we were together...18 years. She was only with me because the boyfriend is a huge loser who can barely support himself and she needed someone financially stable so that she could have children and be a stay at home mom. She saw the inheritance as her chance to have the life she wanted with the man she actually wanted instead of me. The "Rape": What she didn't know is that in Texas anything inherited is NOT community property for a divorce. Once she found this out she tried to come back and reconcile with me, but I wouldn't have her. I know who she is now. We had months of fighting about how to split the assets in the divorce that she filed for but I wasn't about to give her any of my inheritance so she knew she would lose her cushy stay at home life and have to go back to work. Realizing this she became desperate and told me that she was going to file rape charges against me if I don't give her 100% of my inheritance. She said this in person, no text record. She was going to claim that I was abusive and forced her to have unwanted sex for our entire relationship and she was too scared to leave. I contacted a criminal defense lawyer and asked what to do. The lawyer said the odds are 50/50 that I would lose because if the Jury is full of women who have been raped there's a good possibility that they'll find me guilty and the political climate is very anti masculine male. I ended up giving her all of my inheritance. My job: Thinking that I'm safe since she got all my inherited assets I decided to be stoic and just enjoy my life until one day I get a call from my boss saying they're going to have to let me go because I'm a publicity risk. Turns out my ex wife posted publicly on my works social media pages that I raped her and that the company is shit for allowing someone like me to work for them. I don't know what she was thinking because without a job the kids don't have health insurance and I can't pay child support but women sometimes lose their minds and do irrational shit. She was upset about some disagreement we had and went nuclear. She's since apologized, but the damage is done and I will spend the next ten years in fear until the statute of limitations from the last time she was alone in my presence expires. Document everything brothers. I should have texted her agreeing "Since you're threatening me with a false rape charge I have no choice but to give you my inheritance, can I at least keep my best friend's house or are you asking for that too?" If I had been more clever and done something like this it's likely she would have replied that she wanted the house too which would be an admission that she's making false claims. Be smart.


this doesn't sound real, or like you're omitting some details or something. what lawyer would advise giving in to blackmail with no evidence? it's not uncommon for false accusations to be levied during divorces


RP is leaking.


Yeah it's a little too perfect


Holy shit..... I would've immediately converted that money into an asset like gold and made it disappear, or just offshored it and left the country. Ngl, that sort of betrayal would make me so mad, I would not have handled that calmly... that would've been a bare knuckle no holds barred fight at that point. All options on the table.


I certainly wasn't calm, I was like a wounded animal. That probably led to most of the mistakes I made in the process. I had a pitbull of a lawyer and was ready to give her nothing till she made the threat of pressing false charges against me. If I didn't have young kids with her I absolutely would have took the money and run, but the kids need me present. My kids need their Dad.


Should've taken the risk of her pressing the charges, imo... it would've bought time to get that money untouchable. You may have had a decent lawyer, but I'd have expected him to advise you on those options as well... as "gray area" as that might be. Hindsight is 20/20 though. 💁‍♂️


The money was already untouchable as it was considered outside the marriage. I gave it to her because of the 50/50 chance that if she pressed false charges I could end up in jail and my children wouldn't have me present. It sucks, but it's money I didn't have before anyway and the children are my life. Don't get me wrong, I'm upset about giving her my inheritance but the thing that bothers me most is the betrayal. If I had known she didn't love me I could have spent the last two decades building a life with someone who did instead of her.


It's done now, but this is not justice in the least. She was rewarded for extortion. Sorry man, but kids or not, she'd have a hole dug for her in a remote part of the desert if I were you... guess it is a good thing I am not you... 😬 definitely not how I would've handled it. Might be an option... counter sue for extortion. 🤷‍♂️ I'd ask.




Hi, ~~I’ve read this like 4x now and while I’d like to approve it (automod pulled it for harassment) because there’s some value in there, I can’t because some of your verbiage is VERY inflammatory.~~ ~~Asking someone to point to where they’re being a man, or if they have a shred of manhood left, or introducing the idea that some other guy that you don’t know may have nefarious intent with children is all VERY harsh verbalization of what you’re feeling. I understand where the passion is coming from, but if you want to say some of this to OP, you’re going to need to rephrase it in a manner that’s appropriate.~~ OP discarded.


Fair enough. I deleted it.


Hey, thanks for being cool about it dude. Like I said, you had valuable things to say, I just REALLY didn’t want to see things blow up in a way you may not have even intended. I appreciate you being passionate and certainly don’t want to stifle that here. 🤝🏼.


Or defamation sounds like there were logs of her saying sorry for falsely posting on your works social media?? I mean you literally lost your job because of this.


Logs would be nice but unfortunately no. She doesn't say anything over text on her divorce lawyers advice so everything is straight from her mouth.


>My divorce lawyer knew nothing about what was going on Why would you *ever* keep any piece of information relvent to your matter from your attorney? They need to know this as it will affect strategy in your case. At a minimum they'll be able to provide advice on how you can protect your children from the inevitable abuse and fallout when they chose to live with you as teens. Hell maybe they'll even be able to coach you on getting her to incriminate herself. Specifically, you want to make sure you retain as much custody as possible and monitor for signs of parental alienation. >I may be naive but I don't believe the kids will ever see that side of her. Speaking as the child of a woman like this: They'll see that side of her as soon as they're old enough to start wanting meaningful independence. She doesn't see your children as *people* with their own independent internal lives and feelings because she doesn't understand that *other people exist*. She likely only had children because it provided her with social status and kept you involved in the relationship / blind to the warning signs. All hell *will* break loose once they want to do something that she feels reflects badly on her or doesnt align with her vision of who they should be. Keep a very close eye on how she treats them.


This is exactly what I mean when I said "they will eventually". This is what will happen. Take this man's advice.


In hindsight, yes I should have told my divorce lawyer everything. Emotions were running high and I wasn't thinking clearly. I was scared and it was easy to just agree with her. She had already called Child Protective Services on me twice with false allegations just to hassle me into doing what she wanted.


You can always take action to make your position better. If you retained any custody now's the time to go back and talk to the lawyer about how you manage this dynamic going forward. In your shoes I would: Lay out what happened re the rape allegations and the putting you in blast / ending your career thing. Apologize for not including them -- nothing pisses off lawyers more than feeling lied to by their clients. Express your concern about how her actions reflect on her parenting and your long term success co-parenting with her. Specifically call out "she sees them as extensions of herself and not separate people" as concern. Ask how you can manage your life to protect yourself from future baseless allegations. Ask for specific guidance on making sure you aren't the victim of parental alienation Ask for guidance on various"bug out plans" for if the kids are being abused or she decides to get even more extreme in her treatment of you.


Thank you for this. I've been keeping a record of everything. As it stands, she is the primary custodian per our divorce decree but through my records it's clear they spend the majority of their time with me. 3 days a week every week, every holiday and 30 days over the summer amounts to well over half the year. I'm slowly building a case to go back with now that I'm less emotional and thinking clearly. It's easy to make mistakes when you're in survival mode.


If my experience with my mother is any guide: "living well is the best revenge". Since she likely sees them as an extension of her -- they give her status, and child support money -- them rejecting her is likely the most hurtful thing she can experience. All you have to do is be a great parent and make sure she's not filling their heads with lies. If you're kind/caring/supportive/engaged while she's mean/manipulative/controlling/distant it'll be easy for them to ask to live with you 100% when they can.


> I get that you're hurt, but this misogyny isn't going to fly here. Your unique situation **is your unique situation**. You can't apply your relationship fuckery to others. Remove this part or I'll remove you.


Yeah you're right. Took that out




Fuck this man. I woulda put the money in a trust, made her sign an agreement, and then sent her ass to court for blackmail. I’ve seen this happen too many times. A work buddy of mine thought he was going to marry his long time girlfriend, she moved into his house, helped a tiny fucking bit with the mortgage and he gave her 25%. Turns out after 10 years she’s lesbian, agreed to leave on amicable terms, and then he got a letter from a lawyer saying she wants the fair value of that 25%. He bought his house in Silicon Valley… that was like $250K cash and his two options were sell the house or take out a personal loan to pay her out. Money makes people turn into shit.


I’m sorry man. That is some unbelievably twisted shit.


>I ended up giving her all of my inheritance. Fake and stupid


Thanks for your input. If you had taken thirty seconds to look at my old account that was deleted during the divorce you’d know I’ve spent a half decade on here being supportive. Did I make mistakes during the most painful emotionally charged time in my life? Sure. Is that reason to be rude? That’s your choice.


GOOD FUCKING MORNING! Loving this weather here in Philly, about time we got some sunshine since the last month has been a shitty rain fest. Also back day aka best day tonight, gotta love dumbell rows




>I've been trying to tell him that it's too short of a cycle and that he should've done it on a bulk (that part not that much because it's pointless, he already started) but he just won't listen. These are the least of his problems. The fact he’s only 17 should be the biggest cause for intervention here.


Hi! On my early days of pinning I just knew how to pin quads because it was the easiest. Last year I developed this lump on my thigh size of a pingpong ball. Now it became a little small but It is still hard and kinda moving. Not really sure what to do. Some advice i received are Hot Compress and Massage Gun. Tried that and I think its a little smaller now. I want it to be completely gone. Its been 1yr and 3 months that I have this. Not sure if I can still remove it using some massage everyday etc. or if I really need to remove it through surgery. Any tips?


Leg press is my worst enemy. Very few machines feel right. Prime might be the worst for me, which is weird because I normally love their stuff.


I like the hammer strength machines but that's probably because they're the most common


Just seems like I can’t keep my hips and low back down and at the same time have my legs working at their best. Probably a hip mobility thing tbh. Started using my my squat shoes to eliminate the ankle mobility issue


Are you able to adjust the chair?


Some of them I can fiddle with but Prime just feels weird or becomes a vertical leg press. I ended up just waiting for the people supersetting to be done. Made the workout a bit longer but it was better than limping around with a trashy back pump and no quad pump lol


I came across a [study](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16531903/) saying that pseudoephedrine encances performance in 1500m runners and I was wondering if anyone here has used pseudoephedrine for focus or any other ADHD related symptoms?


Yes. It does help with those symptoms but it is cardiotoxic and for me has this trashy sick feeling if used any more than occasionally


Has anyone here ever suffered from inguinal hernia? What type of surgery did you choose? How long was the recovery time and when were you able to start training again? I was going to start the cycle now, I already have everything, but it will probably be delayed. I hope the stuff doesn't go bad before then.


I had mesh repair. It hurts a lot for about a week. I was able to train again after four weeks per my doctors orders. Getting back to presurgery strength took a couple of weeks at longest? The mesh apparently prevents it from ever happening again 🤞


Thanks, thats promising! Was it laparoscopic surgery?


Yes. Afterwards you feel like your dick did 10 rounds with a kangaroo, and your entire crotch area plus dick turns ebony from the bruising. That goes away pretty quickly though. I still have minor discoloration on my belly where they inserted the instruments four years later.


That still sounds like heaven compared to the current situation. Man, I can't even walk properly, let alone lifting.. I appreciate your help.


Best luck friend!


I had surgery 2 weeks ago today. I went robotic with mesh. It’s slightly more advanced than laparoscopic. I believe the recovery is almost the same. I decided to get a vasectomy while he was in there, and that gave him a chance to look at the second side. Glad I did, I had a small hernia on that side that he fixed too. I had mixed feelings about the mesh. After a lot of reading I felt it was the best option for inguinal. I also feel like a lot of the complaints about mesh, are for abdominal hernias. Recovery is going well. My abs still hurt, but the actual hernia repairs have not bothered me. I was walking day 2, and doing 3 miles walking by day 5. Was going to jog last night, but weather rolled in. Recoveries timelines online are all over the place. Some say a few weeks to lift, my doctor said 6 weeks. The way I feel today, I could start lifting as long as I kept weight really low. I’ll probably wait a few more weeks and start slow. I am on HGH, TB500, PBC157 and GHK-CU. I started them two days before the surgery. Not sure exactly how much they have helped, but I’m sure they have had an affect.


Thanks for the information. I some have BPC157 and TB500 laying around, I might start using these during the regeneration period. 6 weeks seems an awful long time... Mentally, I don't know if I can take it.


Yes, I had mesh surgery. I didn’t train at all for 4 weeks, and then took it easy and pumpy for 4 weeks. I wasn’t really pushing heavy weight until month 3. Just take is slow and gradual. Your gear will last a couple years don’t worry


I was thinking about going to failure, but with light weight, around 15-20 reps, after like a couple weeks. Thats the only thing seems reasonable to me.


2 weeks? That’s seems pretty soon man I’d be careful. I still didn’t feel right at that point. But your surgeon will have a better opinion based on the size of your case


I meant like 3-4 by saying "couple"


Don’t get mesh. Period. Sometimes it works, but the horror stories are real. They can basically save the muscles back together now, three day recover. Did it for me, zero issues (besides billing ofc)


Do u know the name of that operation?




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> I got frustrated couldnt lose weight no matter what on 500 test, 250 tren ace, and 250 mast prop. Not an ounce. Starving to death. Cardio for an hour a day. Nothing. I said fuck it and started eating crazy shit. Whoppers. Snack cakes. Cereal with whole milk. 4 to 5k calories a day for a week. >I wake up leaner every fucking day this week. Lost 5 pounds. >Whats going on here boys? What do i do with my calories now? Go back down or hit maintenance or what? /u/Remarkable_Luck8057 It's amusing that you said this two weeks ago > I use a cpap machine, have a nutrition and training program coach, eat a super particular and boring diet and train 6 days a week. 40 minutes cardio 6 days a week. It is more work than you can possibly imagine. And then now you're saying > I said fuck it and started eating crazy shit. Whoppers. Snack cakes. Cereal with whole milk. >Whats going on here boys? What do i do with my calories now? Go back down or hit maintenance or what? Is this LARP thing pretty fun for you? Why don't you just consult with the nutrition coach you claim to have? You also claimed to be in prep two weeks ago > Fucking CRAZY! Im running 500 test, 245 tren, 245 mast and 50mg anavar but im in prep right now. I'd love to know who your prep coach is that has you on whoppers and little debbies.




Respectfully, 14% is your absolute best? Cut another 5% man. None of the cosmetic orals are going to do much for you in double digit bodyfat.


IDK if it'll make you look better but Proviron for the sex.


running 300 mg test weekly / 40 mg of anavar daily (40mg before workout) noticing substantial hair loss from when i was running 500 mg test weekly / 40 mg anavar daily. any recommendations to keep my hair from falling out ? should i lower dose or drop the anavar completely ?


3.25g Gillette Mach 5 topical applied daily. Or I guess oral finasteride + topical monoxodil + topical RU58841


Hello ,I am type 1 diabetic and doing blast and cruise for a year now..is there any other diabetic doing AAS or TRT as well,just curious ?


Yes, heaps of diabetic do it, they are advantaged because they can use insulin for it's anabolic properties.


Oh,less woried now haba thought I am the only idiot with diabetes doing it


Are u diabetic?




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How long does BAC water last in a vial after drawing some up


the entire point is that it doesnt go bad man. its water and benzyl alcohol.


So I'm going in for full ACL & meniscus surgery in a month and was told by my surgeon that I should stop hormone replacement a month before and after the surgery due to risk of clotting. Currently running TRT test C 120mg/week. Does anyone know how the risk is elevated? Could this be mitigated with something as easy as aspirin? What are your thoughts on stopping replacement for the 2 months?


This seems like a medical question which we can't really answer but it's been up for 4 hours so maybe it not, u/Shrugsandsnugs anything you got for him?


Their concern is it's effect on the PT/INR clotting times and the potential for a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) distal to the knee after that sort of surgery. You definitely do not want to take anything like aspirin or any other sort of blood thinning agent before that invasive of a surgery... I've assisted in that procedure before, and trust me, it's a seriously invasive surgery involving both tissue and bone, and the risk of clotting is a serious matter because of how invasive it is. I'd suggest you listen to the surgeon on this one and drop the TRT as directed. You can start it back up after the surgery. The reasoning is that exogeneous testosterone, even at replacement levels, has a tendency to increase the platelet count some which increases clotting risks. In normal circumstances, that isn't much of an issue if you are healthy... in surgery that is that extensive, it becomes a risk for the lower extremity of that limb, because everything around the knee will be inflamed, thus reducing blood velocity below the knee. That can greatly increase the chance of a clot forming below the knee, which if it breaks loose and travels to your lungs or brain can become a life threatening problem in seconds. Best to listen to the surgeon on this one. ACL reconstruction is a serious operation. Being low T will be a minor background issue after that surgery... you'll have a lot more to deal with than low T symptoms. That will be the least of your concerns, I can assure you of that.


> So I'm going in for full ACL & meniscus surgery in a month and was told by my surgeon that I should stop hormone replacement a month before and after the surgery due to risk of clotting. Surgeon is gonna surgeon. Sounds like he’s talking out his ass. Unless he looked at your bloods and saw abnormal hematology, he could actually increase the possibility of complications in recovery by telling you to cease therapeutic replacement. However, the surgeon is the surgeon. Good luck explaining or asking them to change their mind. If I were in your shoes, I would still be up front and let them know that I was not going to stop my medically necessary hormone replacement, and if that was a problem they can recommend me to a surgeon who’s actually familiar with the literature on the subject. > Could this be mitigated with something as easy as aspirin? Do not take blood thinners before surgery. > What are your thoughts on stopping replacement for the 2 months? I think it’s really stupid if your hematology is completely normal. If it isn’t, that’s probably on you. **Not Medical Advice**.


I went from 6'1 190 to 209 or so off my first blast of 400t. Its been a month and I've dried out and my diet wasn't spectacular after eating all that food. I'm sitting around 204.5 and I started cutting yesterday on 2400 calories and 180g protein (I'm working on getting my protein up to 200+, have to adjust to this cut) I feel like with my lack of glycogen I'm a shell of myself. Obviously we all have to recognize we will never look the way we do on blast, but man I feel like even though I'm over 14 lbs heavier than where I started previously, I am not nearly as far along as I had hoped. Is it in my head? I had one friend comment how I shrunk down and another say I'm noticeably leaner (the polite way to say im smol?). Am I going to be decimated from this cut? That was my first real heavy bulk and this will be my first real heavy cut. I knew I was anticipating putting on 15-20 lbs including the water weight and losing all midsection definition, I don't know what to expect on this cut. I'm not sure if 10 lbs will do it or it's going to have to be more... If its 10+ lbs, did I completely fail my bulk? I felt great, looked great, and got showered with compliments so I feel like I couldn't have done all that bad. I'm in a shitty mindstate (but still optimistic) and hoping some veterans can chime in with their experiences. edit I should say I went from trt when I started to now back on cruise. bloods tomorrow.


If you’re on a cruise dose of test, training with good intensity and getting your 1g of protein per pound of body weight, you’re not going to lose muscle. You may look smaller after your cut, but we all carry way more fat that we realize. Out of curiosity what was your TDEE on your bulk, at your heaviest of 209lbs?


It had some variance but about 3400 calories. Id make sure I had a base daily of 3k and fill in 3-600 calories after that based on how much food I could handle for the day, hunger, and training. I'm afraid I'm going to be a DYEL skelly by the end of this cut.


We all feel small when we come off our first cycle, that’s normal man. I personally feel small anytime I’m on a cut, also normal. This is a marathon, not a sprint. The farther you cut down, the leaner you get, the higher your insulin sensitivity is gonna be, which is priming your body for your next bulk. Was your weight gain pretty linear on your bulk? Do you know how much of a surplus you were in? I would have expected your calories to be a bit higher at 6’1”


After that initial glycogen grab I would say that my weight gain became pretty linear. I just made sure the scale was moving, if my weight gain got stagnant week to week, I would push the pace. I didn't do traditonal tracking like I am for this cut, everything gets logged that I am currently eating. What I did was find macros on my staples and then plug things in as I felt necessary as time went on making sure I was always at a surplus. I'll end up logging everything the next bulk, but tracking that 10% of your diet that isnt clean (I'd eat out once a week whether it be wings/pizza or at a restaurant) makes it a bit of a guessing game, enough to skew your logged results IMO. Would I sometimes pig out when I felt like I needed it to get the job done? Sure, but I'd also cut it back when I didn't as well.


You still put on nearly 20lbs so that’s a win. My only suggestion for your cut is don’t drop into too steep of a deficit right away. If you were bulking on 3400 (assuming that’s maybe 400 over maintenance), a drop to 2400 might be a bit drastic is all. That said I’d assess what your current maintenance is prior to cutting so you’d be able to drop slightly below that to start.


I took your advice from a month ago and ran maintenance (about 3k) that steadied me out around 205 lbs while I dried out. Is the calorie concern it's going to eat away muscle tissue or that I am going to feel like shit/underperform in the gym? I was going to try and do 2400 for a starting point (haven't had much time for cardio only doing 10 mins after my workout, going to bump to 20 mins and have a day or two of dedicated cardio days at 30 mins-1hour) and up my calories by 1-200 depending on it feels unsustainable. Frankly my current diet is refreshing at the moment from not just the bulk but even my maintenance calories.


Glad it worked then! If you nosedive your calories too far, your training will suffer in one way or another. That said, you’re only talking about a 600cal deficit, which isn’t crazy. However why not start a bit easier, giving yourself room to drop further when you plateau? If you hit a 400 cal deficit, you can always drop to 600. If you’ve got a vacation or something planned, then you at least have the benefit of your hormones being propped up if you decide to suicide diet yourself, which is far less enjoyable.


The first 3-4 weeks of cruise are a bitch. You feel both small and fat. But once you drop some fat and start to chisel up, you'll start to look and feel a lot better. I wouldn't really worry about numbers, just focus on your diet, cardio and your workouts. Depending on how you started bf wise, you might have gained more muscle than you thought, but realize that a great blast will only net you 5-7 pounds of muscle. Don't beat yourself up, just look to the future and put the work in and try to figure out where you fell short and how you can improve that.


Thanks, I couldn't tell if this last month was my test normalizing or it was life that had me in an insane funk, a mixture of the two. Gym certainly went from insanely fun to kinda shit between the pump intensity toning down and apparently the gear was hiding a pec strain that I now have to nurse over the next few months. I want to say that I could have put on 6-7 lbs of muscle (I know this is insanely inaccurate but inbody test put me +6 lbs of lean muscle and +4.5% bodyfat from before to after) and the rest of the 14-15 lbs that remained was fat. So on paper almost 50/50 split of muscle to fat, is that considered a win for cycles or did I go too far off the deep end on fat?


I think it probably means your diet could have been dialed in more but I wouldn't say you went too far off the deep end. Also I'm not the best person to chime in on this because it's far easier(especially for me) to cut fat than it is build muscle so I always gain more fat than I should knowing I'll just drop it in 10-12 weeks on cruise. I'd rather not leave muscle on the table than be really lean all the time. I'm also a not super social married 35 year old in Colorado so I'm not really in a position to have my shirt off a ton. It really just depends on your goals.




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Do you guys eat the same things on your cut? I eat the same 3 things every single day I honestly don’t mind at all. Dinner is usually my only different meal of each day


More or less the same. If I’m feeling adventurous I’ll eat meal 5 in place of meal 2, but I like simple and inexpensive which places some limits on variety. Friday or Saturday night is typically date night with my wife so that’s a wild card, but it’s too much work to fix a binge, so it’s kept pretty tight. A grilled steak, veggies, air fryer potatoes, glass of red wine and I’m good to go for another week.


I am 4 weeks into my cycle and I’m loving the results so far Week 1-16 - 450 mg of test c 300 mg of Primo Week 1-8 50 mg of anavar I am looking to add another compound for weeks 9-16 and I’m looking for suggestions. I do have an anxiety issue so I’m looking for something that want give me a ton of anxiety. First 8 weeks I have been bulking, last 8 weeks I want to finish in a calorie deficit, looking for a dry/lean finish as July approaches I know, a little untraditional, but what do you guys suggest? I’ve been told 50 mg of winny may be my best bet. Thoughts?


Switching goals mid cycle is very odd and is indicative of some seriously bad cycle design and planning. Going for different goals in the same cycle likely will lead to disappointing on both ends. You aim for a goal and design a cycle to reach said goal optimally, not the other way around and not with 2 completely opposite goals. > I’ve been told 50 mg of winny may be my best bet. No it wouldn’t, that would be **16 weeks** of 16-a alkylated orals back to back which is pretty tough on your body. Testosterone isn’t going to help burn bodyfat, primo isn’t going to help burn bodyfat, anavar isn’t and winstrol isn’t. *Anabolic* steroids biggest benefit is that they massively help with *anabolism*. For cutting we recommend just a TRT dose of testosterone, that’s enough to bind to the glucocorticoid receptor, inhibiting the catabolic actions of cortisol on muscle. If you want to cut you need *less* anabolics, not more. If you wanted to end your cycle dry/lean you should’ve started your cycle 3-5% bodyfat below your desired bf%. My advice would be to just keep bulking throughout your cycle to make the most of this one, and plan your next cycles better.