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Ex wife doesnt want me to file the divorce. Says she has very much regret and sees things different this time. Im not buying it and see it as her not being able to deal with the new chapter of her life. Yesterday we told the children about me living in a different house from now on. Was pretty rough to see our oldest she broke down completely. The youngest doesnt seem to really grasp it or she is not able to express it. From my side im really done and dont believe she will change. Im definitly staying away for the next few months and if i see some change. Shit. Im open for it. For the kids sake. But im definitly not the one to keep packing my bags every three four months. Fuck that. My testosterone too high for that bullshit.


Stay strong — it is a hard time. This is the opportunity for you to demonstrate to your kids how to keep it together and be an adult. They need to know there is some stability in their worlds that are being uprooted. I had a ton of guilt leaving a similar situation because of worry about my kids. I am grateful to say that my kids are thriving, eight years later, in two stable households rather than one unstable one. It won’t happen immediately. It’s going to be hard. You may help your kids by considering counseling to help them process if that is within your means, but your most important job now is to be present for them, and to tell them _and yourself_ as often as you can that you love them, that you are there for them always, and that you will continue to be in their lives. Then follow through on that. Hang in there friend. Sending all my positive thoughts your way.


A lot of wisdom in here, thank you for that. I already told my kids and keep telling them i love them. And that this decision has absolutely nothing to do with them (dont know if a kid would think that way). You are appreciated.


That last point is really important—kids do blame themselves, and you have to extra emphasize that both parents still love them, that it isn’t their fault, and that both parents are aligned toward the kids well being and lifelong success. My ex and I can barely be in the same room, but we remain partners in our kids decision making and that is crucial. I cannot sugar coat this — it is hard as hell and will get worse before it gets better. Especially given your wife wanting to avoid divorce (mine did also) it’s going to be a haul. Best advice I would give about getting through is two-fold: 1. give yourself space, grace, and forgiveness, and years to heal. 2. Don’t put your entire life on hold — but don’t expect to maintain your current level of productivity initially. Learning to live a dual life of sorts as a single parent and a single adult is steep curve, and it’s ok to make a few mistakes figuring it out.


Again, gold advice. I will come back to this at times when needed. Saved.


Sorry to hear that man. Just remember, your kids look at you and their mother’s relationship and it has long lasting impacts on them. Sometimes its better to just not be together. Put you first, and be the best version of yourself that you can be.


Very true. Im not trying to paint myself as a saint, because a divorce means we both couldnt do it. The thing about me that she couldnt deal with, and probably almost any other woman, is that when i eventually explode and start to fire every argument, my arguments a to z come out like a rapidfire submachine gun. But on her part. She starts shit with me on the daily. I suck it up and once a week or so i will fire back. But when she is picking on me, belittling me in front of our kids, i hope, that when all this is said and done, my oldest (because she is very much aware and smart for her age) will pick up on this and decide to not engage in as many arguments like her mom when she eventually ends up in a marriage.


Sounds like you are making the right decision. The exploding and unloading arguments is something you should definitely work on for your future relationships. I should know, I’m the same way and it tends to cause resentment and really isn’t fair. If something really bothers you, you should make it known in the moment or right after… but the caveat is that your partner will also need the emotional maturity to not take offense to it and start an argument.


Exactly. She is emotionally immature and will, literally, 98 out of 100 times take offense and escalate. Thats why i suck it up. But then comes the volcano after days/weeks of sucking up. But yes. I cant rely on her to be emotionally mature. I have to work on myself not to make my own mistakes.


Idk man, if she can’t even take your concerns and have an adult conversation, that would be an ultimate deal breaker for me. That is such an important part of a relationship. You are making the right call.


I didn’t have kids but this is what my ex was like. It would take months for me to blow up but when i did it would be bad. Your oldest needs a good relationship to follow/emulate. Unfortunately sometimes just knowing right from wrong isn’t it. Have adult conversations with her as she grows up about emotions and healthy relationships and work on yourself to be the best that you can be and in the future choose a woman that does that as well. Wishing the best for you man. This shit is never easy, and it gets harder before it gets better man. Hang in there!


I know you guys have your best interest in me warning about things first getting harder before it gets better. Ofcourse i hope it wont be as bad. Hope she will deal with it with maturity. But i guess that would be sticking my head in the sand. Thank you for your support.


Shit, sorry bro. You’re dead right about how your ex is feeling though. Actions have consequences. Don’t make the mistake of not lawyering up. Good luck man.


Its crazy because for the past 5 months she kept pushing me to divorce, tell me all the reasons why im not a man according to her, a man wouldnt do this, a man wouldnt do that, i "keep making her feel bad" about anything she wants in life like im just there to be a party pooper all day. And now after i left the house (for the second time this year already) she wants me back. The only promising thing i can say is, when i left the first time, she had absolutely zero interest in me coming back. I came back on my own for my kids sake. She was very dismissive back then. She wasnt apologizing for shit and now she is. Dont know man its a mind fuck.


My ex did the same thing. When it was clear after six weeks I wasn’t returning, she changed her story and tried to bring down my personal and professional lives my spreading rumors I was an abusive heroin addict (not even remotely true; she was the one who did the hitting). Lawyer up yesterday.


>Lawyer up yesterday. u/brojustchillin I cannot emphasize and agree with this part enough. I've never been divorced, but I did fight a very long, expensive, and traumatic custody battle in my 20's. I made the mistake of thinking I could reason with her, that we could work together for our child's well-being, that the time together and the love were enough to at least not be enemies. Meanwhile she was hiring the most ruthless attorney she could find and served me papers. That motherfucker wiped the floor with my attorney, and with me. It's a shit situation. We all know that there's a better path. We all know that the inherently antagonistic nature of divorce is damaging and not ideal. We know no one wins but the lawyers. We also know that if you don't take the steps to guard yourself, you'll be the one constantly on defense, having your reputation dragged through the mud, having your income threatened, having your access to your children threatened, etc. Avoid conflict as much as you can, but get a lawyer. It's the divorce version of "speak softly and carry a big stick".


You know to be honest when shit hits the fan a dark side of her comes out saying the meanest shit about the drugs i abused in the past (knowing im clean for about 10 years). Right now i dont anticipate her becoming cruel with the divorce. But the hidden potential is definitly there.


Cover your ass. Don't instigate, don't be inflammatory, always try to arbitrate/mediate...but cover your ass.


This is also a mirror of my ex. Protect yourself ASAP.


Damn man. This shit boiled my blood. It fucking sucks because as soon as you get to the point of potentially needing a lawyer, then that’s all you need and whoever tries to be nice gets screwed over.


That’s terrible. She’s shown you who she is or at least who she’s become. There’s no salvaging this. It’s shitty that it ends like this, but you’ve gotta get an attorney. My gut tells me she’s saying she doesn’t want you to file for divorce so that she gets the first crack at it. And if she’s snapped on you in the past - she will here. It almost always gets worse when divorce happens.


It’s a mindfuck and I went thru similar as a divorced guy. I found out much later it all simply alligned with that her current guy situation was. Dismissive when she felt she didn’t need me, overly needy and suddenly promises and apologies were on deck. Remember, a woman who really wants you doesn’t make you jump thru hoops. This back and forth is not love.


My wife and I were separated for a little over 18 months. She left and shortly after filed for divorce. Eventually, we got to the point of setting a court date, and she had a change of heart. While I love my wife, and things are objectively better than they were, in my heart, I believe she came back once reality came into focus. She would be compensated for her time in the relationship, yet it would not be enough to live on comfortably, nor would it be forever. Her quality of life and comfort level would be fundamentally different. Far far worse actually. I think that was very sobering for her. Your wife might have regret. She may see things differently. I suspect it isn't clean, though. It isn't just love; it's everything. In the end if you're done, you're done. I just wasn't there yet, although sometimes I think maybe I should have been.


Im sorry to hear this. There is only one thing in life we want from our partners. Genuine feelings. Sure. In every marriage romance is going to die after a few years. And get replaced with lifelong respect. In the end it boils down to respect. But there should always be some feelings. Something. Doesnt have to be the first month of craving dick. But just loving you for being you. If i were you i wouldnt get stuck too much at the thought why she came back. Very likely that you are right. But that doesnt mean she didnt have or would never develop stronger feelings. For a woman, having stability is a fair reason to choose her partner. Dont act like a lot of us men make the mistake of choosing their partner based on sexual performance. Would i want my partner to be able to deepthroat, twerk, and go at it for at least 30 minutes without tapping out? Hell yeah. Would it be the correct assessment in choosing a partner? Hell no.


I'm sorry to hear about your situation as well. As a younger man, I spent a fair amount of time thinking about how things "should" be rather than how they actually are/were. It was a waste. You cant will new feelings or emotions into existence, especially from someone else. Now that I'm much older, I'm more accepting of reality and willing to accept compromise. I think that's just life. For the moment, I have my family again. If that's what this is then I'm willing to make that compromise.


As somebody who was there, immediately file divorce. She only said those things to me when she realized she didn’t want to work and finding a guy who was gonna pay for it wasn’t gonna be easy. Don’t hold on to bullshit hope.




Lol being a hopeless romantic can be a good thing. Life can be difficult to understand what is sometimes best for everybody. Looking pretty grim indeed but i appreciate it


sorry you're going through this. as you know, it takes two to fail, and two to succeed. if she's not willing to put in the effort for success, the only other option is failure. maybe a break will work for you, and if you do see her trying, make sure you match the effort. do the therapy and shit, even if you don't think you need it. and if she doesn't try, well, then there's the answer. i think i did this myself without realizing it or telling her. i wanted her to work on herself for herself, and i think that would have made me feel like she was still worth trying for. i really wanted her to go through it like I did, i kept hoping she'd wake up and be like, "damn, i'm really fucked up, maybe it's *not* everyone else that's the problem" but that epiphany never came. what i wouldn't do is follow the advice of everyone here and go straight to a cutthroat lawyer. even if this does end in divorce, it will be a lot cheaper and easier to do it uncontested. unless you guys absolutely hate eachother, you should be able to sit down and negotiate. you can look up state guidelines on child support/ spousal support, and come prepared with that and all assets/liabilities. this is what i did, and it took a couple tries, but eventually we agreed, and then i got a lawyer to write it up and file. depends on your state, but in most cases you'll end up at close to the same outcome anyway, just with a lot more resentment and a smaller bank account for both of you.


I understand you and the other guys as well. Right now im inclined to believe we can do this the easy way because we had many, many discussions around our relationship not working out and we always concluded that none of us are bad/evil. You can already guess. When i read your posts in the past and replied, i was always tempted to let you know my shitty marriage. But i kept hoping it was going to work out so i never let you, or anyone else on here know. Time will tell but as days pass by im getting more comfortable that i made the right choice. My oldest kid is a soldier, she keeps video calling me and tries to comfort me with a poker face and a smile but a father really knows whats up inside. Every pain will pass.


>what i wouldn't do is follow the advice of everyone here and go straight to a cutthroat lawyer Who said this?


ok they left out the cutthroat part, but i feel it's unavoidable when talking to a lawyer, that's their job and how they make money.


Any family law attorney worth their salt is going to encourage mediation/arbitration as a first line approach, and many states require it prior to any litigation. Still, it would be overwhelmingly stupid, especially as the man, to go into this process without having retained an attorney. Believe me man, you and I are fully agreed on the desire and intention to handle this outside of the courtroom, but it's extremely naive to bank on it (especially if the other party has been known to lash out like OP reports).


Wait what? Did I miss anything the last days/weeks? This is way out of the blue for me.


Yeah lil bro. Sorry to be that guy that might accumulate your calculations of improbability in succesful relationships. But as of fridaynight i packed my bags (for the second time already this year) and got back in my parents house. Its out of the blue because i always kept our bullshit inside the house.


That’s shitty big bro. I mean, I could tell there were some frustrations in your words but I thought it would be manageable, guess it was too much for both of you. I know you enough to not doubt at all your power of will and resilience, but as others have already said, your best bet is also playing smart.


First advice a lawyer gonna tell you is to not move out in these scenarios. I don’t know your full scenario but thread lightly juicy bro


My girl has a medium-sized dog (like 35lbs) who is pretty good but gets too excited when she hears or sees other people / dogs. She gets so wound up she starts yelping and pulling on her leash. When we walk her, my girl asks me to hold the leash because she lets the dog pull her while I don't. I tighten the leash until she calms down then loosen it. I asked my girl why she doesn't just tighten the leash and work on getting the dog to calm down, she said it gets tiresome and she doesn't want people to think she's abusing her dog. Why would anyone think that? Secondly, who gives a shit? Is someone gonna call 241-dogs on her?


> I asked my girl why she doesn't just tighten the leash and work on getting the dog to calm down, she said it gets tiresome and she doesn't want people to think she's abusing her dog. Why would anyone think that? This happens all. the. time. And to be fair, I agree it can be exhausting. The answer is to work the behavior modification with friends dogs in the comfort of your home, yard, or quiet park during inopportune times for local traffic. > Secondly, who gives a shit? Your girlfriend does. Also, everyone who doesn’t want to make a scene or feel spotlighted. Also, boat loads of professionals. Have you seen high level k9 training? It’s not very public facing because people WORSHIP dogs with pink beds and weak collars and pedicures and would lose their minds at the sight of a training collar. > Is someone gonna call 241-dogs on her? It does happen, yes.


I agree too, it's tedious as hell to deal with but it'll never get better if she does nothing. It doesn't just happen outdoors either. While we're inside, if she hears or sees another dog she'll go crazy and beg to go outside just to bark at them lol. We don't live together so I'm not around the dog all the time but I'd like to work with her to curb the behavior. She's not a bad dog at all and is capable of learning. >Your girlfriend does. >Also, everyone who doesn’t want to make a scene or feel spotlighted. True, true. That's fair. I myself just don't care if people think that when it's not true and I'm clearly not yanking or hitting the dog or yelling.


> She's not a bad dog at all and is capable of learning. Good, good. Training only goes so far but if she’s trainable and responsive it’s always worth the investment ❤️. > True, true. That's fair. I myself just don't care if people think that when it's not true and I'm clearly not yanking or hitting the dog or yelling. Definitely, and in my own experience there have been times where I shrug it off when people waggle fingers. If your girl has a specific fear of being mislabeled or seen as abusive, that’s also fair, and helping her see that fear isn’t grounds for neglecting to address poor behavior which can have downstream consequences is still important! It can be hard to conceptualize “Even though I can’t do A, that doesn’t mean the entire equation is not valid”.


>If your girl has a specific fear of being mislabeled or seen as abusive, that’s also fair, and helping her see that fear isn’t grounds for neglecting to address poor behavior which can have downstream consequences is still important! It can be hard to conceptualize “Even though I can’t do A, that doesn’t mean the entire equation is not valid”. Yeah this is the big thing I want her to realize. She gets stressed out when the dog acts out but also it stresses her out to try and address it so it's a feedback loop lol. Maybe I can help more once we live together


My neighbor is a K9 cop and professional dog trainer and yeah, pretty old school training methods. Dominance theories, corporal punishment, etc. Newer training methods suggest those tactics are outdated and ineffective, but it’s probably different when you’re training police dogs.


Exactly. It can be different when training with any, *actual* working animal. MWD’s, K9, and Service Animals require very specific training, and the quality of their training can have serious downstream implications. Nonetheless, I’m excited that training continues to evolve for the more humane treatment and complex task association for our best friends.


I really like dog training theory as a hobby and I’ve found Beckman’s Dog Training to be the best source online about this. He’s assertive, down to earth, no bullshit but gentle guy. His two Dobermans are a work of art, behaviourally speaking.


I’m half asleep and initially read that as “my girl has a medium-sized dong”.


I was shifting some files around on my computer over the weekend while my wife sat next to me, when she suddenly remarked that she keeps watching me hit "paste" without ever hitting "copy" and that she doesn't understand what I was doing. And that's when I learned my wife was completely unaware of the existence of the "cut" function and what it did. I don't know what to do with this information lmao


What's the cut function?


Ask an emo teenager to explain it to you




👁️👄👁️ Sir.




Idk. Something bodybuilders do, I think. I'm really too fat to understand




Imagine wanting a number to go down on purpose. Whether it's my weight, my lifts, my cholesterol, or my blood pressure, I'm only interested in numbers going up. Unfortunately this means my age wont get to be a big number but we all have to make compromises in life.




…says the guy with 13% bf at the end of a bulk….


Wait until she learns about alt + tab


I always cringe when people right click to copy and paste instead of ctrl + c /ctrl + v but whenever I explain it to people they seem in distress


Yeah funny enough, me right clicking is how she even saw in the first place. Its a weird habit I have that never fails to make other tech people upset lmao. I use primarily keyboard shortcuts when I'm actually in documents and whatnot but if im otherwise not really even using my keyboard like when I'm just shifting stuff around in windows file explorer, I'll just one hand it and go mouse only lol. Takes exactly the same amount of time 🤷 What's extra blasphemous is the weird hybrid approach ill use in spreadsheets sometimes. Ive got pretty solid mouse control so occasionally it's genuinely a lot faster and less work for me to just precision click boxes as opposed to keying over to them. A lot of times in these cases I'll be straight up typing one handed as well. Fucking weird as shit lol.


I had to Make an excel spreadsheet with my ole lady for a friends contents list for a fire. She would right click>add row….. I tried to show her the shortcut. I tried. She refused my input. In about lost my shit.


I don't know what I expected but fucking anadrol man. What an oral. Didn't even feel too great today and I broke my bench PR by 25 lbs from 2 weeks ago.


It’s one helluva drug lol


Just don’t take it for 6 years like that guy from last night….




It wasn't Anadrol it was Superdrol, and we deleted the post.


thats significantly worse lmao


Yeah, I believe he was in liver failure. How he used it for 6 years I'll never understand.


2 weeks made me tap out


How so? I've taken it for 2-3 weeks and don't feel anything except for insane pumps and strength gains throughout the day, especially calves/lower back.


The million dollar question: how big was he?


I don't remember 🤷‍♂️


Lol hell no 😂




Heavy dumbbells are fun to throw around the first few times but at least for me the novelty wears off quick when like 90% of the effort goes into setting up without ripping your shoulder off lmao. Maybe if I had training partners it'd be better


Well…I mean…you kinda sounded like a dick on this one bro. You’re right, you shouldn’t care about being the MAN in the gym….especially when you’re only pushing 105 lb dumbbells for 8 reps. I’m sure you felt awesome moving them. You should. Just remember though there are gyms out there where this isn’t necessarily considered heavy ass weight. But also good job on keeping good form. Thats actually what’s most important.


I mean, I feel like trying to put him down when there's nothing here he didn't already acknowledge in his comment is more of a dick move than anything he did. Didn't sound like he was being obnoxious or yelling or anything. Dude just sounds proud of himself, and that's okay. We don't all need to lift on self-hatred.


Obviously this is your perspective. I did not call him a dick. I said he sounded like a dick on this one, which he did not disagree with. Not sure how you’d think I put him down after I praised his quality form….




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So off one comment you know what kind of guy I am? Maybe you’re the kind of guy that makes assumptions about people without knowing them at all. And don’t ever fucking accuse me of using a racial slur again.


I find that a lot of times, the bigger weights are so comically oversized that I can’t get a good range of motion. The Hammer Strength ones that most anytime fitness’s have are good, but I was at one gym where each head of the dumbbell was like, almost a foot long and it was so fucking awkward


When you cap 110 can’t you like do it with feet on bench or in air to make it harder?


I mean, he *could* but simply making the weight harder to stabilize doesn't necessarily translate to more chest stimulus.


He could use a slower eccentric and a pause at the bottom. That would work much better.


No Face No Case - Flex Fiesta. That is all.


Have been assuaging post-workout carb cravings with Grape Nuts Flakes recently, with some milk the macros aren't really that bad and actually have a bit of fiber to them.


Love just the regular grape nuts myself! Add them to oats, yogurt, cream of rice, etc. Gives a nice added crunch and some good fiber as well.


Oh yeah! The flakes are just a little easier on the stomach post-workout, the unleaded is a great addition or just straight filling meal. I'm weird and hate wheat bread and rice irritates my stomach if I eat too much so the 'Nuts are a staple.


I haven’t tried the flakes version yet but will have to give them a shot! Gotta get that fiber!


Anyone ever crashed the shit out of their e2? It’s hell on earth I wouldn’t wish it on anyone Been taking 500ius of hcg a day, popped a dbol this morning. Feeling a bit better but it’s been 2 weeks now and my libido/motivation/sleep is still shot. On test prop, should I just pin a fat load of it to get it up?


Yeah, I’ve been taking 12.5mg aromasin daily and we pushed it up to 25mg daily to round off the prep. It’s honestly not that bad. I don’t feel crazy different even with the low estrogen.


I never thought it was too terrible either tbh. I’m sure it’s affects everyone differently though. Also some people just do not have the mental fortitude lol. And btw how’s the prep going? How many weeks out?


I’m very close. Going really well! I’ll have some pics up after this weekend 🤘🏼


Great to hear!


Holy moly that's a lot


Pretty common protocol for late in prep. I honestly expected it to feel worse but it has been barely noticeable with the prep fatigue lol


Ya I've heard that you up AI late in prep to get drier. Ever thought about subbing in letro instead?


Absolutely not. I only use compounds I’m familiar with, and I have zero experience with Letro so I’m not about to start using it when I could easily use something I know. Higher androgens will allow for improved body composition (more muscle and less fat) at any given calorie intake. When you get very low in body fat, the estrogen starts trying to preserve some body fat in low fat states, so lowering estrogen helps bypass that and allow body fat to get even lower at the same caloric intake. So we drive down estrogens to allow the body to get leaner, I have a shit ton of aromasin so I’d much rather stick to what I know.


Interesting, thanks for explaining that


You’re very welcome friend 🙏🏻


As someone who purposely keeps estrogen on the higher end when pushing strength specifically because of that extra floof being useful, Its cool to hear about what that looks like on the opposite side of things. Very neat.


I would never recommend keeping estrogen intentionally low normally. But when you’re getting into show condition, I can’t argue with the results we had this time around


There's a quote by Mark Twain that I like to use for things like this that goes something along the lines of, "First get your facts straight, then distort them at your leisure." When you're at a certain level of knowledge and experience, you get to start fudging with the rules a bit.


I’m going to remember this one, I like that


Not for being late in prep.


>Anyone ever crashed the shit out of their e2? It’s hell on earth I wouldn’t wish it on anyone I've experienced a few hells on earth, and crashed e2 isn't one of them. It's not great, but it's not that bad. Spent 6 weeks with no testosterone and no e2 last year. Was still crushing workouts and performing highly at my job.


I hear this all the time about crashed e2 and I don’t think it’s really that bad. I’ve had e2 in the single digits and I feel “off” I guess, but never as bad as people describe it.




Yeah man it’s debilitating! The thought of anything makes me anxious. The depersonalisation and everything is nuts. My 140mg week tren isn’t helping but I’m also 8 weeks out from my first comp. Mast could maybeeee help but I can’t risk it lowering my e2 and worsening this insomnia. Gonna fix this shit first before I do anything else


Got some gyno from Tren that caber didn't phase. Eventually got the point where it was painful for my nips to rub against my shirt. Out of desperation I just stopped taking everything and started taking lots of Nolva and AI Crashed tf out of my e2, I had hellish anxiety that was literally debilitating. I remember sitting there at work feeling painful waves of anxiety, absolutely worst feeling in the world


How long did it last for you


Lasted about a week or two. Could have been shorter if I just pinned some test but it was my first cycle and I was still trying to learn


That PIP is gonna be a *bitch* but do what you gotta do😭






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I’m looking to sign up for my first bodybuilding contest. So do I go true novice in classic or open bodybuilding, junior, collegiate? I’m not sure which one to go for. For reference I’m 5ft 5”. Not sure where I’ll be weight wise. I’ll be aiming for probably a lean 180lbs. 21 years old. Any advice would be appreciated. Thx


True novice has zero competition. Novice is fine for someone’s first show, open is the only thing that actually matters as far as qualifications to move up. Post physique photos and we can tell you which class suits you better. Or sign up for both BB and Classic and let the judge’s feedback tell you which class you’re more suited for


It’s been a few days and the post-MDMA sad is starting to hit. If you think boozing is borrowing fun from the next day, try fucking on E. You’ll become a unfeeling and/or sad ghoul for a few days, but somehow it’s still worth it lol


Wait, you can actually bust a nut on MDMA? Also did you do the 5-HTP + Magnesium + Vitamin C supplement thing? Its not a 100% fix but it definitely makes the hangover less of a downer


Not usually, this time was weird though. Tested the pills, only MDMA/Amp/Caffeine (which is a combo I would’ve previously bet money on that I couldn’t bust with) but somehow managed to. Even better, the shit almost erased my refractory period and I came several times while fucking which felt heavenly, on top of me leaking precum on my FWB’s lower back when we cuddled lol. The whole experience slightly ruined sex while sober for me, it kinda bums me out that I’ll have to wait 2 months for the next time to not fry my brain. I’ve never felt better in my entire life than in that moment, shit felt like getting pussy for the first time as a teenager again times 1000. 5-HTP I know of, but haven’t bothered with buying yet. Guess I’ll have to order some, Magnesium and Vit C I already have so I’ll be gucci


Try poppers, you may thank me later.


The shit gay dudes huff to loosen up their bungholes? Huh. Does it have any other benefits?


Increases sensation a lot, quality of orgasm etc... Don't really feel like having sex without them now - although seems to be quite niche amongst straight people. Warning: do not combine with cialis/viagra or similar - you can literally die


>Do not combine with Cialis Youch. I’ll have to think about it, I’ve already gotten used to the absolute steel rod and permapump from 5mg everyday Sounds VERY tempting though. Guess I can come off the stuff for a few days


Trust me on this one, I've had sex on many different things and this will blow everything else out of the water. Just take it easy at first.


>Huh. Does it have any other benefits? It's a bit of a head rush and can make busting pretty intense if you nut during the like 2 minutes they last. >which is a combo I would’ve previously bet money on that I couldn’t bust with As I understand it the amphetamines help with being able to nut. Idk if they do something or they just allow for a lower portion of mdma in the pill. I do know it's a common additive. >it kinda bums me out that I’ll have to wait 2 months for the next time to not fry my brain Have you considered shrooms as an alternative? They're less harsh overall. It's more of a "we spent 6 hours fucking. I didn't nut but it was so much fun I didn't care." experience so ymmv.




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Hi guys, I'm currently on a bulk with blast cycle of 500mg test for 20 weeks (I'm on week 5). Just wondering how much should I eat during the bulk? My current calories is 3500 cals on work/workout day, 3200 on workout only day and 2900 on rest day. Weight been increasing quite steady but still have water fluctuation which is very annoying to track. Started @69kg and now @71kg (true weight after a big night out of drinking as the 2 days before was 72.3kg) Any advice would be appreciated


This belongs in the daily ask anything thread Just eat 500 above your tdee every day regardless of if you work or if it’s a rest day


I think Icing my pip made the welts get worse. I noticed severe reactions to my test e 400 pins and tried to ice them and realized where the ice was a bunch of swelling resulting I believe it stopped propped blood flow


We have a section in the wiki that covers injections and the PIP. I’m trying to copy the link but my phone is being annoying. Don’t ice it. The test is an oil. Cold oil doesn’t move or absorb well. The higher the concentration the more pip you’ll get Smaller more frequent doses can also help, in addition it may allow you to use a smaller gauge needle You can also try running the syringe under some warm water prior to injecting to warm it up a bit. May or may not help


Honestly the most solid advice I’ve gotten so far I also believe it might be an allergy so imma try Benadryl or Claritin to see if the pip reduces


I’d suggest trying the other things first. The kitchen sink approach may work but unless you’re troubleshooting one thing at a time you’ll never really know what the problem is.


Never ice PIP, always warm it. Ice can make your compound crystalize in the muscle and the oil harder... which will just gives you MORE PIP


I believe that’s what happened because now at both sites after ice there’s a hard swelling lump that eases after ice


Took some shitty Sustanon 250. It had test undecanoate. Incline bench went from 225 for 10 to 315 for 1 in like a month. But I ended the cycle almost three weeks ago. No idea what to do with that info, but I’m not telling anyone else lmao. Just this sub on an unknown account


>on an unknown account Ahem...


Unknown to my family lmao But fair enough


Just fuckin with ya 😂😘




I think most people either assume I’m an ass and hate me or get the wrong idea on a first impression. I don’t want to change my resting face, it’d look weird. And my actual friends find me to be much different. I’m just tired of people seeing me as some asshole in the gym with no actual impression. I’m the gym villain, and yet the people I talk to know I’m no villain. I just get a lot of weird looks and stuff. Idk it’s just weird


Start greeting and/or talking to more people if this is something that bothers you.


I’m trying, but it’s a lot of work for only a possible benefit.


Just a small greeting each day goes a long way and is barely any work


Fair ill try it


Give me a nasty rating from 1-10: >Make some love to the GF in the AM without condom >(stb EX) wife comes over to „hand me some streaming logins“. >Bang said wife while on her period at first without rubber, then with >im talking full on red blood period, blood on both our bodies. >she finishes my pussy juice/period dick with her mouth and swallows. >This was yesterday. Still didn’t shower….


Both ya'll nasty.


Does your girlfriend know you're sleeping with your wife?


Slept, singular. Yes, I told her immediately after. She wasn’t too happy about that but rather because we said we will only bang other ppl together (well, except her other bf who she bangs once a month or so..). I’ll have to talk to the wife about that which will be hard. I can’t do it another time. The sex obviously is better with gf since feels and all. But it is still a sluttier version of my wife that is nice to bang.. she wouldn’t even have sucked off my dick after a condom was on because of the taste or swallow the load when we were together. It was stupid. I got some validation out of it since the sex was better than when we were together but the cost was a hurt gf. Not worth it.


Sounds like you're dealing with the slipperiest of slopes here, but your last line says you've got your head in the game.


Thank you for your thoughts man, I appreciate it. I’m a massive moron sometimes. But, I felt the pain I’ve caused myself and this will help me do better next time.


What a terrible day to be literate


Yeah period blood and mouth is a no go for me dog. Barebacking both is fine as long as you aren’t being shitty (they both know).


Why no shower? Like congrats on the sex but... Takes a minute to clean it up and not get it on your sheets/clothes. Pheromones or a kink?


Not intentional. It all happened out of the blue and I had no time..


Decided to start playing fallout 4 again after watching the series. Played for about an hour on the ps4 version before realizing there’s a ps5 version. Ahhh fucking wake n bake.


Wake and bake and fallout 4 sounds like my perfect morning. I am envious.


It’s been amazing but, gotta head to gym. Got a busy day ahead 🫡


Do you lift while high? I don’t get high very often but have some edibles every now and then and wonder what it would be like to lift. Problem is I just get way too hungry lmao. It does seem to help me sleep though so I wonder if that leads to improved recovery.


It really matters on what kinda mood I’m in. Sometimes I’ll smoke a fat hoot of sativa and just go crank out some heavy lifts.


I may have to give it a shot! Seems like it could be useful tool when bulking for me if I get to a point where I don’t want to eat. Everything seems to taste better that’s for sure.


…good for bulking and surprisingly good for focus in the gym…just not necessarily good 14 times a day…from experience…


14 times a day does sound…excessive haha! Honestly prefer getting high to drinking just cause being hungover sucks and I would rather eat calories than drink them from alcohol.


I am with you on the booze vs weed 1000%… except the lack of hangover from weed (well, lack of debilitating hangover…) is what makes _oh so incredibly addictive for me_ to the tune of almost a grand a month if I’m in a bad place 😿




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